Chapter 268 .2 : Bureaucracy and Bylaws
Chapter 268.2 : Bureaucracy and Bylaws

Mr. Hayashi Yūta the miller and Ms. Katō Yūka the furnisher were waiting for her by the gate an hour before noon. Mari wondered briefly if the similarity in their names had helped their relationship - Kenta (no longer Ishihara Kenta, now, but rather Gōketsu Kenta) had told her the two were on good terms and had worked together in the past, and had both worked with his own shop as well. She raised her voice. "Oh, good morning gentlemen! Hayashi, I'm afraid I didn't expect you so early - not that it isn't a pleasure to see you again, but I may be distracted for a bit while these two get sorted out..." Always good to layer a bit of a guilt trip.

"Don't worry, Lady Gouketsu," Kenta asserted. "I believe Katō and I can do just fine examining the gate and some of the outbuildings. We should have a list of what kinds of wood and how much need to start working on repairing and furnishing them by the time you get back."

"Oh, wonderful!" Mari responded, clapping her hands together for dramatic effect. "In that case, Hayashi, could I ask you to escort me to the Tower? If I can drop these seals off a little early and we can discuss business on the way, I should have some time this afternoon to stop by the Yamanaka flower shop!"

She had of course already sent a message to keep Lady Yamanaka updated via a flower-order which would neither need to be arranged nor picked up, but that was neither here nor there.

"I'm happy to see you and Katō getting along well. I would hate to have to choose only one of your businesses to invest in!" Mari said as she and Hayashi headed out into the city.

"Oh, yes, of course! She is a very trustworthy customer."

"Ah, I'm glad to hear it. Ishihara had good things to say about both of you, after all. So tell me, do you suppose that a closer relationship between the three of you might be helpful? I'm no tradeswoman, so I am only speculating, but I would hope..." Speculating. As if she hadn't been over the numbers once with Keiko and twice with Ishihara.

By the time they arrived at the Tower, Hayahsi was practically salivating at the idea of Gōketsu-mediated cooperation among his lumberers and millworkers, Ishihara's carpentry, and Katō's furniture and repair shop. He was only too happy to agree to an initial cooperative project - having Noburi and Akane to escort his lumber crew outside the city to obtain what Ishihara and Katō needed to get to work on the estate outbuildings. ("Let's try out a more traditional first venture, hm? I don't think Lord Gōketsu will be available to help though... my poor son Hazou is so busy these days with his new duties after the death of my husband. You know, the Hokage?")

A mission which, as it turns out, Mari was only too happy to pay for, handing over a pouch of coin as they approached the building. "Hayashi, why don't you go to the mission desk and sort that out? I need to speak with the seal requisition desk and lighten my load a little", Mari suggested with a disarming smile. "Gamma, would you be a dear and update everyone on the plan for this afternoon?"

"You got it Aunty Red!" the cheerful Naruto accompanying her replied with a sloppy salute. He formed a single handseal, almost simultaneously creating and dismissing a copy of himself. A moment later he said, "Yup, Prime let Buff Sis and Barrel Bro know!"

After briefly chatting with the scarred boy handling seal exchanges today ("Here is Clan Gōketsu's seal tax for the month, and also several seals which we are presenting for first-refusal. What's that, your budget for the month is still near-full and you want to buy all of them? Lovely."), Mari sauntered to the mission desk to catch up with Hayashi.

By sheer coincidence, a mission she thought her kids would be interested in had just been posted! "Ah, excellent, Gōketsu will be happy to take that! The kids need to get out of the house, they're driving me absolutely batty staying around the estate. Hayashi, if you want to ask the Tower about buying seals you should go down that hallway here and then take a right. See you soon!"


"Now, Noburi, Akane, it's very important that you understand you are assisting, not replacing, and that these men are lumberers, not carpenters. Protect them from whatever plants and animals are around, and it's fine if you help top the tree, remove the branches, cut it into easily-portable sections, help put it in the carts or even into storage seals, but you are not to do anything they would not normally do."

Mari waited for their nods before continuing. "Excellent. Akane, dearest, would you help me prepare some ice and chilled tea to send along with the boys? We don't want those poor softfoots overexerting themselves. And Noburi, actually, if you could bug Hazou about how to make a makeshift Force Wall saw the lumberjacks can use themselves, that might be even better from the Merchant Council's perspective. Just in case."


Akane was practically bouncing with excitement. "So Mr. Head Lumberjack, which trees were you planning to cut up? I need to check them for anything dangerous. Allowing our charges to be harmed in anyway would be deeply unyouthful, after all!"

The large woodcutter, roughly three times as large around as Akane, bowed respectfully and indicated with a nod. "That one there, miss honorable ninja ma'am. That's the right type and size for what the request Mr. Miller got."

"Interesting! Out of curiosity, how exactly would one go about cutting such a tree?"

"Um, well. We'd make one cut straight in on the side we want it to fall toward, and then one cut down at an angle like so," the man answered, showing with one horizontal hand and the other coming down onto it, "opening up an angled space in the wood. Then we drive a wedge into the opposite side to slowly push the trunk toward that space."

"Superb! Stand back while I look for anything dangerous." Akane approached nonchalantly and placed a palm against the trunk, then frowned a little. She stepped back briefly, and then called out, "Everyone cover your ears! 3, 2, 1... Katon - Forceful Fire Bullet!"

As the dust cleared, she smiled back at the crew. "I thought there might be some dangerous bugs buried in the trunk there. If they were there, then they're dead now. Incidentally, how similar is that hole to the cuts you were planning?"


"Sure, we wouldn't say no to help, but if you guys get hurt that's pretty bad, whereas clones... just kind of aren't important," Noburi explained with a shrug to the inquisitive crew sitting in the shade as he passed out cool water from his pack of storage seals. His clones were hard at work driving loop-ended nails into the trunk so it could be looped into the pulleys the lumberjacks had brought along and raised up so a Force Wall could be set under it.

"Ah, um, I see, thank you for indulging my foolish question honorable mister ninja, sir," the crewmember who'd spoken up responded. "Forgive me, I've never seen such a thing up close."

"Don't be thanking me just yet, those guys only last a little while. All of us are going to need to get in there and sweat before the day's out. In the meantime, can I interest you in some of my mother's chilled mint tea?"


"Hayashi, Katō, thank you both so much for helping us out today. Could I impose on you to stay for dinner? I know it's only been a couple days, but I believe we really should speak with my son about starting to make some of these arrangements official. He's the clan head, you know, so he has final say over our budget...

"What's that? Oh, no, I would never have gone behind his back for the initial payment, that was just my personal spending money. The head of the family has authority over any big purchases." (After accounting for the fact that we got a big chunk of it back since we took the mission we funded, but who's keeping track?) "Won't you please stay? My brother is making a stew with some of the shrimp the kids brought back from the tournament in Hidden Mist. You know, the one my daughter, Lady Nara, won? She had to light her poor brother on fire to do it, but don't remind Hazou- I mean, Lord Gouketsu of that. He might still be a bit touchy about it - promise me that we'll keep it between us, yes?

"By the way, how did your request to buy the seal equipment from the Tower go, Hayashi? What? The Merchant Council doesn't even want the Tower to sell useful tools to Leaf's loyal craftsmen? That is to say... I'm not one to question the decisions of merchants in the realm of merchant-ing, but I can't say that makes all that much sense to me. I could understand if the Council was merely against ninja selling directly, but surely they wouldn't accuse the Tower of competing with or being unfair to civilians, right? That would be practically seditious! I do hope they'll come to their senses soon. Ah, here we are. Kagome! It's Mari! Seven seven bluefin! I hope you made plenty, because I'm bringing a couple of guests!"

Rather than selling a Force Wall seal (thus requiring you to go through the Tower's right of first refusal), can you rent a device that includes a Force Wall seal to a carpenter or mason?

If not, could the carpenter's guild hire you for a mission and pay out a combination of cash now + a bonus calculated as a percentage of (revenue generated or costs reduced) by the ninja's efforts?
According to Mari, current Merchant Council rules would prevent you from selling or renting such a thing to civilians because, no matter what, you're competing with or disadvantaging someone.

Consider an example in which Alvin makes saws and Bill uses them.
  • If you sell to Alvin but not Bill then you are disadvantaging Bill, because he cannot buy something that he wants to buy and that someone else can buy. Alvin could go into business competing against him, or Bill would have to buy the seals from Alvin at an inflated price. (i.e., not the same price that Alvin paid)
  • If you sell to Bill, or even sell to both, then you are competing with Alvin.
Notably, this does not preclude missions where a group of ninja are hired to escort, protect, and assist a bunch of lumberjacks as they do their jobs...
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Jello's Seal Ideas:

All of the below is written with the assumptions that:
  • Novices have TMs of about 10
  • Journeyman have TMs of about 20 (I assume this is what is needed for explosives and storage, and is the skill level most sealers top out at.)
  • Masters, like Kagome, have TMs of about 40.
  • Grandmasters, like Jiraiya or Minato, have TMs of about 60.
If any of the above is wrong, I'd like a heads up so I can fix the numbers below.

Most of the ideas below come from asking myself what I could expect jiraiya to have seen at some point.

Passive Weight Seal (PWS)

This is a basic seal that will just increase its weight when activated. It preserves the velocity of seal when activated. It can be activated many times, but will automatically turn off after 15 minutes or so. Jiraiya lost a bet to Guy a few years back and, instead of running around Konoha on his hands a hundred times, made a set of these seals as payment.

The seal itself gets heavier, not anything it's attached to, you have to carefully mount the seal to avoid it tearing itself or your object apart. In particular, it's the actual ink/engraving/etching that gains the weight. If you activate the seal when it's still wet it can make the ink drip or bleed in ways that will cause failure. If it's on a large piece of paper only the chunk with the actual seal on it will gain the weight, with all the consequences thereof.

Gravity does affect this seal.

Usually, on destruction the seal just stops weighing more than the original material. However, more exotic failure modes are not unheard of.

This is actually a pretty available seal, pretty much every major village will have access to it in some form. It used to be considered a training seal but fell out of favor because it's more difficult than modern storage or explosive seals. It's only really used by the occasional strength focused seal-master as a training aid, but you'll find a copy in every major village, whether it's in a clan's archives or part of the military seal library.

Basic Version:
  • The seal can be activated many times and stays on for a fixed period of time determined by the seal master. It cannot be turned off manually or reactivated while on.
    • Minimum Active Time (min): 5 + Ceil(200 / Sealing-TM)
    • Maximum Active Time (min): 5 + Ceil(200 / Sealing-TM) + (Sealing-TM / 2)
    • There is also some error to when the deactivation occurs. The same seal, on different uses, can deactivate up to a minute early or late. This error exists regardless of the TM of the sealmaster.
  • The maximum amount of weight added is determined by the skill of the seal master.
    • Minimum Weight (kg): 0kg
    • Maximum Weight (kg): (Sealing-TM - 10) / 5
  • The precision of the seal determines how finely the sealmaster can tune the weight of the seal. The more skillful a sealmaster is, the more precisely they can choose the weight of the final seal.
    • Maximum Precision (kg): Sealing-TM / 10
  • Minimum Skill Level (TM): 10
Jiraiya's Version:

At some point Jiraiya decided to play with making his version of the seal more efficient, and ended up with the following changes.
  • Maximum Weight (kg): (Sealing-TM - 20) / 2
  • Maximum Precision (kg): (Sealing-TM - 10) / 5
  • Minimum Skill Level (TM): 20
Inertia Seal

The Inertia Seal is a rare variant of the Passive Weight Seal that only increases the inertial mass of an object and not the gravitational mass.

The Inertia Seal adds mass to the seal itself, along the same lines as the PWS, but that mass is not affected by gravity. This means that an unattached inertia seal will act like an object in microgravity, when you push it, it keeps going straight. An inertia seal attached to a heavier object will make that object less affected by gravity, making it fall more slowly.

The other major side effect is that while an inertia seal is active, it will shift the center of mass of an object towards itself. E.g. one on the end of a rod will shift the center of mass of the rod towards the location of the seal. Mind you, this does not shift the center of mass for gravitational attraction, so gravity will pull the object from off-center, and objects will seem to 'hang' from the inertia seal.

Jiraiya made this when experimenting at some point but couldn't really figure out a use for it. It didn't work so well with weight training, because it shifted how your body moved so unintuitively.

  • The seal can be activated many times and stays on for a fixed period of time determined by the seal master. It cannot be turned on or reactivated while on.
    • Minimum Active Time (min): 5 + Ceil(400 / Sealing-TM)
    • Maximum Active Time (min): 5 + Ceil(400 / Sealing-TM) + (Sealing-TM / 4)
    • There is also some error to when the deactivation occurs. The same seal, on different uses, can deactivate up to a minute early or late. This error exists regardless of the TM of the sealmaster.
  • The maximum amount of weight added is determined by the skill of the seal master.
    • Minimum Weight (kg): 0kg
    • Maximum Weight (kg): (Sealing-TM - 10) / 10
  • The precision of the seal determines how finely the sealmaster can tune the weight of the seal. The more skillful a sealmaster is, the more precisely they can choose the weight of the final seal.
    • Maximum Precision (kg): Sealing-TM / 20
  • Minimum Skill Level (TM): 25

Tick-Tock Seal (TTS)

This seal will make a short chirping noise at regular intervals until it dies. The interval depends on how exactly the seal is infused, and so a more consistent infusion will result in more consistent ticking times. The seal lasts about 1000 chirps and intervals can be as short as 5 seconds or as long 1 minute. The seal can only be activated once and will continue chirping until it is deactivated or dies naturally.

This was a part of an exercise that Jiraiya's sealing tutors used to (try to) humble him. They would challenge him to make a dozen TTSs and activate them all at the same time. Since the intervals on Jiraiya's (hastily infused) seals were significantly different, they would all quickly go out of sync. When the sealing tutors themselves did the same thing, their seals would be in sync until the demonstration ended (usually when the tutors noticed that the chirps were starting to sound longer, but well before multiple chirps were distinguishable.)

Presumably other sealers used the same trick to humble overzealous students everywhere.

There's no real mechanics here, like the chime seal this one only really needs exist as fluff.

Chakra Filter Seal (CFS)

Part of Jiraiya's work on reverse engineering Naruto's Kyuubi Binding seal so that he could maintain it properly after Jiraiya died.

The Chakra Filter Seal is derived from an element of Naruto's seal that filters out much of the harmful Kyuubi chakra from the flow entering Naruto.
  • Incoming chakra is separated into two streams, one containing the chosen type of chakra, and one containing the rest.
    • Easiest to Separate: Yin, Yang
    • Hard: Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning, Rock
    • Harder: Nature, Medical
    • Hardest: Unnatural Chakra, Biiju Chakra, etc...
  • The filtering is imperfect, the filtered output will contain some impurities, and the unfiltered output will contain some wasted chakra.
    • The purity of the filtering gets better as the Sealmaster's skill improves.
  • Chakra can be pushed into the input side from a users fingers or feet.
  • Output chakra is just pushed out in its raw form, and tends to realize itself in whatever form is most natural for it. (Fire, force, chakra construct water or dust, shadow, light, etc..)
    • This cannot be directly connected to any of the other seal's inputs without designing a specialized seal that contains the functions of both the CFS and the other chakra manipulation seal!
    • The above applies to every other output in a chakra manipulation seal.
  • The seal slowly degrades over time in a way that skilled sealmaster can repair.
I can't really say what the TN should be for any of these chakra manipulation seals, but it should probably be pretty high, on the edge of Kagome's current ability at minimum.

Chakra Dissapation Seal (CDS)

Also derived from Jiraiya's reverse engineering work.
  • Dissipates input chakra as colored light and not as fire, an evil aura, or whatever it would naturally dissapate as.
  • Same as before, input chakra can be pushed from hands or feet.
Chakra Buffer Seal (CBS)

Also derived from Jiraiya's reverse engineering work.
  • Takes a variable stream of input chakra and produces a constant strength output stream (as long as the buffer has enough in it).
  • A full buffer can usually hold about a week's worth chakra output.
  • There is some inefficiency as chakra is lost on input.
  • Input can be pushed into the seal from the hands or feet.
  • The constant output pushes chakra out in its raw form.
  • There is also an overflow output that pushes out excess input chakra when the buffer is full.
Chakra Amplifier Seal (CAS)

Also derived from Jiraiya's reverse engineering work.
  • Has two inputs:
    • A source input, where a large amount of chakra is pushed in.
    • A control input, where a smaller amount of chakra is pushed in.
  • And two outputs:
    • The signal output, which outputs "Control + Min(Source, Gain * Control)" chakra.
    • An overflow output which outputs "Source + Control - Signal" chakra.
  • As with all of these, people can push chakra into an input and the output release chakra in its raw form.
Yes, this is just a transistor, but a transistor that takes 5 minutes of writing and years of skill to construct. It's also pretty useless on its own, and you can't create a multi-seal assembly with them a'la LBFs. Keep in mind all of these seals are small experiments by Jiraiya as he worked to understand how Naruto's Kyuubi seal worked.

Chakra Conversion Seal (CCS)

Jiraiya never actually managed to make a working version of this but he has some notes on the idea and a few experimental failures. This is basically the engine that makes Naruto's seal so powerful, and would be a holy grail of sealing if Jiraiya could have replicated it.
  • Takes an input stream containing various proportions of different chakra types.
  • Produces an output of a specific chakra type by converting chakra not of that type.
    • The input must have some minimal concentration of your chosen type of chakra. (e.g. The input must be at least 10% wind chakra if you want to produce wind chakra.)
    • The output is an absolutely pure flow of the chosen chakra type.
  • Waste is released as appropriately colored light.
  • Somehow seems to be self repairing? Doesn't need maintenance like the other seals or lasts longer than most lifetimes.
The idea and few failed iterations of this one are in Jiraiya's notes, but after a while he got too frustrated and busy trying to go down this path. Especially since the robustness of the corresponding bit of Naruto's seal probably meant he wouldn't actually need to maintain it.
Explosives and storage seals are closer to TN 10 than 20.
The sawmaker is presumably good at making...well...metal saw tools. What can we do for the metal craftsman so that he forget all the business he lost to the Goketsu?
"In point of fact," Keiko said, "there is a town in eastern Wind Country that pays to have a secure zone thirty miles wide around their walls. They have a retainer set up with unknown parties—almost certainly Akatsuki—to clear the area every six months. They have been doing this for five years and their economic output has increased twelve-fold across that time. The Nara have notes about it, along with preliminary designs for doing the same thing around Leaf."

"Huh?" Hazō said. "They're not clearing the area around Leaf...I mean, sure, it's not the Swamp, but we still got attacked by those tree badgers on our way in, and that patch of blood beets was only a hundred meters from the walls."

"I did not have time to research the information in detail. I would assume the plan simply has not been put into practice yet."

"But that's nuts," Hazō said. "If it would produce such positive—"

Look what I found while summarizing chapters.
I feel like something similar has been posted before, but whatever.

Multiple Objects Storage Seal

Storage Seals that allows you to sequencially input multiple objects up to usual volume and mass limits. Different versions unseal according to different parameters. Sadly, the release interval is not adjustable and varies randomly, usually anywhere between 3sec and 5sec (it seems like Jiraiya tried to fix this but only got to Version E before getting annoyed and 'leaving it for later')):
  • Version A: Unseals all objects simultaneously
  • Version B1: Unseals: 1st object sealed -> 2nd -> ... -> last object sealed
  • Version B2: Unseals: last -> 2nd last -> ... -> first
  • Version C1: Unseals: smallest volume -> 2nd smallest -> .... -> largest
  • Version C2: Unseals: largest volume -> 2nd largest -> ... -> smallest
  • Version D1: Unseals: smallest mass -> 2nd smallest mass -> ... -> largest mass
  • Version D2: Unseals: largest mass -> 2nd largest mass -> ... -> smallest mass
  • Version E: Unseals one random object (that was previously sealed in the storage seal) every time you unseal.

I'm not sure about possible abuses. You could do most of what they do with multiple normal storage seals.

At first thought, Version C and D could be abused to sort/filter things, but since you have to seal every object one at a time you'd be better off doing that by hand.
Maybe for very fine measurements (Is this sand corn larger/heavier than this sand corn?).

Since Version B conserves the order in which you sealed the objects, you could use as memory, maybe. But it seems easier to write things down.

Version E could be used in lottery situations.

Maybe if you managed to get their release interval very low, and the release speed high (macerators), you could make machine guns (or shotgun in the case of Version A).

Normal Storage seals allow an object of volume <= 1m^3. Is this the volume of the smallest cube that would encompass the object you're sealing, xor the volume of air/water/whatever this object displaces?
The sawmaker is presumably good at making...well...metal saw tools. What can we do for the metal craftsman so that he forget all the business he lost to the Goketsu?
Recruit him to sell the things that are replacing his saws, perhaps? He'd be perfect for the job, since he knows the industry and the customers. If it could be done in such a way that he was making more money with less work he'd be delighted at being put out of his old business.


Recruit him to sell the things that are replacing his saws, perhaps? He'd be perfect for the job, since he knows the industry and the customers. If it could be done in such a way that he was making more money with less work he'd be delighted at being put out of his old business.

I rather not lose the skills that he have in crafting metal objects.
I rather not lose the skills that he have in crafting metal objects.
As a smith he'd probably just make things that aren't saws. But it'd cost him some proportion of the amount of regular business he'd get, as well as costing the people he bought iron and charcoal and so on from. Economies are interconnected and complicated, it'd be hard or impossible to manually undo any disruptive effects we might have on them.
[x] Action Plan: A Copy of the Previous Plan So That We Can Re-Vote It In Explicitly, Avoiding the Ambiguity of the"Continue the Previous Plan" Votes
Wordcount: 298
  • Clan meeting:
    • Sign Akane's adoption papers.
    • Politics:
      • Mari, you're concealing some of your work. Is there anything we can capitalize on?
        • Be insistent: Knowing what our best agent is doing is critical to our safety and ability to thrive.
      • Who are we backing as Hokage?
        • Who's more viable: Chouza or Asuma?
        • Would a Mari Hokage work out?
          • Mari, are you up for the job, mentally?
      • Draft concept maps for talking with Ino, Chouza, Asuma, Shino, Minami.
        • Express condolences for their losses.
        • If appropriate, touch on politics. What sort of Hokage would they want?
      • Hagoromo debts: Could we afford to buy their vote, or replicate Mari's actions with the Uchiha?
      • Could we exploit the Kuronuma and Akasugi Yakuza's cold war?
    • Money-making ideas: Would they annoy MC? Can we do them outside Leaf?
      • Land: Buy some monster-infested land outside Leaf. Clear it of nasties, exploiting our unique advantages of Noburi, summons, and seals. Sell it to a clan.
        • Would Tsunade be willing to help?
      • Salt: Evaporate saltwater in MEW cisterns for salt deposits.
        • Test using our hotsprings?
      • Ice: If Akane is willing.
    • Misc.:
      • Who are the remaining Leaf jounin? Their political affiliations?
      • What'll happen to the Dog/Turtle Scrolls?
        • ...would Lee become the Turtle Summoner? Should we reconsider adopting him?
      • Adoption:
        • What clanless jounin are available?
          • Ami's creating a de-facto 'clanless clan'. We need to act fast.
      • On Ami:
        • Can we trust her? Alternatively, does Mari have her handled?
        • Any insights into her mind?
        • She owes us a favor, should we spend it now? On what?
          • Help us us against the Hyuga.
          • Train our sociopolitical competence.
          • Maximize our political influence in Leaf.
          • Arrange for IN social training.
  • Schedule meetings:
    • Tomorrow: Ino (lunch), Chouza (afternoon), Asuma (dinner).
    • Later this week: Shino, Minami, Team Nakano.
  • Commit an instance of creative training.

Slightly modified it to account for the timeline moving forward. Unless we could still vote on what to do immediately after Chapter 268? @eaglejarl, @Velorien, @OliWhail?
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I'm pretty sure I did that while drunk at an unspecified time in the early morning so that might need a bit of a rework.

[x] Action Plan: A Copy of the Previous Plan So That We Can Re-Vote It In Explicitly, Avoiding the Ambiguity of the"Continue the Previous Plan" Votes
[x] Action Plan: A Copy of the Previous Plan So That We Can Re-Vote It In Explicitly, Avoiding the Ambiguity of the"Continue the Previous Plan" Votes
Perhaps we should bring up the possibility of sponsoring clanless ninja -- providing them what's needed for them to become better (including for their families) but not explicitly adopting them? There'd be no explicit expectation of recompense on their part, but having powerful up and coming clanless ninja in our favor is not a bad thing at all.
[x] Action Plan: A Copy of the Previous Plan So That We Can Re-Vote It In Explicitly, Avoiding the Ambiguity of the"Continue the Previous Plan" Votes
[x] Action Plan: A Copy of the Previous Plan So That We Can Re-Vote It In Explicitly, Avoiding the Ambiguity of the"Continue the Previous Plan" Votes
[x] Action Plan: A Copy of the Previous Plan So That We Can Re-Vote It In Explicitly, Avoiding the Ambiguity of the"Continue the Previous Plan" Votes

Not like seeing this changes much from the plan's point of view. Nice it see Mari's productivity though.