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@eaglejarl , @Velorien , @OliWhail , Any info on how much money Granny made with the two clients? Also have you decided what's up with the fifth pangolin jutsu?
Summon and human societies have rather different approaches to traps. Obviously, they exist in both, but it's a lot harder to make traps that reliably affect summons due to their greater variety of body shapes and movement options, as well as all-round superior hardiness. There's also the fact that they have different resources and levels of mechanical proficiency.
However, after talking it over, we've decided that Panache is familiar enough with the basic concepts behind trapmaking as a whole to be able to transfer her skills to dealing with human-type traps, and we're prepared to extend that to other pangolins with similar depth of cracking experience.
Given that Lizardbreath was a chunin, it would be irresponsible of us to assume that he had a trap skill of less than 30, and we should really assume 40. Akane has cracker 15.
I don't like the idea of asking Akane to do it, because it feels like taking advantage of her. Realistically, if she were a stranger, she wouldn't agree to it, and I don't expect any of our Superteam Leaf allies to agree either. In a weird way, getting caught is actually less dangerous for us, as we have a reasonable motive of wanting to get back at Lizardbreath - we're going to look incompetent, but not malicious. A random Leaf Chuunin candidate sneaking into the Mist academy headmaster's office can be interpreted much less generously, I think.
It also necessitates telling other people about our intentions behind the prank, which I'd really like to avoid. Again, as long as it just looks like a prank, we'll get away with some egg on our faces. If someone lets slip that it was actually an attempt to put political pressure on the Mizukage... things start looking a lot worse.
This is a really strange way of estimating the skills of enemy ninja that comes up time and time again in this thread. We are Chuunin-level ninja, and we don't have Trap skills above 30. I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't a single candidate in this exam with that high of a Trap skill, as it's a relatively niche specialty, same reason few people will have a social skill in the same range.
It'd be another thing if Lizardbreath was known as a trap specialist, but he was apparently in T&I before this assignment, which would suggest a social focus if anything. Also, realistically, I'm pretty sure even Trapmaking of around 10 would be enough to defeat the vast majority of academy students.
His abilities as a ninja are not known to you since he never displays any, but may include traps insofar as more or less everyone knows that he has a secret stash of alcohol in his office, and countless schoolchildren have tried and failed to steal it as a dare
We gain an equivalent malus to Stealth. And this is a Stealth mission.What is this and why are we not using it constantly? Could this be used to check for traps behind a door without opening the door? To see the internal structure of solid objects? I can't find stats for this on the wiki.
Keiko would get 15 Stealth versus 20 Awareness against the most basic of genin guard. Personally, I anticipate she'd be more likely to encounter chuunin guards, with closer to 30 Awareness, which would require terrible rolls on their part and good rolls on ours for her to even have a chance. While she could use fate points to get bonuses, she's only got so many.By the way, anyone have opinions on the timeframe? Should we ask for the update to end around, say, noon the next day when the possible effects of the prank should be visible?
@Cariyaga insofar as our argument goes, I'm willing to compromise on the entry point and leave it completely up to Keiko. Not so much on the Panashe backpack thing. I might be convinced by a more detailed numerical analysis of how Keiko with bonuses and Panashe with maluses fare against a Genin-level guard, or something similar. If you don't want to do that, you can always copy my plan and modify it as an alternative.
Keiko would get 15 Stealth versus 20 Awareness against the most basic of genin guard. Personally, I anticipate she'd be more likely to encounter chuunin guards, with closer to 30 Awareness, which would require terrible rolls on their part and good rolls on ours for her to even have a chance. While she could use fate points to get bonuses, she's only got so many.
That said...
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail You said before that we used pangolin in the forest so they'd be instantly-identifiable as Keiko's, right? But... didn't we only use Panache and the engineer pangolin? Did anyone actually see Panache?
Panjandrum: Man, nobody remembers me.We rode a giant pangolin (panjandrum probably) to get past the initial ambushes.
Oh, right.We rode a giant pangolin (panjandrum probably) to get past the initial ambushes.
I don't like the idea of asking Akane to do it, because it feels like taking advantage of her. Realistically, if she were a stranger, she wouldn't agree to it, and I don't expect any of our Superteam Leaf allies to agree either. In a weird way, getting caught is actually less dangerous for us, as we have a reasonable motive of wanting to get back at Lizardbreath - we're going to look incompetent, but not malicious. A random Leaf Chuunin candidate sneaking into the Mist academy headmaster's office can be interpreted much less generously, I think.
It also necessitates telling other people about our intentions behind the prank, which I'd really like to avoid. Again, as long as it just looks like a prank, we'll get away with some egg on our faces. If someone lets slip that it was actually an attempt to put political pressure on the Mizukage... things start looking a lot worse.
Oh, right.
Speaking of which, Keiko should train with her pangolin a lot during the month break. Particularly Panjandrum.
Yeah that sounds fine.@Cariyaga how about this: Keiko moves alone through the city towards the academy. She finds a secluded spot next to it, then summons Panashe, whom she briefs on the academy layout. Panashe goes in, scouts the guard patrol pattern if there are any, and cracks either the window or the main door. She goes back to Keiko, who, with the bonuses granted by this preparation, should really have no trouble getting in undetected.
I really want to avoid the backpack idea. Putting mechanics aside, it just sounds really unrealistic, and I fear the QMs would place some truly awful maluses on Panache for it.
Honestly, considering some academy students managed to get past the guards, their Alertness can't be that high, but then the chance of them spotting an unburdened Panashe should be minuscule as well.
Mostly in agreement with this, some simple suggestions:@Cariyaga how about this: Keiko moves alone through the city towards the academy. She finds a secluded spot next to it, then summons Panashe, whom she briefs on the academy layout. Panashe goes in, scouts the guard patrol pattern if there are any, and cracks either the window or the main door. She goes back to Keiko, who, with the bonuses granted by this preparation, should really have no trouble getting in undetected.
I really want to avoid the backpack idea. Putting mechanics aside, it just sounds really unrealistic, and I fear the QMs would place some truly awful maluses on Panache for it.
Honestly, considering some academy students managed to get past the guards, their Alertness can't be that high, but then the chance of them spotting an unburdened Panashe should be minuscule as well.
Actual underground tunnels would be pretty obvious, wouldn't it? And a bad idea to leave evidence around.Mostly in agreement with this, some simple suggestions:
- Consider the pros/cons of using an underground tunnel, either to get to the academy or to get to the headmaster's office. Or both. Panashe has a go-underground jutsu IIRC.
- Have Keiko summon Pandaa earlier to get reverse summoned, and brief Panashe in the Summoning Realm earlier.
Only if the tunnels themselves are permanent, instead of turning back into ground after XYZ time.Actual underground tunnels would be pretty obvious, wouldn't it? And a bad idea to leave evidence around.
-Send both K and N, not just one or other. N does the dosing as medic. Conditional on borrowing a backup from another Leaf team. Other Leaf team doesn't need to know mission, 2 hour window.
-Early evening conference with other Leaf teams, quick. Share info, do they have any asks, tell them about team Trap, privately reach out for a backup during prank to most likely.
-Ask K, are there any obvious ways we can multiply our return, with little additional investment, if the prank is successful? If we had more supply?
-Engage our Proctor at dinner.
Get her to talk about her past, how much more does she need to make before she can retire, etc. Try and learn what she/he really thinks about us, and about cash
Practice our Mari skills where she can observer. Let her find out before hand, perhaps by accident. Under the guise of softening up clients
Ask her if she can get more supply if business goes unexpectedly well
Look in to setting up distractions during our op, like spending a fate point for a constantly bickering couple to live near the academy and setting up one of them to be found with perfume and lipstick on their shirt.
Depending on the type of trap, Keiko might be able to disappear it into the summon realm without disarming it.
I still think it's a good idea to set up decoy pranks to distract from the actual objective, like a bucket of water over the door, a dead lizard in his cupboard, stink bombs, glue on the seat, etc.
We could drop fake hints to send other teams exploring the academy at the right time to catch LB, saying we stashed our word halves there(probably don't want to do this unless henged); we know Mist codes.
For implicating others for our actions, we could steal and plant a body part from that body part detaching clan in the office. Noburi should be able to drain a genin into unconsciousness in one round. One of the best ways to make sure LB gets caught is implicating somebody of more political importance in the prank, making it preferable to blame LB. Or, help one of the kids get into his liquor(doesn't actually have to go down this way, just appear to have gone down this way), inadvertently dosing themselves with the betel. Hard to cover that up.