That said I would love to consider what happens if it's cast, say, 10m underwater in an ocean. My opinion is "it would probably be beautiful, also maybe it'd last longer because once the effect wears off, it's a substantial volume of water that has to heat back up, not air?"
It doesn't cool the water directly, and water wicks heat vastly faster than air, and the water would also probably get sucked into the active jutsu often enough to impede the function. If you don't prime it with a funnel to open air from the start, it'll probably just do nothing much.

My expectation if you do prime it, or cast it on the surface, is that it's slightly smaller and more sporadic, and also that it acts as a powerful wave generator. Eventually the water gets thick enough to cover the underwater one, or you build up enough ice that the above-water one is persistently blocked off. But I'm hardly sure. The dynamics don't seem easily reducible to simple rate equations the way casting it in the sky does.
"Mmm," Ami said. "Troubled kid, with circumstances, but nice. They got engaged not long before the war. I thought they were rushing it, personally, but then again, they never got to marry, so maybe they weren't rushing enough. I guess she signed up to the FGP for his sake while I was away."
I feel like this parallels Hazou and Ami. Hazou is also a troubled kid, with circumstances. Ami is cautious and (as per my last Ami Reaction Post) terrified of emotional vulnerability.

But, much like Noda and her fiance, Ami doesn't know how long she may have Hazou in her life. He could die tomorrow (see: EM Nuke and Asuma). So Ami musters her courage, and gives him her puzzle-gift, much as he has given her his own: the dance that seems to be a map to a specific location.

Might I'm overthinking things. Might be under-thinking things. Or maybe I'm thinking the right amount, just in the wrong direction.

I'll think more on it, later.
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Kei was the first to notice his presence, and after a second, her eyes dimmed with an unspoken "oh" of disappointment. She wordlessly passed Shikamaru a brown folder from the pile.

Shikamaru searched through the folder briskly. Hazō noticed a brief tremble in his hands, quickly quashed.
I wonder how seriously Shikamaru will take Hazou's claims about Necromancy after this? Surely Shikamaru will revisit his preconceived notions about it being impossible when Hazou just admitted to making his third WMD (Skywalkers and Skyslicers being, arguably, the first two).
I wonder how seriously Shikamaru will take Hazou's claims about Necromancy after this? Surely Shikamaru will revisit his preconceived notions about it being impossible when Hazou just admitted to making his third WMD (Skywalkers and Skyslicers being, arguably, the first two
Neither skywalkers or skyslicers is a WMD. Both are invaluable advantages in ninja combat (skywalkers moreso). But they can't wipe a Hidden Village off the map by themselves
"Shikamaru and Asuma said that it's the only way we can stop the end of the world," Hazō said. "Between our clan and the Nara, we can't stop the spread of Elemental Mastery if Isan opens their borders at all. They're part of AMITY, so they'll definitely want to trade and if they ever trade jutsu, well, we know one utility ninjutsu that they're ready to share with outsiders. We can't stop that ourselves, but Asuma can."
only opsec is airdome and crouching down. aaaahhhh.

If he would kill thousands for spite, why wouldn't he kill hundreds for the purpose of keeping the world's most deadly ninjutsu secret?
interesting that hazou thinks he killed them out of spite. that would make akane's city burning even worse, if it wasn't even helping the war effort.

None of us know the Fire Element.
doesn't take that long.

"To our best understanding, effects of this sort have a duration measured more in hours than in days, and should not move substantially from where they originated.
hopefully sealing failures after observation are predictable. otherwise any sealmasters present will notice something's fishy.

They walked the distance in silence. Akane was waiting in Asuma's office, sitting still in front of the desk.
well talking about EM in Asuma's office second time. So i'll just assume it's a secure opsec room despite the window.

She is not going to defy the Hokage.
she might if we order her too. although her burning the city instead of defying orders gives me doubt.

...I think we should disobey his orders and tell Mari. When someone tells you not to tell anyone that's suspicious. Especially when we're going on a sudden mission as a clan leader and apparently our clan doesn't need to know.
he just wants to keep opsec secure.

Asuma is trying to check whether the nuke is a fluke or a reliable attack. I think it might be possible to make it seem like a fluke, without much downside, by using the fact that Elemental Mastery only just went nuke because it was a cold day, and it probably won't in warmer circumstances.
another potential option is straight up refusing. Although if Asuma thinks it is a fluke supposedly he won't help prevent Isan proliferation. Although the way he said it below was fishy

Once we've verified that Elemental Mastery produces the destructive storm effect reliably, we can get started on keeping anyone else from finding that out.

"And, of course, if it doesn't do that, then there's nothing to worry about. I'll never use or share Elemental Mastery myself, and we'll have all learned an important lesson about pushing too far with ninjutsu that try to shape the laws of nature."
If it's a fluke why wouldn't he share EM? If he's afraid of flukes repeating wouldn't he still want to prevent anyone else from finding out?
i don't find it likely he would kill us

also even if she didn't directly burn the city. she didn't stop the burning. which is still evidence she would listen to the hokage over us or her morals, albeit to a weaker degree.
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i don't find it likely he would kill us
What do you think he would do if we refused and continued to refuse to hand over the nuke after confirming we have it?

He's not just going to keep us in a killbox forever. What you're suggesting would unambiguously be the most treasonous thing we've ever done, including going missing, and there's only one answer for that if we're doing it intentionally with no sign that we repent or recognize it as a mistake.
i think he'd get mad and maybe give some punishments. not kill or killbox us.
i disagree about the treason level.

What do you think he would do if we refused and continued to refuse to hand over the nuke after confirming we have it?
also we'd still be handing over the nuke by teaching EM. we just wouldn't be confirming it for him ourselves. he can train it in himself and take the risk himself if he wants.
i think he'd get mad and maybe give some punishments. not kill or killbox us.
i disagree about the treason level.
You think he'd be okay with us keeping this secret, after Shikamaru said we could absolutely not do that? Why do you think you know the situation better than Shikamaru?

What sort of punishment do you think he gives out for unapologetically refusing to follow orders? What other options does he have for ensuring this doesn't proliferate?
shika said to enlist asuma's aid. he said to tell asuma what jutsu it is, which he have. he didn't say to redemonstrate the nuke thereby giving a potential opsec leak.

the punishment depends on the context. i don't think it is politically viable for him to kill hazou, let alone whether he wants to.
punishing hazou/akane for refusing to recreate the nuke has no effect on preventing proliferation.
edit: also killing hazou/akane is a existential risk to leaf. if it causes akane to nuke leaf.
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You know,we should probably not get dragged
dow on the "what ifs" what is done and is done, now we need to work on how to get Akane to Cope with she became, what we turned her into.
So first things first to to talk with her, spend time and maybe even oppen up a bit because Hazō understands self hatred, he is aware of how fucked up he truly is and how to cope. Because yeah she needs to learn how to cope and decide what she wants to be.
The liquid is additional, and turns back into air (bubbles underwater), so it probably, in some sense, is the air that was sucked into the jutsu somehow.
Observation: Adding mystery liquid to water (NB: how to do this safely?) causes it to disappear and bubbles to form.

Conclusion: Liquid is turning back into air.

How does the observation lead to the conclusion, in a way that makes sense to a bunch of feudal-era punching wizards? Or am I misinterpreting one of those two things?
...Honestly, I don't think it's a great idea to try to make this unreproducible. It'll be pretty obvious we're trying; the mechanics of the jutsu are straightforward, especially given how we described it, so the conclusion will easily be "not cold enough" or "doesn't work well in confined spaces".
The jutsu storm was unpredictable. Because of the sudden phase change to liquid. You wouldn't expect making things a little colder to make much of a difference. Compared to the idea it was a fluke
...Honestly, I don't think it's a great idea to try to make this unreproducible. It'll be pretty obvious we're trying; the mechanics of the jutsu are straightforward, especially given how we described it, so the conclusion will easily be "not cold enough" or "doesn't work well in confined spaces".
Asuma probably wouldn't accept a singular failure. Hazou admitted that he believes it can be reproduced, and Hazou is pretty good at creative solutions (it's the narrative reason of why Asuma gave us Shadow Clone in the first place).

If casting EM doesnt recreate the same thing, then Asuma will probably make us do repeated experiments until he discovers the exact conditions required to make it. It would have to repeatedly fail under an extreme variety of settings, for Asuma to accept EM Nukes as a failure.
[X] Action Plan: Heart to Heart
[X] Action Plan: The best time to keep trying is right now

Just the air. It doesn't effect liquids or solids.
Do we have a quote for that? I couldn't find anything about it and I really hope we can make hyperquenched glassy water that explodes because of its instantly reduced density, causing small void bubbles (because of water's relative "slowness" to fill what would otherwise be a void) that instantly attract more water, causing cavitation bubbles that violently collapse, as more liquid water gets pushed inside the area and becomes HGW and it explodes and we basically turn tens of square kilometres of ocean into a roiling bubbling exploding death-cold tempestuous expanse.
As far as I can tell, that's what would happen. And we really need that for uh, reasons.
I'm not too knowledgeable about the peaceful applications of EM, but it could open economic utility in some of the more unproductive areas of Fire. I'm not quite sure how viable weather control would be, but a localized version could be a thing. There's also small scale terra-forming and chakra beast and plant extermination.

Hopefully this lifts Akane out of her funk alittle. The jutsu doesn't have to be used for destructive purposes. It could be a force for very positive change. Those of you who know better,correct me if I'm wrong.

As for how Asuma handles this when it comes to Isan, he can use his TH and observations to tell Isan that EM capabilities. He can go with every user is potentially catastrophic jutsu failure waiting to happen or that the jutsu is a priceless treasure that both Leaf and Isan can collaborate on.

He could offer up a more defanged well tested alternative jutsu to EM or advise Takahashi to place more restrictions or repurpose EM altogether. I'd think some kind of EM-non proliferation treaty might be in order.
As for how Asuma handles this when it comes to Isan, he can use his TH and observations to tell Isan that EM capabilities. He can go with every user is potentially catastrophic jutsu failure waiting to happen or that the jutsu is a priceless treasure that both Leaf and Isan can collaborate on.
I do not think Asuma would want to tell a rival nation that one of their jutsu is a city-killing weapon, or even hint at the possibility.