We should talk with any Leaf geologists (or local equivalents) that are available to see if we can acquire a variety of rocks to experiment with. Creepily serene earth jutsu lady would be a good starting point and talking to clan heads as well as KEI ninja would not be a bad idea either so long as we follow proper OPSEC. Whatever details Asuma wants us to omit we absolutely have to follow but that should leave us with plenty of room to work with.

[X] Action Plan: A Sealing Plan

The above plan seems to meet this criteria the most. Here's some additions I'd like to see included if time permits:

Just curios my plan essentially has all of this in it. Is there any reason your not voting for it?
You purchased and downloaded a dozen different seals. We aren't going to design them all but we can come back to it in the future when such is necessary.

I like to think Kagome is aware that Hazou has 12 undefined seals floating in Hazou's grey matter. To Kagome, the past is as mutable as the future.

Of course those seals always existed.

Of course he will have and had always been able to figure out their functions.

Of course time is linear.

Could any man remain sane in his position, or is it that sane men would scream if only they knew how the world truly functioned?

Kagome screams regardless.
I like to think Kagome is aware that Hazou has 12 undefined seals floating in Hazou's grey matter. To Kagome, the past is as mutable as the future.

Of course those seals always existed.

Of course he will have and had always been able to figure out their functions.

Of course time is linear.

Could any man remain sane in his position, or is it that sane men would scream if only they knew how the world truly functioned?

Kagome screams regardless.
I think that the Snowflake section could use some love, too - specifically, we talk about 'previous suggestions'. Which one? It's very vague as it stands right now. Explicit is generally better than implicit in plans.
Sounds good. Specified the "previous suggestion" and expanded the conversation as per your suggestions.
We should include a line about celebrating her birthday as she sees fit
Good point, especially since EJ warned that it might be a mandatory part of the next update, since it was in the last action plan.
[x] Action Plan: Confronting Death, Hand-in-Hand
words: tbd
  • Celebrate Snowflake's Birthday!
  • Give updated training plan
  • Snowflake
    • You expressed some reluctance about Noburi's chakra allowing for two instances of yourself to carry on memories, but weren't able to properly verbalize why having a "Snowflake Prime" out meant so much to you.
      • You don't have to utilize it if you're uncomfortable with it.
      • We won't be offended, and we don't have to understand your boundaries to accept them --"no" is a complete sentence.
      • This newer version allows for 12hrs of freedom immediately, with room for more time later on
  • Resolve Training with Kei
    • Goal: uncap Kei's Resolve
    • Be present for Kei discussing emotionally difficult topics while she attempts physical closeness.
      • Closeness: holding hands w/Snowflake, sitting very close to Tenten?
      • Topic: burdens of leadership, grieving losses, low self-worth, anger and frustration (general or directed at individuals).
      • Try to discuss feelings without rationalization or justification - 'when I experience [situation], I feel [emotion], because [violated expectation/value/core belief]'. Expand from there.
      • Offer to help create a safe space - snacks, privacy, Akane. Ask Ino how the Yamanaka create environments which help people discuss feelings.
      • Tone: affirming, validating, encouraging.
Just curios my plan essentially has all of this in it. Is there any reason your not voting for it?

When possible I prefer 2 scenes at most for our QMs to write so each scene gets the attention it needs in order to convey to us all of the actionable details. Since we almost assuredly have to have Snowflake's birthday that leaves time for one other minor scene and I'd prefer to have some progress with the Dragon seal since I dislike the thought of the world ending regardless of how slowly the apocalypse may take.

The wording also confuses me:
Goal: probe for information about how the five and the major villages interact
With the losses that they have suffered it would seem to Hazou that they don't deserve to keep the title as one of The Five
Which "the five" are you referring to? The five thinker clans or the five great villages? Why does Hazou have to give an opinion on world geopolitics? It would be one thing to insist that by defeating Rock and/or Cloud we could reduce the number of great villages to three, but questioning the standing of a nominal ally seems unnecessary to me if we don't discuss it in private with Asuma first. Denouncing a nominal ally, even if it could be considered warranted, isn't something underlings should decide by themselves.
Which "the five" are you referring to? The five thinker clans or the five great villages?
Yes that is the point. It is intentionally trying to probe to see if there is a connection between the them

Why does Hazou have to give an opinion on world geopolitics? It would be one thing to insist that by defeating Rock and/or Cloud we could reduce the number of great villages to three, but questioning the standing of a nominal ally seems unnecessary to me if we don't discuss it in private with Asuma first. Denouncing a nominal ally, even if it could be considered warranted, isn't something underlings should decide by themselves.
The plan is ultimately just scaffolding for probing for information from Shikamaru. None of the questions are important themselves. But the way that Shikamaru lies will give us information. This is one of the major things I feel like we should be investigating
Strong disagree with this. Hazou almost certainly has higher deceit than shikamaru. So what he choices to evade and how he does it will tell us things. Plus we can use this as an uncap attempt for deceit.
24? Compared to the scion of a key clan in Leaf who's been groomed for politics his entire life, and a clan that specifically has a huge secret to keep that he's been read in on and has, seemingly, been read in on for quite a while?

What would Shikamaru's deceit need to be for you to feel like this is a sweep, if we accept for the sake of argument that failing that roll could cause nontrivial Nara-Goketsu relationship problems?
Have basically no thoughts or strong opinions on this. So if people have suggestions will probably implement them
@RandomOTP updated their plan - you could probably pull from there.
The plan is ultimately just scaffolding for probing for information from Shikamaru. None of the questions are important themselves. But the way that Shikamaru lies will give us information. This is one of the major things I feel like we should be investigating
Making this evident to the QMs in the plan is probably a good idea - it isn't obvious to me.
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Yes that is the point. It is intentionally trying to probe to see if there is a connection between the them

Even if that's your intent it's still grammatically confusing and the intent to probe for a connection is definitely not apparent in the plan itself as it currently stands.

The plan is ultimately just scaffolding for probing for information from Shikamaru. None of the questions are important themselves. But the way that Shikamaru lies will give us information. This is one of the major things I feel like we should be investigating

Why should we be investigating this?

Why do you believe Shikamaru will lie to us?

What argument can you make in favor of pursuing this over using more of our time on fixing the Dragon Seal?
What argument can you make in favor of pursuing this over using more of our time on fixing the Dragon Seal?

Why should we be investigating this?
Because learning more forbidden lore about the conspiracy that secretly is running the word and has a connection to abominations beyond time and space is interesting
Why do you believe Shikamaru will lie to us?
Because we know he is part of a vast international conspiracy and that when we investigated it where shut down by Kei

Mostly because I don't see how a scene is created from this

  • Experiment with rock type that seems to be the most suitable for a sealing medium. (Density, smoothness, and purity)
  • Gaku
    • If reasonable, buy all books on the market on geometry
    • Find a competent civilian mathematician to tutor Hazo in 3D geometry. Maybe among Daimyos?
    • HIre a scholar to collect and document all the rocks/crystals.
      • Keep an eye on rock type that most resembles the Great Seal.
      • Ask Earth ninjutsu type, Doggos/Pangolins with metal element for weird rock/metal as well.

If there is more of a tangible plan than to grind through some leads I would be happy to vote for that. Also you'll note that my plan does include all of this.
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Because learning more forbidden lore about the conspiracy that secretly is running the word and has a connection to abominations beyond time and space is interesting

Lots of things we could be doing are interesting. That doesn't mean we should do them over researching ways to save the world from a threat we already know exists. There is a real benefit to stopping the Dragons: everyone lives. There is no apparent benefit to pressuring Shikamaru and Kei about a topic we already know they don't want to talk about.

Once we stop the Dragons and win the world war then I would be more inclined to look into new unrelated research topics. I believe we have too many existential threats to indulge in flights of fancy for now.

Because we know he is part of a vast international conspiracy and that when we investigated it where shut down by Kei

It can wait. Let's not disrupt Snowflake's birthday party by bringing up conspiracy theories, please.
Once we stop the Dragons and win the world war then I would be more inclined to look into new unrelated research topics. I believe we have too many existential threats to indulge in flights of fancy for now.
While you can disagree that this shouldn't be a priority don't act like it's not real. We have tons of examples that the five are another existential threat waiting to happen
While you can disagree that this shouldn't be a priority don't act like it's not real. We have tons of examples that the five are another existential threat waiting to happen

I'll try to clarify: by flights of fancy I mean that anything not related to ending the war or stopping the dragons is a distraction that has a real opportunity cost that could mean the difference between having enough time to solve either problem or the world ending in some manner.

As far as I can tell, "the five" aren't as pressing of a problem (if our limited information about them is correct) as the Dragons or the world war. Anything that does not help us achieve those objectives nor help Hazou destress in his limited downtime is not worth it, IMO.

I'm also surprised that you're so adamant that we need to address these entities compared to your dismissal of the Watchers' presence. To me their existences seem equally plausible.
I'm also surprised that you're so adamant that we need to address these entities compared to your dismissal of the Watchers' presence. To me their existences seem equally plausible.
If you will compare just some of the info we have about the five
Because after a thousand years of sacrifice, the Five are still sealed,

it is unprecedented for two of the Five Clans to intermarry, and hence certain parties might be inclined to contemplate what the combination of… bloodlines… might result in. This being a purely academic question."

"Are the Nara in possession of a Bloodline Limit?" Kei asked with a frown. "One has never been mentioned when discussing the Ino-Shika-Chō, and I was under the assumption that all your abilities were simply secret techniques."

"Oh, dear," Shikamaru said, setting aside his remaining hot chocolate. Kei accepted his proposal of mutual disarmament, tipping the coals back where they belonged.

"You left the Mori as a genin, yes?"

"It hardly bears repeating."

"Then, how much do you know about the origins and purpose of the Mori Clan?" Shikamaru asked, simultaneously beckoning her indoors.

A bizarre question. Shikamaru must surely have learned this much information about his fiancée's clan during the Chūnin Exam.

Kei closed her eyes and began to recite by rote. "The Mori Clan was established by the man we know as Mori, one of the greatest warriors to fight by the Sage's side during mankind's earliest days. During the great battle with the last primordial monsters of this world, he sacrificed himself to protect the Sage from a lethal wound. Though the Sage sought to resurrect him, part of Mori's mind had already crossed to the Deva Path to receive its just reward. When Mori returned, the Sage wept, for the man who had saved his life was like unto a puppet, lacking all free will."

As she spoke, she could hear what sounded suspiciously like Shikamaru closing all the doors and windows to the room, which was not at all alarming.

"Unable to offer Mori the gratitude he deserved, the Sage instead commanded him to found his own clan. Then, when children were born to Mori and his ordinary wife, it was found that each one, though a great hero in his own right, shared a portion of their father's curse. Without the power to grant true free will, the Sage instead bestowed his own transcendental wisdom upon them, that instead of being guided by their flawed humanity, they be ever guided by the truth.

"Ever since, the Sage's gift has been known as the Frozen Skein, for it is a vessel for bottomless depths of truth— but as the truth never changes, so those who embrace it can never change."

"Elegant," Shikamaru conceded. "We have one of those as well. Anything else?"

"More of the same with more names and additional flourish, I believe," Kei said. "And theoretical debates over the origins of the name, which I never cared to acknowledge the existence of."

"So…" Shikamaru said slowly, "nothing about the Five rings any bells?"

"Not beyond the obvious. Five Elemental Nations, five Villages, five Kage."

Shikamaru looked away from her for a moment.

"Please find a comfortable seat, beloved wife, while I call for more Shiori-brand tea. I have a feeling that we'll be staying up for a while."

No, I can't sleep either, Satsuko. It's all too much. The Pangolin Summoner is from one of the Five Forbidden Clans. She's married into another of the Five Forbidden Clans. How does that work? Is that allowed? What happens if they have children? Will the world end? Or will the children be double-Forbidden, so you aren't allowed to even look at them funny? What kind of powers will they have? They say the Nara are cursed with sloth, and the Mori are cursed with acedia. What if the children waste away because their lives don't mean anything to them? I'm afraid to ask, because the Pangolin Summoner has an unapproachable feel to her, and the last thing I can afford to do is offend her.

"Five clans?" Mari said. "Mori, Nara, Tama, Raiyoke… Raiyoke…"

"Yodomi," Yuno finished. "The Five Forbidden Clans." She tilted her head slightly sideways, as if thinking, while everyone else looked at her in surprise.

"Oh!" she exclaimed. "I get it. What if the Five are se—"

"Gasai Yuno."

Keiko's voice was completely flat.

"Go directly to the Nara compound and request to be placed in confinement. This is an order from the Pangolin Summoner."
compared to everything we have about the watchers I think you will realize one is much more tangible
"Oh, the Watchers are real," Jiraiya said grimly. "A couple of decades ago, I got desperate during the battle of Ryūgamine Peak and deliberately failed a seal infusion. I got a visit the very next night.

"I woke up, but I couldn't move, like there was this huge weight on top of me, except there wasn't. I couldn't see or hear anything… except this voice. It said that out of respect for my name as Jiraiya of the Leaf Three, I would get one chance. I was never to weaponise sealing failure again, or in any other way use sealcrafting to endanger the survival of civilisation. Then I went back to sleep, and in the morning it might all have been a dream, except that somebody had taken care to disable all of the traps around my door, and then fix them again after they left.

edit: furthermore I think Shikamaru is pushing to give a scroll to sand to make sure that they keep their status as one of the five villages to protect the thinker clan that resides there. If we wait the chance to follow this line of inquiry will be gone
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[x] Definitely Not Sealing Research
  • Snowflake's Present
    • Purchase samples of different minerals/crystals.
    • Use Earthshaping to create a thematically appropriate friendship bracelet.
      • Also check the materials for 3D sealing purity.
    • If no material works, use contrasting black and white stone instead.
  • Party Time
    • Focus on activities that Snowflake has shown interest in.
    • Run interference between Mari and Kei/Ami if Mari is present if required.
    • Compliment Snowflake's appearance in an appropriate manner.
  • Making The Rounds
    • Socialize with the guests.
    • Set up emergency plans to evacuate or fetch help with Noburi's help.
  • Following Days
    • Meet with Shikamaru to discuss Rock Annihilation Strategies, high OPSEC.
      • We are currently researching a series of seals that will allow us to destroy sections of Rock at distance (Suborbital strikes).
      • Shikaku once told us to come up with countermeasures before releasing WMDs.
      • We have preliminary ideas for protecting Leaf from this type of attack (Skyslicer nets, 5SB shields).
      • Could he provide his analysis regarding topics of concern.
        • Do not say that Kei asked to spare some Tama.
    • Spare one Shadow Clone to aid with seal research.
      • Finish Air Tunnels.
      • If time and ability permits, begin ARS research.
  • Misc
    • Geometry
      • Have Gaku purchase available Geometry books.
      • Check if the Nara are willing to sell/teach to the Goketsu.
    • Geology
      • Collate all known and suspected information on the GS material.
      • Ask Leaf masons/geologist/Earth elementalist and allied Summon Clans if they know of it or something similar.
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You purchased and downloaded a dozen different seals. We aren't going to design them all but we can come back to it in the future when such is necessary.
I have a couple suggestions, from among the seals Jiraiya might have made when he was younger. As I recall, he mentioned trying to replicate elemental techs so he wouldn't have to learn the elements. And since we shared Jiraiya's seal docs, these should be publically available, and someone may have made them. So, here's a couple air seals:

Air Bubble Seal: A bubble of semi-solid air surrounds the seal (melee range), penalizing ranged attacks and techniques in and out, but not melee. -1 AB, lasts 3-5 rounds.

Air Burst Seal: A blast of air in all directions a small distance away from the seal knocks attacks askew. It affects fewer techniques than the Air Bubble seal, but still some (primarily physical (earth or otherwise) and fireball-type techniques; some wind, few lightning). -6 [Numbers based on macerators, created at genin level, providing a +3] to attacks against the user, melee and otherwise, in the round it's activated. Special: This seal is sensitive enough to chakra that it may be activated as a supplemental action off turn. This is not something easy to apply to other seals that are researched.

e: These are intended to be sealtech of approximately chuunin (TN 35-43-ish) level. Does that seem about right?
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  • Following Days
    • Meet with Shikamaru to discuss Rock Annihilation Strategies, high OPSEC.
      • We are currently researching a series of seals that will allow us to destroy sections of Rock at distance (Suborbital strikes).
      • Shikaku once told us to come up with countermeasures before releasing WMDs.
      • We have preliminary ideas for protecting Leaf from this type of attack (Skyslicer nets, 5SB shields).
      • Could he provide his analysis regarding topics of concern.
        • Do not say that Kei asked to spare some Tama.
    • Spare one Shadow Clone to aid with seal research.
      • Finish Air Tunnels.
      • If time and ability permits, begin ARS reserach.

I think we already had 5SB ninja wire shield idea for protection against skywalker based attack.
I've only very briefly looked at the thread, but I put that this is a Naruto fic and somebody is bound to have a jutsu that melts rock.

I also put that spending XP on non-FOOM things or things of similar impact like Elemental Mastery is a poor use of our differentiating strengths. Trying to rock-shape a seal so advanced it's not safe to look at is only going to work if we are one with the narrativium. I cannot see it being an actually good idea on first principles.