well, we need to give people combat experience in order to renew our jonin population, training can only get you so far.
how about we sponsor group chakra beast extermination missions, those seemed to work for Yuno, we just need to make them safer, while still retaining the possibility of death.
The figure stated was eight Jounin not currently present in the room
I'm not sure if we have a full list of who that includes

It's an unhelpful number of people. Is Choza here? Yes/No? Is he dead? etc.

That's why I asked if S-rank is counted as Jonin or not.

What's your point?

We had 20 full jōnin who were not people in this room. We now have 8."

Sorry, forgot that part. Do we have 8 total or does that include the whole "Not in the room part"?
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You know, I actually felt bad for him losing his dad's knife. That is actually kind of sad, losing one of the last physical memories you have of one of your parents. Pretty low blow from Hazou even if Ol Haggy sucks, really shows just how personal the feud got.

Of course, his reaction stifled much of that sympathy more or less immediately, but still
I felt the opposite -- I got a dark and visceral sense of satisfaction upon reading that. We managed to hurt Lord Hag personally -- which is far better than harming his clan as a whole since it'd harm innocents as well. And the best part is that the repercussions ahould be light since Hazou did so by accident.

Personally I'd say that overall Ritsuo as a character so far has been pretty medicore, my problem with his character is not his bigotry which is actually in my opinion infact the perfect character trait for a in-village antagonist to have.

But the problem for me is that the QM's didn't give him any real redeeming character traits, making him rather boring as a antagonist due to his lack of depth as a character.

Ritsuo I believe would be a lot more interesting if primary character motivation was more then just "rawr rawr I hate the gays"
Some people are actually like that. I personally know at least two people that are that bigoted. And as others said, it's likely that he's caring and compassionate towards his own clan members. We just wouldn't see that.

If we reform the knife, how will the rest of goketsu, Ami, and shika react to hazou doing such an act ?
We can make reparations in public and express to our allies in private that the apology is mostly insincere. I doubt Goketsu and allies would be thrown off by an apology when it was literally ordered by the Hokage.

I'm not sure what to think of reforging the knife itself, but saying we reforged the knife and giving Lord Hag a knife made of the scraps of an entirely different knife would be incredibly amusing even if only we know what we did. (Assuming we can't get caught for it.)
thinking about it, the gouketsu (and allies) may appreciate some spider silk clothes. give them tangible proof of the good they have been working towards; also the foreign delegation will absolutely wear it if they don't go in uniform.
"And what was that about money?" asked the constantly-strapped Lord Kurusu.
Finally, someone who's interested in the important things…

"My father gave me that knife, you son of a bitch!" Lord Hagoromo was on his feet, his face pale with rage, and his voice shaking.
While I don't like the Hagoromo, this was honestly a dick move on Hazō's part. Knowing ninja life expectancies, Hogoromo's dad probably died in service to Leaf, and besides that destroying something that you know likely has sentimental value to someone is the kind of thing only a bully does. Hazō was a serious asshole right here.

Shikimaru also escalated too far, but at least in the kind of way you'd expect from a child soldier who has had one too many consecutive all nighters. And I expect he'll rightly be in similar amounts of trouble as we've been in whenever we do killbox-worthy things.
"Two of my Clan Heads essentially came to blows and are going to have strips torn after them after this meeting, possibly followed by sanctions on their clans."
Close enough, I guess.

The thing I hate most of all is that Hazō bullying someone worked out in his favor. We're barely getting a slap on the wrist. I fully support reforging Hagoromo's knife *with the real pieces* and giving it back to him.
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Hazou may have been an asshole but seriously what did Ritsuo expect Hazou to do? He literally just demonstrated that Skysliders shred anything and then he asks for a weapon? What, did Ritsuo think Hazou would play the banjo on the web?
What the fuck happened to Ebisu!?

Promoted by Lord Jashin, corporeal existence not included!

Hazou may have been an asshole but seriously what did Ritsuo expect Hazou to do? He literally just demonstrated that Skysliders shred anything and then he asks for a weapon? What, did Ritsuo think Hazou would play the banjo on the web?

Don't be a dick.

It's really not that hard.


See? Not a dick.

Hazou may have been an asshole but seriously what did Ritsuo expect Hazou to do? He literally just demonstrated that Skysliders shred anything and then he asks for a weapon? What, did Ritsuo think Hazou would play the banjo on the web?
I'm all for anything that makes that particular Hag feel a negative emotion.

Completely unrelated note: this chapter was very wonderful to read, and very cathartic.
The thing I hate most of all is that Hazō bullying someone worked out in his favor. We're barely getting a slap on the wrist.
Hazō is using his systemic privilege to fight against oppression, I'm fully in favour of exploiting the brokenness of society to further the cause of those it is usually broken against.
Also, Ritsuo Hagoromo is both way more powerful than us and deserving of slaps on the hand and across the face seventeen times over. That Hazō bully him would be more believable if Hazō held any actual power over him, which he doesn't, or if it were unprompted, which it isn't.
I understand your concern re: that was a dick move, but honestly I think it's overall fine. And enjoyable.