[X] (Isan) The Best Defense
Word Count- 300-400
Keiko unsummons Pandaa right when she gets memories from Snowflake
Refill Keiko from Noburi and then redistribute chakra (between Mari, Keiko, Noburi, and Yuno) to leave everyone with enough for 3 rounds of combat, if possible.
Discuss with Mari et al. briefly but we need to act fast before word can get to the High Priest.
The method of Snowflake's dispersal suggest a reverse summoning to 7th path. They should expect Keiko to reappear in the same spot.
Given the funny looks surrounding the boar tongues, is it possible that Snowflake was poisoned instead of popping due to stress from the peppers? They ate some too but....
An Arikada was there, could he be related to the insane biosealer? Does he look like her? He's also got a freaky background in biology with the Seekers. A specialist in poisons would have an antidote.
It may be advantageous to claim Keiko was poisoned regardless, then demand custody of the culprit - Arikada - since the High Priest and Clan Heads would never harm the Heir of Ui, in order to figure out what is going on between the High Priest and the Seekers.
To maximize social pressure on the High Priest we could whip up a posse and go to the banquet. If all goes well he'll be unable to protect Arikada without destroying his base of support.
If Mari/Yuno/Nobs thinks this has a good chance of working, summon Pankurashun and top Keiko off.
Have Noburi or Mari, whichever is better suited, go out with Pankurashun into the village and whip up a crowd. Keiko plays wounded bird/offended party. Get as much of a crowd as possible. Angles to play-xenophobia, perfidious betrayal of the Messiah, terrifying biosealers that will turn you into a flesh puppet and eat out your insides with maggots. Use Arikada's affiliation w/ Seekers and relations against him. His relative(?) was horrifying and insane, use that.
When a crowd of sufficient size forms, but before word can get far, get the posse moving towards the banquet as fast as possible.
Demand custody of Arikada, escalate to violence if denied. If it devolves into violence, kill anyone who aids him.
If granted custody, have Noburi drain Arikada to unconsciousness and take him back to Kannagi's under guard to interrogate at leisure.
Later, make another Snowflake and test if a pepper will pop her.
Suggestions are still welcome!
Word Count- 300-400
Keiko unsummons Pandaa right when she gets memories from Snowflake
Refill Keiko from Noburi and then redistribute chakra (between Mari, Keiko, Noburi, and Yuno) to leave everyone with enough for 3 rounds of combat, if possible.
Discuss with Mari et al. briefly but we need to act fast before word can get to the High Priest.
The method of Snowflake's dispersal suggest a reverse summoning to 7th path. They should expect Keiko to reappear in the same spot.
Given the funny looks surrounding the boar tongues, is it possible that Snowflake was poisoned instead of popping due to stress from the peppers? They ate some too but....
An Arikada was there, could he be related to the insane biosealer? Does he look like her? He's also got a freaky background in biology with the Seekers. A specialist in poisons would have an antidote.
It may be advantageous to claim Keiko was poisoned regardless, then demand custody of the culprit - Arikada - since the High Priest and Clan Heads would never harm the Heir of Ui, in order to figure out what is going on between the High Priest and the Seekers.
To maximize social pressure on the High Priest we could whip up a posse and go to the banquet. If all goes well he'll be unable to protect Arikada without destroying his base of support.
If Mari/Yuno/Nobs thinks this has a good chance of working, summon Pankurashun and top Keiko off.
Have Noburi or Mari, whichever is better suited, go out with Pankurashun into the village and whip up a crowd. Keiko plays wounded bird/offended party. Get as much of a crowd as possible. Angles to play-xenophobia, perfidious betrayal of the Messiah, terrifying biosealers that will turn you into a flesh puppet and eat out your insides with maggots. Use Arikada's affiliation w/ Seekers and relations against him. His relative(?) was horrifying and insane, use that.
When a crowd of sufficient size forms, but before word can get far, get the posse moving towards the banquet as fast as possible.
Demand custody of Arikada, escalate to violence if denied. If it devolves into violence, kill anyone who aids him.
If granted custody, have Noburi drain Arikada to unconsciousness and take him back to Kannagi's under guard to interrogate at leisure.
Later, make another Snowflake and test if a pepper will pop her.
Suggestions are still welcome!
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