Poll- What prevents Hazou from talking to Keiko?
[] Mom?!
[] Something perfectly harmless and understandable in hindsight.
[] Keiko descends into unprecedented bout of depression, after burning out of her righteous fury. In self-flagellating act of desperation, unwilling to face her siblings or be a burden any more than she is, she reverse summons herself. She stays there until next match, which she loses due to lack of preparations or support from their more creatively-minded family. This defeat puts Keiko into a state of pure agonizing panic, which she tries to further escape by plunging herself into Frozen Skein. This act renders her comatose, leading to a whole slew of consequences, culminating in Mori Ami and Goketsu Hazou combining their forces to make a WMD capable of wiping out all realities where Keiko is dead. As their definition of "dead" includes "not there to begin with" our universe is destroyed as well.