Honestly, I'm not going to bother thinking about the "how" until Noburi says his Mednin skills are high enough to research it.
I think they're high enough now, are they not? He just wasn't sure. A pretty foolproof way to test it would be to try it out live.
Iirc we've been told this is not a research project, but instead just a series of checks.

Edit: so there's no need to buy people to use as test subjects.
Why would you expect that practicing the surgery wouldn't lower the TN? That is my expectation. Even if it doesn't, it most certainly should be good for a taggable Aspect.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped I'm curious about your experiences during the POV switch during our 2nd Isan intervention. Did you all enjoy the change of perspective using the Isan team? And supposing there was an opportunity to delegate to Goketsu or Uplift to hunt down some lore, punch something, learn sealing, help Hazou with a political problem, and so on, would you want to bring back those POV swaps? Or would that be better as omakes from us players?
While I see ROTP doesn't agree with me about this, this is how I viewed him lashing out at Yuno. Sucks, but I see how Hazoupilot would behave like that in that specific scenario. I don't mind if this happens more often when narratively appropriate
My main issue is that, narratively, Hazou has gone through similar things, and not been cruel in the aftermath.

He tanked Zabuza's Aura during the chunnin exams, and, upon waking up with a concussion, immediately sought to reassure Noburi and Kei that he didn't think that the accomplishments were only his, but that the accomplishments were the results of their shared efforts.

Hazou watched Hidan cut through the civilians of Bakuchioka, played both dice (which he could cheat at) and cards (which he had no control over) to win their lives... and when Hazou returned? He simply hugged Akane, and immediately sought to start rectifying his mistakes (burial rites, personally giving restitution, arranging medical nin care, and then personally ordering Noburi to go when Tsunade's lackies ducked their duties, etc).

Hazou battled Orochimaru's Aura several times. He passed out, pissing and shitting himself, but was never cruel to Mari.

Hazou struggled against Orochimaru, without Asuma's backing, to keep him from getting his scalpel into Kei while he was crippled and suffering Severes from the Great Seal. And he was still of the mindset "I'll throw myself on that grenade to protect my family."

Hazou, in the aftermath of the EM Nuke fiasco, allowed Shard to lay into him silently and without pause. He allowed Shard to vent her rage, he allowed Shard to question his love for his family (the same family he regularly goes "pretty famn far" for), and said nothing in return.

Hazou is so socially passive that it's created this inertia that we can't really break out of. Chapters don't end with "Shard has just given you a 'Fuck You and Here's Why' speech. What do you do?" They end with "Shard has given Hazou a 'Fuck You' speech, and Hazou pilot nodded along before leaving her alone, just as Shard asked."

So then when Hazou-pilot, Resolve Georg, He of Unending Patience, has undergone "yet another Essie Fiasco" now decides to start snapping at people and being cruel? That now dealing with Essies is too stressful? He's four years older and his Resolve stat is at least double what it must have been in the Chunnin Exams, but now is when Hazou-pilot decides to start fumbling the ball?

If there's a non-contradictory, narrative reason for Hazou-Pilot to do a full 180, one that flies in the face of his Forged in Fire stunt? I can't think of one.

If it's the loss of Akane that has Hazou-pilot is skipping merrily down the way of a mental break, or down the road of Orochimaru, despite all the hivemind's efforts, then that should be better reflected in the narrative. (Ex: Hazou snapping at Yuno, immediately regretting it, wishing Akane were here and that she might know what to say, lamenting he doesn't have the time for this, and then asking/ordering/yelling at Yuno to pause this conversation.)
My main issue is that, narratively, Hazou has gone through similar things, and not been cruel in the aftermath.

He tanked Zabuza's Aura during the chunnin exams, and, upon waking up with a concussion, immediately sought to reassure Noburi and Kei that he didn't think that the accomplishments were only his, but that the accomplishments were the results of their shared efforts.

Hazou watched Hidan cut through the civilians of Bakuchioka, played both dice (which he could cheat at) and cards (which he had no control over) to win their lives... and when Hazou returned? He simply hugged Akane, and immediately sought to start rectifying his mistakes (burial rites, personally giving restitution, arranging medical nin care, and then personally ordering Noburi to go when Tsunade's lackies ducked their duties, etc).

Hazou battled Orochimaru's Aura several times. He passed out, pissing and shitting himself, but was never cruel to Mari.

Hazou struggled against Orochimaru, without Asuma's backing, to keep him from getting his scalpel into Kei while he was crippled and suffering Severes from the Great Seal. And he was still of the mindset "I'll throw myself on that grenade to protect my family."

Hazou, in the aftermath of the EM Nuke fiasco, allowed Shard to lay into him silently and without pause. He allowed Shard to vent her rage, he allowed Shard to question his love for his family (the same family he regularly goes "pretty famn far" for), and said nothing in return.

Hazou is so socially passive that it's created this inertia that we can't really break out of. Chapters don't end with "Shard has just given you a 'Fuck You and Here's Why' speech. What do you do?" They end with "Shard has given Hazou a 'Fuck You' speech, and Hazou pilot nodded along before leaving her alone, just as Shard asked."

So then when Hazou-pilot, Resolve Georg, He of Unending Patience, has undergone "yet another Essie Fiasco" now decides to start snapping at people and being cruel? That now dealing with Essies is too stressful? He's four years older and his Resolve stat is at least double what it must have been in the Chunnin Exams, but now is when Hazou-pilot decides to start fumbling the ball?

If there's a non-contradictory, narrative reason for Hazou-Pilot to do a full 180, one that flies in the face of his Forged in Fire stunt? I can't think of one.

If it's the loss of Akane that has Hazou-pilot is skipping merrily down the way of a mental break, or down the road of Orochimaru, despite all the hivemind's efforts, then that should be better reflected in the narrative. (Ex: Hazou snapping at Yuno, immediately regretting it, wishing Akane were here and that she might know what to say, lamenting he doesn't have the time for this, and then asking/ordering/yelling at Yuno to pause this conversation.)

To be fair Hazou wasn't even that cruel. This is the extent of him lashing out:

"Yuno," Hazō said carefully, "you are aware that the man is a psychotic lunatic who massacres innocents for fun and was probably responsible for the deaths of numerous friends and relatives of people we care about?"

"Yuno," Hazō attempted to reason, "Jashin is evil. He tells Hidan to kill innocent people. He told Hidan to kidnap me and make me fight someone to the death against my will."

Hazō's head was spinning. He was already exhausted from his day out with Hidan, and now there was this.

"Just… I'll deal with you later," he hissed at Yuno. "For now, do not talk to anyone about Hidan or Jashin. That's a clan head order. And for the love of the ancestors, put that amulet away."

He wasn't being cruel or really snapping (not like when he was yelling at Asuma), but a lot of the hivemind pointed out that our behavior is probably not great for Yuno. This is barely even snapping imo, and yes Yuno has gone through trauma and this might trigger those same instincts, but it's not Hazo being cruel and lashing out.
To be fair Hazou wasn't even that cruel. This is the extent of him lashing out:

He wasn't being cruel or really snapping (not like when he was yelling at Asuma), but a lot of the hivemind pointed out that our behavior is probably not great for Yuno. This is barely even snapping imo, and yes Yuno has gone through trauma and this might trigger those same instincts, but it's not Hazo being cruel and lashing out.
Agreed, for the record. I don't think Hazou was really mean at all, just more curt than he could've otherwise been.
I agree that the way Hazō treated Yuno was in-character and understandable under the circumstances. I remain skeptical about his behavior towards Asuma and the Hagoromo in the aftermath of Akane's death.
Also, I agree that we get a lot of criticism from Kei that, honestly, we do not deserve. From what Velorien says it seems plausible that Hazopilot himself realizes that lashing out to Kei criticism will just result in a bigger dose of Kei drama, whihc is why he chooses to take it on his chin and walk away. I think if we want it to stop, we should go full CCnJ on a plan and tell Kei that a lot of her scathing criticisms are unwarranted and sometimes even cruel. It causes Hazopilot (and the Hivemind) emotional pain, and could you please stop doing it or tone it down, please?
she weighs the potential social/political damage from letting this stew for another day as compared to the potential damage of causing a sealing failure by distracting Hazō.
Sooo... Sealing research is only dangerous during infusion. Distractions during either inscribing or preparatory rituals and reading of environmental signs (like astrological alignment and such) only cause annoying setbacks if the sealmaster isn't an idiot who doesn't start over when unsure. On top of that, in between every individual step (like when we move between dancing and looking at star charts, or between meditating on the Out and triple checking paper quality) distractions aren't actually an issue at all. Nor do distractions during all the copious theory work do anything but potentially disrupt a thought at the cusp of insight. Hell, given how long sealing research takes, I am sure Hazō also takes breaks for water, food and toilet usage.

Of course those of our minions who know nothing about sealing can't know which stage of research we are at in any given moment. So here's what we need to do:
Set up a way that allows people to send us a message or signal that doesn't distract us at all through sound or visual disruptions. Something as simple as a way to place short written messages in a neighboring room or on a window we aren't facing when we work would be enough. Or a little flag, with the color signaling urgency (red being the highest that isn't yet worth risking sealing failure). If sealing research is literally too dangerous for anyone to approach even the field that the research bunker is located at then just make the flag bigger and hoist it up on a mast. Then Hazō (or Kagome or any other Gokētsu researcher) make a habit of looking at the place the message/flag is located whenever they have a moment in between delicate work and stupid stuff like this doesn't happen again.

How do we implement a policy like that? Just vote for it similar to how we voted for what to keep secret from outer circle Gokētsu ninja?
Also, I agree that we get a lot of criticism from Kei that, honestly, we do not deserve. From what Velorien says it seems plausible that Hazopilot himself realizes that lashing out to Kei criticism will just result in a bigger dose of Kei drama, whihc is why he chooses to take it on his chin and walk away. I think if we want it to stop, we should go full CCnJ on a plan and tell Kei that a lot of her scathing criticisms are unwarranted and sometimes even cruel. It causes Hazopilot (and the Hivemind) emotional pain, and could you please stop doing it or tone it down, please?
Personally, I'm fine with simply getting used to Kei's brand of criticism and mostly ignoring it. Although if Hazō himself were to take that route perhaps Kei deserves to know...
Or a little flag, with the color signaling urgency (red being the highest that isn't yet worth risking sealing failure). If sealing research is literally too dangerous for anyone to approach even the field that the research bunker is located at then just make the flag bigger and hoist it up on a mast. Then Hazō (or Kagome or any other Gokētsu researcher) make a habit of looking at the place the message/flag is located whenever they have a moment in between delicate work and stupid stuff like this doesn't happen again.
I'm pretty sure we have a flag system, or at least did at the old estate. I specifically remember either Jin or Yudai misusing it to get laid in one of the testing grounds.
What plan did we agree to with them?
That we'd cozy up to the Hyuuga, with the intent of leveraging that friendliness to affect positive change within the Hyuuga, IIRC.
What reassurances did Asuma make?
That the meeting would be held outside of Fire Country, and in a neutral location. Pretty sure he floated Hot Springs as an option.
Also, I agree that we get a lot of criticism from Kei that, honestly, we do not deserve. From what Velorien says it seems plausible that Hazopilot himself realizes that lashing out to Kei criticism will just result in a bigger dose of Kei drama, whihc is why he chooses to take it on his chin and walk away. I think if we want it to stop, we should go full CCnJ on a plan and tell Kei that a lot of her scathing criticisms are unwarranted and sometimes even cruel. It causes Hazopilot (and the Hivemind) emotional pain, and could you please stop doing it or tone it down, please?
We have. During the Isan 2 Arc, Hazou told Kei that he now feels a small but notable amount of trepidation every time he approaches her for her help.

Kei snaps at Hazou, Hazou (by Velorien's own words) takes it on the chin out of fear of causing more drama, and then Kei then gets mad when Hazou doesn't go to her for help as often as he used to.
Kei snaps at Hazou, Hazou (by Velorien's own words) takes it on the chin out of fear of causing more drama, and then Kei then gets mad when Hazou doesn't go to her for help as often as he used to.
Like I've said before, the emotional Give and Take is incredibly lopsided and has been pretty much from the beginning.
Kei snaps at Hazou, Hazou (by Velorien's own words) takes it on the chin out of fear of causing more drama, and then Kei then gets mad when Hazou doesn't go to her for help as often as he used to.
To restate, I write those exchanges the way I do because I don't want to create unprovoked Kei drama for you. The Hazōpilot's in-character motivations are a separate issue.

That the meeting would be held outside of Fire Country, and in a neutral location. Pretty sure he floated Hot Springs as an option.
"These fine gentlemen arrived in Leaf two hours ago," Asuma said, a small and seemingly unbothered smile on his face. "They simply strolled in the Sunset Gate and wandered through the streets for a bit until an ANBU caught up to them and invited them to the Tower."
To restate, I write those exchanges the way I do because I don't want to create unprovoked Kei drama for you. The Hazōpilot's in-character motivations are a separate issue.
Re: the second point, we can totally fault Asuma for being such a weak Hokage that any and all S rankers are able to stroll into and out of Leaf at will. He wants all the power and privilege of being Hokage? Then he has to actually protect the Hidden Leaf, not allow mass murderers to ritually sacrifice entire villages without so much as a slap on the wrist.
In conclusion, we have repeatedly been delivered shit sandwiches, but they're simulationist shit sandwiches. (No snark here, I think this is fine, just darkly amusing.)
Re: the second point, we can totally fault Asuma for being such a weak Hokage that any and all S rankers are able to stroll into and out of Leaf at will. He wants all the power and privilege of being Hokage? Then he has to actually protect the Hidden Leaf, not allow mass murderers to ritually sacrifice entire villages without so much as a slap on the wrist.
I uhhhhh don't think we should say this out loud.
Re: the second point, we can totally fault Asuma for being such a weak Hokage that any and all S rankers are able to stroll into and out of Leaf at will. He wants all the power and privilege of being Hokage? Then he has to actually protect the Hidden Leaf, not allow mass murderers to ritually sacrifice entire villages without so much as a slap on the wrist.
You can fault Asuma for being a weak Hokage if you so desire, but I'm not sure you can fault him for Akatsuki ignoring the arrangements he promised you.
You can fault Asuma for being a weak Hokage if you so desire, but I'm not sure you can fault him for Akatsuki ignoring the arrangements he promised you.
I don't fault Asuma for the Akatsuki doing what they want. I blame Asuma for being so weak that the Akatsuki feel comfortable strolling into Leaf and murdering entire villages, even in this era of AMITY. I blame Asuma for being so weak that he is unable to punish Hidan for his actions. I blame Asuma for making it Hazo's problem that these things happened, when it's the Hokage's job to secure Leaf.
I think Asuma is in an unfavourable situation here. Considering Hidan's personality, attempting to punish him would probably mean a fight to the death, winning which might result in the rest of Akatsuki turning up and wiping Leaf off the map.
Maybe, maybe not. Maybe he can use those big Thinker connections of his to figure out a better way forward.

Or he can keep doing nothing and Hidan will keep turning up, killing people, and everyone will blame Hazo because (???).