[X] Action Plan: That's A Dick Move, Bro
Word count: 263
  1. Politics
    1. Clan Head politics are personal. Let's use that.
  2. Hagoromo
    1. Go in official capacity as Goketsu Clan Head.
    2. Act friendly. We're looking to embarrass them, and it does us very little good if our mask over our towering rage drops first.
    3. We have come to pay our respects, and to visit a long-standing friend.
    4. Now, friends don't hurt friends without at least telling each other why, right?
    5. Interrogate them about whatexactly was nontraditional about the wedding.
      1. Nitpick everything.
      2. Question everything.
      3. Question them until they have no way to admit that the marriage was anything but legitimate and it's their own spite making them pull this absolute bullshit.
    6. Using this embarrassment, get it in writing that that former understandingis to rescinded in favor of a written and stamped legitimization.
      1. If they resist, sigh, and say you had hoped to find some way out of this without the Hagoromo actually insulting you.
      2. Now that it's an insultinstead of a mistake, well.
        1. Execute Economic Armageddon.
        2. Also, challenge them to a duel. Now that it's an honor thing.
  3. Hyuga
    1. Ask for a chat with Hinata Hyuga. You know, friendly-like. We even (get some) brought flowers!
    2. We're in a spot of awkwardness, you see.
    3. I heard about your proposal to wed your dear cousin Neji to Yuno, which makes the fact that she accepted Noburi's proposal a little awkward.
    4. It's not a small thing, but the Isan village representative does get a say in things.
    5. With her decision, Isan goes.
    6. We'd like to ask you about what you might like, to help smooth the process.

[X] Action Plan: A plan with action in it
Anything else I could add to get a few more votes?
Main issue I have with your plan is that you try to utilize the Church of Youth through Hinata, who has vested interest in NoburixYuno not going through. I do not imagine she would be positively inclined towards us legitimizing an alternative religion when she already has the currently-dominant religion mostly locked down, and alerting her to our plans is...probably a bad idea.

Also, I don't think there are going to be many openly-gay citizens in Leaf, given how conservative everybody is and the corresponding stigma blah blah blah, only people who could get away with it would be protected by powerful ninja and I don't think that's likely.
[X] Action Plan: That's A Dick Move, Bro

I like getting closer with the Hyuga and trying to make peace with them. The Hyuga are a powerful clan, and if we can keep them from interfering with us all the time we can uplift Leaf much faster.
Main issue I have with your plan is that you try to utilize the Church of Youth through Hinata, who has vested interest in NoburixYuno not going through. I do not imagine she would be positively inclined towards us legitimizing an alternative religion when she already has the currently-dominant religion mostly locked down, and alerting her to our plans is...probably a bad idea.

Also, I don't think there are going to be many openly-gay citizens in Leaf, given how conservative everybody is and the corresponding stigma blah blah blah, only people who could get away with it would be protected by powerful ninja and I don't think that's likely.

I thought Hinata was the one warning us about our current predicament in the first place...
The other thing is fair though.

[X] Action Plan: That's A Dick Move, Bro
So how do people want to deal with Isan? I personally think that the most important thing we can do is make a big flashy entrance. Have explosives all around the village. Follow that up with a ton of summons heralding is. The. Team Gōketsu drops from the sky with cloaks billowing begins us. We then summon the clan leaders to our base to inform them how they can best serve the Heir of Ui
Also, challenge them to a duel. Now that it's an honor thing.

Since this isn't the first time it came up: why are people so confident that Hazou would win a duel? He is no jounin and a lot of his power comes from seals, some of which are harder to use in non-lethal combat than they were in the wild.
Since this isn't the first time it came up: why are people so confident that Hazou would win a duel? He is no jounin and a lot of his power comes from seals, some of which are harder to use in non-lethal combat than they were in the wild.
It's unlikely that the Hagoromo have a full-fledged Jounin either, given that a) Jounin are pretty rare by default with something like one per clan in most cases, and b) Most of Leaf's Jounin died recently, either from the USoUD, the BotG, or the Collapse (which also targetted the Hagoromo). If the Hagoromo had a Jounin a year ago it's likely they don't now.

Which isn't to say that they don't have a strong chuunin that's strong enough to beat us, but there I think the confidence is coming from trust in our munchkinry skills.
Dismiss Gaku, Summon Goketsu ninja
  • Check with Keiko beforehand,
checking with keiko seems redundant since she's already there. and if it isn't should add checking with mari too.

Assign a SC to produce explosive and storage seals.
can they do this safely without IN?

Haru: Look up Hagoromo-affiliated businesses or infrastructure. Try to find places where "accidents" could happen
  • Find out what security is around and what is the best way to maximize damage
Worried Haru will report this as treason to Asuma. Maybe add check with Mari beforehand.

We wanted to challenge them to a duel (their three clan members vs. OG Uplift, failing that, our pick of 3 non-Mari Gouketsu clan members) with some stakes (we win: any debt from us to them is null and void, and they owe us2 mil ryo a month. they win: we owe them 4 mil total ryo a month). "Dueling" is outlawed, but is there any nonsense in Leaf legalese that allows this in some form?
  • Surely there is some way to arrange this? Even if its informally treated as a "spar" or "competition" with corresponding stakes. Perhaps as a "bet" legally speaking?
Sparring with a bet sounds so normal i'd be surprised if it wasn't allowed. prob don't need to ask about it

edit: also how much are we willing to offering ebisu to train doggos?
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I'm pretty interested in coordinating our efforts with keiko/nara.
[X] Action Plan: Proportionate Response

Dunno If i'll have time for edits.

[x] Action Plan: Discuss and Do
Coordinate with Keiko, Mari, the Nara, etc relevant parties:
  • Hagoromo are insulting Keiko and therefore the Nara and Goketsu
  • How can we help? What are your plans?
  • We have intel on Hagoromo including their income, ninja profile, who's bigot and who's not, etc
  • Review Jiraiya's notes. Any hagoromo blackmail etc.?
  • Discuss ways to get the marriage recognized
    • Find a priest who can be bribed or blackmailed into performing it
    • Do it under Toadism, The Church of Youth, Isan culture, or Mist culture.
    • Bring up the precedent set by Mari and Jiraiya - legal marriage when necessary for Leaf
  • How is Leaf reacting to a Clan with a religious monopoly unilaterally banning an entire noble clan from a cornerstone cultural/religious ceremony?
    • How are the clanless ninja, the yakuza, Ami, ISC, and the other clans (Hyuuga, Yakuza, Senju, Uchiha, Uzumaki, etc) reacting?
  • Implement whatever is agreed upon
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Brain is slow right now. If anyone has ideas how to implement the new info into my plan let me know

Gee, it sure would be awful if some sort of chakra-sucking fog made its way across their fields and killed all the crops which represent their only intact income stream. Doubly so if it happened to contain armored murderballs rolling the desiccated remains into the soil.

What are the odds?
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[x] Action Plan: Discuss and Do
So how do people want to deal with Isan? I personally think that the most important thing we can do is make a big flashy entrance. Have explosives all around the village. Follow that up with a ton of summons heralding is. The. Team Gōketsu drops from the sky with cloaks billowing begins us. We then summon the clan leaders to our base to inform them how they can best serve the Heir of Ui

Sorry for the delay and general lack of activity, chronic migraines suck. But as long as we take Keiko, I'd be okay with this. Keiko's a messianic figure that would hold an amount of influence over them that Hazou could never reach... also, this idea is one that I didn't realize I wanted until I read it. We should also bring Yuno as a sort of "fuck you" to the Isan traditionalists who scorned her. I mean, she's marrying Noburi, Toad Summoner, brother to the Pangolin Summoner, and son of Jiraiya, whom Isan views as an Asura, if I'm remembering the Yuno chapter correctly.

Though I'd like to wait until after their wedding ceremony, just in case some Isan people try and use the couple's "unmarried" status against Yuno. I mean, they'll still probably say something like "it was a barbaric ceremony and doesn't count." But as long as we can make the wedding ceremony follow enough Isan-traditions that it counts/matters in Yuno's heart, then it'll give her the strength to fight back against those accusations. Some of us-the-hivemind might not necessarily care about ceremony, or need a wedding ceremony to feel "established," but Yuno (as liberal as she is for someone raised in Isan) is a little more traditional.

(also, we should bring Yuno on the off chance we end up burning Isan to the ground. Then we'll really get mileage about of that quote "a child not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth.")
[] Action plan: The iron star that will burn the world
[X] Action Plan: Proportionate Response
[X] Action Plan: A plan with action in it
[x] Action Plan: Discuss and Do


Hm, removing my vote because the 'Haru' section is kinda ambiguous, but I assume it only means property damage. Too late anyway.
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[x] Action Plan: Discuss and Do

Seems reasonable and doable.

So how do people want to deal with Isan? I personally think that the most important thing we can do is make a big flashy entrance. Have explosives all around the village. Follow that up with a ton of summons heralding is. The. Team Gōketsu drops from the sky with cloaks billowing begins us. We then summon the clan leaders to our base to inform them how they can best serve the Heir of Ui
I'd advise against the explosives. They're ninja, even if they haven't exactly seen many wars. Explosives will make them think they're under attack.

Maybe add some light smoke or fog? Not enough to obscure anything, just enough to add dramatic effect. If we use fog it would also give us a tactical advantage if they do go hostile.
Adhoc vote count started by Oneiros on Sep 23, 2020 at 7:05 AM, finished with 153 posts and 26 votes.
Voting is closed.