By accident? Ahhahahahaha. It's so cute that you believe that. Allow me to present you the timeline:

June 17-21, the thread:
Noumero (post): I'm concerned that Ami is going to pull a Hana and slip into the compound uninvited. It's a Velorien update, too. I want to add a contingency for that.​
MadScientist (post): Put a sign somewhere indoors, saying "Any Mori who gets through our defenses uninvited to show off (Mari judges) hereby concedes to owe us another favour. (–_^)/~~ ".​
MMKII (winning plan): *implements it*​
July 5, a chapter and the Discord response to it:​
Ami: *slips into the compound uninvited, circumvents the countermeasure via unlawful means, thereby slighting us*​
Noumero: I'm very angry. Currently plotting how to kill her.​
August 8, a Discord conversation:
MadScientist: I am this close to starting a conspiracy to get [Ami] killed and create an international treaty banning her resurrection.​
Noumero: I expect this (and consequences of that) to be approximately as interesting as her continued existence. If you ever start it, count me in, MadScientist.​
September 7-8, the thread:
Noumero (winning plan): Commission a taxidermist to stuff an octocat corpse. Excellent present for Ami.​
Noumero (assuaging a concern about the present's dangers): I'm sure it will be fine.​
October 24, a chapter:
Orochimaru: You may spend the night in one of the outbuildings, Mori. Do not leave the compound.​
Orochimaru: Failure to properly decontaminate a specimen is the second most frequent cause of death for chakra beast researchers.​

@MadScientist, get in here, I require recognition of my work.

Well you couldn't be fully sure that it's infected, so maybe not an accident, but definitly just based on an assumption/possibility.
You had the ocotcat checked, which could have led to Kabuto checking it.
Also getting half of the village killed just to kill Ami is just crude implementation, I expect better of you.

Better luck next time taking credit.
Wait, I think we've been doing this entirely wrong.

[X] Action Plan: The True Path to Power

Immediately defect to Rock with everyone else.

Find the Four tails Jinchuuriki, Roshi. Begin calling him "Master Roshi". Ask him to be your taijutsu instructor.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Velorien on Oct 30, 2019 at 8:19 AM, finished with 245 posts and 26 votes.
Voting is closed.

Alas, Snakes are flammable only took second place (lore update votes being advisory only).
Good effort, EJ. Although I'd argue in favour of using SINs to destroy the compound. Let's see how he deals with nukes + weaponized sealing failures.
Six votes.
Six votes, after literally being told in big red bold-text letters that you would not like the outcome.


More importantly, the plan would not pass with my vote or without it
My friend, that's how Brexit (and, arguably, Trump) happened. "Oh, my vote doesn't matter, so I'll put it into X just as a signal, or because it's funny... Oh my God, it actually won?!?! I didn't really want it! Noooo!"
[x] Snakes are flammable
[x] Snakes are flammable
Unfortunately, voting closed over 30min ago.
I think the tradition is it isn't closed until the QMs explicitly say so?
Six votes, after literally being told in big red bold-text letters that you would not like the outcome.

Teach me your ways senpai

Also, why is the vote tally for "Snakes are flammable" split into two? One of which only includes eaglejarl's vote

Also, what's the difference between a lore update and an action plan if they both cover the same content?
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I think the tradition is it isn't closed until the QMs explicitly say so?
It's a different tradition for each QM. eaglejarl will accept changes until he explicitly closes the vote, while Velorien will insist that the changes end at the correct timestamp whether or not he's around to post about it.

Not sure what Oli would do though, if he were in charge of closing the vote one day.
Also, what's the difference between a lore update and an action plan if they both cover the same content?
Votes for Lore Updates are always a request. QMs are not obligated to follow them and can instead choose to write the top-voted action plan. We've never had a case where the only vote was "Lore Update" but we didn't want to write one. If such a case comes up, I would probably simply have Hazō do whatever we think he should do. I'm not sure what @Velorien would do.
Votes for Lore Updates are always a request. QMs are not obligated to follow them and can instead choose to write the top-voted action plan. We've never had a case where the only vote was "Lore Update" but we didn't want to write one. If such a case comes up, I would probably simply have Hazō do whatever we think he should do. I'm not sure what @Velorien would do.
Whatever Ami wants him to do.
@eaglejarl, @Velorien, @OliWhail: Has Mari told us about a relationship between Anko and Orochimaru?

Can we ask Mari before the end of voting?

Hazō does not have any personal points of contact with Anko. In fact, let's be very explicit about this. Hazō has never met Anko, and they have never interacted in any way at all whatsoever. Anyone claiming differently has an over-active imagination. Certainly, he has no conceivable reason to be interested in her.

Mari has not mentioned any relationship between Anko and Orochimaru. Hazō's also aware that talking about having a relationship with Orochimaru is a lot like talking about how a close family member of yours is a foreign sympathiser in Yagura's Mist. Anko is unlikely to bring it up unless prompted.

Repeating my question from earlier, not sure if it was answered. @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Where is the clan compound located next to the Forest of Death, exactly? From the first quote, it seems that the FoD is located outside the city wall, but that would mean the clan compound is also located outside the walls since it has to be right next to it and surrounded by it on both sides?
Clarification which supersedes conflicting previous statements:

The Shimura compound is located outside the city walls. There is a section of land formerly belonging to the Shimura Clan that begins adjacent to Leaf walls but stretches away into the distance. Danzō had made his own fencing arrangements in order to keep it secure, apparently unsuccessfully.
Hazō does not have any personal points of contact with Anko. In fact, let's be very explicit about this. Hazō has never met Anko, and they have never interacted in any way at all whatsoever. Anyone claiming differently has an over-active imagination. Certainly, he has no conceivable reason to be interested in her.
Clarification which supersedes conflicting previous statements:

The Shimura compound is located outside the city walls. There is a section of land formerly belonging to the Shimura Clan that begins adjacent to Leaf walls but stretches away into the distance. Danzō had made his own fencing arrangements in order to keep it secure, apparently unsuccessfully.
Hazō does not have any personal points of contact with Anko. In fact, let's be very explicit about this. Hazō has never met Anko, and they have never interacted in any way at all whatsoever. Anyone claiming differently has an over-active imagination. Certainly, he has no conceivable reason to be interested in her.
Wasn't she present at the not-very-much-orgy game night?