Lightningrod Seal

On first activation consumes any electricity in contact with the seal (ninja wire allowed) for 72 hours or upon reaching the max holfing capacity( increases with Sealing). On second activation releases stored electricity in any conductor in touch. A battery state can be maintained for max of 3 + Sealing level days. After releasing electricity crumbles to dust.

Was intended to be used as a stationary shield against Lightning users. Capacity should be quite low on lower levels of Sealing, otherwise it would be used by fucking everyone.

Ice Road Seal

3 elements Seal. Strict positioning required: main seal in center, Two other on the sides, 1 meter forward from where the Seal aims, parallel to each other and in range from 1 to 5 meters. If positioned wrong fails to activate.

On successful activation covers 100 m2​ of surface with flat ice cover. Can mitigate up to 15 cm of unevenness of surface. Length of Ice Road depends on how far away from each other secondary seals were placed (it always creates a rectangle). Ice is -15C on creation and is subject to environment, i. e. lasts until ice is melted naturally. Ice grows on seals, so successful activation destroys all three of them.

The seal was invented to make skating areas for children to play during winter and was hardly used some other way. Combined with Wind jutsus can increase user's speed.

Push-Push Jo-Jo Seal

For a period of 5 + 2 * Sealing level of creator absorbs air at the speed of 5 m/s + environmental Wind speed and outputs it with 1.2 coefficient from the front side of the Seal. The Seal was used to apply a constant pushing force to object like stuck civies' carts and considered useless otherwise. It still required more than one Seal (and/or Wind jutsu applied to the sides) to give some significant force to the push.

Jiraiya's Magneficent Stream Seal

Produces 5 liters of clean drinkable water over a course of 1 minute. Nothing more than a canteen.
Eye of the Beholder Seal

Consists of 5 pieces. 1 piece, called Beholder, is placed wherever and "watches". Other 4 pieces, the Eye, are placed on flat surface to form a square of 0.5m on the side. On activation of the Eye, Beholder start transmitting visual information to the Eye. Maximum range of transmission is 1 meter, and after activation it lasts for 5 + Sealing level minutes.

At some point in time Jiraiya decided that there should be easier way to peek in baths, than using slits in fences. It can also be used to see whats behind the wall of building you're sitting in or watch some secret meetings in the building while you're outside. The Seal does not transmit sound,so the last is only useful if you're really good at lipsreading.
So a conversation came up earlier this week on breaking Genjutsu, and I noticed that for the high-level Genjutsu (the Mind Control type) the victim has to spend chakra equal to the chakra cost of the Genjutsu itself to break free. And it got me wondering: what if Noburi cast the Genjutsu? He's got a lot of chakra, and the triple cost effect. If he cast a MC Genjutsu, even if it were at level 1, wouldn't it be an absurd way for him to shut down really powerful opponents, since they'd be pretty much out of chakra after breaking free?
It's not something we've considered, but I would interpret it as "the amount of chakra that effectively goes into the technique" and the Wakahisa chakra systems are super inefficient so 2/3 of their chakra output is wasted, not even making it into the technique. If it worked the way you are suggesting then the Wakahisa would all be known as genjutsu experts.

Do Hazo gain experience from this?
No, but you do get seals that are sure to be useful to you.

Social (Because he thought enough about that problem to think of the Scary Aura Seal.)
At this point it's safe to tell you: That was just his killing intent. He had no such seal.

The Sobering Seal
  • Gets rid of hangovers and intoxication.
To refine our request a bit in the interest of saving time, here is a list of things that we probably are not going to accept:

  • Anything with complex decision-making ability
  • Anything related to biology
  • Anything related to the manipulation of time
  • Anything that can very obviously be extended to be totally setting-breaking with a slight bit of modification
  • Anything that would be a headache to model mechanically
  • Anything that is likely to invite an endless stream of "but what happens if we X", or "if we do Y, can it [do OP, setting-breaking, or QM-annoying thing]" require a lot of judgement calls on the part of the QMs because the effect is complex

Note the qualifier, "significant". He's still clear to use it for pretty vengeance and general screwing with people. There nothing preventing a troublesome academy instructor from waking up one day with a crippling conditioned phobia of bananas and literally no way of ever knowing why.
Let it go. The grue is not going to be exploitable or useful to players in any way.
Perfume/stinkbomb seal: emits odor.

Leaping seal: causes uses to zoom a certain distance straight up.
Let it go. The grue is not going to be exploitable or useful to players in any way.

If I might ask, would you be willing to share what argument(s) persuaded you to adopt this stance? IIUC the prohibition is an out-of-universe one so it should be spoiler-safe.

Apologies for the delayed inquiry, I was behind in the thread when it first came up and this seemed as good an opening as any to satisfy my curiosity. No worries if you'd rather not continue the topic at this point, though.
At this point it's safe to tell you: That was just his killing intent. He had no such seal.

Jiraiya took the stack and flipped through the first few pages. "A seal to create an intimidating aura?" He scratched his shoulder for a moment and a corona of black flames leaped out of his body, emitting barely audible screams of tortured realities and despairing souls instead of the warm crackling of normal fire. "I don't know how practical it would be," he said, ignoring the way Hazō had recoiled in his chair. "Still, pretty interesting idea. We should maybe work on it some time. Now, let's see what else you've got...."

Really? Jiraiya's killing intent created audiovisual holograms instead of a psychic impression of some abstract representation of who he is? This scene seems really out of sync with how jounin aura are described elsewhere.

I mean I believe you if you say that's what happened, but I expect killing intent to read less like

"screaming black fire leapt out of Jiraiya's body"

and more like

"One second Hazou was standing the office, the next he was burning. Black fire spiralled around him, searing the flesh from his bones. The wails of the damned threated to burst his eardrums... and then he was back in the office. At some point he had fallen to the floor.".
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Really? Jiraiya's killing intent created audiovisual holograms instead of a psychic impression of some abstract representation of who he is? This scene seems really out of sync with how jounin aura are described elsewhere.

I mean I believe you if you say that's what happened, but I expect killing intent to read less like

"screaming black fire leapt out of Jiraiya's body"

and more like

"One second Hazou was standing the office, the next he was burning. Black fire spiralled around him, searing the flesh from his bones. The wails of the damned threated to burst his eardrums... and then he was back in the office. At some point he had fallen to the floor.".
Perhaps Jiraiya wasn't giving Hazou the full force of his KI?
Perhaps Jiraiya wasn't giving Hazou the full force of his KI?
Almost assuredly, we didn't wet ourselves and pass out on the floor.

He also might've just flavored it differently to make the effect appear more exotic. Zabuza 's felt spooky as fuck too.

Captain's Zabuza's fury crashed down upon him like a tsunami. Everything became howling blades and blood-drenched storms. A wave of demons tore at Hazō's flesh and buried him beneath their weight, crushing him flat so he could not breathe or struggle or even think.
I might ask, would you be willing to share what argument(s) persuaded you to adopt this stance? IIUC the prohibition is an out-of-universe one so it should be spoiler-safe.
@Velorien felt extremely strongly that it should not be a thing and I thought "gee, this would be neat". When one person is 10/10 against and the other is 6.5/10 in favor, the 10 wins. You can ask him for more specifics, as I don't want to speak for him.

Really? Jiraiya's killing intent created audiovisual holograms instead of a psychic impression of some abstract representation of who he is? This scene seems really out of sync with how jounin aura are described elsewhere.

I mean I believe you if you say that's what happened, but I expect killing intent to read less like

"screaming black fire leapt out of Jiraiya's body"

and more like

"One second Hazou was standing the office, the next he was burning. Black fire spiralled around him, searing the flesh from his bones. The wails of the damned threated to burst his eardrums... and then he was back in the office. At some point he had fallen to the floor.".
He was just that good. Or, if it works better for you, assume the special effects were purely hallucinations.
Passive Weight Seal

When activated the seal's weight increases by a set amount. The weight increase can be anywhere between 0 and Sealing-Level kgs.
Jello's Seal Ideas:

All of the below is written with the assumptions that:
  • Novices have TMs of about 10
  • Journeyman have TMs of about 20 (I assume this is what is needed for explosives and storage, and is the skill level most sealers top out at.)
  • Masters, like Kagome, have TMs of about 40.
  • Grandmasters, like Jiraiya or Minato, have TMs of about 60.
If any of the above is wrong, I'd like a heads up so I can fix the numbers below.

Most of the ideas below come from asking myself what I could expect jiraiya to have seen at some point.

Passive Weight Seal (PWS)

This is a basic seal that will just increase its weight when activated. It preserves the velocity of seal when activated. It can be activated many times, but will automatically turn off after 15 minutes or so. Jiraiya lost a bet to Guy a few years back and, instead of running around Konoha on his hands a hundred times, made a set of these seals as payment.

The seal itself gets heavier, not anything it's attached to, you have to carefully mount the seal to avoid it tearing itself or your object apart. In particular, it's the actual ink/engraving/etching that gains the weight. If you activate the seal when it's still wet it can make the ink drip or bleed in ways that will cause failure. If it's on a large piece of paper only the chunk with the actual seal on it will gain the weight, with all the consequences thereof.

Gravity does affect this seal.

Usually, on destruction the seal just stops weighing more than the original material. However, more exotic failure modes are not unheard of.

This is actually a pretty available seal, pretty much every major village will have access to it in some form. It used to be considered a training seal but fell out of favor because it's more difficult than modern storage or explosive seals. It's only really used by the occasional strength focused seal-master as a training aid, but you'll find a copy in every major village, whether it's in a clan's archives or part of the military seal library.

Basic Version:
  • The seal can be activated many times and stays on for a fixed period of time determined by the seal master. It cannot be turned off manually or reactivated while on.
    • Minimum Active Time (min): 5 + Ceil(200 / Sealing-TM)
    • Maximum Active Time (min): 5 + Ceil(200 / Sealing-TM) + (Sealing-TM / 2)
    • There is also some error to when the deactivation occurs. The same seal, on different uses, can deactivate up to a minute early or late. This error exists regardless of the TM of the sealmaster.
  • The maximum amount of weight added is determined by the skill of the seal master.
    • Minimum Weight (kg): 0kg
    • Maximum Weight (kg): (Sealing-TM - 10) / 5
  • The precision of the seal determines how finely the sealmaster can tune the weight of the seal. The more skillful a sealmaster is, the more precisely they can choose the weight of the final seal.
    • Maximum Precision (kg): Sealing-TM / 10
  • Minimum Skill Level (TM): 10
Jiraiya's Version:

At some point Jiraiya decided to play with making his version of the seal more efficient, and ended up with the following changes.
  • Maximum Weight (kg): (Sealing-TM - 20) / 2
  • Maximum Precision (kg): (Sealing-TM - 10) / 5
  • Minimum Skill Level (TM): 20
Inertia Seal

The Inertia Seal is a rare variant of the Passive Weight Seal that only increases the inertial mass of an object and not the gravitational mass.

The Inertia Seal adds mass to the seal itself, along the same lines as the PWS, but that mass is not affected by gravity. This means that an unattached inertia seal will act like an object in microgravity, when you push it, it keeps going straight. An inertia seal attached to a heavier object will make that object less affected by gravity, making it fall more slowly.

The other major side effect is that while an inertia seal is active, it will shift the center of mass of an object towards itself. E.g. one on the end of a rod will shift the center of mass of the rod towards the location of the seal. Mind you, this does not shift the center of mass for gravitational attraction, so gravity will pull the object from off-center, and objects will seem to 'hang' from the inertia seal.

Jiraiya made this when experimenting at some point but couldn't really figure out a use for it. It didn't work so well with weight training, because it shifted how your body moved so unintuitively.

  • The seal can be activated many times and stays on for a fixed period of time determined by the seal master. It cannot be turned on or reactivated while on.
    • Minimum Active Time (min): 5 + Ceil(400 / Sealing-TM)
    • Maximum Active Time (min): 5 + Ceil(400 / Sealing-TM) + (Sealing-TM / 4)
    • There is also some error to when the deactivation occurs. The same seal, on different uses, can deactivate up to a minute early or late. This error exists regardless of the TM of the sealmaster.
  • The maximum amount of weight added is determined by the skill of the seal master.
    • Minimum Weight (kg): 0kg
    • Maximum Weight (kg): (Sealing-TM - 10) / 10
  • The precision of the seal determines how finely the sealmaster can tune the weight of the seal. The more skillful a sealmaster is, the more precisely they can choose the weight of the final seal.
    • Maximum Precision (kg): Sealing-TM / 20
  • Minimum Skill Level (TM): 25

Tick-Tock Seal (TTS)

This seal will make a short chirping noise at regular intervals until it dies. The interval depends on how exactly the seal is infused, and so a more consistent infusion will result in more consistent ticking times. The seal lasts about 1000 chirps and intervals can be as short as 5 seconds or as long 1 minute. The seal can only be activated once and will continue chirping until it is deactivated or dies naturally.

This was a part of an exercise that Jiraiya's sealing tutors used to (try to) humble him. They would challenge him to make a dozen TTSs and activate them all at the same time. Since the intervals on Jiraiya's (hastily infused) seals were significantly different, they would all quickly go out of sync. When the sealing tutors themselves did the same thing, their seals would be in sync until the demonstration ended (usually when the tutors noticed that the chirps were starting to sound longer, but well before multiple chirps were distinguishable.)

Presumably other sealers used the same trick to humble overzealous students everywhere.

There's no real mechanics here, like the chime seal this one only really needs exist as fluff.

Chakra Filter Seal (CFS)

Part of Jiraiya's work on reverse engineering Naruto's Kyuubi Binding seal so that he could maintain it properly after Jiraiya died.

The Chakra Filter Seal is derived from an element of Naruto's seal that filters out much of the harmful Kyuubi chakra from the flow entering Naruto.
  • Incoming chakra is separated into two streams, one containing the chosen type of chakra, and one containing the rest.
    • Easiest to Separate: Yin, Yang
    • Hard: Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning, Rock
    • Harder: Nature, Medical
    • Hardest: Unnatural Chakra, Biiju Chakra, etc...
  • The filtering is imperfect, the filtered output will contain some impurities, and the unfiltered output will contain some wasted chakra.
    • The purity of the filtering gets better as the Sealmaster's skill improves.
  • Chakra can be pushed into the input side from a users fingers or feet.
  • Output chakra is just pushed out in its raw form, and tends to realize itself in whatever form is most natural for it. (Fire, force, chakra construct water or dust, shadow, light, etc..)
    • This cannot be directly connected to any of the other seal's inputs without designing a specialized seal that contains the functions of both the CFS and the other chakra manipulation seal!
    • The above applies to every other output in a chakra manipulation seal.
  • The seal slowly degrades over time in a way that skilled sealmaster can repair.
I can't really say what the TN should be for any of these chakra manipulation seals, but it should probably be pretty high, on the edge of Kagome's current ability at minimum.

Chakra Dissapation Seal (CDS)

Also derived from Jiraiya's reverse engineering work.
  • Dissipates input chakra as colored light and not as fire, an evil aura, or whatever it would naturally dissapate as.
  • Same as before, input chakra can be pushed from hands or feet.
Chakra Buffer Seal (CBS)

Also derived from Jiraiya's reverse engineering work.
  • Takes a variable stream of input chakra and produces a constant strength output stream (as long as the buffer has enough in it).
  • A full buffer can usually hold about a week's worth chakra output.
  • There is some inefficiency as chakra is lost on input.
  • Input can be pushed into the seal from the hands or feet.
  • The constant output pushes chakra out in its raw form.
  • There is also an overflow output that pushes out excess input chakra when the buffer is full.
Chakra Amplifier Seal (CAS)

Also derived from Jiraiya's reverse engineering work.
  • Has two inputs:
    • A source input, where a large amount of chakra is pushed in.
    • A control input, where a smaller amount of chakra is pushed in.
  • And two outputs:
    • The signal output, which outputs "Control + Min(Source, Gain * Control)" chakra.
    • An overflow output which outputs "Source + Control - Signal" chakra.
  • As with all of these, people can push chakra into an input and the output release chakra in its raw form.
Yes, this is just a transistor, but a transistor that takes 5 minutes of writing and years of skill to construct. It's also pretty useless on its own, and you can't create a multi-seal assembly with them a'la LBFs. Keep in mind all of these seals are small experiments by Jiraiya as he worked to understand how Naruto's Kyuubi seal worked.

Chakra Conversion Seal (CCS)

Jiraiya never actually managed to make a working version of this but he has some notes on the idea and a few experimental failures. This is basically the engine that makes Naruto's seal so powerful, and would be a holy grail of sealing if Jiraiya could have replicated it.
  • Takes an input stream containing various proportions of different chakra types.
  • Produces an output of a specific chakra type by converting chakra not of that type.
    • The input must have some minimal concentration of your chosen type of chakra. (e.g. The input must be at least 10% wind chakra if you want to produce wind chakra.)
    • The output is an absolutely pure flow of the chosen chakra type.
  • Waste is released as appropriately colored light.
  • Somehow seems to be self repairing? Doesn't need maintenance like the other seals or lasts longer than most lifetimes.
The idea and few failed iterations of this one are in Jiraiya's notes, but after a while he got too frustrated and busy trying to go down this path. Especially since the robustness of the corresponding bit of Naruto's seal probably meant he wouldn't actually need to maintain it.
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Seal of Authenticity

This seal includes a small blank space where a label can be written. Once stuck on an object or creature and activated, the seal does nothing, but removing or damaging it in any way makes it explode like a small firecracker.
Jello's Seal Ideas:

All of the below is written with the assumptions that:
  • Novices have TMs of about 10
  • Journeyman have TMs of about 20 (I assume this is what is needed for explosives and storage, and is the skill level most sealers top out at.)
  • Masters, like Kagome, have TMs of about 40.
  • Grandmasters, like Jiraiya or Minato, have TMs of about 60.
If any of the above is wrong, I'd like a heads up so I can fix the numbers below.

Most of the ideas below come from asking myself what I could expect jiraiya to have seen at some point.

Passive Weight Seal (PWS)

This is a basic seal that will just increase its weight when activated. It preserves the velocity of seal when activated. It can be activated many times, but will automatically turn off after 15 minutes or so. Jiraiya lost a bet to Guy a few years back and, instead of running around Konoha on his hands a hundred times, made a set of these seals as payment.

The seal itself gets heavier, not anything it's attached to, you have to carefully mount the seal to avoid it tearing itself or your object apart. In particular, it's the actual ink/engraving/etching that gains the weight. If you activate the seal when it's still wet it can make the ink drip or bleed in ways that will cause failure. If it's on a large piece of paper only the chunk with the actual seal on it will gain the weight, with all the consequences thereof.

Gravity does affect this seal.

Usually, on destruction the seal just stops weighing more than the original material. However, more exotic failure modes are not unheard of.

This is actually a pretty available seal, pretty much every major village will have access to it in some form. It used to be considered a training seal but fell out of favor because it's more difficult than modern storage or explosive seals. It's only really used by the occasional strength focused seal-master as a training aid, but you'll find a copy in every major village, whether it's in a clan's archives or part of the military seal library.

Basic Version:
  • The seal can be activated many times and stays on for a fixed period of time determined by the seal master. It cannot be turned off manually or reactivated while on.
    • Minimum Active Time (min): 5 + Ceil(200 / Sealing-TM)
    • Maximum Active Time (min): 5 + Ceil(200 / Sealing-TM) + (Sealing-TM / 2)
    • There is also some error to when the deactivation occurs. The same seal, on different uses, can deactivate up to a minute early or late. This error exists regardless of the TM of the sealmaster.
  • The maximum amount of weight added is determined by the skill of the seal master.
    • Minimum Weight (kg): 0kg
    • Maximum Weight (kg): (Sealing-TM - 10) / 5
  • The precision of the seal determines how finely the sealmaster can tune the weight of the seal. The more skillful a sealmaster is, the more precisely they can choose the weight of the final seal.
    • Maximum Precision (kg): Sealing-TM / 10
  • Minimum Skill Level (TM): 10
Jiraiya's Version:

At some point Jiraiya decided to play with making his version of the seal more efficient, and ended up with the following changes.
  • Maximum Weight (kg): (Sealing-TM - 20) / 2
  • Maximum Precision (kg): (Sealing-TM - 10) / 5
  • Minimum Skill Level (TM): 20
Inertia Seal

The Inertia Seal is a rare variant of the Passive Weight Seal that only increases the inertial mass of an object and not the gravitational mass.

The Inertia Seal adds mass to the seal itself, along the same lines as the PWS, but that mass is not affected by gravity. This means that an unattached inertia seal will act like an object in microgravity, when you push it, it keeps going straight. An inertia seal attached to a heavier object will make that object less affected by gravity, making it fall more slowly.

The other major side effect is that while an inertia seal is active, it will shift the center of mass of an object towards itself. E.g. one on the end of a rod will shift the center of mass of the rod towards the location of the seal. Mind you, this does not shift the center of mass for gravitational attraction, so gravity will pull the object from off-center, and objects will seem to 'hang' from the inertia seal.

Jiraiya made this when experimenting at some point but couldn't really figure out a use for it. It didn't work so well with weight training, because it shifted how your body moved so unintuitively.

  • The seal can be activated many times and stays on for a fixed period of time determined by the seal master. It cannot be turned on or reactivated while on.
    • Minimum Active Time (min): 5 + Ceil(400 / Sealing-TM)
    • Maximum Active Time (min): 5 + Ceil(400 / Sealing-TM) + (Sealing-TM / 4)
    • There is also some error to when the deactivation occurs. The same seal, on different uses, can deactivate up to a minute early or late. This error exists regardless of the TM of the sealmaster.
  • The maximum amount of weight added is determined by the skill of the seal master.
    • Minimum Weight (kg): 0kg
    • Maximum Weight (kg): (Sealing-TM - 10) / 10
  • The precision of the seal determines how finely the sealmaster can tune the weight of the seal. The more skillful a sealmaster is, the more precisely they can choose the weight of the final seal.
    • Maximum Precision (kg): Sealing-TM / 20
  • Minimum Skill Level (TM): 25

Tick-Tock Seal (TTS)

This seal will make a short chirping noise at regular intervals until it dies. The interval depends on how exactly the seal is infused, and so a more consistent infusion will result in more consistent ticking times. The seal lasts about 1000 chirps and intervals can be as short as 5 seconds or as long 1 minute. The seal can only be activated once and will continue chirping until it is deactivated or dies naturally.

This was a part of an exercise that Jiraiya's sealing tutors used to (try to) humble him. They would challenge him to make a dozen TTSs and activate them all at the same time. Since the intervals on Jiraiya's (hastily infused) seals were significantly different, they would all quickly go out of sync. When the sealing tutors themselves did the same thing, their seals would be in sync until the demonstration ended (usually when the tutors noticed that the chirps were starting to sound longer, but well before multiple chirps were distinguishable.)

Presumably other sealers used the same trick to humble overzealous students everywhere.

There's no real mechanics here, like the chime seal this one only really needs exist as fluff.

Chakra Filter Seal (CFS)

Part of Jiraiya's work on reverse engineering Naruto's Kyuubi Binding seal so that he could maintain it properly after Jiraiya died.

The Chakra Filter Seal is derived from an element of Naruto's seal that filters out much of the harmful Kyuubi chakra from the flow entering Naruto.
  • Incoming chakra is separated into two streams, one containing the chosen type of chakra, and one containing the rest.
    • Easiest to Separate: Yin, Yang
    • Hard: Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning, Rock
    • Harder: Nature, Medical
    • Hardest: Unnatural Chakra, Biiju Chakra, etc...
  • The filtering is imperfect, the filtered output will contain some impurities, and the unfiltered output will contain some wasted chakra.
    • The purity of the filtering gets better as the Sealmaster's skill improves.
  • Chakra can be pushed into the input side from a users fingers or feet.
  • Output chakra is just pushed out in its raw form, and tends to realize itself in whatever form is most natural for it. (Fire, force, chakra construct water or dust, shadow, light, etc..)
    • This cannot be directly connected to any of the other seal's inputs without designing a specialized seal that contains the functions of both the CFS and the other chakra manipulation seal!
    • The above applies to every other output in a chakra manipulation seal.
  • The seal slowly degrades over time in a way that skilled sealmaster can repair.
I can't really say what the TN should be for any of these chakra manipulation seals, but it should probably be pretty high, on the edge of Kagome's current ability at minimum.

Chakra Dissapation Seal (CDS)

Also derived from Jiraiya's reverse engineering work.
  • Dissipates input chakra as colored light and not as fire, an evil aura, or whatever it would naturally dissapate as.
  • Same as before, input chakra can be pushed from hands or feet.
Chakra Buffer Seal (CBS)

Also derived from Jiraiya's reverse engineering work.
  • Takes a variable stream of input chakra and produces a constant strength output stream (as long as the buffer has enough in it).
  • A full buffer can usually hold about a week's worth chakra output.
  • There is some inefficiency as chakra is lost on input.
  • Input can be pushed into the seal from the hands or feet.
  • The constant output pushes chakra out in its raw form.
  • There is also an overflow output that pushes out excess input chakra when the buffer is full.
Chakra Amplifier Seal (CAS)

Also derived from Jiraiya's reverse engineering work.
  • Has two inputs:
    • A source input, where a large amount of chakra is pushed in.
    • A control input, where a smaller amount of chakra is pushed in.
  • And two outputs:
    • The signal output, which outputs "Control + Min(Source, Gain * Control)" chakra.
    • An overflow output which outputs "Source + Control - Signal" chakra.
  • As with all of these, people can push chakra into an input and the output release chakra in its raw form.
Yes, this is just a transistor, but a transistor that takes 5 minutes of writing and years of skill to construct. It's also pretty useless on its own, and you can't create a multi-seal assembly with them a'la LBFs. Keep in mind all of these seals are small experiments by Jiraiya as he worked to understand how Naruto's Kyuubi seal worked.

Chakra Conversion Seal (CCS)

Jiraiya never actually managed to make a working version of this but he has some notes on the idea and a few experimental failures. This is basically the engine that makes Naruto's seal so powerful, and would be a holy grail of sealing if Jiraiya could have replicated it.
  • Takes an input stream containing various proportions of different chakra types.
  • Produces an output of a specific chakra type by converting chakra not of that type.
    • The input must have some minimal concentration of your chosen type of chakra. (e.g. The input must be at least 10% wind chakra if you want to produce wind chakra.)
    • The output is an absolutely pure flow of the chosen chakra type.
  • Waste is released as appropriately colored light.
  • Somehow seems to be self repairing? Doesn't need maintenance like the other seals or lasts longer than most lifetimes.
The idea and few failed iterations of this one are in Jiraiya's notes, but after a while he got too frustrated and busy trying to go down this path. Especially since the robustness of the corresponding bit of Naruto's seal probably meant he wouldn't actually need to maintain it.
I can think of one minor use for the inertia seals, which would be to make light, easily carried objects into weapons that hit like a truck. A kunai could hit like a two handed axe, and Tsunade could wrap the seal around a fist sized rock and throw it as improvised siege artillery. The only reason not to put it on everything is that it would slow the weapon's handling proportionately, even if it was still light to carry.

The buffer is a dangerously useful idea, depending on how it works. Clearly it can't replenish a ninja's reserves or everyone would use them, but using it to power other seals for a very long time is potentially really, really useful to the point of drastic societal impacts.
Jiraiya's Catalog of Petty Vengeance

A positively astounding collection of creative malice and practical jokes accumulated over years of varied motivations and bored daydreaming. A very large chunk of the family stem from his early discovery of a general mechanism which causes the effect of fairly simple seals to endure on a target even if the seal is removed so long as it remains intact.

Examples include the "Youthful Dampener", which cause the target's mass to increase for a duration. More evil variants are deliberately destabilized to cause the change in mass to swing about randomly, with a note that at the extreme variances this can include brief peaks of negative mass and speculation on investigative avenues for isolating and harnessing that effect which don't appear to have been followed up on.

The "Madness Mechanism" causes a repeated series of stimuli centered around the target. These can be periodic or random. There are existing variants for everything from barely-audible chirps to deafening gong clangs to painful electric shocks. In a particularly vicious set the stimuli are only detectable by the (very confused) target.

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