Long reaction post is.. sorta long.
Honami's cooperation was opening countless doors for the team, in some cases literally. Hazō's call to cooperate with her had paid off a hundredfold.
Yes! :D

But also 'cooperation' twice sounds clunky. Call to work with her? Something else? Can't think of any options on the fly, but it did sort of trip me up.

The kid had the makings of an excellent infiltrator, Mari decided, just as soon as he got better at lying. And disguises. And observation. And persuasion.
Challenge accepted!

Challenge acce- let us get back to you on that in 5 years, mkay?

Mari: Deception said:
22d100 = 1105

Oh, finally, a look at Mari's stats!

Mr Spy: Deception said:
?d100 = 1160


If this is how their Deception matches up I really want to know how Mari detected him to begin with. @eaglejarl why won't you tell us what you rolled for iiiit?

Which is why our client is an information-withholding sack of slimedrizzler balls.
Yes. Kinda surprised, but not much. I thought he might be here on behalf of our client, but got the reason wrong. Didn't someone suggest SG was here to oversee things? No? Well, at least nothing truly terrible happened. It would've been interesting if we captured him tho. Hue-hue-hue~ :>
Not really a fail.

Akane slowly walked up to the window. This was it. Finally her time to shine
Yes, Hazō-sensei would be impressed

Inoue-sensei froze as she came halfway through the window, her foot dangling in mid-air. Beneath her, the enemy ninja lay on the floor outside the window's line of sight, his hands already reaching up to grab her.
DAMN IT! We covered the possibility of a 3rd person present, we talked about luggage-infiltrator, why did we forget to assume there will be a 3rd guy present argh >_<

Inoue-sensei: Genjutsu said:
?d100 = 859

Mari did you good again or is this your average? WE MUST KNOW!

For a second, her mind flashed back to Inoue-sensei's waggling of eyebrows when she covered this possibility during the planning meeting.
I know, right :D

snide comment from Keiko on his inexplicable fondness for tying people up
that was oNE TIEM! :mad:


In the faint moonlight, they could just about see the pattern of ink on his back. The spidery symbols could not be mistaken for anything other than a cypher.
Oh shit.

"Yami?" Jōtarō's booming voice demanded. "Why'd you close the door?"
Oh, shiiit-

You have received 17 XP.
Nice :D

Now to read the comments...
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What DC would we have to hit if we rolled Awareness for that? How many challenge dice?
Depends how fast you need to get it done. If you're trying to do it before Jōtarō has a chance to open the door... well, good luck.


But also 'cooperation' twice sounds clunky. Call to work with her? Something else? Can't think of any options on the fly, but it did sort of trip me up.
Fixed, thanks.
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*Internal record scratch* Wait, he has to copy a seal blank to replicate it? Does that mean we don't have access to the casino seals, which I don't recall ever having written down? Have I totally misunderstood that aspect of the Iron Nerve?
No, it's just for confirming our accuracy. Hazou has seen it, and his psudeo-Sharingan can replay what it saw (while translating the muscle movements needed to replicate it, even) but he's not certain he saw it right.
@Velorien @eaglejarl Does Hazou's Iron Nerve allow him to copy the cypher like a seal blank?
I would say yes, but tracing it out perfectly, and then checking that he has in fact made a perfect copy by replicating it and comparing it with the original, takes time. Part of the issue is that in this instance Hazō is dealing with complex unfamiliar pictograms on an irregular surface. Under time pressure. In the dark.
*Internal record scratch* Wait, he has to copy a seal blank to replicate it? Does that mean we don't have access to the casino seals, which I don't reacall ever having written down? Have I totally misunderstood that aspect of the Iron Nerve?
That was my reaction as well. If he sees it (in good light, granted) he should be able to copy it :|


Quietly stick explosive tags all around the door frame and have the team get away out of their radius.

Or if they aren't adhesive-backed, just throw a small heap on the floor right in front of the door.

Trigger them as soon as we hear Jotarou touch the doorhandle.
No blowing up the inn, plz and thank you.
If we need to run we crash the window, maaaaybe use a FW to delay J. More on this when I'm not so fired up, maybe.

On the one hand, this probably isn't what the crumpled papers on the floor do. On the other, make that clearer I was really rather scared.
Any knowledge of Yami's voice/mannerisms could also be helpful to stall him as we leave.
Shame we never heard him talk :V

Approved. The Kotsuzui Clan is now somewhere out there in the MfDverse. Needless to say, given their powers, people regularly hire them to hunt down and kill missing-nin.

The woman was worried about being abandoned by Joutarou, so I don't think she's a slave. Don't know about the boy, though. I would be fine with making off with him and finding out from him what's going on. This, obviously, assumes that that would be a thing we can do successfully.
They could've been coerced into info delivery, or maybe it was payment for escort.
The woman was worried about being abandoned by Joutarou, so I don't think she's a slave. Don't know about the boy, though. I would be fine with making off with him and finding out from him what's going on. This, obviously, assumes that that would be a thing we can do successfully.

Slaves, dispensable mules, same potatoes.

We can't impersonate as Yami, but we could impersonate as his corpse.

Keiko and Akane grab the bodies and jump out of the window (some noise doesn't matter), Hazou Transforms into a mutilated body of Yami (with kunai sticking out), Noburi Transforms into the body of the woman and Mari hides herself in the ceiling.

When Joutaro barges into the room and sees that the kid with the cypher is gone, Hazou and Mari jump him and Mass Combat rules should do the rest. Since we are rolling Taijutsu he might not even die.

The problems start if he doesn't come into the room but throws a fireball or runs away.
The problems start if he doesn't come into the room but throws a fireball or runs away.
He won't run. He's confident, and has a right to be. He will investigate, in a way that doesn't risk his charges.

Mari hides herself in the ceiling.
Not sure this is possible. Room is not so large that ceiling will be outside of peripheral vision.

Also we have to convey the plan somehow, so it has to be really really simple.

I wonder if we can reuse the main Do The Thing strategy here?

@Velorien this room is dark, what about the rest of the suit? Is there light in sitting room? (that we can see under the door or something)
Honestly I think we have to fight at this point. We're in a cramped location and if we choose to leave some of us will die. People have suggested having some of us leave and the rest Henge into the guys in the room (boy, woman, ninja) but the window only allows 1 person to enter at a time so I'm fairly certain we wouldn't be fast enough to do it with a Jonin about to bust down the door.

The good news is that Joutarou can't just fireball/blow up the room because his allies are still in there, and he (at the least) needs that cypher passed over to complete his mission. So he has to come in (or a clone, at least).

Might I suggest running ninja wire from one end of the door to the other, so if he busts through it he'd get snagged and possibly caught (and for Inoue to use her Raiton-stun-gun jutsu)?

@Velorien @eaglejarl Answers to questions would be lovely:
Do we have any Force Wall/Five Seal Barrier seals? It could be useful to stall Joutarou by sealing off the doorway and nearby wall. Sticky Syrup could also be useful. Any knowledge of Yami's voice/mannerisms could also be helpful to stall him as we leave.
Genjutsu to the face is totes a valid strat.
No, if he makes a clone to send in first (and he should, if he's suspicious in the least) the clone tanks the genjutsu and the real Joutarou shoves his sword up our asses.

Edit: That's not to say we shouldn't use genjutsu, guys. It's to say we need to make sure Joutarou is the original Joutarou.
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Also we have to convey the plan somehow, so it has to be really really simple.

Here's how my "plan" could be communicated fast:
  1. Hazou points at Noburi and the woman
  2. Hazou signals "fight" to Mari
  3. Hazou Transforms into a corpse of Yami
  4. Rest of the party picks up what to do from there
EDIT: Maybe swap places of 1 and 2.

I mean, our team is pretty smart, they should pick up what to do from that. The main problem is if Mari has conflicting ideas since she has a bigger di.. more authority than Hazou.

Note that I'm just spit-balling at this point. I'm not quite sure if we should even fight here.

Maybe we could try Diplomacy? It did work before.
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If we want to flee, we can grab the boy and Yami, then all break through the exterior wall at the same time with our ninja strength.

Yelling "follow and he dies" is an option to possibly stop pursuit.

Even if he does follow, we won't be doing battle in our allies inn.
Note that I'm just spit-balling at this point. I'm not quite sure if we should even fight here.
Spitballing is good We have time to plan after all :V

Maybe we could try Diplomacy? It did work before.
I don't think so, no. We were giving up what the other team wanted last time, i don't want to do that here.

If we want to flee, we can grab the boy and Yami, then all break through the exterior wall at the same time with our ninja strength.

Yelling "follow and he dies" is an option to possibly stop pursuit.
Nah, fuck dragging a grown-ass dude with us.

Unrelated, but Nobby should be topped up on chakra, so that's nice.

What kind of pretentious name is Yami anyway >_>
The room is dark. Spilled water could be mistaken for spilled blood. Noburi could use the environment to hide his VD and water whip easily enough.
Don't we have handsigns prepared for this sort of thing? Just mime "Water + Lightning" and "Careful: Clone" or something.
The room is dark. Spilled water could be mistaken for spilled blood. Noburi could use the environment to hide his VD and water whip easily enough.
At his drain rate we're better off doing something else.

Don't we have handsigns prepared for this sort of thing? Just mime "Water + Lightning" and "Careful: Clone" or something.
It would be nice to try&keep screaming at minimum.

Fake E: then again, if clone comes in it should disrupt him. And if it's J a shock could distract him enough for genjutsu to work?

We want to make couple of clones of our own i think, to serve as distraction/kawarimi target.

Almost wish we left 1-2 outside the window, but that has it's own problems...

Fake E2: So apparently Yami and Yummy are the same person, which I shamefully missed.
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For the future we should make a picture taking seal. It would make this situation much easier.

Also not that hard seal an image.
Do we have any Force Wall/Five Seal Barrier seals? It could be useful to stall Joutarou by sealing off the doorway and nearby wall. Sticky Syrup could also be useful. Any knowledge of Yami's voice/mannerisms could also be helpful to stall him as we leave.

And yes, we're fucking leaving. Why the hell would we stay, brownie points? Because we want to trash Honami's inn?

Yes, you have both FSB and FW seals. They take a minute or three to set up, which isn't very practical now. Also, there isn't enough room for either one.

No, it's just for confirming our accuracy. Hazou has seen it, and his psudeo-Sharingan can replay what it saw (while translating the muscle movements needed to replicate it, even) but he's not certain he saw it right.

Iron Nerve doesn't work quite like that. Hazou can reproduce any motion he has made so, in general, if he wants to store text in the IN he needs to trace it with a finger or something equivalent. Seals are a special case -- he can reproduce any seal he sees because your GMs are generous and gave you that as a benny. You can make up whatever watsonian reason for this that you like but it won't have game impact and won't be munchkinable beyond the ability itself.
each casting a worried glance at the open door of the room... At a nod from Hazō, Keiko very quietly closed it.
Missed this initially, DAMN it Hazou/Kei :mad:

Don't we have handsigns prepared for this sort of thing? Just mime "Water + Lightning" and "Careful: Clone" or something.
This is a good point. @eaglejarl @Velorien will you tell us if a plan requires communication that our handsign code doesn't contain?

throw a ST on the room floor once we're out for extra measure, and leg it.
ST? Sealing tag? o_O