Is there any way we can trick a pangolin into using a non-standard seal and thus getting Kei DQ'd?

E: like, hold a seal and "accidentally" drop it, and Deceit a pangolin into picking it up and activating it?
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Is there any way we can trick a pangolin into using a non-standard seal and thus getting Kei DQ'd?

E: like, hold a seal and "accidentally" drop it, and Deceit a pangolin into picking it up and activating it?
We can tell them that its Sagemas Eve, and thus they cannot fight because of religious obligations.
Kagome equates the Team as family so that was likely what that was.

I think a decent argument could be made to convince him to share his shinies with Jiraiya anyway though.
We can probably get Kagome to share the information with Jiraiya with some combination of flattery and enticements to making interesting explosives.
"Hey Kagome, would you be interested in working with Jiraiya to make something new based on the shaped charge seals? I think he meant it to be private, but...he told me once that they're amazing work. I think he'd love to learn about them from you, and I'd be surprised if the two best seal masters around couldn't make amazing new things by collaborating."

UNRELATEDLY, I was just reading an exalted fic and this bit made me laugh out loud enough that I wanted to share it. For context, the solar main character is interviewing a captured fae noble.

"...also, my butler said that there's a story going around of you guys kidnapping little kids who misbehave and transforming them into these lizard people. That's not true, right?"
"What? Oh, oh no, not at all!" He explains.
"Well, that's a relief."
"We kidnap the good kids too."
Is there any way we can trick a pangolin into using a non-standard seal and thus getting Kei DQ'd?

E: like, hold a seal and "accidentally" drop it, and Deceit a pangolin into picking it up and activating it?

I know it's easy to forget since Mist has been a bastion of impartiality with their rulings, but don't you think it's more likely both Hazou and Keiko will be DQed if this happened? Lets not give them a freebie here.
The vote tally seems broken. I posted a message in the thread that the "Report Bug" link takes me to (hopefully letting the relevant folks know).
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[X] Action Plan: To Not Go Quietly (No AdBlocker)

I really like the idea of selling ad space. And I want money for a bank. Plus all the other business ideas we have, plus glassmaking.
I wish the vote tally worked. I'm having trouble finding plans.

This is the only one I'm currently updating:

Speeches are awkward.

[X] Action Plan: To Not Go Quietly

  • Late afternoon the day before, after cheering on Ino and Shikamaru
    • Make peace with yourself.
      • You will lose. No seals, no breaking OPSEC, no insanely clever gambits that might be construed as "cheating" in this artificial scenario? You will lose.
      • But that doesn't mean you aren't going to fight anyway.
      • You threw the gauntlet down already, and Keiko answered. This fight has greater meaning to you than political strategy or publicity and showmanship.
      • You'll lose, but you aren't going quietly.
  • The Pre-Match Speech:
    • Greet the crowd
      • Hey, its me again! Hope you all liked the last fight. Shame about the other guy... he was really tough though! In fact, everyone in this tournament has done a great job, winners and losers alike. I'm glad to be standing here with them. Especially here with Keiko!
      • Anyways folks, I'm the scrappy underdog here so I hope you're all rooting for me!
    • Let Keiko begin her cynicism spiel, likely about how easily she will demolish us or a cold denouncement of our foolish optimism.
      • Listen intently, bright-eyed and with a small smile.
    • Rebuttal:
      • Let's clear something up: I know exactly how fucked I am. A sealmaster without any seals. Outmanned, outgunned, with a mile of red tape preventing me from doing something clever. In the real world this would be a suicide mission.
      • But I'm here anyway.
      • Besides, I promised a good friend that I'd do my best.
      • Let's get to the fight already.
  • Battle
    • Constraints:
      • No seals except explosives. No Ghost Scales.
      • Your mission? Survive. Extra credit: Kill the Pangolin and bruise Keiko a bit.
        • Mythical best-case scenario: Win.
    • Strategic Outline:
      • Last as long as possible: run away, jump between trees (the Floor is Lava!) , swim through the dirt,etc.
      • Generally be one annoying bastard to kill.
      • While doing that: Litter the place with dropped explosives. Make sure they have to remodel this entire fucking arena after this fight is done.
      • Try to get a good punch in on the Pangolin and/or Keiko before its over. Maybe throw Keiko out of the ring if you think you can.
    • Surrender:
      • Pointless to continue if you get a Moderate Consequence. This wisdom is self-evident to all ninja here.
      • End the match on your feet. You aren't some schmuck.
Does anyone else have suggestions as to the speech? I'm... not feeling especially inspired right now myself.
I mean...honestly, the last part reads too much like we're trying to undermine Keiko's (presumed) victory by claiming that we would have won if only we had our seals available., it kinda doesn't sit right with me. Aren't we supposed to be hyping the Goketsu up?
FYI: By my count the highest plans voted for have two votes. Both of them are mine. One is the above and one is the version of the above with selling ads.

Bit out of juice re: the speech at the moment, and watching a few movie scenes didn't do the trick.

I mean...honestly, the last part reads too much like we're trying to undermine Keiko's (presumed) victory by claiming that we would have won if only we had our seals available., it kinda doesn't sit right with me. Aren't we supposed to be hyping the Goketsu up?
I don't really see where its claiming that. I think it does us credit to outline how hilariously outgunned we are, and it doubles as one more middle finger to Mist. Keiko is going to be doing her best to throw a dumptruck of cynicism at us and in a way that is probably going to be pretty true, as she usually does. Can't just "Nope." that away in pre-fight banter (especially when you are well aware of how hard your ass is going to get kicked) because that looks really lame.
[X] Action Plan: To Not Go Quietly

Gonna want to not have ads, so yeah.

I'm considering writing an Action Plan where we try to win instead of just not lose, we'll see.
I think we could trick Kei into ringout by taping together some storage seals and throwing them down near the middle of the arena, then racing to the absolute edge, positioned so that it's closer to the half of the arena Kei's in than the one we're in, so Kei is forced to conclude that the blast radius will include her edge, so to avoid the blast she needs to leave the arena. There is no blast, of course. But Hazou is a crazy sealmaster, so it's plausible that he might have found an exploit (and in fact, he has).

It doesn't even make Kei look gullible, so much as it makes us look like a credible threat as a sealmaster.
  • Battle
    • Constraints:
      • No seals except explosives.
    • Strategic Outline:
      • Win condition: Get Keiko out of the ring
      • Lose condition: She gets to summon.
      • Block her from doing anything on round 1 once she enters the arena. (Supplemental: Enter Arena; Standard: Block; Supplemental (off-turn) Substitute into Keiko's zone)
      • Attempt to toss her out of the arena with a training explosive attached for extra distance (Supplemental: Pantokrator's Hammer; Supplemental: Activate training explosive; Standard: Maneuver: Throw (attach explosive also))
    • Contingencies:
      • If she gets to summon:
        • Attempt to play keep-away from her, using the summon as a barrier.
        • Punch the summon out as best able.
        • Once summon is down, resume face-punching Keiko as best able.
    • Surrender:
      • Pointless to continue if you get a Moderate Consequence. This wisdom is self-evident to all ninja here.
      • End the match on your feet. You aren't some schmuck.
For the speech, I mostly think we should say nice things about Keiko that show how awesome she is and how highly we think of her. She could use the encouragement, and it would show how close the Goketsu bond is to everyone present, something important to establish the clan as a unified power bloc that's not going anywhere. Also also, it'll play well with Ami for her to know that Keiko has someone who's genuinely looking out for her.
(Reserve the right to emergency change into something viable if the mechanics ain't millhouse)

[] Action Plan: Throw Your Opponent Away

  • Late afternoon the day before, after cheering on Ino and Shikamaru
    • Make peace with yourself.
      • You will lose. No seals, no breaking OPSEC, no insanely clever gambits that might be construed as "cheating" in this artificial scenario? You will lose.
      • But that doesn't mean you aren't going to fight anyway.
      • You threw the gauntlet down already, and Keiko answered. This fight has greater meaning to you than political strategy or publicity and showmanship.
      • You'll lose, but you aren't going quietly.
  • The Pre-Match Speech:
    • Greet the crowd
      • Hey, its me again! Hope you all liked the last fight. Shame about the other guy... he was really tough though! In fact, everyone in this tournament has done a great job, winners and losers alike. I'm glad to be standing here with them. Especially here with Keiko!
      • Anyways folks, I'm the scrappy underdog here so I hope you're all rooting for me!
    • Let Keiko begin her cynicism spiel, likely about how easily she will demolish us or a cold denouncement of our foolish optimism.
      • Listen intently, bright-eyed and with a small smile.
    • Rebuttal:
      • Let's clear something up: I know exactly how fucked I am. A sealmaster without any seals. Outmanned, outgunned, with a mile of red tape preventing me from doing something clever. In the real world this would be a suicide mission.
      • But I'm here anyway.
      • Besides, I promised a good friend that I'd do my best.
      • Let's get to the fight already.
  • Battle
    • Constraints:
      • No seals except explosives. No MEW.
    • Strategic Outline:
      • Win condition: Get Keiko out of the ring
      • Lose condition: She gets to summon.
      • Block her from doing anything on round 1 once she enters the arena. (Supplemental: Enter Arena; Standard: Block; Supplemental (off-turn) Substitute into Keiko's zone).
      • Attempt to toss her out of the arena with a training explosive attached for extra distance (Supplemental: Pantokrator's Hammer; Supplemental: Activate training explosive; Standard: Maneuver: Throw (attach explosive also))
    • Contingencies:
      • If she gets to summon:
        • Attempt to play keep-away from her, using the summon as a barrier.
        • Punch the summon out as best able.
        • Once summon is down, resume face-punching Keiko as best able.
    • Surrender:
      • Pointless to continue if you get a Moderate Consequence. This wisdom is self-evident to all ninja here.
      • End the match on your feet. You aren't some schmuck.
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For the speech, I mostly think we should say nice things about Keiko that show how awesome she is and how highly we think of her. She could use the encouragement, and it would show how close the Goketsu bond is to everyone present, something important to establish the clan as a unified power bloc that's not going anywhere.
This would be fine if we didn't already accidentally settle on verbally murdering each other.

Well, more her murdering us, but you get the idea.
[X] Action Plan: Throw Your Opponent Away

I'd prefer a less defeatist speech, but I prefer this plan to the other.
[X] Action Plan: To Not Go Quietly

[X] Action Plan: Throw Your Opponent Away

I think talking generally about how Kei inspires us when it comes to Uplift could be a good counter to her cold cynicism? For anything where she says "the world's awful" we can say "and yet here you are still trying and making it better for me/ us anyway", that sort of thing? Might be too much though.
[X] Action Plan: To Not Go Quietly

[X] Action Plan: Throw Your Opponent Away

I think talking generally about how Kei inspires us when it comes to Uplift could be a good counter to her cold cynicism? For anything where she says "the world's awful" we can say "and yet here you are still trying and making it better for me/ us anyway", that sort of thing? Might be too much though.
I do like the idea of working uplift ideas into the speech. This is an international event, and the nations should be working together to save humanity from its decline.