I was thinking we should ask our retired (not combat capable) ninja to train chakra reserves, and then we can send them on these missions. It's not glamorous, but it's better than paperwork. For them it's something they can be better at than miscellaneous genin hires, and for Leaf it means we aren't trying to buy out as much military power.

Mari should set up contracts ahead of time that stand to win big. It's likely we could make our money back with smart investments.

If we build two parallel roads a fixed distance apart, say two 2-meter wide roads, with only occasional crossings, we could depopulate the area in-between of chakra beasts. This is cheaper than the grid strategy, not much more expensive than a single 3-meter road, but we get all the space in between almost for free. This could be good land for housing, farming, stops for travellers, and large groups of travelling people. My primary concern is water flows, like they might need to build a river along it, which is a lot of work.

I forgot who mentioned it but these roads are good for long distance semaphore communication. I also wondered how it would affect visibility for scouting, but I figure visibility in the woods was never great anyway.

I feel I could pull this thread for days.

How dare you sir, put my scholastic expositions to doubt will you? I challenge you to a computerized modelling of granitic dilatation stress crack concentration duel! To the death, I say!

I'm joking and did no numbers on any of the issues, but now I kinda want to. Might do them, might not. Care to show yours? Otherwise we're just narrating intuitions at each other.
Well I did some research on other large infrastructure like dams. Thick ones tend not to mind too much, but thin ones can crack, which seemed about right to me. We have it better than that since dams are loadbearing and water temperatures vary much more than deep soil, though admittedly we don't use rebar. The expansion coefficient (~1e-5/K) didn't seem huge, like that's 1cm length change over a 300m segment for a 3K swing.

But I am no structural engineer, I've just watched some educational videos, thought about how long other big structures last, and done some napkin math.
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Adhoc vote count started by RandomOTP on Apr 5, 2022 at 9:22 PM, finished with 135 posts and 23 votes.

Current Votes!
[x] (roads) Build roads
[X] (roads)(costs) Use a few casters, involve Noburi
[X] (roads)(costs) Use many casters, do not involve Noburi
[X] (roads)(toll) Do not charge a toll
Kagome's First Rule: Explosives Solve Everything. If they're not solving your problem, then you're not using enough.

Kagome's Second Rule: Don't Gatekeep. Everyone has a Right to Explosives.
If I may ask, how or why would Oro be more positively influenced by Hazo's course of correction, in the more-than-+3-time line?
We aren't comfortable answering that in detail, since it would be too much OOC information. On the other hand, we are comfortable saying that we feel enough information is available for you to figure it out for yourselves based on his observed behavior. i.e. there are no hidden facts that would invalidate your mental model.

How negatively does Hazo think a typical well-socialized ninja would have reacted to the implication of untrustworthiness from discussion of the penalty clauses?
Most people would not be thrilled at the implied lack of trust but they also wouldn't pull an Oro about it. The issue was the combination of things -- not only was it an expression of distrust but it was a set of demands that were going to take significant time and attention on his part to put together (since he would have to go rifling through his collection of stuff to put together the appropriate packets) and then he was going to have to sit in front of the Hokage as the Hokage arbitrated whether or not the packets actually were worth the correct amount, despite the fact that judging the value of a recent paper is next to impossible, especially for people who aren't experts in that field. Additionally, Orochimaru clearly considers himself charitable simply for interacting with his inferiors (which in his mind includes Hazō) in a prosocial way. As such, having that person make demands of him could be seen as offensive.
Fuck I want to write an Oro effort post. I'm pretty sure I've got a bead on what's going on in his head.

The long and short of it is this is the first time he's remotely seeing us as an equal, and he's trying to treat us as one. He's remembering the Hazō that mentioned being against death, and seems to actually be able to back it up. He's just really bad at it and has an incredibly short fuse. I think if we'd rolled a little higher Hazō would have played into that, focusing more on future information exchanges between the two of them. Dragon parts? 9.9999/10 interesting. Another real* person? 10/10 interesting.

*real from his perspective. In other words, self motivated, intelligent, and has goals that somewhat align with Oro because of course smart people think the same way he does
Not to mention, the last time Hazou slightly implied incompetence, Orochimaru Aura'd him into an Out Attack. I'd posit that would leave Hazou-pilot cautious/paranoid in his interactions with Orochimaru, at least enough to independently catch another possible insult.

Orochimaru is prickly, and Hazou has firsthand experience of just how sensitive Orochimaru's pride is.
Most people would not be thrilled at the implied lack of trust but they also wouldn't pull an Oro about it.
The duality of Hazou's Trust Issues Axis must be very amusing to an outside observer.

On one end there's "I trust you enough to just adopt you wholesale and include you in some subset of devious plot shit that I have ongoing at all times."

On the other there's "I am willing to work with you but only if you consent to me taking out several assassination contracts with trustworthy neutral entities first as insurance. I hope this is not a problem?"

I imagine a lot of our conversations with Mari about background checking new NPCs generally just boil down to "Hazou asks questions until he can reliably put them somewhere on the interval of [Kill This Person, Adopt This Person]."
On the other there's "I am willing to work with you but only if you consent to me taking out several assassination contracts with trustworthy neutral entities first as insurance. I hope this is not a problem?"
Who did we talk about assassination contracts with?

Edit: so the winning action plan has us talk to nob. But given one of the April fools chapters ends with Ino doing some mind stuff to Hazou. We don't even know if hazou is not in jail
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So with the upcoming EJ chapter hopefully taking a good chunk out of our Sealing backlog, we should likely figure out exactly how much we want to get through without fucking with the timeline. Using Shadow clones to prep the research, Hazou can infuse a new design with SSA once per 2 days. So I think any Sealing plans should follow a couple rules, like:

"If hazoupilot suspects something will be too challenging even with SSA, skip it and move on to the next entry in the queue."

"Conversely, if he thinks it is trivial enough that he does not need SSA, don't use it so he can research again sooner. For updating older Seal designs with newer stats, use bonus from SSA."

The current backlog of stuff that we're actually capable of doing right now is something like the following bit, in no specific order. I'd pick at most ~5 designs you want done in the update or we'll be jumping pretty far ahead in the timeline which would likely be annoying for the QMs with AMITY stuff happening soon.

1: ARS
3: Radio seal
4: Better Macerator
5: Better Chakdar
6: Jman's Darkness Seal
7: Jman's Lightning Seal
8: Jman's Substitution Seal
9: Jman's Pillar Seal 1
10: Jman's Pillar Seal 2
11: Cloud Jonin Seal(s)
12: Rock Fort Seal notes (and blanks if they seem like they aren't a trap?)
13: Any Kagome Seals Kagome is comfortable sharing with Hazou
14: Heating Seal(s)
15: Mari's birthday Seal (now with Dimensionalism veterancy!)
16: MEW/MARI Seal (should likely come after learning jman's Pillar seals)

My picks would be the first five probably, tbh
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So with the upcoming EJ chapter hopefully taking a good chunk out of our Sealing backlog, we should likely figure out exactly how much we want to get through without fucking with the timeline. Using Shadow clones to prep the research, Hazou can infuse a new design with SSA once per 2 days. So I think any Sealing plans should follow a couple rules, like:

"If hazoupilot suspects something will be too challenging even with SSA, skip it and move on to the next entry in the queue."

"Conversely, if he thinks it is trivial enough that he does not need SSA, don't use it so he can research again sooner. For updating older Seal designs with newer stats, use bonus from SSA."

The current backlog of stuff that we're actually capable of doing right now is something like the following bit, in no specific order. I'd pick at most ~5 designs you want done in the update or we'll be jumping pretty far ahead in the timeline which would likely be annoying for the QMs with AMITY stuff happening soon.

1: ARS
3: Radio seal
4: Better Macerator
5: Better Chakdar
6: Jman's Darkness Seal
7: Jman's Lightning Seal
8: Jman's Substitution Seal
9: Jman's Pillar Seal 1
10: Jman's Pillar Seal 2
11: Cloud Jonin Seal(s)
12: Rock Fort Seal notes (and blanks if they seem like they aren't a trap?)
13: Any Kagome Seals Kagome is comfortable sharing with Hazou
14: Heating Seal(s)
15: Mari's birthday Seal (now with Dimensionalism veterancy!)
16: MEW/MARI Seal (should likely come after learning jman's Pillar seals)
While I love and care about the radio seals, I'm not sure that we actually have a next step plotted out yet. We have LR seals, but until we can convince Pilot to infuse one with an infrared detection wavelength specified, I don't think we can move much further.

We know that one of Kagome's students was working on temperature-sensitive triggers. I think that it's plausible that a temperature-sensitive trigger would look like an IR-sensitive seal, given that heat is often IR. @eaglejarl, is this the sort of thing we could spend a FATE point on? 'Declare that there are sufficient similarities between LR's light-detection elements and Kagome's apprentice's heat-detection elements that Hazo makes an intuitive leap that he could attempt heat-sensitive LRs'?

To argue against myself, conduction/convection might be the methods of heat transfer used to detect temperature, but to argue for myself, every hot object emits IR, whereas not every hot object is necessarily going to be conducting to the temperature-sensitive seal.
We have LR seals, but until we can convince Pilot to infuse one with an infrared detection wavelength specified, I don't think we can move much further.
This should be, imo, one of the actual scenes of the update - Hazou doing some intuiting/thonking. I would like to spend a FP on him noticing sunlight is warm, and wondering if that means "warm" is carried in light, or perhaps is light. Sort of the light version of 'Newton watching an apple fall, ergo gravity'. I'm not 100% convinced it'll work but it seems reasonable enough to me to be worth trying.