Also, thoughts on lowering the thermal radiation of any firebreathing done in the area by giving the ambushers misterators? This won't help anybody or the Skyslicer from a direct hit from the fire, but indirectly I thought it might help. I'm not sure how much would be necessary or if the arachnids and hornets need to be trained in their usage.
[X] Happy 500th Chapter EJ Here's Some Dragonslaying
Word Count: 254
  • Run the skyslicer mission
  • Spend the next two days preparing for mission and then execute it when healed from SSA Consequence.
  • Prep days
    • Review mission and team with Kumokugo, ask specifically for Arachinds with tunneling and escape jutsu
      • Report concerns about dragonfire damaging the skyslicer.
      • Talk to survivors of bait teams to pinpoint when Dragons are most likely to breathe fire.
      • Design the skyslicer ambush so that the Dragon flies through the skyslicer before it comes into range of bait.
      • Inform her that Hazou can sense Dragons through Out-weirdness
    • Request intel on potential ambush sites and review them, visit in person only if absolutely necessary
    • Connect the final ambush site to the tunnel to the Great Seal, tunnel out underground foxholes for the ambush team to hide in
      • Make sure the tunnel can be collapsed in an instant if needful, use explosives
    • Dry run skyslicer emplacement and ambush team
      • Use explosives to signal the attack from high-Stealth observers on the ground
      • Distribute Tunnelers Friend so that ambush team can breathe underground
    • In the evenings discuss and optimize tactics with Mari, Shikamaru, and Kei/Snowflake - in separate meetings if necessary
    • Have Noburi take over Kagome's Summoning Training
  • Mission day
    • Maintain OPSEC on Shadow Clone
    • Send an SC with the ambush team, Hazou follows ~2 miles behind. Pretend the SC is an Earth Clone
    • Execute the ambush - Return to the Human Path as soon as Hazou integrates memories from SC
    • If possible, collect Dragon body parts for proof/to make into seizure inducing clothing
As always, suggestions welcome. I'll be back online at around 6PM EST and late tonight to make changes.
In the immortal, albeit bowlderized, words of Reddit: F'k yeah!

@Sir Stompy and everyone else who's involved in this plan: What is the evidence suggesting spidersilk works with 5SB? Has this been tested?
5SB works on spidersilk in the sense that it renders the silk immobile and invulnerable (highly resistant?) to kinetic damage. It does not protect against fire.
  • He took down a description of the stone used in the Great Seal and will attempt to find a supply of it.
  • He will talk to anyone he can find who would know anything about geology or geometry. He asked how soon you needed it and Hazō said 'a week, unless something changes'.
  • He doesn't know if Tsunade runs an aid organization but he will look into it. The clerks at the Tower, the Academy, and Leaf General Hospital are mostly civilian members of ninja families or survivors of clans that were wiped out. Some are completely civilian; getting a job serving in one of those places is a dream that people struggle for.
  • Yes, you can send GED graduates to her. He'll take care of it, although he doesn't know how much need there is. He's going to approach the hospital's lower-level administrators to start with, ask what they need, and try to find a good fit.
  • You sent a messenger to Kei describing the stone of the Great Seal and asking her to ask around among the Pangolins to find a supply. She returned a reply with the messenger saying that she'll get back to you.
@eaglejarl when should we poke you about this information? It's been roughly a week in-game.

An answer which I would personally find satisfying is 'you may assume that none of these things went badly and we will fill in the blanks when these elements next show up in your plans: if you are going to be speaking to Tsunade, we'll tell you if she noticed/appreciated the clerks, and if you're going to spend time earthshaping, we'll tell you if you have any good rock samples'.
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[X] (Clones) The clones took care of Hazou's duties while he researched LR
[X] Happy 500th Chapter EJ Here's Some Dragonslaying
Wasn't the plan to do the skyslicer plan when all of the bosses were there to help?
I advocated that when it originally came up, under the idea that if skyslicers fail here without the Conclave, the Dragons will become wise to them by the time the Conclave rolls around. Basically I worried we might waste their potential by trying them too early instead of when we had every advantage on our side.

Thing is, it didn't really gain much traction, and we started moving forwards on it anyways. I still think it might be better to delay it, but not strongly enough to try and grind the plan to a halt after Kumokogo's already started preparing it.
With a satisfied smile, he set the miraculously failed-safe seal on the granite floor and dispelled himself. Prime was going to be amazed.
HOWS lasts a month. We have a narrow window of opportunity to get Hazou the insight easily. If we can finish Light Relay in the month, we can make one that detects sub-red frequencies and test it with the still-intact sub-red HOWS (incidentally, the long duration of the IR-HOWS should help convince him that the seal is functioning as normal).

[X] (Clones) The clones took care of Hazou's duties while he researched LR
Sigh looks like we're back to just starting new sealing projects instead of finishing anything lol
Air Tunnel will take months in-game and the purpose of that seal is to win the war with Rock. That war probably won't take months. So it makes sense to reprioritize

[X](Clones) The clones took care of Hazou's duties while he researched ARS