I will trade 2 votes (nonexclusive, no qualms wrt content) to all who exclusively vote for my plan.

Edit: Contingent upon its actual implementation.
Last edited:

[X] Action Plan: Abomination Crafting 101
Word Count: 298
  • Ask Keiko for a more-detailed Uplift plan for later analysis and discussion.
  • Chat with Ino.
    • Get Mari's advice; we want things to go well.
    • Genuinely thank her for sending Choki. It meant a lot to us.
      • Really, you're always there if we need help; you're too good for us.
      • Is there anything we can do to help you?
    • The 'concubine law':
      • Earnestly ask for her support.
      • Our opinion: It's really dumb someone like Keiko must hide her relationship and do all of thisjust to have some sort of legal recognition. Love is love, right?
        • We don't expect things to change quickly, but we do hope it's a step in the right direction.
      • That being said, we do want to hear any of Ino's concerns out. Listen nonjudgmentally and discuss solutions.
      • Also, Shikamaru would probably be in her debt for infinity plus a billion eons.
    • Spend some time catching up.
  • Meet with Noburi (medium OPSEC):
    • Have the Otters responded to us?
    • Seventh Path Chakra Farm: How is this going?
      • We'll be needing this for long-term missions like the scroll hunt, and should expend massive resources to set this up.
      • Has chakra rice been tested? What other options are worth investigating?
    • 'Akimichi Chakra Enhancement Technique': How does this interact with Noburi's bloodline?
      • Research the jutsu notes, see if we can speak with a knowledgeable Akimichi.
      • Double-check with Tsunade for medical advice.
    • Toads:
      • Make several contracts, ideally covering CQC, long-ranged combat, scouting/stealth, diplomat/courier, and support.
      • Ask what interactions the Toads have had with Orochimaru.
  • Misc.:
    • Search Jiraiya's notes for Orochimaru-related intel.
    • Finish Canoe's request, then spend time with the Clan.
      • Pay our respect to Kakashi with any dogs he contracted or otherwise liked.
      • Learn more about Dog culture.
    • Task Mari with acquiring the grape-producing land.
    • Continue seal research.

Is it a good idea to shove the Doggos into the misc section when it's very important to our survival? Misc is for doing actions that are not terribly important but things we like to see happen anyway, or necessary boring background stuff. I don't see how deemphasis of Doggos qualify.

Also, we're also doing a lot of stuff in the Noburi/Toads section that the QMs are going to have to think about. What are the most important thing we should be doing with the toads anyway?

[X] Action Plan: Abomination Rejiggered.

  • Ask Keiko for a more-detailed Uplift plan for later analysis and discussion.
  • Chat with Ino.
    • Get Mari's advice; we want things to go well.
    • Genuinely thank her for sending Choki. It meant a lot to us.
      • Really, you're always there if we need help; you're too good for us.
      • Is there anything we can do to help you?
    • The 'concubine law':
      • Earnestly ask for her support.
      • Our opinion: It's really dumb someone like Keiko must hide her relationship and do all of thisjust to have some sort of legal recognition. Love is love, right?
        • We don't expect things to change quickly, but we do hope it's a step in the right direction.
      • That being said, we do want to hear any of Ino's concerns out. Listen nonjudgmentally and discuss solutions.
      • Also, Shikamaru would probably be in her debt for infinity plus a billion eons.
    • Akane wanted to hang out with us.
  • Meet with Noburi (medium OPSEC):
    • 'Akimichi Chakra Enhancement Technique': How does this interact with Noburi's bloodline?
      • Research the jutsu notes, see if we can speak with a knowledgeable Akimichi.
      • Double-check with Tsunade for medical advice.
  • Misc.:
    • Search Jiraiya's notes for Orochimaru-related intel.
    • Task Mari with acquiring the grape-producing land.
    • Start a Glassworker R&D team. Research in order of completion:
      • Wine bottle(IFF don't exist)
      • Reinvent the telescope
    • Continue seal research.
[X] Action Plan: A Talk with Ino Yamanaka
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I will trade 2 votes (nonexclusive, no qualms wrt content) to all who exclusively vote for my plan.
*Generic Chain Smoking Narrator voice*
The thread was silent. MMKII had just upended the norms of the thread completely. They had all just witnessed the most blatant display of thread politics since Game Theoretic Coercion.

Would the way plans accrue votes, nay, would the thread's very culture itself, ever be the same again?

Fake Edit:
Is it a good idea to shove the Doggos into the misc section when it's very important to our survival? Misc is for doing actions that are not terribly important but things we like to see happen anyway, or necessary boring background stuff. I don't see how deemphasis of Doggos qualify.

Also, we're also doing a lot of stuff in the Noburi/Toads section that the QMs are going to have to think about. What are the most important thing we should be doing with the toads anyway?

[X] Action Plan: Abomination Rejiggered.

  • Ask Keiko for a more-detailed Uplift plan for later analysis and discussion.
  • Chat with Ino.
    • Get Mari's advice; we want things to go well.
    • Genuinely thank her for sending Choki. It meant a lot to us.
      • Really, you're always there if we need help; you're too good for us.
      • Is there anything we can do to help you?
    • The 'concubine law':
      • Earnestly ask for her support.
      • Our opinion: It's really dumb someone like Keiko must hide her relationship and do all of thisjust to have some sort of legal recognition. Love is love, right?
        • We don't expect things to change quickly, but we do hope it's a step in the right direction.
      • That being said, we do want to hear any of Ino's concerns out. Listen nonjudgmentally and discuss solutions.
      • Also, Shikamaru would probably be in her debt for infinity plus a billion eons.
    • Akane wanted to hang out with us.
  • Meet with Noburi (medium OPSEC):
    • 'Akimichi Chakra Enhancement Technique': How does this interact with Noburi's bloodline?
      • Research the jutsu notes, see if we can speak with a knowledgeable Akimichi.
      • Double-check with Tsunade for medical advice.
  • Misc.:
    • Search Jiraiya's notes for Orochimaru-related intel.
    • Task Mari with acquiring the grape-producing land.
    • Start a Glassworker R&D team. Research in order of completion:
      • Wine bottle(IFF don't exist)
      • Reinvent the telescope
    • Continue seal research.
*Generic Chain Smoking Narrator voice*
*Boy does this voice need to quite smoking*
And then the thread went right back to normal.


I'm not casting judgement one way or another, I was just impressed with the boldness of the move and wondering whether this (the tactic, not the plan) is a good idea.
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*Generic Chain Smoking Narrator voice*
The thread was silent. MMKII had just upended the norms of the thread completely. They had all just witnessed the most blatant display of thread politics since Game Theoretic Coercion.
*gravelly detective voice*
Some folks say that you can't be Chaotic Neutral and hold to a code...

Well, some folks have never met me.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by eaglejarl on Aug 1, 2020 at 2:55 AM, finished with 78 posts and 20 votes.
[X] Action plan: The wind howls its defiance
Time period: 1 week

  • Dogs:
    • Manufacture bags and sleds, then deliver to Canoe.
    • Spend some time paying our respect to Kakashi with them.
      • Specifically to any dogs he had as summons or knew well.
    • See if we can meet more of the clan and learn their culture.
Lots of good pathos and emotional speeches here. Sounds good.

  • Meet with Noburi (medium OPSEC):
    • Have the Otters returned our message about the scroll?
    • We'll be spending huge amounts of chakra on the scroll hunt. How is the work on the Seventh Path chakra farm going?
      • Especially on a long term mission. If we are depending on Noburi for refills we won't be able to keep him full
      • We should spend a large amount of resources to get this rolling.
      • Has chakra rice been tested?
      • other options that Noburi thinks are worth investigating?
    • Enhancing internal chakra reserves:
      • Check with Chouza to see if he knows how it might interact with Noburi's bloodline
      • If it needs additional tweaking talk to Tsunade for medical advice.
    • Toads
      • Try to find additional contracts. We want him to have at least a close quarters combatant, a long range fighter, a scout/stealth expert, a diplomat/courier and, a support specialist
      • Try to find out information about Orochimaru
        • The toads interacted with him for many years so should have some insights
        • He's to dangerous to not understand
  • Begin looking through Jiariya's journals for information on Orochimaru
  • Misc:
    • Continue seal research.
    • Task Mari with acquiring all the grape producing land
The Noburi section is a Fibber McGee's Closet of stuff, easily an update or more unto itself.

You were working on chakdar most recently. We never figured out where that stands; what do you want to research next if chakdar is finished?

Ok, I can't resist. HIVEMIND, TO ME!

(we can resume the other plan after the convo)

@Dictator4Hire I believe this aligns with your interests.

[X] Action Plan: A Talk with Ino Yamanaka

Go have a talk with Ino over dinner. Check and optimize points with relevant parties (Akane, yourself, Mari, etc.)
  • Subjects:
    • Keiko's birthday present + "concubine law" stuff.
      • Ask her earnestly if she would mind supporting this.
      • Express your opinion on the matter: its frankly quite terrible that someone like Keiko has to jump through big flaming legal hoops just to have her relationships legally recognized in the most miniscule of fashions. While you aren't holding out hope that things will change overnight and everything will be sunshine and rainbows for people whose romantic interests aren't the norms, you do believe this will be a step in the right direction.
      • Love is love, right?
      • Anyways, what do you think about this law thing? What's your opinion on it?
        • Listen intently to her perspective.
      • Attempt to gently persuade her on reasonable points of contention.
      • Also, Shikamaru would probably be in her debt for infinity plus a billion eons. Might put a dent in all the yucky paperwork (paperwork spoken as if it were a blight on mankind itself).
    • Her lending us someone to confirm evidence.
      • Thank her for doing that. It meant a lot to us and we were able to get to the bottom of things.
      • Thank her for helping us out with... well, everything really! She's always been there if we needed help.
      • She really is too good to us.
    • What can we help you out with?
      • Since you are "Literally the Best" , what can we help you out with? You said your senior ninja were busy on unspecified ninja stuff, anything there we can do? Any cunning Ino Plots you might need some assistance with? What mighty quests might you have that we can take up to lighten your burden, O Illustrious Lady Yamanaka?
    • Also, Akane wants to go shopping with you soon. Expenses covered.
      • (Hazou Note: Check budget with Gaku and clear + schedule with Akane beforehand. This is just an opportunity for Akane to flex her own persuasive muscles on the subject if need be, plus extra icing on the cake.)
    • Lighthearted conversational filler (if she's in need of some relaxing discussion to de-stress, be sure to ask)
      • Ask her opinion of some of the romance arcs in the Icha Icha series. Which ones were her favorite? Your favorites were —
Forgive me, but I cannot comment on this plan.


[X] Action Plan: Abomination Crafting 101
Word Count: 298
  • Ask Keiko for a more-detailed Uplift plan for later analysis and discussion.
  • Chat with Ino.
    • Get Mari's advice; we want things to go well.
    • Genuinely thank her for sending Choki. It meant a lot to us.
      • Really, you're always there if we need help; you're too good for us.
      • Is there anything we can do to help you?
    • The 'concubine law':
      • Earnestly ask for her support.
      • Our opinion: It's really dumb someone like Keiko must hide her relationship and do all of this just to have some sort of legal recognition. Love is love, right?
        • We don't expect things to change quickly, but we do hope it's a step in the right direction.
      • That being said, we do want to hear any of Ino's concerns out. Listen nonjudgmentally and discuss solutions.
      • Also, Shikamaru would probably be in her debt for infinity plus a billion eons.
    • Spend some time catching up.
  • Meet with Noburi (medium OPSEC):
    • Have the Otters responded to us?
    • Seventh Path Chakra Farm: How is this going?
      • We'll be needing this for long-term missions like the scroll hunt, and should expend massive resources to set this up.
      • Has chakra rice been tested? What other options are worth investigating?
    • 'Akimichi Chakra Enhancement Technique': How does this interact with Noburi's bloodline?
      • Research the jutsu notes, see if we can speak with a knowledgeable Akimichi.
      • Double-check with Tsunade for medical advice.
    • Toads:
      • Make several contracts, ideally covering CQC, long-ranged combat, scouting/stealth, diplomat/courier, and support.
      • Ask what interactions the Toads have had with Orochimaru.
  • Misc.:
    • Search Jiraiya's notes for Orochimaru-related intel.
    • Finish Canoe's request, then spend time with the Clan.
      • Pay our respect to Kakashi with any dogs he contracted or otherwise liked.
      • Learn more about Dog culture.
    • Task Mari with acquiring the grape-producing land.
    • Continue seal research.
Copyedit: "thisjust" is two words, not one.

Generally the same comments as above.

"utilize information
Ah, the word 'utilize'. The more sesquipedalian sibling of 'use'.

I want more romcom but I don't want to burden birdduke with it. There's only one way to solve this issue.

[X] Interlude : Punching
Have no fear. I have a positively evil lovely idea of what to do here.

Just curious if any of you were drawing on DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) alters to model Kei's interaction with Snowflake?
So far Snowflake is entirely @Velorien's creation as I haven't gotten around to writing her yet. I don't know enough about DID to make use of it but may have to look it up.
The Noburi section is a Fibber McGee's Closet of stuff, easily an update or more unto itself.

You were working on chakdar most recently. We never figured out where that stands; what do you want to research next if chakdar is finished?
Per @eaglejarl's advice cut down the Noburi section and added additional seal research

[X] Action plan: The wind howls its defiance
Time period: 1 week

  • Dogs:
    • Manufacture bags and sleds, then deliver to Canoe.
    • Spend some time paying our respect to Kakashi with them.
      • Specifically to any dogs he had as summons or knew well.
    • See if we can meet more of the clan and learn their culture.
  • Meet with Noburi (medium OPSEC):
    • Have the Otters returned our message about the scroll?
    • We'll be spending huge amounts of chakra on the scroll hunt. How is the work on the Seventh Path chakra farm going?
      • Especially on a long term mission. If we are depending on Noburi for refills we won't be able to keep him full
      • We should spend a large amount of resources to get this rolling.
      • Has chakra rice been tested?
      • other options that Noburi thinks are worth pursuing
  • Begin looking through Jiariya's journals for information on Orochimaru
  • Misc:
    • Continue seal research.
      • If we finish Chakdar move on to LBF
    • Task Mari with acquiring all the grape producing land
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail

Just curious if any of you were drawing on DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) alters to model Kei's interaction with Snowflake?
Not exactly. Their situation is fairly unprecedented. For one, because of the Frozen Skein thing, they effectively have different brains that work in different ways, and a rather complicated memory situation.
Keiko was originally enthusiastic about SC because it would remove her Frozen Skein handicap.
However with Snowflake viewing herself as separate from Keiko, and Keiko not able to fully integrate Snowflake's memories.
It seems like there is no longer an emotional benefit to Keiko in using SC to remove her handicap.
Suggesting that Snowflake's continued existence depends entirely on proving her value to Keiko. Although given the current results that doesn't sound too hard far her.

Man voting session is short this time.
@Kiba, @faflec Y'all should clarify how long the action plan is intended to last. There are something items that could take a while.

For now since it looks like the shortest timespan plan
[X] Action Plan: A Talk with Ino Yamanaka
Hopefully we can sell this as a favor to Shikamaru. To get closer to Forbidden Lore trust.
Last edited:
Keiko was originally enthusiastic about SC because it would remove her Frozen Skein handicap.
However with Snowflake viewing herself as separate from Keiko, and Keiko not able to fully integrate Snowflake's memories.
It seems like there is no longer an emotional benefit to Keiko in using SC to remove her handicap.
Suggesting that Snowflake's continued existence depends entirely on proving her value to Keiko. Although given the current results that doesn't sound too hard far her.

Man voting session is short this time.
@Kiba, @faflec Y'all should clarify how long the action plan is intended to last. There are something items that could take a while.

For now since it looks like the shortest timespan plan
[X] Action Plan: A Talk with Ino Yamanaka
Hopefully we can sell this as a favor to Shikamaru. To get closer to Forbidden Lore trust.
Yeah, sorry roobee, I'm a little bit...burned out. Probably won't be able to make changes.
  • Earnestly ask for her support.
  • Our opinion: It's really dumb someone like Keiko must hide her relationship and do all of thisjust to have some sort of legal recognition. Love is love, right?
    • We don't expect things to change quickly, but we do hope it's a step in the right direction.
  • That being said, we do want to hear any of Ino's concerns out. Listen nonjudgmentally and discuss solutions.
HAZOU: Here is (describes law), here is my take on this law (describes take on law).
INO: (butts in to say a few comments)
HAZOU: So what is your take on law?

We also have to consider we're dealing with politics here. Ino may not have any personal objections to the law, but she's not exactly a seasoned clan head either, and might be subject to internal clan pressures here. I think we've come far enough to not have to worry about it, but I still hope Hazou approaches this tactfully. Ino's concerns might not be something she wants to discuss with an outsider, especially if she wants Hazou to maintain a certain impression of her.

Ah, the word 'utilize'. The more sesquipedalian sibling of 'use'.

Utilize makes me think professionalism, applying and leveraging knowledge, and Mari taking over the entirety of the Konoha economic structure. Use is more hitting a nail with a hammer.
Voting is closed.
Adhoc vote count started by eaglejarl on Aug 1, 2020 at 1:01 PM, finished with 95 posts and 25 votes.
@Dictator4Hire I believe this aligns with your interests.
You are correct and even though I wasn't able to make it in time to vote I'm still very glad that the plan won.

I'm already here though so I might as well give some feedback on the plan. Who knows? Perhaps EJ might find something useful from this.
Keiko's birthday present + "concubine law" stuff.
  • Ask her earnestly if she would mind supporting this.
  • Express your opinion on the matter: its frankly quite terrible that someone like Keiko has to jump through big flaming legal hoops just to have her relationships legally recognized in the most miniscule of fashions. While you aren't holding out hope that things will change overnight and everything will be sunshine and rainbows for people whose romantic interests aren't the norms, you do believe this will be a step in the right direction.
  • Love is love, right?
  • Anyways, what do you think about this law thing? What's your opinion on it?
    • Listen intently to her perspective.
  • Attempt to gently persuade her on reasonable points of contention.
  • Also, Shikamaru would probably be in her debt for infinity plus a billion eons. Might put a dent in all the yucky paperwork (paperwork spoken as if it were a blight on mankind itself).
I foresee a scene where Hazou freezes up after Ino asks him whether or not he personally has a stake in such a law. Hazou will say of course, because it's for Keiko his sister and it doesn't get more personal than that. Ino will huff and Hazou will smile in the way the only truely dense can.

In other words, it's a Tuesday. This is not a bad thing: our denseness can be adorkable at times and I'm sure it will be a lovely scene.

Her lending us someone to confirm evidence.
  • Thank her for doing that. It meant a lot to us and we were able to get to the bottom of things.
  • Thank her for helping us out with... well, everything really! She's always been there if we needed help.
  • She really is too good to us.
I have it on good authority that:
Heh. Flattery will get you everywhere.
Flattery will get you everywhere nowhere somewhere (maybe).
Flattery will get you nowhere everywhere.
So this will be good.

What can we help you out with?
  • Since you are "Literally the Best" , what can we help you out with? You said your senior ninja were busy on unspecified ninja stuff, anything there we can do? Any cunning Ino Plots you might need some assistance with? What mighty quests might you have that we can take up to lighten your burden, O Illustrious Lady Yamanaka?
Ino side quest?!?!

All of my YES.

Also, Akane wants to go shopping with you soon. Expenses covered.
  • (Hazou Note: Check budget with Gaku and clear + schedule with Akane beforehand. This is just an opportunity for Akane to flex her own persuasive muscles on the subject if need be, plus extra icing on the cake.)
This confuses me and I'm sure it will stump Ino for a bit too as she tries to figure out what exactly the subtext is here. I'm hopeful that it will help us regain the flow of the conversation at least.

Lighthearted conversational filler (if she's in need of some relaxing discussion to de-stress, be sure to ask)
  • Ask her opinion of some of the romance arcs in the Icha Icha series. Which ones were her favorite? Your favorites were —
Am I... out of touch..? Do the kids these days really go into public restaurants and have Book Club: Smut Edition on a date? Do the children even have book clubs?!?!

This is going to be veeeeeeeeeeeeeeery interesting. Either we stick our foot in our mouth further in than usual or Hazou uses some of his agency to waggle his eyebrows and make some classy innuendos instead.

I am highly looking forward to tomorrow's update now.