To the best of my knowledge, no one has asked and we have not answered.
I suppose I deserved that.

But since you've responded - are there certain limitations, such as the Wakahisa chakra coil... stuff... that would be game breaking enough if subverted that by QM fiat we will never be able to succeed at?

If yes, is it less fun for you all to have scenes and spoons spent on dead ends enough that you will tell us, even if HDK?

Finally, if yes to both of these, is the Wakahisa chakra coil... stuff... an example of a limitation that we will never be able to "fix" and thus should stop trying?
[] Training Hazou: Akimichi Chakra Enhancement Technique
[] Training Keiko: Akimichi Chakra Enhancement Technique
[] Training Akane: Akimichi Chakra Enhancement Technique
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[X] Action plan: The wind howls it's defiance

The unnecessary apostrophe is killing me

Also Faflec, although you are not rewriting your plan atm, I am still interested in telling Keiko about FOOM soon, especially since people want to leave to go on adventures. I'd like to tell her before we go if that ends up happening.
[X] Training Hazou: Akimichi Chakra Enhancement Technique
[X] Training Keiko: Akimichi Chakra Enhancement Technique
[X] Training Akane: Akimichi Chakra Enhancement Technique

*makes X motion with arms*

This does not help the FOOM at this time.
But since you've responded - are there certain limitations, such as the Wakahisa chakra coil... stuff... that would be game breaking enough if subverted that by QM fiat we will never be able to succeed at?
Nothing comes to mind but I won't promise there aren't any.
Bleh, yeah. Had been thinking the Stunt was a pay-after-completion thing like with Summoning.
Eh. I'm not fixed on it. It's more that it bothered me that the skill was supposed to take X amount of time to master but at the end of that time you didn't have the XP to buy it. I suppose that we could simply model that as you were having trouble learning it.

Gōketsu Yoshio, a giant of a man with arms like tree trunks and a beard that could hide a small deer, looked down at Hazō in barely-suppressed fear. His wife Shizue, a young woman withered before her time by a wasting disease, looked up at him with a poker face. Their daughter, Karen, hid behind her father's legs as if they were a palisade, peeking out warily at the deadly chakra beast prowling outside her village.

It was not the kind of welcome he'd hoped for when he visited the Sacred Ibis, an old, ramshackle tavern in the poor quarter which the owners steadfastly refused to abandon no matter how Yoshio's half-brother urged them to move to the Gōketsu estate. (Based on the sign outside, an ibis was a kind of lizard with a leathery mane.)

"W-Welcome to our humble home, Lord Gōketsu," Yoshio stuttered in a low baritone that would probably have caused a small earthquake if the man ever sang. "How m-may I serve you?"

Hazō suppressed a sigh. "There is no need for concern. I'm just here to talk to you about your daughter."

"Oh," Shizue said quietly, with effort. "This is about the…"

"It is," Hazō said eventually, when Shizue showed no sign of wanting to finish her sentence. "I apologise for allowing it to happen."

His bow was deep, deep enough that he didn't have to see their faces as the subject rose to the forefront of their minds, especially Karen's. Some part of him wished it could stay that way forever.

"Please raise your head!" Yoshio nearly screamed. "You have nothing to apologise for, my lord!"

The reaction seemed over-the-top at first, but thinking about it, Hazō strongly suspected that the traditional response to a civilian witnessing their clan head's humiliation was summary execution. Still, there was no way around it. For failing to anticipate the risks involved with an institution he'd built himself, Hazō deserved to be humiliated. If the abuse by an authority figure had a tenth of the impact on these kids that it'd had on Mari…

Hazō raised his head.

"But I do," he said heavily. "There is something I've started to understand over the past few months, clansman, and that is the reason a clan head has absolute power. It isn't a privilege that comes with the bloodline. It isn't a reward for doing the hardest job. It is the minimum requirement to make me able to carry out my duty.

"By adopting you into my clan, I've taken responsibility for you. I've promised that when you fall, it will be my hand that reaches out to help you up. When you make a mistake, I will be the one to deal with the consequences. And when you're attacked, I will be the one to defend you.

"Your daughter is as much of a Gōketsu as you or me. I have a duty to protect her with all the power of a clan head, and I have failed in that duty. It's as simple as that, and the fact that I can build walls with the wave of a hand or make laws with a few spoken words doesn't change it one bit.

"I can't undo what's been done. No ninja has the power to do that."

Ino had likened memory erasure to groping around inside the raw flesh of someone's brain with a pair of forceps. She'd refused to say, presumably in the name of clan secrets, whether that meant fulfilling his request was impossible, too dangerous, or merely too difficult.

"But I can give you the apology you deserve, and I can make amends."

As the three civilians stared at him, dumbstruck, he reached out and placed a heavy pouch of ryō on the saké-stained table in front of him. The thud seemed to jerk them back to their senses.

The two adults looked at each other and exchanged several intense seconds of couple telepathy.

"We can't possibly accept this, my lord," Yoshio finally said. Shizue nodded firmly.

"Can't you?" Hazō asked. "It's your right to refuse, but in the end, the money is an apology to Karen. She is the one I failed."

He looked down at the girl, who continued to stare at him in silence. There was less fear in it now, though, and more curiosity. While the adults were stuck on the fact that the tiniest offence here could be a death sentence for them (living in the village proper, they had yet to internalise that that simply wasn't the Way of Gōketsu), Karen seemed like she had the flexibility of mind to understand that she didn't understand—not because it was an adult matter, but because the world was different to how she'd thought it was. Hazō smiled on the inside. There was meaning in educating civilians, no matter how the other clans sneered.

"I've done what I can about it," Hazō said, "and I've been careful about not making this a public visit, but even the Sage's power couldn't kill a rumour. If Karen becomes known as a victim of rape, there will be those who call her damaged goods, and I've had it explained to me what that can mean for a young woman's prospects. If you don't want that money for yourselves, call it her dowry for when she comes of age."

More couple telepathy.

"We would be honoured," Yoshio said, relaxing a little. "I have no words with which to repay such generosity, my lord."

"There's no need," Hazō said. His gaze shifted downwards. "Karen, I have something to say to you too."

The girl continued to watch him warily, but she straightened up a little bit. Briefly, she met his eyes, then urgently looked down again.

"There's someone at the Gōketsu estate who went through the same thing as you. She's an adult now, and very wise, and she says that if you ever need someone to talk to, her door is always open to you. As your clan head, I promise that you can trust her. Ask for Gōketsu Mari."

The gesture of vulnerability involved in that, for Mari to bare her greatest trauma to strangers on her own initiative, had staggered him. If this was the shape Mari's personality was going to take as she finally went beyond her "playful manipulator" holding pattern and began to create something new, she was going to become a new kind of power to be reckoned with. Hazō had no words either, not for how proud he was.

"My secretary has your names," Hazō said. "If you ever need help with anything, come to the main estate and you'll get it, no questions asked. I will review the procedures we have at the school, but for now, I promise you that every new teacher will be thoroughly vetted, and all complaints—even minor complaints—will be taken seriously. A Gōketsu doesn't flinch away from the truth, even if that truth is hard to say or hard to hear."

"Thank you, my lord," Yoshio said, his voice finally somewhat even.

"We've been so rude," Shizue croaked after a silence that was just a breath short of awkward. "Tea, your lordship? Something stronger?"

Hazō shook his head. For someone who'd been a teacher a bare handful of months, Ikeda had been a busy sexual predator, and Karen's family was only the first on Hazō's list.

"Thank you for the generous offer, but I need to get going. It's going to be a very long day."

You have received 4 XP.

Your appointment with Ino, followed by the visits, took up the entire day and all of your spoons. The rest of the plan has yet to be implemented.

What do you do?

Sunday will be an interlude, so voting closes on Wednesday 29th of July, 12 p.m. London time.

Excellently written.

I must admit I rather hate having those conversations with the victims on my cases, especially when the next sentence is usually "now tell a room full of strangers what you just told me, and it might be another year before this is finally resolved and the resolution is unknown and uncertain" rather than "here's a big bag of money, a nobleman's promise you'll never want for anything again, and justice has been meted out with absolute finality so now you can try to move on with your life."
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@Immortal Lurker I feel like the strategy of stay at home while summons hunt chakra beasts. use harvested chakra to summon more summons. Repeat. Works better.

Too much time in transit. Risks the whole thing becoming negative sum. Also, the summons don't know the terrain, or the beasts. Now, if we do find a target area that is rich enough in chakra beasts to make that viable, I'm fine with it. But I'm willing to accept what I think is fairly minimal risk for a tighter feedback loop. Real ninja should have no direct engagements, we have Noburi and at least one other medic on location, and we know the beasts that we will be fighting. This is as safe as being a ninja gets.
You know, I'm a little confused about if Shadow Clones are philosophically people.

Naruto's SC sure seem to have their own wants and desires, going by the Basement Chapter, but it's also implied that Naruto had to have his personality stitched back together by a dozen S-rank ninja (after he, presumably, consciously used the SC-drift to artificially induce a personality change and a Big Whoopsie happened along the way), so the liveliness of his SC could just be a side effect of that. Or it could be something related to his nature as an Uzumaki (whose canon chakra was uniquely suited to hold tailed beasts, Kushina's especially) or perhaps his nature as a Jinchuuriki.

And Snowflake openly says that she only has agency because of the way that the FS interacts with Keiko's brain/mind/consciousness, so there's no promise that all shadow clones will be of a similar disposition --let alone Hazou's, since the IN is of a more physical flavor than the FS.

Given the ambiguity, I'm instinctually leaning towards treating Shadow Clones like Summons --non-human sophontic beings who are worthy of the moral consideration that's inherent within "personhood," but also have natures that are inherently different from a human's and should be respected, as far as we're able to. If I'm wrong and SC aren't generally "people" outside of a few unique circumstances, then we're simply being polite and waste nothing but some idle time and a few words. If I'm right, then we're treating a sophontic being with the respect it deserves as a philosophical person.

TL;DR: No idea if Shadow Clones are people because magic fuckery is magic fuckery, but I'm down to treat them as though they are, just in case.

(Also, migraine went away around 4 this morning ^.^)
You know, I'm a little confused about if Shadow Clones are philosophically people.

Naruto's SC sure seem to have their own wants and desires, going by the Basement Chapter, but it's also implied that Naruto had to have his personality stitched back together by a dozen S-rank ninja (after he, presumably, consciously used the SC-drift to artificially induce a personality change and a Big Whoopsie happened along the way), so the liveliness of his SC could just be a side effect of that. Or it could be something related to his nature as an Uzumaki (whose canon chakra was uniquely suited to hold tailed beasts, Kushina's especially) or perhaps his nature as a Jinchuuriki.

And Snowflake openly says that she only has agency because of the way that the FS interacts with Keiko's brain/mind/consciousness, so there's no promise that all shadow clones will be of a similar disposition --let alone Hazou's, since the IN is of a more physical flavor than the FS.

Given the ambiguity, I'm instinctually leaning towards treating Shadow Clones like Summons --non-human sophontic beings who are worthy of the moral consideration that's inherent within "personhood," but also have natures that are inherently different from a human's and should be respected, as far as we're able to. If I'm wrong and SC aren't generally "people" outside of a few unique circumstances, then we're simply being polite and waste nothing but some idle time and a few words. If I'm right, then we're treating a sophontic being with the respect it deserves as a philosophical person.

TL;DR: No idea if Shadow Clones are people because magic fuckery is magic fuckery, but I'm down to treat them as though they are, just in case.

(Also, migraine went away around 4 this morning ^.^)
My understanding is that SC are fully fledged people. However, most of them are high fidelity copies of other people, and will have their memories inserted into that person upon death.

Due to the short length of time SC exist for, and their starting similarity, most problems associated with death are avoided. Any friends made or passions felt by the SC will like be mirrored by the host upon memory integration. The SC can despawn confident that their laughter, tears, joy, and pain will still be felt. In part, due to memories of this happening several times before.

Snowflake and Naruto the Maneater are interesting cases. These aren't just people, they are different from the people they are supposed to be clones of. Which led to unusual circumstances.

Snowflake is highly confident that her thoughts, opinions, and emotions will not be shared by Keiko, because she has memories of that not happening. If Keiko were to never cast SC again, that would be like dying. There would be no one left who was Snowflake. However, she knows that she will come back every time Keiko casts SC, so she isn't that scared of desummoning. The new Snowflake will have all the memories, and most of the opinions, beliefs, and emotions of the current one.

Naruto the Maneater is different still. He is reasonably confident that Naruto Prime does not have the same thoughts and preferences that he does. So were we. Naruto the Maneater was a unique being that we killed. We were justified, IMO, because leaving him alive would have killed Naruto Prime and then a bunch of other people.

So, in summary, popping a normal SC isn't murder, its assault. Popping Snowflake is closer to kidnapping, because we take her out of her daily life until Keiko can summon her again, and popping Naruto the Maneater was justifiable homicide.
My understanding is that SC are fully fledged people. However, most of them are high fidelity copies of other people, and will have their memories inserted into that person upon death.

So we should treat Shadow Clones as the people whom they originated from because, in most cases, the minute differences caused by the personality drift inherent in shadow clones is small enough not to matter. Further, because of their fundamental nature as a shadow clone, death isn't "death" as much as it is "a personality fork reintegrating with the original." And since most shadow clones are extremely similar to the original, there's little-to-no personality drift in the original. I guess Naruto's attempt at a forced-change is only possible if you have Jinchuuriki levels of chakra to throw into it.

Snowflake is highly confident that her thoughts, opinions, and emotions will not be shared by Keiko, because she has memories of that not happening. If Keiko were to never cast SC again, that would be like dying. There would be no one left who was Snowflake. However, she knows that she will come back every time Keiko casts SC, so she isn't that scared of desummoning. The new Snowflake will have all the memories, and most of the opinions, beliefs, and emotions of the current one.

I also think that it's rather interesting that Snowflake doesn't seem to share Keiko's mental health issues or aversion to touch. It makes me wonder if Keiko's mental health is amplified by the nature/interworkings of her bloodline. Furthermore, since Snowflake is her own independent person, it makes me wonder what will happen, should Snowflake fall in love with another person? Because Snowflake is different enough from Keiko that she might not share Keiko's feelings for Tenten, and the memories of those feelings would be lost upon "popping." Then again, Keiko's entire relationship chart is rather nontraditional --and Shikamaru seems to be vaguely aromantic and overall an awesome human being --so they might be supportive of Snowflake growing and developing into her own person, love interests and all. After all, Keiko summoned Snowflake during their birthday.

...Wait. Dear Jashin. Keiko once had a crush on Hazou. Ami's actions can be interpreted as a very Ami-attempt at initiating courtship. Snowflake is a divergent-Keiko who was unconsciously mimicking Ami. Snowflake might develop feelings for Hazou. Welp. Time to prep the burial. Do you think Noburi can be trusted to say something nice, or would he just tell embarrassing stories about us the whole time?

Naruto the Maneater is different still. He is reasonably confident that Naruto Prime does not have the same thoughts and preferences that he does. So were we. Naruto the Maneater was a unique being that we killed. We were justified, IMO, because leaving him alive would have killed Naruto Prime and then a bunch of other people.

I think that Maneater Naruto was the result of whatever "natural" divergence Naruto's clones have, plus the Dangerous Thing that infected the clone. We don't know if the clone's memory-return would've infected Naruto Prime as well, but the risk that it might do so was too large to take. After all, Naruto's life is inherently tied to the safety and security of the Leaf by nature of being a Ninja, a Clan Head, and a Jinchuuriki.

Also a Maneater Naruto Prime, with all the chakra of a Jinchuuriki, sounds like the start of "MfD: The Darkest Timeline."
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Keiko once had a crush on Hazou.
As I understand it, Keiko's crush was more a mix of admiration and intellectual kinship, creating the idea that they might be able to form romantic bonds out of that:
"Intelligent. Charmingly awkward. A brilliant planner, given time. Above all, someone who understood that people were irrational, and didn't listen, and took offence when you were merely trying to do the right thing, but you had to deal with them anyway. Someone who understood that in order to find an approach that worked, sometimes you had to come up with methods optimised for your mind alone, and be unable to share them with anyone else without provoking incomprehension or amusement. That you had to try to understand those around you, against impossible odds, because they would not try to understand you. And brave, so brave. You, who were afraid to touch even your own heart… how could you conceive of changing a whole world full of pain and cruelty?
They'd grown in completely different directions. They were family now, but that intellectual connection? He couldn't judge how much of it they'd lost. He could barely remember it in contrast to what they had today.

It probably wouldn't have mattered. He doubted the Keiko of old would have been capable of healthy romance. And he was, in the end, the kind of man who'd ended up with Akane. Still, that she'd had the thought…
It's not too far off in what you're using it to mean, but I think it's important to keep the differences from typical crushes and romances in mind.
Also, while I have time to post, we really need to see how much chakra we can collect with a summon rampage. We might be able to wall every hamlet in Fire inside a month.

[X] Hubris and Greed:
  • Preparations:
    • Discuss with Gouketsu for approval and suggestions.
    • Ask for Keiko's cooperation, be willing to reimburse the Nara and her personally for it.
    • Ask summon clans to what extent they are comfortable working together on this operation
      • Separate teams?
    • Coordinate with the Tower to see where they want us to do this for maximum impact and political considerations.
    • Hire a skilled medic nin or two to acompany us on an A-Rank mission
    • Hire ninja(s) who know how to track, predict, manipulate, and harvest the beasts in the target area
  • The rampage
    • Goals
      • The idea is to capture chakra beasts, drain them to death, and use the chakra for a positive sum loop.
      • This is a trial run.
        • Work out kinks
        • Get an idea of how much chakra we can get, and how much land we can pacify.
        • This run is not expected to be profitable.
    • Methods
      • Noburi sweeps rivers and lakes
      • Non clone, non medic scout in teams
      • Summons and clones engage
        • Where possible, herd chakra beasts into places where Noburi can drain them without engaging.
      • Have large reservoirs of sealed water for flooding nests and burrows
  • The spoils:
    • Anything we kill gets harvested and doled between the participants (including summons)
    • If we start getting more chakra than we can hold, use it to build MEW walls for nearby settlements
      • If we start making so many walls that its suspicious, just cast expensive jutsu.
While I like this plan a ton in theory I don't think now is the time to do it. Since the only summoner we have that has a decent number of summons is Keiko. Once we get both of the boys a decent sized squad the Second Sannin can go out and start doing this
As I understand it, Keiko's crush was more a mix of admiration and intellectual kinship, creating the idea that they might be able to form romantic bonds out of that:

I actually agree. I think Keiko's crush began as an intellectual "Hey, you've gone through similar experiences and have certain similarities to me. Maybe something can be built upon that foundation?" But then once they learned more about each other (Hazou about Keiko's then-vulnerability and Keiko about Hazou's... well. Hazou-ness.) they both drifted away from romantic to familial.

For Keiko it was probably conscious. She realized that they wouldn't be a good match and consciously moved towards the familial. For Hazou, I think it was more instinctive. He saw Keiko's vulnerability and didn't want to take advantage of that, or abuse the trust she'd already put in him. Even at his most "chessmaster," Hazou's shown a discomfort for the deep-emotional manipulation that Mari talks about during her days as the Heartbreaker, or the power imbalances that she's mentioned leveraging before. And that's been compounded when Hazou confesses his indecision about Akane to Mari. So I think that (during the beginning) that little seed of empathy and compassion that we've since worked hard to grow would've nudged Hazou's subconscious away from "possible romantic partner" to "this is my scary big sister, hurt her and you'll die a thousand deaths."

Edit: added "big" to "scary sister" because Keiko is definitely the older sister.

Intellectual crushes can be romantically valid too

speaking from personal experience 😔
You're goddamned right they are.
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...Wait. Dear Jashin. Keiko once had a crush on Hazou. Ami's actions can be interpreted as a very Ami-attempt at initiating courtship. Snowflake is a divergent-Keiko who was unconsciously mimicking Ami. Snowflake might develop feelings for Hazou. Welp. Time to prep the burial. Do you think Noburi can be trusted to say something nice, or would he just tell embarrassing stories about us the whole time?

...If Snowflake does develop romantic feelings for Hazou, that is going to create so many really weird problems. Like, what does a good solution to that even look like? The best case is Hazou doesn't reciprocate. If that fails, we are ultra doomed.

If Keiko suddenly gains high fidelity memories of romantic feelings for Hazou, she is going to stress about that. She may refuse to summon Snowflake when there is a possibility of interaction. Snowflake won't like her access being controlled, and this may result in unresolvable friction between them.

If Snowflake is not haptophobic... I don't want to "apocalyptic" because there very well could be survivors, but we will not be among them.

Okay, suppose we are tasked with making this work, and are allowed all the ninja bullshit we want. A trusted Yamanaka to remove memories from Snowflake before popping, and reimplant them after spawning would be ideal, if prone to apocalypse causing mistakes. Truth Lost in the Fog is too expensive. We could attempt to encode all her memories in the part of the brain that Keiko can't access.

I want Kagome to be the main speaker at our funeral. He will remember us as we would like to be remembered. A sealing student with a malformed sense of self preservation and a head full of dreams.


This next bit is 100%, totally, none of Hazou's business, and I don't want any part of it leaking into his thought process.
Could Keiko use Snowflake for exposure therapy for haptophobia? This might not work at all. As near as I can tell, the bloodline power has nothing to do with it. But it might be making it worse, and if it is, Snowflake could touch someone, and then Keiko would gain memories of touching someone without anything bad happening.
...If Snowflake does develop romantic feelings for Hazou, that is going to create so many really weird problems. Like, what does a good solution to that even look like? The best case is Hazou doesn't reciprocate. If that fails, we are ultra doomed.

If Keiko suddenly gains high fidelity memories of romantic feelings for Hazou, she is going to stress about that. She may refuse to summon Snowflake when there is a possibility of interaction. Snowflake won't like her access being controlled, and this may result in unresolvable friction between them.

If Snowflake is not haptophobic... I don't want to "apocalyptic" because there very well could be survivors, but we will not be among them.

If Snowflake does catch feelings for Hazou, I agree that we might be in for a wild ride. Drama, awkwardness, social juggling, Mari's laughter from the sidelines, Noburi confused but amused, Kagome panicking, Ami being... well, who knows, actually? Gathering data to court Hazou more successfully? Kill him because Snowflake is Keiko-enough for Ami to get protective?

As for the high-fidelity memories, if Snowflakes does fall in love with someone, I'd argue that those memories would be highly entangled with Snowflake's sense of agency and autonomy. Thus, they'd fall under the purview of "does not transmit upon de-summon." So I don't think Keiko would suffer from these sudden and unwanted memories of love for another, but rather she'd just possess the awkward knowledge that Snowflake --a person who began as a variation of herself --has caught feelings for someone other than Tenten. Still awkward, but far more manageable.

Okay, suppose we are tasked with making this work, and are allowed all the ninja bullshit we want. A trusted Yamanaka to remove memories from Snowflake before popping, and reimplant them after spawning would be ideal, if prone to apocalypse causing mistakes. Truth Lost in the Fog is too expensive. We could attempt to encode all her memories in the part of the brain that Keiko can't access.

Well, again, I don't think Keiko would receive Snowflake's feelings of love, since I would argue that love is intrinsically entangled with agency and autonomy --things that Snowflake doesn't transmit back to Keiko. But should, for lack of a better word, the "best worst" does come to pass and Keiko does receive those memories... Hm. The vibe I got from Ino's description of the Yamanaka memory-deletion was that it was less "cut" in "cut and paste" and more "blender-ize into oblivion." I agree that Truth Lost in the Fog is a "only if the alternative is a fate worse than the worst deaths" level of last resort.

If we're treating this like a thought experiment, where we're allowed all the ninja bullshit... Pull in the Yamanaka and some highly-specialized medic nin that know about brains. Work out how Chakra influences memory and the mind, since we know that Yin chakra is a thing, courtesy of Enma's slip up. We know that a variation of this is theoretically possible, based on canon Minato and Kushina recording an instance of themselves in Naruto's scroll.

Then, learn about biosealing enough that we know how to "record/copy" memories. Then, create a 2-part Storage/Record Seal. The Storage Seal is a seal that stores and dispenses memories of one particular user, limited to the person who first stores their memory inside the scroll. The Recorder part of the Seal is applied to the forehead (something something, mind chakra, brain tens... tensk... brain chakra point, something something symbolism) where it records all thoughts/feelings/sensory info live. Upon dispel, the Recorder part of the Seal transmits all info to the Storage part of the Seal.

Keiko usually keeps the Storage part of the Seal on her, or Snowflake hands it to one of Team Uplift if she's hanging around them. Something something, range limiter, something something like Kagome's trap seal?

Edit: Or maybe we could hack the SC technique, trade number of clones --only one --for an amount of durability and unbroken line of consciousness? Something something, dispelling is perceived as a nap? Maybe take another look at summoning scrolls to determine how projections are made, and then use that knowledge to modify the Shadow Clone so that the clone keeps its memories through repeated summonings? Something something, cheap copy of the sage's masterpiece, stitched together with the shadow clone? The Recorder/Storage Seal would probably be easier, though. Relatively, of course.

That said, I still don't think that Keiko would receive any memories of Snowflake's romantic love for someone.

I want Kagome to be the main speaker at our funeral. He will remember us as we would like to be remembered. A sealing student with a malformed sense of self preservation and a head full of dreams.

"Kid didn't do the Dance of Warding."

But in all seriousness, I don't think Keiko would have an issue with Snowflake falling in love with Hazou. It'd be awkward as all fuck at first, but that's pretty much par for the course when it comes to Hazou's personal life. And I don't think Snowflake would transmit her feelings of love back to Keiko, due to how intermixed agency, autonomy, and love are. And if they do transmit, I'd argue that there'd be at least sufficient degradation from the agency/autonomy that Keiko wouldn't receive "romantic" love, but maybe just a variation of "affection." Then she'd be completely blindsided when Snowflake does tell her, or when someone else points out "hey, doesn't Snowflake seem like she has a little crush on [x]?"

This next bit is 100%, totally, none of Hazou's business, and I don't want any part of it leaking into his thought process.
Hm. Maybe? I suppose it depends on how much the FS is involved and how much is just Keiko having emotional trauma? We've seen Keiko slowly get better about touch since joining Leaf, so it could help. But I suppose that's something that Keiko and Snowflake are going to have to wonder about on their own.

Since Keiko's training SC, it'll be something she notices --the accumulation of memories w/o haptophobia influencing her --and from there it'll be something Keiko and Snowflake work out amongst themselves. If we do decide to address it, let's use Mari as a scapegoat messenger. It's not any of Hazou's business and he knows it's none of his business and Keiko receiving the knowledge from Mari would likely be better received if it came from her Hazou, younger brother/former crush.

Not sure if we should address it, though. Like you said, it's her business. If nothing else, Mari would likely think about it more than Hazou would. Hazou would see FOOM as "highway to UNLIMITED POWAH" whereas Mari would go "Hey, this transfers memories and skills in a limited fashion. My darling Keiko has haptophobia and doesn't like it. Her clone doesn't suffer from haptophobia and transmits memories without haptophobia. This might help my darling Keiko get passed her haptophobia."
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As for the high-fidelity memories, if Snowflakes does fall in love with someone, I'd argue that those memories would be highly entangled with Snowflake's sense of agency and autonomy. Thus, they'd fall under the purview of "does not transmit upon de-summon." So I don't think Keiko would suffer from these sudden and unwanted memories of love for another, but rather she'd just possess the awkward knowledge that Snowflake --a person who began as a variation of herself --has caught feelings for someone other than Tenten. Still awkward, but far more manageable.

non spoiler text

See, romantic love is something that Keiko feels more strongly than almost anything else. She fell head over heels for Mari, and now she is building an incredibly strong bond with Tenten. In order for it to not carry back to Keiko, Snowflake would have to feel love in a manner entirely different to the way her base template feels it. Which, I mean, if that is the case, good. Keiko does not need any more complications to her love life.

Actually, how does Snowflake feel about all of this? By everything that I understand about SC mechanics, she should love Tenten about as much as Keiko does, which is a scary amount. And I... don't know how any of the three want to set boundaries.

Its possible that Tenten and Keiko decide that Snowflake doesn't have anything to do with their relationship. My best guess is that Snowflake would be devastated. Snowflake would have the comfort of all of Keiko's memories with Tenten, with the expectation that she will receive more memories as time goes on.

What the hell do you call a love triangle when two of the legs have memory transfer?

Frankly, there is enough here that we could support an entire sidequest of nothing but romantic comedy.