Now that we are aware of the water poisoning.. couldn't we have a medic on standby to counteract the effects. I.e. Noburi himself? Along with learning the chakra techniques required he could also carry around.. diuretics or something.
I don't think it would work. The main issue with water poisoning is losing electrolytes beyond the safe levels, not just having the water inside you. Unless we can keep Noburi's barrel constantly filled with Gatorade (and invent Gatorade), that's a no. HDK, and I'd be surprised if Tsunade knew (because... how?), but it won't work.
I feel the need to remind everyone that the water poisoning problem has a workaround already integrated into my final Summon Army proposal.
Clones can't cut themselves open to summon, though. I think that's a hard stop. Unless you can cut your finger open then create the clone, and it's a nasty-ish wound that'll bleed for a while? We'd need to do some tests about if that works, or if it doesn't, whose chakra is expended if you give a few drops of your blood to your clone and the clone attempts to summon with it, etc
Clones can't cut themselves open to summon, though. I think that's a hard stop. Unless you can cut your finger open then create the clone, and it's a nasty-ish wound that'll bleed for a while? We'd need to do some tests about if that works, or if it doesn't, whose chakra is expended if you give a few drops of your blood to your clone and the clone attempts to summon with it, etc
Clones don't summon, they drink chakra water to top their reserves off, then pop themselves, bringing that chakra back to the original without the original having to drink anything.
Thoughts on acting like its a hard limit for FOOM OPSEC reasons?
I believe I had an analysis somewhere that suggested it's not an OPSEC risk, trying to find it now.
Clones can't cut themselves open to summon, though. I think that's a hard stop. Unless you can cut your finger open then create the clone, and it's a nasty-ish wound that'll bleed for a while? We'd need to do some tests about if that works, or if it doesn't, whose chakra is expended if you give a few drops of your blood to your clone and the clone attempts to summon with it, etc
No the clone drinks the water and then pops to rebalance the summoner to full
Kei put her hand to her forehead. "Hazō, I am ever so grateful that you showed this to me before anyone else, especially anyone in a position of authority. While you are correct in assuming that the state of the war is severely interfering with our usual import routes, we cannot reroute naval traffic through Haran Bay.
Yep, told you guys it just anoyed her a bit. So much so she intetionaly chose to ignore for the bad joke it was and jump some olimpca hoops to equate to something else.
I don't think it would work. The main issue with water poisoning is losing electrolytes beyond the safe levels, not just having the water inside you. Unless we can keep Noburi's barrel constantly filled with Gatorade (and invent Gatorade), that's a no. HDK, and I'd be surprised if Tsunade knew (because... how?), but it won't work.
Drinking too much electrolytes is no-no too. I'd expect MFD-verse to have basic tech like Saline water.

Restorative jujutsu is probably our best bet. And having Noburi do a full checkup of the receivers and doing the math required beforehand for safe thresholds of chakra water consumption. Keeping a medic on standby other than him and have the summoners visit a hospital right away after a session like this.

Is it any different compared to the plethora of dangerous techniques people use anyways?
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Thoughts on acting like its a hard limit for FOOM OPSEC reasons?
Nevermind, I think I dreamed that analysis or something.

I'm not sure it'd help much, though. Even at its peak FOOM doesn't require many refills, IIRC, and Noburi has been topping Leaf ninja off for months now. I suppose we could leverage that into a general scare campaign (an irrational one) regarding relying on Noburi's services, but do we want to?

And I'm not sure it'd help much. In the hypothetical where people are wondering about chakra bottlenecks on FOOM, the real secret — the Resolve feedback loop — is already necessarily out in the open.
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Drinking too much electrolytes is no-no too. I'd expect MFD-verse to have basic tech like Saline water.

Restorative jujutsu is probably our best bet. And having Noburi do a full checkup of the receivers and doing the math required beforehand for safe thresholds of chakra water consumption. Keeping a medic on standby other than him and have the summoners visit a hospital right away after a session like this.

Is it any different compared to the plethora of dangerous techniques people use anyways?
It messes with brain function, and all the help we get/provide is assuming we know what to check for and how to solve it. So it's a bit more serious than, say, getting moderate burns from shooting too much fire from your fingertips. "Drinking too much water is dangerous" is something humanity learns early, "because it dilutes important internal chemicals your body and brain need" isn't.
It messes with brain function, and all the help we get/provide is assuming we know what to check for and how to solve it. So it's a bit more serious than, say, getting moderate burns from shooting too much fire from your fingertips. "Drinking too much water is dangerous" is something humanity learns early, "because it dilutes important internal chemicals your body and brain need" isn't.

Well the summoner's zoo rush is a significant new military power. Would this call for drastic measures like.. something like a colostomy for all the receivers? We do have Orochimaru and Tsunade.. And have the surgery sealed after the session? It's not like the summoners have to do any fighting. But that's less than an ideal solution. Discomfort and health risk aside, this means summoning would require prep time and can't be set up right away.

Ninja take arms through guts all the time. They have precedent for surgeries and have the capability. Akane's hospitalization comes to mind.
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Also thank god that we did not put hazou to try to "fix" that, an where at a safe distance from the blast zone.
Now we could try to talk with mari in the future afther she had the opportunity to internalize that information.

NOBURI: *looks at Hazou* Can't we go back to your mommy issues?

Like my other issues its drowned under the panic stress and pragmatism i force into myslef.
Well the summoner's zoo rush is a significant new military power. Would this call for drastic measures like.. colostomy for all the receivers? We do have Orochimaru and Tsunade.. And have the surgery sealed after the session? It's not like the summoners have to do any fighting. But that's less than an ideal solution.
I guess it's a matter of whether or not they have the insight and know-how to solve the problem. My bets are on "no", but I guess you make a good point - if they know or can figure it out, we could do a quick danger-then-cure tactic
How do people replenish electrolytes in this era? I assume humanity would get them from their diet, which if we can find efficiently electro-dense foods we might have a nonmagic stopgap.
First, the Isanese didn't do birthdays; it was just another weird barbarian tradition which Yuno pretended she understood
neither do mist(ings?), its a thing Akane introduce to Gouketsu, it beraly has anything to do whit culture.
The revelation that she'd joined a clan that sacrificed its less valuable members for more valuable ones had plenty of emotional resonance.
never mind that Hazou (the clan Head and therefore the most important person in the clan) immediately tried to thro whimself back into Orochimaru's maw in order to get her more time.
Noburi was the lynchpin to Leaf's military strategy. To the Hokage and the village at large
Precisely, Mari knew that Orochimaru knows not to take away one of the most important assets Leaf has. Hazou should have known that too the game night, but Kagome was also roaming about so it sticks.
"Kei? Oh, you mean Lady Nara. Sure do." Kichi's smile narrowed a little, but that just meant it returned to what Hazō considered the normal spectrum. "I work with her sister on the Final Gift Programme as Chief Procurement Officer. Nothing like not getting kidnapped and vivisected to motivate you to give back to the community, am I right?"
Am i the only one hearing those alarm bells?
Ami better keep his leash short.
"Can't you tell from the list of names?" Hazō asked. "It's a shipping chart. There's a key in the top right."
we cannot reroute naval traffic through Haran Bay.
Good game everyone, let's not play it again.
Thrice-Bound Cage containing the Chicken of Innocence."

Noburi had unilaterally declared that, as the one by nature most suited to repetitive manual labour, his clan head would be the one to spend hours weaving the Thrice-Bound Cage, a complex, irregularly-shaped wickerwork construction that had to be crafted completely underwater so that its eldritch powers wouldn't escape before they were sealed in during the final step
Dear Gods, the meme is canon.
"The clan consort"—standing in for Yuno's mother—"strips off the Binding Garment of Youth."

"The clan head dresses the Youth in the Empowering Garment of Adulthood."

Stepping out of the Tent of the Ocelot, Hazō walked forward in the slow, stately fashion of a paternal figure on Serious Business, pausing every third step so that the ghost of Yuno's father, whom he was representing, didn't fall behind. Taking Akane's place behind Yuno, he helped her into a red Gōketsu haori adorned with the clan crest.
I love this, and that man is definitely going in the resurrection list.
"Kei," Mari said, "even if you doubt that I'm sincere, please don't doubt that I'm worried about our family. This rift between us has dragged in Yuno, and that means sooner or later it'll drag in Noburi, and if things get any worse, I'm scared that it'll split our family right down the middle. I've seen it happen before—I've made it happen before—and as soon as people start feeling they have no choice but to take sides, it all escalates, and people start saying things that can't be taken back."
Mari is correct, we need to stop this before it becomes even more of a problem.
"I did everything I could," Mari insisted. "I took the path with the highest odds of survival for everyone, each time, even when that meant deliberately calling his anger down on myself."
correct, we saw what Orochimaru was capable of doing; still, blame is a thing in which we can not dwell. we have to stop the rift between Yuno and Mari, if only because we can't have anything but trust among the family.
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[X] Action Plan: Good Uses of Limited Time
Word Count: 296
  • Check plan with Mari.
  • Meet with Asuma:
    • Scribe and deliver Kagome's skytowers and skywalkers.
    • How can Hazou be most useful in the war?
      • Make more tactics like Zoo Rush?
        • If so, access to recovered intelligence would help.
        • Hazou can make more "creative" plans with more information access, improving the odds that one of them is good.
      • Train the Arachnid Summoner candidate?
        • Hazou, injured, is the least useful Leaf Summoner and knows Arachnids personally.
        • Home-front Noburi could as well.
      • Coordinate Gouketsu for Mist diplomacy?
      • Coordinate Gouketsu for seal production?
    • If Mist allies with us, a home-front Wakahisa could chakra-fill a summoner, then Noburi can retrieve that chakra from the Seventh Path and distribute it to summoners anywhere in the EN.
      • Allows a summoner to have all their summons out at once and still fight at full capacity.
      • Wakahisa traded us a jutsu that corrects overhydration. Noburi needs to learn it.
      • Works with Noburi and Wakahisa flipped.
      • OPSEC concerns?
    • Orochimaru psychically injured Mari:
      • If pressed, insist that she can't be deployed for a week.
      • Don't mention Mari-Kei split.
  • Spend some time with Ino and Akane:
    • See how they're doing, especially with the war.
    • Be supportive, but also let yourself be supported.
  • Chakra Science:
    • Refueling with Noburi's aid, determine how many Substitutions you can consecutively cast from full.
    • Repeat with (normal cast-time) MEW.
    • Determine the ratio between these costs.
  • (offscreen) misc:
    • Arrange a birthday gift for Akane.
      • Have clan members paint designs on flowerpots for her garden, possibly things that remind them of her.
      • Follow strict OPSEC.
    • Ask Cannai to send a diplomat to Hornet and Hare to ask if they have a Scroll.
      • Hazou would also like to personally thank the Hornets for their sacrifices.
    • Kei + Noburi: Get to know Leopard and Rat representatives. Goal: information on scroll.

Last cycle's plan, reposted. Since @Velorien will almost certainly want to do the Kei+Tenten commitment ceremony, I dropped that scene in favor of a thing we've been neglecting for a while -- chakra quantification!

I'm really not attached to this idea. If someone else has a better idea for the last scene, I'm open to suggestions. One such suggestion: don't have a last scene and just rewrite the Ino+Akane scene for more detail.[/hr]
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[X] Action Plan: Good Uses of Limited Time
Word Count: 286
  • Check plan with Mari.
  • Meet with Asuma:
    • Scribe and deliver skytowers and skywalkers.
    • Orochimaru situation is hopefully resolved.
      • Orochimaru psychically attacked Mari and she shouldn't be deployed for a week.
      • Explain if requested, don't mention Shikamaru's ultimatum or Mari-Kei split.
    • How can Hazou be most useful in the war?
      • Make more strategies and tactics like Zoo Rush?
        • If so, access to recovered intelligence would help.
        • Hazou can make more "creative" plans with more information access, so there's better odds that one of them is good.
      • Train the candidate for the Arachnid Summoner?
        • Hazou, injured, is the least useful Leaf Summoner and knows the Arachnids personally
        • Home-front Noburi could as well.
      • Coordinate Gouketsu for seal production?
    • If Mist allies with us, a home-front Wakahisa could chakra-fill a summoner, then Noburi can retrieve that chakra from the Seventh Path and distribute it to summoners anywhere in the EN.
      • Allows a summoner to have all their summons out at once and still fight at full capacity.
      • Works with Noburi and Wakahisa flipped.
      • OPSEC concerns?
  • Spend some time with Ino and Akane:
    • See how they're doing, especially with the war.
    • Be supportive, but also let yourself be supported.
  • Chakra Science:
    • Refueling with Noburi's aid, attempt to determine how many Substitutions you can consecutively cast.
    • Repeat with minimum-chakra Dispels.
    • Try to determine the mathematical ratio between these costs.
  • (offscreen) misc:
    • Arrange a birthday gift for Akane.
      • Have clan members paint designs on flowerpots for her garden, possibly of things that remind them of her.
      • Follow strict OPSEC.
    • Ask Cannai to send a diplomat to Hornet and Hare to ask if they have a Scroll.
      • Hazou would also like to personally thank the Hornets for their sacrifices.
    • Kei + Noburi: Get to know Leopard and Rat representatives. Goal: information on scroll.

Last cycle's plan, reposted. Since @Velorien will almost certainly want to do the Kei+Tenten commitment ceremony, I dropped that scene in favor of a thing we've been neglecting for a while -- chakra quantification!

I'm really not attached to this idea. If someone else has a better idea for the last scene, I'm open to suggestions. One such suggestion: don't have a last scene and just rewrite the Ino+Akane scene for more detail.[/hr]
could we ask the wakahisha for the dehydration jutsu?, we have a trade agreement and they have reasons to want to ally whit us.