• The Mist Oyabun who wanted an allied summoner to talk with the Hokage (the situation in Mist obviously change a lot since then, but at minimum he probably does like money)
  • Yasuji, who wants to be heir and has already a business deal with us
  • Hana and Ren

Can also add in support from the AMI and a friendly Mizukage
[X] Hazou training plan: let's get to shaping earth already
Earthshaping 30 -> 34 (130xp)
Save 10 XP

I know early detours are sub-optimal, but it really doesn't feel like investing in great seal stats is viewed as the existential priority it is.
I believe the leading theory is that even IF 40 or 50 earthshaping lets us make 3D seals, we will still need to level sealing a whole bunch at which point it becomes faster to FOOM first.
Arrange dinner with Ami, Kei, and people Ami likes
  • Celebrate her successes with AMITY. How can Hazou help it succeed?
  • Should he attend? It's an opportunity to spread word about the DRAGONWAR, but he's no Diplomat.
    • Also, some of Akatsuki love him, some hate him. Might sow unnecessary discord by being there.
      • Still, Sasori's help with the Great Seal could be crucial
    • For that matter, has Ami heard anything about Hidan recently?
  • Hazou wants to retry recruiting the Kurosawa for the Great Seal, maybe open relations with trade. Any advice?
How does this sound y'all

"congrats on your repatriation" into that plan?
Good idea, I'll try and trim down some more when I get time
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We can just talk to Kisame about Sasori. If they actually care about peace than Akatsuki should care about Evangelion Angels Dragons attacking.

And maybe the Shark Clan is going to respect us for killing a Dragon?

"Kumowasha, far-speaker for the Twenty-Third Scuttle, and Makō, Pilot of Western Sounding Shiver, had deal. Fourteen poems, seven stories, nine performances. Yesterday, first performance well. Today, second performance, Makō bring important sharks for performance. Story interrupted, mood broken, leaving guests are. Makō loses much fin."

Those are some high society sharks.
I'm not sure that this is necessarily as fun as @Shrooms' plan, but I'd like not to go full Luisa on Mari. I'm also not sure that it's a great idea to talk about our relationship with Hidan (is that common knowledge?) in a non-secured environment: Ami probably knows about the first meeting but not the subsequent ones. (Or if she does know about them, other people might not and we can let her decide to bring it up.)

While I'm less violently opposed to befriending Ami than I am to romancing her, I'm still a little iffy on the topic, especially if we're approaching Mom Mari about the topic, given that her relationship with Ami is, uh, complicated.

I also think that offering to equip all candidates for the exams with seals is smart - making it a village-wide effort seems like a good move, if it isn't already.

Next cycle, I'd like to sit down and talk to Harumitsu sealmaster to sealmaster about our relationship to him and to his clan.

[X] Action Plan: Meeting Jaw to Jaw is Better Than War
Word count: <299
  • Meeting:
    • Let other people speak first/most.
    • Leaf needs peace - it's the right (Will of Fire) thing, and we need to rebuild.
      • Rock will be broken - by joining AMITY or refusing.
    • A strong showing at the Chuunin exams projects strength. How do we equip candidates? Goketsu will provide any useful seals (excepting some clan secrets). It's more important that Leaf appear powerful than individual Goketsu candidates.
      • Subtext: encouraging other clans to follow suit.
  • Mari:
    • Ami has repatriated herself.
    • We're worried - we like to think that we're allies, but she's not above screwing with her allies.
      • She also threatened to kill you pretty recently.
      • How worried should we be? What does Goketsu need to do to be ready for this? You know her better than we do.
    • How do you feel about her being in Leaf permanently?
      • We believe in you, but you're shouldering many burdens. You don't ask us for much help.
    • Watch her eye colour.
  • Ami:
    • Arrange a welcome dinner - invite people she likes.
      • Celebrate her success with AMITY. Can Hazo help?
      • Should he attend? He'd love to talk about the Great Seal, but he's not a diplomat.
        • Some of the Akatsuki hate him. Sasori's help would be nice.
        • He'd like the Kurosawa's help, too - is that possible?
    • Give her a lavender-scented weighted blanket as a welcome gift - from the clan, not Hazo. (No romantic overtures.)
    • Sanity-check all this with Mari.
  • Offscreen:
    • Make arrangements to adopt the 4 estate chuunin. Plan another adoption celebration.
    • Have Mari use silk to bargain for more slots.
    • Pay weregild, apologize. Follow Mari's advice - goal is to just pay and apologize, no digs at Hagomoro.
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What does this mean?
Just telling her she's great and that we believe in her without making room for her to experience self-doubt or to, in fact, not have her shit together.

(Encanto was a very good movie.)
I agree, but the plan doesn't mention any of it, it only asks Ami if she's heard anything.
It mentions that some of the Akatsuki love us. Who else if not Hidan? Why bring it up? It just seems like it's going to raise eyebrows.
It mentions that some of the Akatsuki love us. Who else if not Hidan? Why bring it up? It just seems like it's going to raise eyebrows.
I mean if people feel strongly concerned that she will discern and use this info against us I can take it out, I'm just curious if she's heard anything. Perhaps we can ask about all of their statuses, instead? They had to know enough to find Kisame after all, and it's info we probably want anyways
Just telling her she's great and that we believe in her without making room for her to experience self-doubt or to, in fact, not have her shit together.
So you think the way my plan is worded will make Mari doubt herself?

Also, I don't think we need yet another Mari pep scene just for the sake of it, I'm hoping it gives her initiative against Ami without implicating Hazou.
I mean if people feel strongly concerned that she will discern and use this info against us I can take it out, I'm just curious if she's heard anything. Perhaps we can ask about all of their statuses, instead? They had to know enough to find Kisame after all, and it's info we probably want anyways
Ami's ability to extrapolate is pretty legendary. She already knows that we had one interaction with Hidan. Would you be actively surprised to find out that we mention Hidan and she puts together that we have some sort of relationship with him?

I don't know how quiet we're meant to be keeping that, but I think pretty quiet.

Asking about their status generally seems fine to me. I'd actually really, really like a list of active members and descriptions. We don't know if Zetsu or Tobi exist in this universe.
So you think the way my plan is worded will make Mari doubt herself?

Also, I don't think we need yet another Mari pep scene just for the sake of it, I'm hoping it gives her initiative against Ami without implicating Hazou.
I think that there are pretty good odds that Mari is either barely holding it together or that the way she's holding it together is not sustainable and will be very bad for her in the long run. Telling her that she's great and we believe in her and rely on her makes her less likely to come to us to ask for help - she can't compromise her projected image of strength and control.

Initiative against Ami to...what? It isn't clear from the plan that you mean to encourage her, subtly or otherwise, to stand up to Ami in some way. I think that if we want Mari to pursue social things, we should tell her our goals and suggest some courses of action, then see what she says. Trying to incept the social-spec jonin when we don't even have chuunin socials doesn't seem likely or tremendously productive.
Asking about their status generally seems fine to me. I'd actually really, really like a list of active members and descriptions. We don't know if Zetsu or Tobi exist in this universe.
OK, I'll try and change it up later today when I'm free

I think that there are pretty good odds that Mari is either barely holding it together or that the way she's holding it together is not sustainable and will be very bad for her in the long run. Telling her that she's great and we believe in her and rely on her makes her less likely to come to us to ask for help - she can't compromise her projected image of strength and control
I don't want to baby her either though. Constantly acting like she desperately needs reassurance sends a message too, and not a good one imo. I'd rather show we believe in her than tell I guess, by putting her on tasks that show how we need her.

Initiative against Ami to...what? It isn't clear from the plan that you mean to encourage her, subtly or otherwise, to stand up to Ami in some way. I think that if we want Mari to pursue social things, we should tell her our goals and suggest some courses of action, then see what she says. Trying to incept the social-spec jonin when we don't even have chuunin socials doesn't seem likely or tremendously productive
It says above the plan: I don't want Ami to get shadow clone for as long as possible. But if Hazou actively plots against Ami himself she will figure it out immediately. Thus we need to plant the idea in Mari's head without Hazou's direct instruction to maintain innocence and not tip Ami off, since ideally Hazou wouldn't know either. I'm hoping the plan indicates to Mari that he is a risk vector for plots, though she already knows that probably, and that she will realize Ami FOOMing is not good.

If you don't like that approach, maybe we could have Hazou pitch giving it to her to Asuma so badly, so foot-in-mouth that Asuma bans her from learning it permanently.
I wonder if Fifi ever brings the Uplift Family her kills? Like how housecats/farmcats do. Imagine being some poor genin doing a routine chakra beast hunt near Leaf, only to find Fifi's stolen your kill and refuses to let you claim it for the mission bounty.

...actually: Omake for the Omake Pile.
I wonder if Fifi ever brings the Uplift Family her kills? Like how housecats/farmcats do. Imagine being some poor genin doing a routine chakra beast hunt near Leaf, only to find Fifi's stolen your kill and refuses to let you claim it for the mission bounty.

...actually: Omake for the Omake Pile.

Fifi probably killed some of the genin.

@Velorien, can Kei use Sammy for combat already?
Grandmaster F seems chills. So concerning on Ami character that F dislikes her, unless was just evil magistrate routine

Earthshaping even if doesn't give 3D sealing can make the replica better to get more help from Leaf sealmasters. That was the original reason we leveled it, before we thought of 3D possibilities
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Earthshaping even if doesn't give 3D sealing can make the replica better to get more help from Leaf sealmasters. That was the original reason we leveled it, before we thought of 3D possibilities
Does a 4-points-better replica really give us any information the current one can't? Compare that to slowing down a 30-or-more-points-better replica, which I find much more likely to help, and faster improved Sealing to actually decipher it
Not a fan of asking Mari to interfere with Asuma's authority (keeping Ami away form SC)... Nor am I okay with asking Mari to add yet more things to her plate (seriously, she's overworked as it is... way overworked). I'm also bit hesitant to do the "let's talk about maybe doing a diplomacy," even if it's framed in a wholesome family dinner. I am thoroughly against trying to blackmail Asuma with FOOM.
[X] Action Plan: Dragons, Dinner, and Family
Word Count:207

  • Sanity-check with Mari.
  • Arrange dinner with Ami, Kei, Akane, Tenten, Shikamaru, and other mutually close friends
    • Celebrate her repatriation and successes with AMITY. How can we help?
    • Should we attend? It's an opportunity to spread word about the DRAGONWAR, but we're no Diplomat.
      • Also, some of Akatsuki love us, others hate us. Might cause unintentional conflict.
        • Still, Sasori's help with the Great Seal could be crucial
      • For that matter, has Ami heard anything about Hidan recently?
    • Hazou wants to retry recruiting the Kurosawa for the Great Seal, maybe open relations with trade. Any advice?
    • Give Ami a lavender-scented weighted blanket as a welcome home gift.
  • Offscreen
    • Sanity Check with Mari
      • Make arrangements to adopt the 4 new estate chuunin and celebrate as was done for Atomu and co.
      • Have Mari use silk wealth to barter for more slots, if we can.
      • Pay weregild, apologize. Goal is to just pay and apologize, no digs at Hagomoro. He's instigated every conflict, let that continue.
      • A strong showing at the Chuunin exams projects strength.
        • How does Leaf equip candidates?
        • Goketsu can provide useful seals (except the clan secrets). It's more important that Leaf appear powerful than individual Goketsu candidates.
        • How can we encourage other clans to follow suit?
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Not a fan of asking Mari to interfere with Asuma's authority (keeping Ami away form SC)...
I mean, Mari can just give him a convincing argument about why she shouldn't get it. The only thing that matters is that Hazou isn't involved in slowing down Ami from FOOMing

Nor am I okay with asking Mari to add yet more things to her plate (seriously, she's overworked as it is... way overworked)
Based on what? In the chapter with her fucking Ami it sounded more like she was bored than anything, no one is a worthy challenge. And then she's been training SC since then

also bit hesitant to do the "let's talk about maybe doing a diplomacy," even if it's framed in a wholesome family dinner
You mentioned on discord that EJ was averse to the Kurosawa meeting but I think he was actually talking about the hypothetical Asuma meeting that I don't want Hazou to go on anyways

I am thoroughly against trying to blackmail Asuma with FOOM
You mentioned on discord that EJ was averse to the Kurosawa meeting but I think he was actually talking about the hypothetical Asuma meeting that I don't want Hazou to go on anyways

Well it definitely depends on how we do it because this

Walking into Mist and informing the Kurosawa clan that they belong to us now?

Got this as a response from EJ

I mean, Mari can just give him a convincing argument about why she shouldn't get it. The only thing that matters is that Hazou isn't involved in slowing down Ami from FOOMing
It'd still be interfering with Hokage-policy. Treason once-removed is still treason.
Based on what? In the chapter with her fucking Ami it sounded more like she was bored than anything, no one is a worthy challenge. And then she's been training SC since then
Mari is meeting with the wives of clan heads regularly to spin public perception of the Goketsu in our favor, she's been working to keep the Merchant Council on our side, she's been training her fledgling spynetwork up to par, she's been working to maintain the social environment of the estate ninja, she's been working to maintain the social bonds of the Goketsu Main Family, she's been training Haru to be her lieutenant, and she's been on repeated jonin I&S missions since the war started. Not to mention the frequent Hazou-wrangling she has to be on guard for, 24/7.

Mari's essentially been on a nonstop I&S mission since joining Leaf. She might have fun, but it's still stressful, and she needs downtime. Asking Mari to pick up meddling with the Hokage's authority is just adding another spinning plate for her to keep an eye on. Eventually, something will fall through the cracks.

I'd much rather Mari do something like train more social specs so that they can take up some of her duties.

Edit: not to mention Mari still has to try and find the time to maintain her training.
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It'd still be interfering with Hokage-policy. Treason once-removed is still treason
How is advising the Hokage treason? Giving a recommendation is not treason imo, no more than asking for the Arachnid Scroll was. Telling him "you really don't want a bunch of Amis running around" does not seem treasonous to me at all. Am I missing something here?