@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped

Since we have numerous seals that Jiraiya has given us but that are still unspecified, could we vote in something along the lines of "give Akatsuki Jiraiya's most useless jounin-tier seal + Rocket Boots"

If we did that, would it actually give them something pretty useless?
We should just focus on informing Yuno the consequences it will have on the clan as well Hazo's true opinion on Jashinism. Not being forthright is a mistake.
If Mari hasn't been working on Mio (the way she said that she would) or on Yuno (the way she said that she would), then I want to know what the frick she's been doing this whole time that's so important, and when the benefits of that unknown effort will kick in.
Naruto has issued the orders to comply with Akatsuki's demands. Clan Gōketsu, alongside the few clans on the council with jōnin-level sealmasters, has been ordered to prepare notes and blanks of two jōnin-level seals to give to Akatsuki.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't this demand extend to all of Leaf's clans, on the expectation that even if they don't have a Jounin-level sealmaster now, they surely had one at some point in the past?

Let's quickly compile a list of Things To Be Dealt With:
  • Choosing what seals to hand over
  • Helping Kei get the Pangolin embassy set up
  • What to do about Yuno registering as a Jashinist
  • Instructing Team Turtle and/or making a new blank with the substrate
  • Naruto necromancy talk
  • Orochimaru lithosealing deal
Yuno strikes me as the most urgent. Team Turtle can probably afford to rest for a day even if we decide to send them back in, but I'm personally inclined to call this a mission clear since we have enough substrate to optimally trade with Orochimaru now. Telling them to head back home will take no time at all. Then we have the Naruto meeting and the Orochimaru meeting. Both are "sooner is better" but with Naruto it's just a matter of friendliness and with Orochimaru it's a matter of "the longer we wait the more we risk him finding out through other channels". We're probably going to need to talk to Naruto about the deal anyways, re-affirm Asuma's authorization of the deal since we have the chance, and we can probably chain that into the actual deal itself. And then helping Kei figure out the Shark thing can happen whenever, it's on our list but doesn't need to be today.
Ch. 630 SC XP

Hazou: 1.0 × 3 = 3 XP

Kei: 4.8 XP
@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped
Shadow Clone XP for chapter 631

Hazou: 4*(1.9 - .4 (notes) - .5 (severe)) = 4XP
Kei: 4*1.7= 6.8XP

Ch. 628 SC XP

Hazou: I didn't do notes for this chapter but Hazou seemed busy anyways so it's probably a wash anyways

Kei: (1.6 × 4) = 6.4 XP

Ch. 629 SC XP
Hazou: (1.9 - .4 (notes) - .5 (severe)) = 1.0
1.0 × 8 = 8 XP

Kei: 1.6 × 8 = 12.8 XP
Player Jutsu Doc said:
  1. If XP is due at the end of update X but we are not notified before update X+1 is posted, that XP is lost.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't this demand extend to all of Leaf's clans, on the expectation that even if they don't have a Jounin-level sealmaster now, they surely had one at some point in the past?
"I suspect that is no longer possible," Itachi said coolly. "However, I am confident of my ability to persuade him to settle for seals. One jōnin-tier seal he does not already know from each clan. Two from clans with an active sealmaster within the last five years and the Konoha Enlightenment Initiative. Needless to say, if he feels he is being fobbed off with inferior goods, that will be his veto against Leaf's survival."

Representative Shimura and Lady Kei looked oddly gratified at the KEI's inclusion in the ranks of Akatsuki's victims.

Still, that was… actually not as bad as it could have been. Every clan had had sealmasters before, even if it didn't now, and while giving away clan secret seals would certainly feel like getting surgery without willowbark, it would only be psychological damage to a clan like the Hyūga that had spent centuries gathering them. Besides, if Sasori really decided to research several dozen jōnin-tier seals, at least that would set his necromancy research back considerably.

"Only the clans represented here," Tsunade countered. "Many of the minors won't have any unique seals, never mind ones Sasori won't turn up his nose at."
Assuming no further developments since this deal was laid out, it would be Council clans only, with a double tithe from those with a recent sealmaster jounin, likely in the vicinity of two dozen seals.
If XP is due at the end of update X but we are not notified before update X+1 is posted, that XP is lost.
(Also pinging @Velorien @eaglejarl)

Look, I totally get it, but for the past several dozen (maybe 100+?) chapters, the QMs have been the ones tracking the XP. It doesn't feel great when before I or someone else was formerly doing it every update, then we transitioned to the players not doing it anymore, and then when the QMs didn't do it we just lose it. When we were tracking it and it didn't get added that ruling felt much more appropriate. I get y'all got a lot of work but the players did not ask for SC xp to start getting calc'd for us, we were doing it ourselves for quite some time. The only reason I did it this time was because i was pinging the QMs to update it several times and it wasn't happening. It doesn't help that the QMs were not exactly sure how many days those three updates actually took up and needed to hammer out how much time actually passed.

I'm not going to throw a huge fit over it this time as it was only a small sum but I would really not like to see this become a norm.
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(Also pinging @Velorien @eaglejarl)

Look, I totally get it, but for the past several dozen (maybe 100+?) chapters, the QMs have been the ones tracking the XP. It doesn't feel great when before I or someone else was formerly doing it every update, then we transitioned to the players not doing it anymore, and then when the QMs didn't do it we just lose it. When we were tracking it and it didn't get added that ruling felt much more appropriate. I get y'all got a lot of work but the players did not ask for SC xp to start getting calc'd for us, we were doing it ourselves for quite some time. The only reason I did it this time was because i was pinging the QMs to update it several times and it wasn't happening. It doesn't help that the QMs were not exactly sure how many days those three updates actually took up and needed to hammer out how much time actually passed.

I'm not going to throw a huge fit over it this time as it was only a small sum but I would really not like to see this become a norm.
  1. It's not a big deal, so I'll just add the SC XP for 628 and 629 as a freebie.
  2. The rules haven't changed though -- in general, if you want to get the SC XP, you need to report it in the thread. Sometimes I'll add SC XP to the sheets if I remember the multipliers off the top of my head when I'm putting base XP in, but when that happens, it's fully a freebie rather than policy. If I'm busy for a few weeks and don't add it, and @eaglejarl and @Velorien don't do the same, the players need to be reporting. I suspect my fellow QMs are much less inclined to break policy and add SC XP without the players reporting it.
Ch. 628 SC XP

Hazou: I didn't do notes for this chapter but Hazou seemed busy anyways so it's probably a wash anyways

Kei: (1.6 × 4) = 6.4 XP

Ch. 629 SC XP
Hazou: (1.9 - .4 (notes) - .5 (severe)) = 1.0
1.0 × 8 = 8 XP

Kei: 1.6 × 8 = 12.8 XP
Added. Also, I note that Kei's multiplier is not 1.6x, but 1.7x as @Oneiros reports above. I corrected your reported values to have the 1.7x multiplier. (again, this is a freebie)
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't this demand extend to all of Leaf's clans, on the expectation that even if they don't have a Jounin-level sealmaster now, they surely had one at some point in the past?

Let's quickly compile a list of Things To Be Dealt With:
  • Choosing what seals to hand over
  • Helping Kei get the Pangolin embassy set up
  • What to do about Yuno registering as a Jashinist
  • Instructing Team Turtle and/or making a new blank with the substrate
  • Naruto necromancy talk
  • Orochimaru lithosealing deal
Yuno strikes me as the most urgent. Team Turtle can probably afford to rest for a day even if we decide to send them back in, but I'm personally inclined to call this a mission clear since we have enough substrate to optimally trade with Orochimaru now. Telling them to head back home will take no time at all. Then we have the Naruto meeting and the Orochimaru meeting. Both are "sooner is better" but with Naruto it's just a matter of friendliness and with Orochimaru it's a matter of "the longer we wait the more we risk him finding out through other channels". We're probably going to need to talk to Naruto about the deal anyways, re-affirm Asuma's authorization of the deal since we have the chance, and we can probably chain that into the actual deal itself. And then helping Kei figure out the Shark thing can happen whenever, it's on our list but doesn't need to be today.

Kagome Shadow Clone request. (Probably part of the Naruto talk, as @eaglejarl mentioned that conversation couldn't be off-screened previously, if I understood the comment correctly.)
Hazō has received an order to prepare a briefing regarding dimensionalism and the rift, including to propose plans of varying levels of risk/reward. Naruto expects this briefing reasonably soon.
Thank fucking god.

I mean, it sucks that we dragged our heels and were the opposite of proactive about this, but at least now we can finally get some movement on talking to Naruto!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't this demand extend to all of Leaf's clans, on the expectation that even if they don't have a Jounin-level sealmaster now, they surely had one at some point in the past?

Let's quickly compile a list of Things To Be Dealt With:
  • Choosing what seals to hand over
  • Helping Kei get the Pangolin embassy set up
  • What to do about Yuno registering as a Jashinist
  • Instructing Team Turtle and/or making a new blank with the substrate
  • Naruto necromancy talk
  • Orochimaru lithosealing deal
Yuno strikes me as the most urgent. Team Turtle can probably afford to rest for a day even if we decide to send them back in, but I'm personally inclined to call this a mission clear since we have enough substrate to optimally trade with Orochimaru now. Telling them to head back home will take no time at all. Then we have the Naruto meeting and the Orochimaru meeting. Both are "sooner is better" but with Naruto it's just a matter of friendliness and with Orochimaru it's a matter of "the longer we wait the more we risk him finding out through other channels". We're probably going to need to talk to Naruto about the deal anyways, re-affirm Asuma's authorization of the deal since we have the chance, and we can probably chain that into the actual deal itself. And then helping Kei figure out the Shark thing can happen whenever, it's on our list but doesn't need to be today.
I'm inclined to keep Team Lee at it, and see if they can get more substrate. I don't think we have enough to maximally develop runes until the new substrate jutsu hits. If we could get a second crystal we'd probably be set. They didn't seem to have too much trouble with the first one.

I think next update should be the Naruto meeting. Since that'll inform the Oro meeting.
Mareo was still smiling softly as he sat back down on the grassy hillside.

"Nah, it ain't that simple. I used to have a clan, y'know? Long story, but I took the scroll and went off into the wilderness. They kept tracking me down and trying to trap me and take the scroll back. Never worked of course, and I got better and better at keeping away, but never good enough to stop them from finding me again. Now, I've been off the Human Path for what – Ten years? Twenty? They've definitely found my little hut and buried it under a dozen feet of mud. If I went back, the aetheric doohickey wouldn't properly form around my body and I'd get squelched.
Do we know what Mareo's clan is, or are we going to have to spend more time tracking that down?
Rumor has it that Orochimaru has returned.
Orochisnuncle, please have mercy upon our souls
It might be easier, but we still have no substrate. So it's not an option yet.
I don't think that's necessarily true. Haruhisa could die most of the way through researching our substrate jutsu. We are only ~50 days from being healed. That's about as long as researching a tough project takes.
Good news!

You more interested in a rune unlock now or do you still think RRBs are the way to go?
Good news!

You more interested in a rune unlock now or do you still think RRBs are the way to go?
It depends on if we have any good ideas for a genin-level rune.

On the whole, there's very little downside to doing RRBs, since we generate full XP while researching, and we need to do them eventually. They would be very useful for our next combat unlock.
Between lithosealing's "similar effects at lower level" and "more powerful effects at equal level," a sterilization/Purification rune might very well be genin-level.
This has very little utility for our next combat unlock, which I'm concerned about surviving given Hazou's performance on the last one.

Also, I suspect runes are far too classified to dump one in the middle of Leaf General. Even a locked room. Hyuuga pass through there all the time. Runes would be easily visible to them.
@eaglejarl , @Velorien , @Paperclipped

Noburi once told Hazou that the hospital would benefit from a seal that purified/decontaminated rooms/objects.

Noburi was able to successfully do Medic Nin Things as a missing nin, with medical stats in the 10s.

Hazou has Medknow 10 and Sealing in the 70s.

Is Hazou's medical knowledge high enough that he believes he could make a seal that would do that?
Hazou does not think that he can do that. MedNin is how objects are generally purified, and Hazou knows nothing of MedNin. If he did... while directly replicating ninjutsu with seals is rarely easy, it is sometimes possible, and Hazou believes he is the best sealmaster alive. He'd be willing to try.

@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped

Is it possible for Hazou - knowing he was going to be on the Seventh Path that day - to schedule his SC training for the evening?

We won a very significant (political) conflict recently by getting Naruto elected. I think the Goketsu et al were responsible for something like a +6 vote swing and eliminating Hagoromo as a candidate.

Can we have some FP for it?
Sure, we'll add +1 FP to all the PC's sheets.

[re: Yuno registering as a Jashinist]

Is this despite Noburi, Mari, and Kei's work on Yuno?
Hazou thinks it's highly likely one of his clanmates tells her not to register under any circumstances, but y'know. Bystander effect.

@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped

Since we have numerous seals that Jiraiya has given us but that are still unspecified, could we vote in something along the lines of "give Akatsuki Jiraiya's most useless jounin-tier seal + Rocket Boots"

If we did that, would it actually give them something pretty useless?
That would be a valid vote. It probably wouldn't be particularly useless. While Jiraiya did research seals for gags occasionally, he rarely did jounin+ seal research for no good reason.
Hazou does not think that he can do that. MedNin is how objects are generally purified, and Hazou knows nothing of MedNin. If he did... while directly replicating ninjutsu with seals is rarely easy, it is sometimes possible, and Hazou believes he is the best sealmaster alive. He'd be willing to try.
Thanks ^.^
Hazou believes he is the best sealmaster alive.
He does?! I could easily see "one of the best sealmasters alive" but the best?

  1. It's not a big deal, so I'll just add the SC XP for 628 and 629 as a freebie.
  2. The rules haven't changed though -- in general, if you want to get the SC XP, you need to report it in the thread. Sometimes I'll add SC XP to the sheets if I remember the multipliers off the top of my head when I'm putting base XP in, but when that happens, it's fully a freebie rather than policy. If I'm busy for a few weeks and don't add it, and @eaglejarl and @Velorien don't do the same, the players need to be reporting. I suspect my fellow QMs are much less inclined to break policy and add SC XP without the players reporting it.

Added. Also, I note that Kei's multiplier is not 1.6x, but 1.7x as @Oneiros reports above. I corrected your reported values to have the 1.7x multiplier. (again, this is a freebie)
@Paperclipped I don't know if you feel like another freebie. But it should be

Hazou: (1.0 x 4) = 4 XP

for Chapter 628.

@Shrooms we could also add an additional day to the notes tracker.
(Also pinging @Velorien @eaglejarl)

Look, I totally get it, but for the past several dozen (maybe 100+?) chapters, the QMs have been the ones tracking the XP. It doesn't feel great when before I or someone else was formerly doing it every update, then we transitioned to the players not doing it anymore, and then when the QMs didn't do it we just lose it. When we were tracking it and it didn't get added that ruling felt much more appropriate. I get y'all got a lot of work but the players did not ask for SC xp to start getting calc'd for us, we were doing it ourselves for quite some time. The only reason I did it this time was because i was pinging the QMs to update it several times and it wasn't happening. It doesn't help that the QMs were not exactly sure how many days those three updates actually took up and needed to hammer out how much time actually passed.

I'm not going to throw a huge fit over it this time as it was only a small sum but I would really not like to see this become a norm.
Thank you for being very measured in your response. @Paperclipped already replied and gave you this one as a freebie, but I'll chime in to lend extra weight: we were very clear when we created the Shadow Clone jutsu that it's a massive headache for us and we didn't want to deal with the XP tracking. It's on the players to do it if y'all want the bonus. If we get out ahead of it sometimes, that's us being helpful, not us taking on a responsibility.