[X] (Isan) The Best Defense

Word Count- 300-400

Keiko unsummons Pandaa right when she gets memories from Snowflake

Refill Keiko from Noburi and then redistribute chakra (between Mari, Keiko, Noburi, and Yuno) to leave everyone with enough for 3 rounds of combat, if possible.

Discuss with Mari et al. briefly but we need to act fast before word can get to the High Priest.

The method of Snowflake's dispersal suggest a reverse summoning to 7th path. They should expect Keiko to reappear in the same spot.

Given the funny looks surrounding the boar tongues, is it possible that Snowflake was poisoned instead of popping due to stress from the peppers? They ate some too but....

An Arikada was there, could he be related to the insane biosealer? Does he look like her? He's also got a freaky background in biology with the Seekers. A specialist in poisons would have an antidote.

It may be advantageous to claim Keiko was poisoned regardless, then demand custody of the culprit - Arikada - since the High Priest and Clan Heads would never harm the Heir of Ui, in order to figure out what is going on between the High Priest and the Seekers.

To maximize social pressure on the High Priest we could whip up a posse and go to the banquet. If all goes well he'll be unable to protect Arikada without destroying his base of support.

If Mari/Yuno/Nobs thinks this has a good chance of working, summon Pankurashun and top Keiko off.

Have Noburi or Mari, whichever is better suited, go out with Pankurashun into the village and whip up a crowd. Keiko plays wounded bird/offended party. Get as much of a crowd as possible. Angles to play-xenophobia, perfidious betrayal of the Messiah, terrifying biosealers that will turn you into a flesh puppet and eat out your insides with maggots. Use Arikada's affiliation w/ Seekers and relations against him. His relative(?) was horrifying and insane, use that.

When a crowd of sufficient size forms, but before word can get far, get the posse moving towards the banquet as fast as possible.

Demand custody of Arikada, escalate to violence if denied. If it devolves into violence, kill anyone who aids him.

If granted custody, have Noburi drain Arikada to unconsciousness and take him back to Kannagi's under guard to interrogate at leisure.

Later, make another Snowflake and test if a pepper will pop her.
Suggestions are still welcome!
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It may be advantageous to claim Keiko was poisoned regardless, then demand custody of the culprit - Arikada
They are gonna play the reverse uno card and claim that Keiko poisoned herself. But I can't see a better way out of this, i get the feeling that this is going to be solve by virtue of who can gather more support from the crowd. And that is going to be their beloved propeth.

Shame the grue ate henge, Mari could make them heaven's gate themselves if she supplanted the high priest.
I may be confused here.

Isn't Hinata eight or so?
Are you thinking of Hanabi, Hinata's younger sister? She's 9.

Don't know why, but I'm getting very strong Burn Notice vibes from this interaction, in case anyone's watched that one.
I love that show. No direct usage here but influence is always possible.

Does Hazou have an estimate of how far we've come (and in what direction) from Bear and how far we have to go?

He should be able to see the divide where the sky changes color long before the actual border right? Any sign of it yet?

Do we have to go south to get across the territory?

Also could we have Rocket boot seals and chakdar seals added to Hazou's character sheet? Do we have stats for duration of chakdar seals?

I can answer some of these:
I'm unclear on the timeline at this point, but you've been traveling about 100 miles per day, trending mostly west. You have no idea how much farther there is to go.

I don't feel like doing the math to figure out exactly how far you've come, compare it to the map, maybe check trigonometry to determine angles in order to determine if you could see the skyline divide so blah blah clouds no you can't see it yet.

You do not need to go south.

Boots and chakdar added. I don't have the duration on chakdar. @faflec ? Has that been given out?

In other news, everyone keeps talking about what Danzō did. Could someone do a @faflec and remind me what MfD!canon information you have about Danzō and his actions?
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Boots and chakdar added. I don't have the duration on chakdar. @faflec ? Has that been given out?

In other news, everyone keeps talking about what Danzō did. Could someone do a @faflec and remind me what MfD!canon information you have about Danzō and his actions?
I don't think we have chakdar duration. As for Danzou's actions...
At the time of the disappearance, the sole resident of the compound was the Shimura Clan's last scion, a retired ninja named Danzō.

A brief investigation revealed that he must have forgotten to renew the security seals keeping chakra beasts away from the perimeter.
The Shimura compound is located outside the city walls. There is a section of land formerly belonging to the Shimura Clan that begins adjacent to Leaf walls but stretches away into the distance. Danzō had made his own fencing arrangements in order to keep it secure, apparently unsuccessfully.
The Shihō Clan were once in the top seven non-voting clans, only to undergo a great collapse when precious ally Shimura Danzō died in a tragic accident, and the dissolution of his clan meant their investment in him and his cause could never be repaid. They have learned their lesson well, and no longer care about lump sums of payment. Instead, they are building sustainable income streams with which to fuel their return to power, and can always be bribed with more.
Um, we might not want to re-think lying to the villagers about being summoned.

There's enough supplemental material in Isan to make it possible to train a summoner. I would not try and lie to them about SC dispersal being 7th path summoning when there might be people other than Takahashi who might know enough to be doubtful.
[X] (Isan) The Greatest Deception Is Honesty
Word Count: 298
  • Let Mari lead
    • Does Mari think they attempted poisoning?
      • Mention Arikada
    • Unsummon Panda if Mari thinks we should
    • Enact any contingencies for Snowflake popping
    • Quickly ask Yuno and Mari how to structure an apology that helps Snowflake seem in control of the situation.
    • Refuel with Noburi. Have Snowflake return to the dinner
      • Explain (mostly honestly) Keiko wanted to impress them by showing off Pangolin cuisine. However, the Pangolins haven't made food for humans in ages, and Keiko wanted to experience it with them so she didn't test it in advance. Keiko "left swiftly" to get Noburi's medical attention/avoid getting sick in front of them and embarrassing herself further, but she has returned to apologize for the inconvenience, and would like to continue the meeting. She hopes they enjoyed speaking to Panda during her brief absence.
        • Apologize in advance, she still feels sick and will not be eating more
    • Don't try to intimidate them, but don't simply bend the knee either. You're there to establish a mutually beneficial alliance.
    • Don't commit to any deals during this meeting. However, make it clear how alliance benefits them.
      • New luxuries, massive political importance with Leaf, new jutsu that boost agriculture and financial capability, medical treatment, more people to spread religion to, etc. are all possible for them from this alliance, and Leaf is their best chance at these things. Keiko herself could lend even more credibility to Aizo's status, should the alliance go forward.
        • Be vague enough not to reveal secrets but specific enough to be tantalizing
    • Detail the Battle of the Gods and how the world nearly ended without Isan noticing. More threats will come. Isan can't look the other way, or it could endanger them too
  • Begin delivering seals to Isan team during check-ins, for emergency ARMAGEDDON purposes
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We should retire and put Haru in charge as clan head and laugh and laugh and laugh.

Are you thinking of Hanabi, Hinata's younger sister? She's 9.

I love that show. No direct usage here but influence is always possible.


I can answer some of these:
I'm unclear on the timeline at this point, but you've been traveling about 100 miles per day, trending mostly west. You have no idea how much farther there is to go.

I don't feel like doing the math to figure out exactly how far you've come, compare it to the map, maybe check trigonometry to determine angles in order to determine if you could see the skyline divide so blah blah clouds no you can't see it yet.

You do not need to go south.

Boots and chakdar added. I don't have the duration on chakdar. @faflec ? Has that been given out?

In other news, everyone keeps talking about what Danzō did. Could someone do a @faflec and remind me what MfD!canon information you have about Danzō and his actions?

Mostly inferences about a "singular personality" from Jiraiya and the Mist Oyabun.

"Burn Notice" is the fucking millennial MacGyver with a healthy dose of Bruce Campbell mixed in.
[X] (Isan) The Greatest Deception Is Honesty

Good enough for me. As long as the point away from Panda's incompetence or anything lethal happening to us, I'm good.

Plus being earnest and truthful has usually worked out well for Uplift.
I continue to resent the implication that Pandaa is incompetent. He is adorably disarming and has demonstrated an ability to improvise and willingness to do so under chaotic combat conditions to our immense benefit. Plus, he got himself on detached diplomatic assignment in unknown territory, so he's clearly grown since.
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I continue to resent the implication that Pandaa is incompetent. He is adorably disarming and has demonstrated an ability to improvise and willingness to do so under chaotic combat conditions to our immense benefit. Plus, he got himself on detached diplomatic assignment in unknown territory, so he's clearly grown since.
That's exactly how they get ya, but I never trusted his little ass.

I can't explain it, but he's like kid from Pet Semetary: evil.
Weird, I have the exact opposite reaction. They're not a lot of people I'll happily tank a lead pipe for, but he's one of them.
Well, if I'm being serious, if there's time to figure out if Keiko's the only one who is sensitive to the bugs, or there's a bad reaction to the tongue, then I'm all for putting down my Panda pitchfork. Although, if it is the bugs, he might just be an unwitting patsy.

As to why the Pangolin's might do this, I have some suspicions.
I just want to point out that while Hinata probably approved it, she might not have been behind it, so to speak. She has to keep hardline conservatives in her clan happy and that means opposing us sometimes. She probably didn't expect us to be so vulnerable. I'm not saying we shouldn't do something, I'd just like to not go all holy war on her ass instantly like we did with the Hags, that didn't go so well.

"Opposing us sometimes" is quite different from "Make the economic attack to end all economic attacks, to the point you almost break the village economy". But if everything goes well, Asuma will take care of it if/when we can find enough proof of the Hyuga involvement in the attack.
Well looks like we're going to need to make an example of the Hyuuga. Without harming Leaf. Hey eaglejarl, how many Byakugan-carrying Hyuuga are there that have retired from being ninja or never became ninja? I think they need a reminder that they can lose what makes them special.
Well looks like we're going to need to make an example of the Hyuuga. Without harming Leaf. Hey eaglejarl, how many Byakugan-carrying Hyuuga are there that have retired from being ninja or never became ninja? I think they need a reminder that they can lose what makes them special.

If we had enough Sealing we could just...improve the anti-Byakugan seal and give the research notes for free to the rest of Leaf. It would be legal, it would not create problems for Leaf, and it would be a massive problem for them.
There's little we can do about it, but that Yakuza ledger book that shows the Hyugga doing nothing but swapping money for script sounds like the type of necessary-but-probably-not-sufficient proof that Asuma needs. So we should get it at some point, maybe? Better yet, if it was the Hags and the Hyugga, but we get enough evidence on just the one, they'll be incentivized to sell the other out to distribute the punishment.
@faflec may I ask—do you just go into reader mode and spam Ctrl-F on every page?
He definitely does not, because he can find things from the comments as well, and he does it fast enough that he's not visiting every one of 7000+ pages.
The trick is to use the search bar, type in all the QM names, and restrict the number of results to key words like "Shimura" or "Danzo". Then take a read at the results.
If we had enough Sealing we could just...improve the anti-Byakugan seal and give the research notes for free to the rest of Leaf. It would be legal, it would not create problems for Leaf, and it would be a massive problem for them.
I believe that the QMs finally landed on the idea that the anti-Byakugan seal is in fact public domain, it's simply very difficult so only the best can learn it safely. @Velorien ?
The trick is to use the search bar, type in all the QM names, and restrict the number of results to key words like "Shimura" or "Danzo". Then take a read at the results.
Wait... You told me that you had a temporal forum where past versions of yourself were responsible for reading a few pages at a time and then sharing the information back. Are you... Are you saying that you lied to me?!
If we had enough Sealing we could just...improve the anti-Byakugan seal and give the research notes for free to the rest of Leaf. It would be legal, it would not create problems for Leaf, and it would be a massive problem for them.
Alternatively, if we wanted to really cause them strife with sealing, we could start researching an Anti-Caged-Bird-Seal. There's no better way to seriously mess with their internal politics without causing Leaf serious damage. That said, they'd go ballistic if they even suspected we were doing this. It'd be a great tool to have in our back pocket as a deterrent if we already had a functioning design but we'd seriously piss them off if they caught us beforehand. Plus, there's a morality issue that comes with having the power to end the quasi-slavery and doing nothing for political reasons. We'd also have to learn enough about the seal to design countermeasures, which would be quite tricky.

As I see it, it's the strongest surgical weapon we could have against them. It utilizes our speciality in sealing and mainly targets the clan elders instead of low-level members. It also carries enormous risks during the development phase. Super high risk but potentially very useful.
