I'm considering reducing the "confirm integrity of inter-village letters" to just "encryption scheme"; if we have a pre-set encryption scheme then we'll be able to tell whether a letter is from Ami or not: just check whether it's encrypted on the previously-agreed format or not.
I don't think Mist would look fondly upon one of their jounin exchanging encrypted messages with a foreign prince; similar is true for Hazou/Leaf. I think we should use plaintext with a verification scheme for most letters, and only resort to encryption if we absolutely must.
Nope, 204. Use Google Docs or this service to check wordcount; don't trust SV's counter.
May be worth noting that the viewpoint character is a 14-year-old boy. If anything, I feel like we underplay those aspects of his psyche.

I think its at a pretty reasonable level personally, but any more than that and I'd consider jumping on the @Cariyaga train.

(This is not a comment on the general romance aspects in the story though, I should say. Just the typical teenage hormonal aspects that sometimes intertwine themselves therein.)
I haven't really noticed it but that's probably mostly because it's been in the viewpoint of a teenage boy, and Mari who

A) seems pretty comfortable with her sexual thoughts being trained in seduction

B) was checking people out, one of which was a guy (Mr. Yummy and Tsunade)
I haven't really noticed it but that's probably mostly because it's been in the viewpoint of a teenage boy, and Mari who

A) seems pretty comfortable with her sexual thoughts being trained in seduction

B) was checking people out, one of which was a guy (Mr. Yummy and Tsunade)
Should point out that the Tsunade situation was partially influenced by Tsunade mindfucking Mari:
She'd demonstrated her absolute superiority in direct conflict with barely a finger lifted, and shown that she was unbound by social mores by doing so without warning in public. She'd pronounced judgement on Mari, establishing her right to do so. Then she'd extended a helping hand to her, simultaneously an apology, a gesture of respect and an assertion of control. And then she'd done… whatever it was she'd done, whether medical ninjutsu or mastery of body language or genjutsu beyond Mari's ability to detect or whatever. Another assertion of control, and one set on Mari's home ground—she refused to believe that Tsunade was unaware of her specialisation. Tsunade was making no effort to conceal that this was a test of Mari's discipline and composure, of her ability to engage in social combat while her mind and body were at the mercy of the most primal of all emotions, her ability to hold her own when every fibre of her carnal being was screaming to collapse at Tsunade's feet as a willing sex slave.
"Wait," Mari called out. She tried to stand, but apparently the detox pill wasn't that fast-acting. "The thing you did to me before. What was it?"

"Trade secret," Tsunade said. Then she leaned over to Mari's ear. "It multiplies, though. Doesn't add. You take some time to think about that before I'm next in town."
May be worth noting that the viewpoint character is a 14-year-old boy. If anything, I feel like we underplay those aspects of his psyche.

Any discomfort I've felt about the more sexual aspects has been about exactly that - teenagers who are what we would generally consider underage. That isn't to say I don't think that should be an aspect of settings, only to say that it's an aspect that should be handled tastefully, which I think our QMs have certainly done.
May be worth noting that the viewpoint character is a 14-year-old boy. If anything, I feel like we underplay those aspects of his psyche.
Oh, I know. As a 14-year-old boy I was wholly uninterested in either sex. I realize I'm an outlier in this regard, but that's my lived-experiences.

I don't think Mist would look fondly upon one of their jounin exchanging encrypted messages with a foreign prince; similar is true for Hazou/Leaf. I think we should use plaintext with a verification scheme for most letters, and only resort to encryption if we absolutely must.

Nope, 204. Use Google Docs or this service to check wordcount; don't trust SV's counter.
See, I see the logic behind it, but if we're assuming that there are Mist censors somehow picking up every single piece of correspondence to their high-ranking people, it's a gigantic red flag if every letter beforehand has had no encryption and then suddenly after just one encrypted letter one of their jonin begins acting in a way out of baseline.

(admittedly it's Ami we're dealing with here, so...)

Better to be thought to be paranoid and encrypt every letter than to send such an obvious signal, IMO.
If people are upset by the treatment of women recently I think the strongest candidates are the chapters where Ami did her best to short-circuit Hazou's brain with sexuality to keep him off balance.

Can a woman choosing to use their sexuality as a weapon when they don't have to be objectionable, though? It doesn't seem like objectification, which generally consists of treating women as sex objects without their own agency. Someone might object because it's sexuality in a story when they don't want to read sexuality in a story, but that's a matter of personal taste rather than something inherently objectionable.
Anyway, does anyone have ideas for conflict resolution during the game night?
Right now all we have in the plan is social specs de-escalate; since I have the words (and went over 200), I'm adding a section dealing with host behavior that might help with that.

Current plan:
Okay, so the plan I promised.


Word Count: 249
  • Pre-party:
    • Message the Oyabun, thanking him for cooperation and expressing hope for continued mutually beneficial relations.
    • Complete planned preparations. Collaborate with Noburi, Keiko, Jiraiya.
  • Party:
    • Arrangement:
      • Central table: Largest game (Strategic Dominance?), with 12-15 most important people from each village (representatives).
        • Nobody is seated next to a compatriot.
      • Other tables: Allow people to pick different games and rearrange tables, but all village-nin should remain in sight of their central-table representative(s).
      • Refreshment tables: two sets, in full view of the central table.
      • Special options for challenge-seekers: shogi tournaments, simultaneous games (one person plays several games/characters), continuously changing rulesets, meta-games, etc.
        • Encourage munchkins to play at tables specifically meant for them; those tables should be significantly more difficult and more accepting of munchkinry.
    • Hosting
      • Demeanor: Polite, friendly if possible.
      • When guests enter, remind them that everyone wants to have fun, which means don't start fights, use genjutsu, or cheat (obviously).
      • If a guest refuses to comply (whether verbally or by actions), escort them out of the party.
    • Precautions:
      • Each table has a social specialist to de-escalate conflicts (preferably from neutral villages).
      • Draw diagrams of the final arrangements, put them on the gaming tables/floor/walls. Label entrances and exits.
        • Optional: distribute to guests.
    • Friends:
      • Speak with Ami in private: establish an encryption scheme for letters.
      • Speak with Ikeda: she's fun, and we'd like to stay friends.
    • Miscellaneous
      • As the party ends, note that this is the last time you'll be around Poppa for... a while.

Thoughts, improvements?
Maybe a notice upon entering to leave their status at the door...? I dunno, I hate being host to company, much less dozens of people who hate each other.