If the make it or break it on the Tsunade/Oro stuff is whether or not we're back in Leaf, we're two days out from Mist at the moment so we can probably convince Chunin Captain Waka Flocka Flame to haul ass back to Leaf within the next few hours. Maybe wake up a few hours before dawn and scribe out some storage seals to hand out so that everyone can high tail it without carrying stuff?
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Dunno...should we? Leaning towards yes but am not strongly in favor.
Kagome is probably a good idea, he'd be a little freaked out by the Oro reveal but he'd appreciate being kept in the loop.

Mari, on the other hand, probably isn't in a state to contribute to such a discussion and I'm unsure if burdening her with these other concerns as well will do her any good.
Dunno...should we? Leaning towards yes but am not strongly in favor.
Kagome is probably a good idea, he'd be a little freaked out by the Oro reveal but he'd appreciate being kept in the loop.

Mari, on the other hand, probably isn't in a state to contribute to such a discussion and I'm unsure if burdening her with these other concerns as well will do her any good.
Could give her the option of bowing out, stressing that its fine to do so. Agency! (?)
Kagome is probably a good idea, he'd be a little freaked out by the Oro reveal but he'd appreciate being kept in the loop.

Mari, on the other hand, probably isn't in a state to contribute to such a discussion and I'm unsure if burdening her with these other concerns as well will do her any good.
Could give her the option of bowing out, stressing that its fine to do so. Agency! (?)
Alright, thanks. Just changed teammates to clanmates, since I'm lazy and don't think the team will fuck with Mari if she doesn't want to involve herself.
[X] Action Plan: Manor Snakes

Word Count: 297
  • Ask Keiko to check if Jiraiya survived/won via Pangolins.
  • Consider establishing communications with Orochimaru/Tsunade.
    • Talk with our clanmates IFF it's safe (secure + full OPSEC protection). If they agree, get Jiraiya's approval/help.
    • Concern: If Jiraiya dies we won't have any way to know how the Nagi Island battle went.
      • Tsunade (Slugs) and Orochimaru (Snakes) could be contacted to ask them directly instead of waiting.
    • Hazou asks Keiko to send Pangolin couriers via Summoning Realm, or vice versa.
  • Get settled in Leaf.
    • Hug Mari. We missed her.
    • Update her and Kagome on everything. Ask what's happened since we left.
      • If something super traumatic happened, make sure nobody does anything stupid, especially us.
  • Get to work. Discuss and work together with the clan.
    • Investigate Merchant Council members' finances, rumours, and political affiliation.
      • Maybe Keiko's fans might have information?
    • Talk to Kagome at length about what he's been up to.
      • You once expressed interest in writing. Are you still interested? How can we help?
      • Has he talked with Ebisu, and has he approved Kagome's teaching methods to the Academy?
      • Offer to invite the Academy Headmaster to a fancy dinner to help further Kagome's educational agenda.
    • Continue funding till'n'fills (up to 両100,000).
      • Pay a logistics officer (or ask Keiko) to collect data on till-n-fill distributions.
      • Let Nakano's team (and Yūdai) know beforehand.
    • Arrange some lunches or game nights with other Acting Clan Heads (ISC, Shino, Kiba...) to establish better rapport.
    • Help out clanless ninja with good records.
      • Try emulating Ami's favor economy. Offer healing, seals, training, or advance warning before we fund mission bounties (till'n'fills).
      • Investigate Leaf policy on teaching Sealing, MedNin, and Technique Hacking.
        • Consult the library, a tower clerk, Ebisu, Kabuto...
    • Invite Akane over to eat, train...simple stuff.
On another note, how about training plans? We have exact XP for CR 16 on Hazou...
Ah, sorry I forgot to mention. 2nd point, 1st sub-point, where we get Jiraiya's approval.
Right, so I've temporarily changed that to just getting communications with Orochimaru and Tsunade. Dunno if that changes your reasoning and I'm probably going to be editing it again, so may not be adding your suggestion. As the plan currently is I feel Jiraiya won't be too worried, but who knows.
Do we have the time to train CR though? I'm not quite sure what CR training entails narratively I guess. Do we meditate and continuously chakra boost or...?

I would be down for CR 13 -> CR 16.

[X] Training Hazou: Chakra Boost
Chakra Reserves 16 [90]
[X] Training Hazou: Chakra Boost

E: Oops. Phones don't have cntrl v/c and text selection on the iphone for this forum is beyond fucked.
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[X] Training Hazou: Chakra Boost

And some other options for people to vote between:
[X] Training Hazou: Chakra with a touch of feelings
Chakra Reserves 14 (28)
Chakra Reserves 15 (58)
Empathy 11 (69)
Save 9 XP

[X] Training Hazou: Chakra with a little more feeling
Chakra Reserves 14 (28)
Empathy 11 (39)
Empathy 12 (51)
Save 27 XP
[X] Training Hazou: Chakra Boost

And some other options for people to vote between:
[X] Training Hazou: Chakra with a touch of feelings
Chakra Reserves 14 (28)
Chakra Reserves 15 (58)
Empathy 11 (69)
Save 9 XP

[X] Training Hazou: Chakra with a little more feeling
Chakra Reserves 14 (28)
Empathy 11 (39)
Empathy 12 (51)
Save 27 XP

So I didn't feel the need to argue for/against anything before in detail since no one brought it up, but I would like folks to strongly consider the following before voting on XP expenditure:

Case: We Live in the Continuum of Super Bad Timelines Spawning from The Battle of the Gods 2: Now With More Gods

Summary: We are fucked for some reason or another. Higher CR would be pivotal here if we have to fight or go innawoods or otherwise evade/fight off a small army.

Case: We Live in the Continuum of Not Super Bad Timelines Spawning from The Battle of the Gods 2: Now With More Gods

Summary: We have some breathing room, and can level non-mission critical stats roughly at our leisure (of which Empathy is one).

I don't mind the first plan with the "Empathy 11 get!", but I would caution against more XP expenditure on Empathy at the moment since its pretty much a vanity purchase, and we already threw 20XP at FiF for exactly that reason anyways.
[X] Training Hazou: Chakra with a touch of feelings
Chakra Reserves 14 (28)
Chakra Reserves 15 (58)
Empathy 11 (69)
Save 9 XP
*doing calculations* OK Noburi has enough to get CR 14, with 12XP left over; Keiko has enough for CR 21, with 8.5XP left over.
*doing calculations* OK Noburi has enough to get CR 14, with 12XP left over; Keiko has enough for CR 21, with 8.5XP left over.
I'm cool with voting in training plans for them as well, but we might have to actively frame it in a certain way for Noburi since I imagine he might be a bit confused.

HAZOU: Get more chakra bro

NOBURI: I have 4 times your reserves still so.... ????
I'm cool with voting in training plans for them as well, but we might have to actively frame it in a certain way for Noburi since I imagine he might be a bit confused.

HAZOU: Get more chakra bro

NOBURI: I have 4 times your reserves still so.... ????
HAZOU: More chakra = Shadow Clone = Faster training = Stronger Noburi
Adhoc vote count started by faflec on Apr 29, 2019 at 1:39 PM, finished with 182 posts and 27 votes.
HAZOU: More chakra = Shadow Clone = Faster training = Stronger Noburi
Yes, but do we think we need to say that? He might have some serious inertia towards "Nobby get more chakra lol" so I'd just like to be considerate if we think it merits it.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Could we have updates for the character sheets? Hazou is missing 12XP from the most recent chapter; Keiko and Noburi are missing 14 from the above chapter and two OOC XP [1] [2].
If you remind me this eve I will fix them. We are right on the razor's edge of running the official simulation for the Battle of the Gods and I don't have much head space for other things.

(Note that it's not "Battle of the Gods 2", as the original was the "Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny" :p)