Wait - wait wait wait.
We have a harsh time limit if we're going missing. We have diplomatic problems to deal with, on the Seventh Path and otherwise. We have to consider who we're taking, if we want Leaf's Uplift to continue, and if there's even a way for us and Noburi to go missing that doesn't A) Destroy the possibility of Missing Nin ceasing to be so, B) Destroy the life of anyone left behind, and C) Harm his loyalty to us, since uprooting him from Leaf and his life - including Yuno, his wife, and whatever issues she has with the idea of going missing, and Jashinism - we probably can't leave her in Leaf.
And there are other important issues.
But getting away from the Tower could be critical, and we need to get out of Akatsuki's sights.
So I'm going to focus on the critical thing, since I don't recall it being confirmed:
Do we have copies of Minato's Notes? Because without those, our dimensionalism research is dead in the water, and the whole plan is a bust from the start.
I'm assuming there are measures to prevent us from stealing/copying them, given their value and Opsec status. How do we get around those? Because that's critical, if we're going missing.