Oro hasn't been mean, aside from the jonin aura intimidation. He even did some socializing.
We can just ask oro if he's gonna dissect or do harmful things to Kei. Or ask if he's gonna barter goods for Kei's consent to be studied.
And ask if mari will be rewarded for bringing up something interesting to him. can mention giving rewards incentivizes us telling him more ideas if we think of them in the future.

I'd be satisfied with bartering with him if it were possible to do so as equals, but if we really have something he wants he can intimidate us so much that we cannot say "No". He also isn't overly interested in bartering because he did not even wait for Hazou to reply to his claims: Oro demanded Hazou tell him immediately what Oro wanted to know for no compensation.
Since it was apparently unclear, the GMs went out of their way to provide unexpected lightning-lad with unexpected chakra and unexpected experience with coordinating with Mari. I dunno, maybe tap the surprise trap card based around lightning element which Mari's genjutsu has previously supported Oro being unfamiliar with? Y'know, as if she was relying on context to pass messages in a strictly confined context, as an infiltration expert elite jounin might.
[x] Action Plan: Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Dodge
Words: tbd

  • Coordinate with Noburi to use Summons to find Kei, Ami, Asuma, Tsunade, and Shikamaru. Send Atomu, Haru, and Mei as well.
  • Have Kei flee to 7th Path immediately
  • Coordinate with Shika, Ami, and Kagome to fake paperwork, indicating that Snowflake's existence really is just a long-term Nara social experiment
    • Suggestion for fake project: deliberate and controlled personality drift via shadow clones.
    • Intent: make it seem Mari was fooled by the social experiment.
Updated action plan, feel free to copy/edit for your own. Time is short.
I'd be satisfied with bartering with him if it were possible to do so as equals, but if we really have something he wants he can intimidate us so much that we cannot say "No". He also isn't overly interested in bartering because he did not even wait for Hazou to reply to his claims: Oro demanded Hazou tell him immediately what Oro wanted to know for no compensation.
Oro got interested and demanded info. That's a bit aggressive but nothing insane. I'd say that's not enough to infer oro doesn't barter.
Oro is willing to intimidate people into giving up information. But to learn how to make cognitively independent shadow clones that might not be enough, dissection might be necessary. Willing to intimidate people to talk is different from willing to dissect them without permission.
Hence bartering doesn't only give us goodies. It serves the dual purpose of gauging Oro morals. If he must, or prefers, to get consent instead of just forcibly taking it.

he can intimidate us so much that we cannot say "No"
we could also ask oro to stop intimidating us with his aura since we feel that is mean. and discourages us from telling him more interesting ideas we come up with in the future. that's more of a stretch though since using jonin aura on people seems to be accepted in ninja culture. also we would need oro's interest in answering our questions since the question would be unrelated to his current goal of talk to kei. We could possibly mention kei would be more friendly in talking with him about shadow clones if he doesn't use his aura, but again a stretch
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Or, Y'know, Haru suddenly bursts out of wall and mauls him to poof because he is both a ninjutsu and seal-jutsu genius personally recruited and trained by the third Hokage who already knows all of this...

I am having "you don't need to figure out to tell The Ami about the wedding, she is already standing right behind you" flashbacks.

ironically, flashbacks to previous flashbacks are kind of appropriate.
Oro got interested and demanded info. That's a bit aggressive but nothing insane. I'd say that's not enough to infer oro doesn't barter.
Oro is willing to intimidate people into giving up information. But to learn how to make cognitively independent shadow clones that might not be enough, dissection might be necessary. Willing to intimidate people to talk is different from willing to dissect them without permission.
Hence bartering doesn't only give us goodies. It serves the dual purpose of gauging Oro morals. If he must, or prefers, to get consent instead of just forcibly taking it.

Oro might be interesting in bartering with an equal, but Hazou does not have the stats to bargain at S-rank level when they break out their intimidation tactics while negotiating.

we could also ask oro to stop intimidating us with his aura since we feel that is mean. and discourages us from telling him more interesting ideas we come up with in the future. that's more of a stretch though since using jonin aura on people seems to be accepted in ninja culture. also we would need oro's interest in answering our questions since the question would be unrelated to his current goal of talk to kei. We could possibly mention kei would be more friendly in talking with him about shadow clones if he doesn't use his aura, but again a stretch

Hazou was so freaked out he couldn't even say "clan secrets".

I don't consider it an acceptable risk to wager Hazou's body's secrets on the chance that Oro might be willing to haggle if we ask nicely.
Mari's plan of using 'go dissect Kei' as a distraction doesn't make sense if Hazō wasn't himself under threat. A sane Oro would know that doing so would sabotage the rescue effort.
mari being a social spec gives her actions some weight. however oro could have done some body modifications to prevent social specs from reading his body/face language thereby invalidating a lot of mari's instincts. also mari doesn't always act great on improvization, seen when she killed her fanboy in liberator.
Oro might be interesting in bartering with an equal, but Hazou does not have the stats to bargain at S-rank level when they break out their intimidation tactics while negotiating.
get mari to do it
Willing to intimidate people to talk is different from willing to dissect them without permission.
Even cuddly cannon Oro has multiple lairs filled with unwilling slave subjects he has fight to the death for vague dramatic reasons. I do not understand where this benefit of the doubt is coming from. Oro has been overtly evil in MfD, his motivation to experiment on people is well established, and he was already kicked out of Leaf for his evil. Is the basement forgotten so easily?
mari being a social spec gives her actions some weight. however oro could have done some body modifications to prevent social specs from reading his body/face language thereby invalidating a lot of mari's instincts. also mari doesn't always act great on improvization, seen when she killed her fanboy in liberator.
Occam's Razor.
...by talking to him?
hazou: "yo uncle you gonna forcibly dissect her or get her permission before doing anything like that?"
oro: "i'll get her permission"
kei arrives
oro: "can i dissect u?"
hazou: "mari can u negotiate for kei?"
mari: "i got this"
As Mari stepped back, ostensibly getting out of Orochimaru's way as he left the room, she made a pair of Gōketsu hand signals behind her back: "Kei" and "run like hell".
Hazō thinks it's "Have Kei run like hell". If Orochimaru still had an immediate interest in Hazō, he'd stay with him (or take him away) and leave Kei for dessert.

Telling us to run is a sign Mari thinks she is incapable of interacting equally with Oro indefinitely. If she thought she could have bargained with him, why did she not try to do that immediately instead?
his motivation to experiment on people is well established
Is the basement forgotten so easily?
and we don't know the full context. does he get consent? are the people he experiments on evil or did they take hostile actions against him? did he do it for the greater good? does he give them painkillers?

he was already kicked out of Leaf for his evil
do we know why specifically he was kicked out? wat if he was doing biomedical experiments with unwilling subjects. but the results could be used to save more people in leaf? and the kage disagreed with his utilitarian ethics?

I do not understand where this benefit of the doubt is coming from.
Because we do not have much info on Oro, so we should be uncertain in our models of him. Our first person interaction with him has been in minutes.
We hear incomplete rumors of him dissecting people.
Pain called Oro the best of them. jiraiya gave oro a pardon. oro's interludes show him caring about the kage. oro socialized in this chapter, showing some humanity. Anko loves oro.

Telling us to run is a sign Mari thinks she is incapable of interacting equally with Oro indefinitely. If she thought she could have bargained with him, why did she not try to do that immediately instead?
i dunno, besides guessing she couldn't think of anything better when improvising. like kei running away does not seem like a great plan.
Really. Come on man, it's obvious. The man has no moral code, no benevolence or malevolence in his body. He doesn't do any of that because doesn't have any internal reason to and no external force can make him care. He is Orochimaru, and he's the person closest to Canon in Marked for Death.
....couldn't we just listen to Mari also. Have Kei run like hell while dropping a word off to the Hokage. Not accusatory just like "Orochimaru seems to have found me and my bloodline...interesting. And has now shifted his interest to Kei and her shadow clones. If you could handle that, we'd be grateful."
Since it was apparently unclear, the GMs went out of their way to provide unexpected lightning-lad with unexpected chakra and unexpected experience with coordinating with Mari. I dunno, maybe tap the surprise trap card based around lightning element which Mari's genjutsu has previously supported Oro being unfamiliar with? Y'know, as if she was relying on context to pass messages in a strictly confined context, as an infiltration expert elite jounin might.
What in the world are you talking about? I honestly have no idea. This is not a joke or a literal genie moment, I look at this post and it bounces off my brain. What are you trying to say?

Or, Y'know, Haru suddenly bursts out of wall and mauls him to poof because he is both a ninjutsu and seal-jutsu genius personally recruited and trained by the third Hokage who already knows all of this...

I am having "you don't need to figure out to tell The Ami about the wedding, she is already standing right behind you" flashbacks.

ironically, flashbacks to previous flashbacks are kind of appropriate.
My confusion continues, except now it seems that you think Haru is secretly an S-ranker?

Lailoken, are you perchance in an altered state at the moment? Not judging, only asking. If so, I hope it's for good reasons and you're enjoying it.
Fuck this, it's time to sealing-failure Oro as many times as it takes. I don't give a fuck if Asuma wants him around, we gotta remove him now.
What in the world are you talking about? I honestly have no idea. This is not a joke or a literal genie moment, I look at this post and it bounces off my brain. What are you trying to say?
I think he's pointing to the update where Mari gave Haru a small chakra refill and offered a position in her spy network, and is saying that Mari probably has Haru nearby with full chakra ready to ambush Orochimaru and take him out. I'm... not sure how a Chuunin is supposed to take out a Sannin even with Lightning chakra and from ambush, and unless it's a one-turn kill (heck, even if it is, as soon as he reforms from his phylactery) Orochimaru would proceed to make everyone in a ten-zone radius wish they had never been born.
If we want an alternative to fleeing, we could have it appear as if the so-called independent Shadow Clone is actually a result of another one of Pangolin's jutsu that Kei earned. We could even sell it as something that comes at a heavy cost if told to others. Some kind of forbidden jutsu.

Could have Panegirik run interference or make the offer to Orochimaru. I'm sure he'd like the prestige. Make it look like Kei sold her soul or something. Or that she sacrifices a bit of herself each time she makes one.
I think we might want to tell Asuma and/or Tsunade what is happening and let them decide what do to. We cannot fight Oro off, but if Oro abducts a struggling Kei and/or Hazou in the middle of games night I think it will do him reputational damage he'd like to avoid.

He probably won't want to go missing over this. If Hazou or Kei mysteriously disappears that's different. He could get pretty damn far on plausible deniability.

Hazou was "summoned by the Hokage" so he should probably go to Asuma. Kei can go out the back door and go for Tsunade. Mari will presumably play for time.