Hazou: Hey Jashin, what does this universe run on?
Jashin: *explains excel*
Hazou: sounds about right *suicides*
I read EJ's as in, he misses your full text rants. I am somewhat expecting a threadmarked chapter in the near future with only "eaglejarl.ominouschapter" as content.
I read EJ's as in, he misses your full text rants. I am somewhat expecting a threadmarked chapter in the near future with only "eaglejarl.ominouschapter" as content.
// ==UserScript==
// @name the good old days
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// @author the Out
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I'm afraid I can't accept that while still acknowledging Snowflake as her own person. Apologies. You get the closest though without going over, so you would have won in price is right.
Nah, because I remember a string of updates where they were each like 5-10k words long. Was nuts and super cool (as a reader, those were stopped by the implementation of ~3 scenes max on plans because they were hell for the qms).
It helps to view every new post as a gift from the QMs. They owe us literally nothing, so every time there's a post it's like getting a present, and my main concerns with delays are that the QMs are well and healthy.
Let's start with the most important point: Thank you to the wonderful and inimitable @Paperclipped who asked what he could do to help, then went above and beyond. Our contribution was "Yeah, we need to figure out these missions that Akane and Haru went on." Paper heard that and said "Will it help if I come up with an idea for the mission, stat out all the characters involved and their various jutsu and stunts, design all their combat tactics, roll out the fight on a turn-by-turn basis with added commentary to make it visual, then write it all up into a clean summary with all the rolls obfuscated?"
To which @Velorien and I, not being dumb, said: "Yes!"
The remainder of this spoiler is the summary that Paper wrote, with some light editing from yours truly. The chapter itself is simply me following the script that Paper already put together. Thanks, amigo!
A top priority message comes into Leaf: an infiltrator in Earth Country has found information that a jōnin will be arriving at the city of Nagayama at sundown, two days from now. Leaf dispatches Akane and Yuno immediately to kill or capture the jōnin. As a secondary objective they are to kill as many Nagayama ninja as possible. As a tertiary objective, destroy the city in order to deprive Rock of the resources it generates. (Command apparently did not feel the need to specify what those resources are.)
Akane and Yuno safely travel into Earth and sneak into Nagayama to rendezvous with Yamanaka Inaho, a chūnin I&S specialist. She explains that they can pull off a safe assassination without worrying about the city's backup, since all the ninja stationed here are genin. With the Gōetsu seal arsenal, she proposes a plan to implement their orders: wait for the jōnin to arrive in the city, blow them sky high from above or below, kill the genin, then loot and torch the city.
Yamanaka stashes them away so that Akane can do "clan secret" preparations for the battle (i.e. summoning Shadow Clones and waiting for her chakra to refill). While waiting on Akane, Yamanaka heads out of the city in order to watch for the enemy. She spots them coming and identifies them by their uniforms as a senior Shirogane jōnin with a pair of chūnin guards. They go to an inn, kick out the other patrons, and seemingly go to sleep. Yamanaka uses Earth Release to sneak into the cellar of the inn, where she mines it to Naraka and back with a Kagome-worthy amount of explosives and LBFs, while Akane and Yuno go around killing the genin stationed here. Yamanaka leaves an Earth Clone to trigger the mines, then sneaks out and signals to Akane and Yuno to skywalk overhead and prepare for the fight. Akane then signals her Shadow Clones, Dahlia and Begonia, who are hiding in a nearby house, to get ready to move as soon as they hear the explosions.
Akane casts two Shadow Clones (Begonia and Dahlia) and then rests for 12 hours in order to regenerate her chakra, leaving her with 180 CP. She casts Flame Aura (Effect:3) and Ghost Scales (Effect:2), bringing her to 121 CP. Yuno casts Thunderburst (Effect:?). They trigger their youthenizers down at the inn as the explosives go off.
The ninja in the inn need to make a Fantastic (TN 60) Athletics check to get out of the inn as it collapses around them.
Katsumi will use a Clan Technique (Reflexive Supplemental) to blow up something he looks at, opening a hole in the side of the inn and making the difficulty of the check Great (TN 40).
Katsumi (Athletics): ?? - ?? (Just woke up) + ? (boost) + ? (Substitution) + 6 (dice) = ??
Easy dodge!
Yakeyama, in the same room as Katsumi, will belatedly follow out of the same hole. Because of the slight delay, he'll have to make a TN 45 check.
Yakeyama (Athletics): ?? - ?? (Just woke up) + ? (boost) + ? (Substitution) - 9 (dice) = ??
Narrowly dodged!
Akane and Yuno are one vertical Zone above everyone else (and not hidden, Akane is on fire and they have Banshee seals active). The Rock ninja are in the zone with the burning inn, with the Aspect "Gōetsu-Brand Demolitions". Dahlia and Begonia are in a nearby building one Zone away, out of sight but ready to enter the action. Zones here have a default Zone border of 1 â it's a busy city with many twists and turns and obstacles.
Supplemental: Sprint into the Zone with Shirogane.
Standard: Attack Shirogane.
Yuno (Melee Weapons): ?? + ? (boost) + ? (tag "Rolling Thunder") + ? (tag Banshee) + 5 (Skywalker bonus) - 1 (PCJ) + 6 (dice) = ??
Shirogane (Athletics, he hasn't drawn his sword yet to counterattack): ?? + ? (boost) + ? (tag Windwalker) + ? (Substitution) + ? (Invoke ???) + ? (Invoke ???) - 3 (dice) = ??
Shirogane takes a direct hit! He is going to take stress, so Yuno at last gets to use Supplemental: Grooves for Blood!
Yuno (Melee Weapons): ?? + ? (boost) - 3 (dice) - 1 (PCJ) = ??
Shirogane (Athletics): ?? + ? (boost) + ? (tag Windwalker) + 0 (dice) = ??
He takes ? stress. He removes ? with Stoneskin, leaving him with ? Mild Consequence "Slash Across the Hip Flexor", and he takes an additional Aspect from Yuno "Blood in My Eyes!"
Shirogane surveys the situation. There are two Leaf attackers coming from above, one of whom just attacked him and proved quite fearsome, and the other who is currently descending. Their trap was skillful, but his bodyguards managed to escape completely unscathed, and now that he has the chance to prepare himself, he'll be much better equipped to fend off the attackers. He assumes that it's him that they're going for and will act defensively as a result. He wants his bodyguards to get involved, knowing that once they start throwing their ranged techniques at the enemies, it will be much easier to fend them off.
Supplemental: Wipe the blood out of your eyes
Supplemental: Draw sword, Soul of Diamond, Unbreakable Purity
Standard: Snow-Laden Silence
Supplemental: Descend one Zone to close with Shirogane
Supplemental: Pantokrator's Hammer (Effect 3; 22 CP)
Standard: Attack Shirogane
Attempt to get Youthful Fist:
Akane (Physique): 31 + 4 (MA) + 0 (dice) = 35
Shirogane (Physique): ?? - ? (Mild) + 0 (dice) = ??
No Youthful Fist
Not too shabby! That's going to be ? stress. He removes ? with Stoneskin, giving him a Medium "Sprained Ankle" and a Severe "Shattered Collarbone". He's not going to be raising his left arm above his shoulder for a couple months.
Supplemental: Sprint into the Zone with the target
Supplemental: Pantokrator's Hammer (Effect 2; 16 CP)
Standard: Attack Shirogane
Katsumi takes ?? stress. He puts ? in his stress track, 2 into a Mild, 3 into a Medium, and 4 into a Severe.
He oh-so-desperately wants to survive, but doesn't have an escape technique! If he flees, the Leaf ninja will just pursue him on skywalkers. Still, he has to try.
Standard: Sprint away
Yakeyama (Athletics): ?? + ? (boost) - 3 (dice) = ??
He moves 2 Zones through the city.
Supplemental: Water Wall (?? CP) on the Zone he fled through and two Zones surrounding it to break LoS.
Supplemental: Try to hide in the alleyways. The default time for this Stealth check is going to be "half a minute" â finding a good alleyway with a lot of stuff and making sure that there's no angle you can be seen at. He's instead going to have "an instant", since he's doing it with a Supplemental.
Yakeyama (Stealth): ?? - ? (2 steps up the time ladder) + 3 (dice) = ??
Yuno would like to messily kill Katsumi, but Akane's SCs can handle that and Yuno can think tactically.
Standard: Sprint in the direction of Yakeyama. She can't fail to get 2 Zones of distance with skywalkers making the effective Border 0
Supplemental: Look for Yakeyama. Standard time for this check is "seconds" â ninja are used to quickly scanning an environment for threats.
Yuno (Alertness): ?? - ? (TL up one) - 10 (nighttime darkness) - 10 (Banshee Slayers active) - 10 (Literally just looking into a fire) + 9 (dice) = ??
Nope. She notices Yakeyama and elects to close the range with him (they're in the same Zone) and does nothing else.
Standard: Sprint out of the Zone and enter the Zone with Yuno.
Supplemental: Pantokrator's Hammer (Effect 3; 22 CP)
Dahlia and Begonia
Knock out or kill Katsumi. No rolls needed.
He is now aware that he can't run from the skywalker-equipped Leaf ninja, and their ally and her clone will be there soon too. Surrender is not an option. It's time to strike back with everything he's got.
Supplemental: Back away a Zone, onto the rooftops.
He's a skilled and seasoned chūnin; he's noticed that Akane has been a bit slower than Yuno was. He'll target Akane with a Blazing Vortex. He'll use one of his Technique Hacking tweaks on this to make the attack ???, paying 16 CP extra.
Akane takes ? stress from the attack, filling up her stress track (and bypassing her armor techniques!). She barely avoids taking a Consequence and suffering the FA backlash.
The explosives were set by an inexperienced hand, and that was enough.
The world was moving in slow motion as adrenaline and chakra boiled through him. The first blast had brought him out of a sound sleep and decades of experience kept him focused as the room tilted around him. The word leaving his lips and the familiar twist of chakra in his hara sent Shirogane's ancestral power flooding through his body; swirling currents of air wrapped themselves around him, lifted him a hairsbreadth from the ground, and sped his movements.
There was no time to unbar the shutters, much less to use the door to the hallway that was busy falling into a hole. Still, not for nothing was he a ninja. One kick smashed the shutters to flinders and Shirogane followed the flinders out, the invisible hands of his air-spirit familiars lowering him swiftly yet gently to the ground below.
The moon was but a sliver and the city of Nagayama was too small for serious street lighting, yet it was not hard to locate his attackers. They were standing above him, their mouths closed yet an ear-shattering howl pouring forth. Oh, and one of them was a golden monster. And on fire.
"YOOOUUUTHHHH!" the monster cried, hurling herself towards him barely an instant slower than the crazy-faced one with the axe.
11am February 23, 1070 AS
"Whoa, you made it?"
Akane smiled. "You don't have to sound so surprised."
"No, it's not— That's not what I meant. Sorry. It wasn't—" Yamanaka Ino was a very poised young woman who rarely misstepped and never sputtered in embarrassment. Her cousin, Yamanaka Inaho, the woman stammering in front of Akane at this moment, had no such immunity despite actually being a trained Infiltration and Seduction specialist.
"It's fine," Akane said, chuckling as she took her temporary commander by the elbow and guided her to the couch. "We aren't offended, right Yuno?"
"I am not, no. Satsuko considered it, but she decided to...I believe the term in Leaf is 'listen charitably'?"
Yamanaka's training had kicked in a moment too slow but it was in effect now; she did not so much as blink at the possibility that one of her assigned beatsticks was insane and/or in possession of a sapient weapon of implausibly charitable spirit.
"Fill us in," Yuno said, settling onto the bed. The bed was in a low-cost, beaten-up room in a third-rate inn in the minor city of Nagayama in the villain-infested Land of Earth, a city into which Yuno and Akane had, as per their orders, snuck without drawing attention that might have ruined their opportunity to murder an enemy jōnin.
"He's due tomorrow. We didn't get an exact schedule, but my best guess is sometime in the afternoon. He—"
"Will there be anyone with him?" Yuno asked.
Yamanaka glanced over. "I don't see why. It's an 'inspection mission'"—she made air quotes with her fingers—"which really means a chance to get a vacation."
"Do we have a plan?" Akane asked.
"Well...you guys are Gōketsu."
Akane frowned in confusion. "Yes...?"
"She is referencing our reputation for explosives," Yuno said.
"Ohhhh. Do we know where he'll be staying?"
"Can't be certain," Yamanaka said with a shrug, "but there's only six inns in the city—"
"Isn't that a lot for a city of three thousand people?" Yuno asked.
"It is, but this place is on a minor resource harvesting route—there's a whole swath of rockskipper nests in the hills around here and their eggs are a valuable medical ingredient. Also, it's an unusually pleasant environment for Earth Country, so it gets used a lot for R&R and such."
"So you're thinking that we see which inn he goes to and then we blow it up?"
"For a start," Yamanaka said with a grin.
3pm February 25, 1070
Yamanaka's breathing showed her nerves, each breath a little faster than warranted by the three sets of steep stairs that led to this grungy little attic room in which Akane and Yuno had spent the last two days. The two had not gone out at all, not wanting to take any chance on endangering the mission by accidentally revealing themselves as foreigners. They had eaten only what they had in their storage scrolls and had not left the room even to empty the chamberpot. Fortunately, a surfeit of storage seals meant that the pot (and its smelly contents) was outside the universe whenever it wasn't in use. Still, a minor bit of misaim by a sleepy person had left the room 'aromatic', although the scent was now of harsh cleaning agents mostly-but-not-entirely masked by a large sachet of herbs. The two ninja had been waging war on the cockroach population but it was unclear who was winning, and they definitely had not slept in the bedbug colonies that were the inn's mattresses, preferring instead to use camp cots that came from more storage seals. A line of lye around each of the cots prevented nighttime invasions from the carapaced enemy but added to the stink.
"Problem?" Akane asked, popping up from the pushups she'd been knocking out for the last fifteen minutes. She grabbed a towel and wiped herself down. Yuno sat up and tucked her sharpening stone away. Her hands moved automatically, giving Satsuko a quick but thorough polish with an oiled rag and then tucking the rag away.
"He's here," Yamanaka said. "And he's not alone. There's two other ninja with him—chūnin, if their rank insignia mean anything."
"That's a lot of extra firepower for something that was supposed to be a vacation," Akane said carefully. "What exactly did you see?"
"I got up into the hills before dawn and found a hide with a clear view of the area. I bunkered down and put my camo blanket on because, by the way, it's really damn cold out there, and I waited." Her breathing had evened out as she settled into her mission report training.
"I spotted them about when you would expect if they stayed in Kiroiayama last night and got a lazy start. Plus, they were coming from that direction. That says that they aren't in a rush and probably aren't actively expecting trouble. They were wearing field uniforms, but I could still see the Shirogane crest on the leader and the rank tabs on all their collars." She tapped a finger on the telescope case that hung on her belt.
"My best guess is that one or both of the chūnin are being assigned here in order to bolster the defense. A bunch of genin is a little weak for a city this size. They're traveling with Shirogane—oh, and the fact that he's wearing his clan crest on his field uniform says that he's either very important or likes to think he is."
"Either way, it's stupid," said Akane. "Wearing a clan crest makes it easier for the enemy to predict your capabilities."
Yamanaka shrugged. "First rule of I&S: Most people are dumb most of the time and everyone is dumb some of the time. It's all about finding the areas where people are dumb and exploiting them."
"The same is true in the Mountain Cleaver style as well," Yuno said, nodding. "The primary guard stance is high, leaving the low line open, in order to lead the attacker into an expected set of engagement patterns. If they attack to the low line then a Rising to Heaven counter will deflect their attack and disable or amputate the attacking limb. If they attempt an overbearing strike through the guard then—"
"Indeed," Akane said, cutting in. It was never wise to let Yuno get too deep into her dissertations on axe combat. The day would be over and the enemy gone by the time she wound down. "Yamanaka, where are the targets now?"
"They took rooms at the Plunging Swallow, like I said they would. They kicked what I assume is all the other guests out, too. Also as I said they would." She preened a bit at that and Akane found herself bumping up the probability that the I&S girl found herself a little insecure around her heavy-combat teammates.
"I never doubted you would be right," she said with a smile. "That's why you were assigned here, after all—you're good at your job."
"It's true," Yuno said. "You make a good teammate."
Akane found herself wondering whether Yuno was simply being her forthright self or had noticed the other girl's insecurity and was intentionally working to bolster her. Either way, the blush on Yamanaka's normally pale cheeks suggested it had helped.
"Thanks. Anyway, I'd say we go for it tonight. Wait until after dinner, then plan Fire Pepper."
Most ninja chose simple terms like 'Plan A', or 'Plan One'. Yamanaka, for whatever reason, felt the need to be playful with her naming schemes. Ah well. No member of a team that used codewords like 'Earthquake Black' could criticize too much.
2:24am February 26, 1070 AS
"You're late," Yuno whispered as Akane ghosted up next to her in the alley across the street from the inn where their targets—soon to be victims—slept.
"Yeah," Dahlia said, grinning. "Begonia and I got back five minutes ago."
"I think you mean that you got back five minutes ago," Begonia teased. "Yuno and I were already here."
Akane knew that her blush was covered by the darkness but she still couldn't help feeling like it must be visible simply from the way it heated the air around her. To have been beaten by Yuno, fine. Akane could own the fact that Yuno was a better hunter and a better fighter. To have been beaten by her own Shadow Clones? That hurt.
"The last two were awake," she said, struggling not to sound defensive. "They were...ah, energetically sharing a bed. She kept me busy while he went out the window." She forbore to mention that she had caught her foot on the windowsill when she went after the escapee and the momentary stumble had nearly allowed the other ninja to get away.
"It's fine," Yuno said. "We all got ours, so as long as none of yours got away they should all be dealt with." She snorted and shook her head. "I am unimpressed with Rock's combat training. They were sloppy. Multiple lines of attack open, poor footwork, and terrible centering."
"They were only genin, Yuno," Begonia said.
Yuno sniffed derisively but forebore to comment. "Yamanaka went into the basement ten minutes ago. She should be back any time—"
"She's back now," said the girl in question, dropping down from the roof above with an expression of delight at the fact that her teammates clearly had not heard her approach. "The timers are set for ten minutes. With as much stuff as you guys gave me I expect the place to turn to kindling."
Akane chuckled. "Pah," she said, waving one hand in grand dismissal. "It was only a hundred tags. Barely worth mentioning."
Yamanaka snorted. A hundred tags was more than enough to turn the Plunging Swallow into wreckage in seconds. Which was good, because it meant the staff were unlikely to suffer much. None of the three Leaf ninja had been happy about the collateral damage, but there was no way they wanted to engage a jōnin and two chūnin if they didn't have to.
"Time to get into position," Yuno said. She leaped upwards and then kept going, running up the notional staircase that was her skywalkers.
Yamanaka's face was a study in conflict—mostly guilt at being left behind from the fighting and frustration at knowing she wasn't fit for the task. Akane paused long enough to squeeze her shoulder and give a respectful nod. "You did your part," she said. "You found them, you predicted them, and you mined the building. Yuno and I couldn't have done any of that. Each to their specialty."
Yamanaka covered Akane's hand with her own and gave her a weak smile. "Thanks. Now go show these losers how awesome Leaf ninja are."
Akane grinned, white teeth flashing in the dim moonlight, and ran up into the sky, her fingers already prepping the relevant handseals for her favorite battle jutsu.
2:36am February 26, 1070 AS
The whump from below was enough to jolt Katsumi awake. He didn't know what had awakened him but it didn't matter; any ninja who made it to chūnin knew that it was better to react to a false alarm than to not react to the real thing. He looked over at the window shutter and twisted his chakra along the pattern of his bloodline. "Explode!"
He was out the shattered remains of the window even as the room started to collapse under him and well before the fragments of detonated wood had touched the ground outside. For the hundredth time over the course of his career, he found himself grateful for the long-gone wisdom of his Academy teacher: In the field, always sleep in your clothes with your boots on.
Yakeyama was a slightly heavier sleeper and reacted slower; the collapsing building slapped at his ankle as he dove through the window, sending him into a tumble and making him land hard. Had he slept in a room of his own there wouldn't have been time, meaning that he would have died if he hadn't been so stubborn about insisting that the two of them share a room "for safety." Granted, it had really been because this was the second-best room in the inn and neither he nor Katsumi were willing to settle for third-best. (Shirogane, of course, had appropriated the best room for himself and refused to share, the pig.)
He hit the ground, felt the breath woosh out of himself, and forced himself to roll back upright. The inn was slumped over like a punch drunk fighter and, just like that fighter, it went to its knees and then collapsed into a stumble of broken wood and chimney brick. The crash of the building was nearly drowned out by the screaming from above. It sounded like the end of the world and when Yakeyama managed to force his head up against the constriction of his diaphragm it was to see an impossible sight: two raging kami standing on the air, one of them in the form of an axe-wielding woman and the other a golden-glowing clawed monster wreathed in flames. Before he could blink away the shock they dove, racing headfirst down towards the east side of the ruined inn, some sort of explosive blast speeding their steps.
The east side was the side that Shirogane would have escaped to. Yakeyama lurched to his feet and hurried to rescue his superior, desperately trying to draw breath as he ran.
The madwoman with the axe was on him before Shirogane could shift ground. His fingers flicked through the Stoneskin jutsu as he twisted frantically aside, the friendly hands of his air spirit familiars pushing him away from the inhumanly sharp blade. Even with their help, he wasn't fast enough; it sliced through the Earth-natured chakra that protected him, sliced through his hip with a cut so clean it felt like nothing more than a cold streak, and flicked upwards, splattering blood into his eyes and making him flinch.
He turned the flinch into a leap, opening a few feet of distance between himself and the crazy axe murderess. Midleap, he dragged one sleeve across his eyes and blinked away the sanguine barrier. The golden monster with its sheath of fire was half a second away and would need to be dealt with, but his bodyguards had escaped the inn as well and were racing towards him.
"Keep her busy!" he shouted to Katsumi and Yakeyama, pointing with his left hand towards the woman with the axe. With his right he drew his sword, Flenser. A whispered "Soul of Diamond!" calmed his chakra flows and balanced his humors, bringing the world back into a smooth and comprehensible pattern.
Barely had the words left his lips than the monster was on him with a shouted "Pangolin Clan Technique: Pantokrator's Hammer!"
Up close it was revealed the monster was actually a human, a kunoichi wrapped in a flaming golden chakra construct—some sort of scaled monster with claws like massive scythes.
He flowed forward as she came down to meet him, his feet and blade and body twirling through the defensive Darting Wolves form. Jets of fire lashed out from her body, cutting out segments of the arc the form would have traversed and compelling him to move into her reach. The Wolves redirected without effort, looping Flenser around himself as he spun through a series of tight turns that left no safe angle of attack for an enemy.
She thrust at him, twin palm strikes from which erupted a pair of massive Air Element strikes. He deflected the first with the flat of Flenser but the second caught him in the shoulder and flung him backwards. A sick crack! in his right collarbone took the strength from his limbs and the breath from his body. He stumbled, his ankle rolling under him and almost sending him to the ground.
Movement flickered to his right. He was still off-balance when the metal slug hit him on the chest, just below his shattered collarbone. The impact was painful enough on its own but the grinding of bone shards made the world go white around him. He tried to spin into the Darting Wolves but he couldn't raise his arm high enough and his shoulder screamed when he tried. Fortunately, the woman coming for him was the identical twin of the one in the construct, and therefore almost certainly an Elemental Clone of some type. Those were useful as distractions and area denial, but—
"Pangolin Clan Technique: Pantokrator's Hammer!"
The clone's punch hit him in the face and the world went away.
Author's Notes: Ugh. Sorry, this is all I can do. Suffice to say, it worked out: as you can see from the combat log in the spoiler, after Dahlia punched Shirogane's lights out, Begonia killed Katsumi while Yuno chased down Yakeyama and gutted him like a trout. Once Shirogane was secured the Shadow Clones unsummoned themselves in order to restore a bit of chakra to Akane. As per their orders, the three ninja then let as much of the city on fire as possible, taking care that the city food warehouses were well torched. They made it home without incident and Shirogane is now in T&I.
The summary of recent events goes:
Feburary 13: Haru is deployed on border patrol. Akane and Yuno are deployed on Mission 1: scouting Rock.
February 20: Haru, Akane, and Yuno return
Feburary 22: Akane and Yuno are deployed on Mission 2: securing Shirogane
February 27: Akane and Yuno return (this is the day of Chapter 493 and 494, presumably)
February 28: Akane and Yuno's day off
Akane and Yuno are being sent out tomorrow to head up the Rock/Fang border. They're expected to be gone for a week.
XP AWARD: 15 I'm unsure what to do with the XP award here, since I'm fuzzy on whether or not XP has been awarded for this time period, and also it's not based off a player plan. Still, it was about an in-game week and I'd rather err on the side of generosity, so let's call it 15. However...
"GM had fun" XP: 100
+100 for @Paperclipped going so far above and beyond to make our lives easy. Given how badly I've crumped it lately, this update would not have happened at all without your hard work. Thank you.
Vote time! What to do now?
Voting ends on Wednesday, February 9, 2022, at 12pm London time.
One day we're going to Need that Deceit score for something important, and on that day we will invoke literally all the FP we can on the basis of "Its so out of character for us to not be completely on the level."
XP AWARD: 15 I'm unsure what to do with the XP award here, since I'm fuzzy on whether or not XP has been awarded for this time period, and also it's not based off a player plan. Still, it was about an in-game week and I'd rather err on the side of generosity, so let's call it 15. However...
"GM had fun" XP: 100
+100 for @Paperclipped going so far above and beyond to make our lives easy. Given how badly I've crumped it lately, this update would not have happened at all without your hard work. Thank you.
I see we can put Akane and Yuno on team "murdered innocent civilians" with Hazou now, eh?
It's fun to realize that they're both actually solidly powerful on their own; we've just been dealing with the monsters at the peak of the power curve for long enough that our perceptions on what is "strong" have been heavily skewed.