Doesn't the prospective synergy between SC and SSA mean the clone should do research?
It'd also free up Hazou Prime to do other things (coordinate the start of building the Mining Town, do more Trade Network networking, Keiko family time/romantic advice, and plotting the downfall of Lord Hagoromo/Fuckface McGee). Provided that Clone-Hazou is okay with doing seal research, of course.
Shadow Clone Plans, a suggestion for maximal precision and convenience of tracking Shadow Clone allocation:

The QMs have, upon unveiling Shadow Clone, expressed that keeping track of SC XP is the players' responsibility, such that once we know how long an update took and the XP we gained in it we can estimate how much XP our Shadow Clones will have given us.

But training isn't the only thing we'll be using Shadow Clones for. Sealing research is also shaping up to be an attractive use of SCs, and we might also find ourselves wanting to use them on other uses such as socialization. Naturally, only the shadow clones training will count towards SC XP, and only the shadow clones doing sealing research would count towards research rolls, but how do we know how many are allocated to either task?

Thus I propose the following supplemental vote type, much like Training Plans:
[] SC Plan: Double research
  • 2x Sealing
    • 1x LBF
    • 1x Megalovania Seal
  • 3x Training
2 casts: 450 CP spent.
(This being under the presumption of a context of five training blocks)

The ordering of tasks will be relevant. Should the Action Plan or update use shadow clones outside of the bounds of the SC plan, or we are unable or unwilling to cast as many as expected, the lost slots will be subtracted from the bottom entries of the plan. So if we had the 'Double Research' plan voted in but then the update had Hazou send a SC off to attend a social event instead of train, we would be left with the two research slots and two of the three training slots. Thus we are able to plan for what our SCs will do without having to be sure ahead of time how many we will have available.

Another assumption is that sealing neatly breaks down into the same size blocks as training does. If this is not the case (i.e. you need 3 blocks allocated in a row to make one research roll) then we can simply account for that in how we assess a SC Plan's validity.

The most important part is that processing this will be the players' responsibility, same as calculating XP. This will add no additional strain on QMs because all this plan does is help the hivemind agree on what tasks we want our SCs to do in the background, which we can then calculate and present to the QMs as some amount of bonus XP and some amount of research rolls to be done.

In cases where no SC Plan is voted in or where the update's duration is longer than the SC Plan's duration, we can have a SOP to tell us what to do in such a situation, which one or more members of the hivemind keeps linked in their sig and only updates when a vote to update the SOP is voted in. The SOP might look like this:
[] SC SOP: Modest Research
  • 1x Research (when one completes move onto next one)
    • LBF
    • Megalovania Seals
    • ARS
    • Modified Purifiers
  • 4x training
2 casts, 5 clones = 450 CP/day

Common sense structuring allows for more complex SC Plans. For instance, if we want to do something for 3 days and then change things up for a single day afterwards and then return to the SOP, we can just vote in something like this:
[] SC Plan: Brief Sealing Sprint
  • For three days:
    • 5x research
      • 2x ARS
      • 2x Megalovania Seal
      • 1x ARS
    • 2 casts, 5 clones = 450 CP/day
  • The next day:
    • 1x research
      • 1x Megalovania Seal
    • 2x scribing explosives
    • 1x training
    • 1 casts, 4 clones = 250 CP
Or we could make a plan that lasts for however long the update does, without changing the SOP:
[] SC Plan: No Sealing Max Training
  • Until end of update:
    • 5x training
  • 2 casts, 5 clones = 450 CP/day
Again I stress that the nature of these SC plans I am proposing is hivemind-to-hivemind coordination, so that we know how to crunch the numbers after the fact without losing any versatility or adding any additional stress to the QMs.

In addition, convenience is key. What I have described is the full form when we want to be very specific about what we want, but there is no obligation to use it in full form. If all we need is a quick line saying 'like SOP but do x seal instead of y seal' or such, then that's all we need. But having this format in our back pocket will allow us to make decisions about how our training worked out.

What do you think?
ASUMA: ...
HAZOU: ...
ASUMA: Hazou, I literally do not care about your love-life.
Hm I can clearly see that giving the impression we're dating will not have any unintended consequences at all. Maybe more of a one-liner along the lines of "what are the official Leaf guidelines regarding foreign ninja" to avoid an impression that we're being subverted by a social-spec joinin, which I'd argue is a valid concern.

Very much like this, especially since it means we won't have copies of the main plan just with different shadow clone ideas at the bottom. Something we should keep in mind, however, is that SC costs an absurd amount of chakra, and Noburi has his own things to do. Generally speaking, we need to keep in mind that we're probably going to be perpetually low on chakra given that we can't have Noburi at our beck and call. The most efficient thing to do might be having Noburi create chakra water in the morning every day, and then we can use it when we get up and start with SC in the morning - even though they leak chakra, there should still be enough left to refill us enough, and he'll have stomach space due to having slept and not eaten all night.
Remind me: If a Shadow Clone (1) creates a Shadow Clone (2), and the parent Shadow Clone (1) then dispels itself, does the newer Shadow Clone (2) still survive?
When we first met Naruto, he created a Shadow Clone, and it was later revealed that the Naruto we met was a Shadow Clone the whole time.
Well, in that case, provided that Naruto being able to do so isn't a product of either the Personality Shattering that he went through back during Hiruzen's reign, or the result of Naruto being a Jinchuuriki (after all, who knows what metaphysical/mystical weirdness might be going on inside of Naruto because of that), I'd say that the Second-Generation shadow clone dispels when the First-Generation shadow clones does, too.

I mean, it seems reasonable to think that if Hazou Prime died (Jashin forbid), his shadow clones would dispel. And this is basically the same question, right?
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I mean, it seems reasonable to think that if Hazou Prime died (Jashin forbid), his shadow clones would dispel. And this is basically the same question, right?
Then why is it that the rulesdoc says that whenever any Shadow Clone dispels, the chakra it had before it died distributed to all clones, even those made by other (not Prime, or SC1) Shadow Clones?
I... I don't think a Shadow clone can create other shadow clones?

They can.

The REAL question, the one people refuse to do science on, is whether Hazou's Earth Clones casting Earth Clone result in Hazou's Earth Clone's Earth Clone or just Hazou's Earth Clone.

Ditto for Hazou's Earth Clones casting Shadow Clone and Hazou's Shadow Clones casting Earth Clone.

This is important science that the ChakraAI doesn't want you to find out the results of! Wake up sheeple!!
Crazy Conspiracy Theory Number 666:
  1. Just as Jashin is real, so is the Shinigami.
    1. However, just as Jashin may not necessarily be a "deity," but rather, an immensely powerful Outer Entity who influences the outcome of events that specifically fall under his domain/interest (combat), the Shinigami may also simply be an Outer Entity with the domainof /interest in death and the passage from the Painted World into the Afterlife.
  2. The (canon) Uzumaki Clan had an unknown, intimate connection to the Shinigami, even having a mask that could summon it.
    1. Furthermore, I think that it's reasonable to believe that the Dead Demon Consuming Seal was of Uzumaki origin. After all, it's a seal that taps into the power of a god, and the Uzumaki were geniuses with fuuinjutsu. I believe that their sheer collective skill in fuuinjutsu, combined witih their unique relationship with the Shinigami would've been enough to create such a seal.
  3. Using this connection between the Shinigami and the Uzumaki/Uzushiogakure, I believe that the Shinigami was directly involved in MfD's vanishing of Uzushiogakure.
Interlude: Chosen for the Grave, Part 21
Interlude: Chosen for the Grave, Part 21

"Services start in five minutes! Come one, come all! Services starting in five minutes! Beds and meals available afterwards! Come one, come all!"

Valerian smiled and crossed the street to be out of the way of the horde of people scrambling for the entrance of this particular Church of Youth. He had created the Church, in those long-ago days before Phil the shadow demon brought them here. He had created it as a lark, because it was funny. The idea that the arrogant, bombastic, aristocratic Hyūga Hiashi should have to burn his fortune funding something so boisterous and so thoroughly oriented at the lower classes. It had been hilarious at the time. Now, seeing the incredible poverty that the congregation of the Church lived in, Valerian was conflicted. On the one hand, he had done real, tangible good. He had created something that gave people warmth in the winter, food and drink all year round, and a sense of community and hope. Of the three of them, Val had probably done the most to actually uplift society before coming here.

Still. Everything in this world was their fault. Valerian's. Earl's. Oli's. Every death, every sorrow, every wound, every illness. They had created all of it for the sake of entertainment.

Heinlein had had a concept of 'fictons', the idea that every story was true somewhere, that every time a new story was written a new universe would spring into existence to embody it. If there really were ficton universes, if writing really could create them, then literacy should be abolished. It would save the lives of...more people than he could think of a number to describe. Of course, if literacy were to be banned then people would simply start creating and passing on the stories verbally. Stories had a life of their own, and they fought for survival just as much as any animal did. They burrowed into the minds of young children and ancient elders, reproducing every time they were told to a new ear. When chased in an attempt to stamp them out, they hid deep in the quiet whispers and the anonymous pamphlets.

Stories were powerful. Stories had changed the world. The story of Equality was one that had been told down through the ages and fully matured back in the twentieth century with the advent of radio and television. The story had spread across the land, gliding on the electromagnetic winds as it passed lightly through every ear and every eye. Even those who hated the story had sheltered it. They had passed on corrupted versions of it, adding hatred and poison to the amniotic fluid of the mind so that when the new generation of Equality was born it had been twisted into something antithetical to its parents. Those corrupted children still existed but the true story, the shining story that everyone knew was true regardless of how much they hated that fact, that story was slowly winning the long war against its tortured offspring.

There were other stories. The story of Religion had been around far longer than Equality and had touched more hearts. It had made more promises and been twisted to more ends. Its family tree was deeper and wider and held far more branches than its many-generations-younger cousin. Many of those branches shone purest gold...and many of them dripped poison.

The story of Chosen for the Grave was a tiny story, very young and very weak. It had been heard by a few handfuls of people. Yet still it existed and lived and breathed in their hearts, whispering its promises of adventure and excitement and relief from the boredom and stress of everyday life. It told of great heroes, mythic figures, fearsome monsters. It told of daring escapes, tragedies both quiet and loud, of the power for one person, or a few people, to change society through sheer force of will.

Chosen for the Grave lived and breathed in its own ficton, and so now did its creators. Its authors had become trapped in their own story, no longer above the fearful events and deadly dangers, no long safely sheltered behind the fourth wall. Valerian, Earl, and Oli had found a tentative welcome conditional on their continued usefulness. There was no shortage of ways to be useful, that was certain. Valerian had hundreds, perhaps thousands of jutsu that he could trade. He knew parts of the worldbuilding that the others didn't...Earl because his brain was cheese and he tended to forget things, Oli because there were things created before he joined the team and some of those things never happened to come up thereafter. Sometimes it was neither. There were notes that Valerian had kept stocked away for a rainy day, little doodles and scribbles that had never been run past the others yet had still made it into this world regardless. The painter who lived at 7 Senju Way, 3rd Floor and worked on the mural across the street on his lunch hour. The young couple who lived above the bakery just off Namikaze Park and revelled in the joy that was their new daughter, no matter how sickly she was. The telescope merchant, cursed to never speak with the one person most desperate to buy his wares. Valerian had used his jutsu, mostly the Telescope Technique, to check on these and a hundred other daydreams and half-baked ideas. Every single one of them was here. He was responsible for all of them.

He hadn't mentioned this to Earl or Oli. As far as he could tell, neither of the others had put it together that even the parts they hadn't agreed on were real, and they certainly hadn't spent much time thinking about the implications of creating a universe. Oli because he was too optimistic, too focused on helping the people in front of him. Earl because...well, because he was too wrapped up in his seal research and, honestly, a little oblivious. Valerian hoped that his friend clung tight to that lack of self-examination.

Here it was. The green door with the faded blue trim, the trim that had been put there years ago by a newly-married and apple-cheeked young woman with hope for the future.

He stared at the door for a moment, thinking about creation and destruction and the importance of authorial choices. And then he knocked.

There was a rustling from inside. A moment later, the door opened to reveal an older woman, her skin leathered by decades of working at the tannery. There were tear tracks on her face.

"Mrs Tanaka?" said Valerian, struggling to get the words out. "My name is Valerian. I'm very sorry for your loss. May I come in?"
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I fear my time today got used up on other things, notably family time, and I didn't get started until too late if I was going to try for a punching update. Hopefully this will tide you over. Apologies. I'll figure it out with @Velorien. Until then, my suggestion is this:

Voting is open for Thursday. The plan that won for today is locked in for next Sunday.

If Velorien wants to write the plan I should have done today, cool. We'll close voting, he'll do this plan, and then we'll open it again for Sunday.
[x] Action Plan: Sundae Thursday

  • Continue Seal research
  • Arrange heavy escort mission for a Wakahasia koi expert, with Asuma's approval and input.
  • Any idea here?
  • Misc
    • Use free evening to catch up on the state of the art skyslider.
    • Go hunting with Candoru in the forest of death; should be a milk run
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Too sleepy to say much, but that was a good chapter! Things I'll be likely to vote for: Hazou asking for relationship advice from Keiko. Personally, I feel like the romance arc is moving towards an interconnected polygon direction, so Keiko might have a unique perspective (she's Hazou's age and in a nontraditional relationship). But if you want to leave it open-ended as "ask Keiko for romantic advice, hazou-pilot the specifics" that's cool too. I mainly want Hazou and Keiko to reaffirm their familial bond by sharing this awkward-but-genuine scene.