Orochimaru is quite simply that scary when he wants to be and you have the effective mental resilience of a fresh Academy graduate.
In the long run, I'm not sure this should matter. You said yourself that it would have caused a severe, and as the victor of the social combat oro was in complete control of what he was doing to Hazou. I know the comparison is weird but it kinda makes me think of like, "oh he didn't punch you he just flexed so hard your body was crushed against the wall and you had to reveal secrets for him to stop flexing"

If no one cares then that's that but he unquestionably did damage to hazou to try to coerce clan secrets
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Huh. Oro musta used something else (bio stuff?) to be intimidating then. And to cause the wall impressions hazou was getting. Especially since Hazō took a moderate which takes a week to heal. Doubt you could do that without chakra magic. Especially since just reading the text without being affected by chakra magic oro didn't seem that intimidating
In the long run, I'm not sure this should matter. You said yourself that it would have caused a severe, and as the victor of the social combat oro was in complete control of what he was doing to Hazou. I know the comparison is weird but it kinda makes me think of like, "oh he didn't punch you he just flexed so hard your body was crushed against the wall and you had to reveal secrets for him to stop flexing"

If no one cares then that's that but he unquestionably did damage to hazou to try to coerce clan secrets
To play devil's advocate, Hazō never told him they were clan secrets. He had every opportunity to do so, but instead he chose to immediately provide the desired information.
as the victor of the social combat oro was in complete control of what he was doing to Hazou
oro can reduce the number of shifts he inflicts before hazou takes consequences. and as the winner he chooses the narrative way hazou loses. but the rules don't say whether oro can change the mechanical amount of consequences he inflicts, after hazou chooses to get taken out
Omake: The (Iron) Nerve on this kid
Can I play Team Oro?
You just gave me a terrible, terrible idea. Here's an omake (or is it? Is this how one does an omake? Is there a prerequisite? Here's a thing)

The (Iron) Nerve on this kid

"Would you like to join me for a board game?" Hazō ventured.
"I've found they make for a great intellectual challenge," he said. "Different games test the intellect in all kinds of different ways. More than one of my sealing ideas has been inspired by something I saw or did in a game."

"At your age," Orochimaru observed, "my idea of an intellectual challenge was tracing the connection between elemental affinity and the balance of the bodily humours. Some of the analytical procedures I developed continue to serve me to this day."

He began to turn away.

Hazō didn't know where he was heading, but he did know that in that direction lay Noburi's solidarity-building "summoners versus summons" game of Kage Hunters.

An old thought came back to him. Echoes of a past conversation. One he'd had with Mari, a long time ago.

Hazō, if there was a kunai with an exploding tag flying at Noburi and he couldn't dodge, would you throw yourself in front of it?

This was it. The time of his test. Few options were open to Hazō. But what little he could do had to be enough. For all that Orochimaru kept an aloof, detached facade to show himself above all concerns and most importantly everyone else, he never failed to listen and answer until a conversation genuinely bored him. He liked to have the last word, and cared about coming on top. Considering Hazō's abilities, he had exactly one course of action: being as infuriating as he could.

"At my age", Hazō retorted, "did you use this insight to revolutionise war?"

Orochimaru stopped. What was that petulant child's endgame?

"I was too busy waging, and winning, one." His tone was cool, not the way a stone wall may be cool, but the way a scalpel dissecting a corpse was cool. "Do you have a point, nephew?"

This last word was uttered with such sardonicism that it alone would have Hazō on edge. Of course, the killing intent from Orochimaru for so bold an act of insolence went above and beyond that, and threatened to make him pass out. He steeled his resolve, and pursued, trying his hardest to cut off his every sense as he clung to the Iron Nerve to produce words one after the other, mechanically, no matter how he was holding up.

"Oh, I suppose the talent of the greatest Sannin had to bloom late then, if you had to be a warrior and a tool firs-" Predatory eyes were set on him. A dance of traumatic experiences arose behind his eyes as Orochimaru's anger and annoyance spiked. He experienced this once, the feeling of being sliced open and reliving all damaging memories. Pain and fear and thooughts hum@ns mvst nno,t sEe 4nd the p9int 0, t%e w4(rlD -hAt w&s a wEBB `F LIE++S 4FG° 4¤2µ0ND HE C6ntr0lled hiS s4NSes aNd kEppt goin,g. "How long did this head-start at questioning biology last before Tsunade overtook you in ability and insight?"

If the Snake Sannin was cross at the disrespect before, he was now positively fuming. The nerve! On the one hand this kid was clearly attempting to get a rise out of him, and in an especially clumsy way. On the other hand, no one in a very long time had tried his patience anywhere near that extent, and the fact that it was on purpose only added to his anger.

"I have only very little time for meaningless acts." He projected his aura at the boy at full strength, instantly knocking him unconscious. "I do suppose, however, that I have to make time for more pressing matters, and interesting new projects. I did welcome you to my compound as volunteer."

Hazō woke up lying on a cold slab of stone, recognising an environment burned in his memories as surely as he hoped never to see it again. The Basement. He tried to move. His body did not respond. He tried to move again. But nothing happened. He could feel nothing below his neck, which apparently was strapped, only see and hear. See a stone ceiling, hear a strange rustling nearby. And smell, too. A strong scent he could not identify made it hard to think. Or it was the pain welling in his head, in his head and everywhere else. He could still feel pain.

"Ah, it seems you've come to." The voice was unexpectedly cheerful, for all that it looked like his plan to anger Orochimaru as a last resort to protect his family had been a success beyond all hope. "You were sadly incapacitated for the first steps of the procedure, but I trust you will want to be with me and follow the path of the rest. Trust me when I say it will be highly informative.
"You see, you represent a loose end. You have seen too much of my research, and I had no way of knowing exactly how much. You waste much of my time. You are a regular, constant impediment to my pursuing grandiose interests and discovery far past any achievement you make dance before the eyes of the village, and my peace requires I play along. Your safety was always at my convenience, but you've now well passed the gates of the marginal utility I could have to not, ah, extract the peace I await.
"See, before I was exiled, I tried to learn Yamanaka secrets. They were furiously guarded, but I had nothing but time and tools to chip away at their guards. Sometimes even literally." Hazō could hear the sneer in his voice, the voice of someone who knew himself to be beyond stopping and consequence. "Unfortunately, they do rely partly on some Bloodline abilities. After all my testing, splicing of bodies, and recomposition, I still cannot dive as they do. What I can do is fortunately much more complete, but also much more definite. I will make you reveal how much you know about my research, I will make you reveal what secrets you hold, I will make you reveal why you felt it wise to attract my ire, and this will be your last experience as this will happen as all information in your brain is forcibly extruded. Then I will see if your body can be of any use based on that information. You had an interesting reaction to my aura both times you were subjected to it. The experience might prove harrowing."

The blood beating at Hazō's temples should have been deafening, his mind racing to find an out, but he did not even try to open his mouth, not that he would have succeeded had he tried. Orochimaru's teaching tone was pure statement of fact, but he was clearly enjoying toying with him before finally ending his life. The excitement kept seeping in, not only at points of data, but on any word indicating Hazō's situation and incoming death.

"Now, dear nephew, let us learn what is hidden in this unwise hea-wait, what the fu-THE VOICES-STOP THIS HURTS-HOW COULD YOU-HOW DARE YOU-THE VOICES, THE VOICES-SO MANY-what's a train?-DID WHAT WITH SUMMONING SCROLLS?-IT BURNS, IT BURNS, IT BUR

Orochimaru was immobile and he was hurting and Orochimaru was about to kill him. Hazō was about to erase all that made up Hazō and taking great joy in it. Hazō yelled. Orochimaru howled. Hazō cried. Orochimaru bellowed. A soul-rending noise that only he could hear tore away at his sanity and mind and the flesh that was just a-

He was looking at his own body, strapped to a table and painted in uncountable seals. Hazō was tall. Taller than he had ever been. His hands were paler than he remembered them. Also, his body on the table was dead. Turning around, disconcerted, he saw his reflection in a mirror on the wall. Well, that explained it.

Orochimaru's face split in a childlike grin.

"You know, I think I could weaponise this."
You just gave me a terrible, terrible idea. Here's an omake (or is it? Is this how one does an omake? Is there a prerequisite? Here's a thing)

The (Iron) Nerve on this kid

"Would you like to join me for a board game?" Hazō ventured.
"I've found they make for a great intellectual challenge," he said. "Different games test the intellect in all kinds of different ways. More than one of my sealing ideas has been inspired by something I saw or did in a game."

"At your age," Orochimaru observed, "my idea of an intellectual challenge was tracing the connection between elemental affinity and the balance of the bodily humours. Some of the analytical procedures I developed continue to serve me to this day."

He began to turn away.

Hazō didn't know where he was heading, but he did know that in that direction lay Noburi's solidarity-building "summoners versus summons" game of Kage Hunters.

An old thought came back to him. Echoes of a past conversation. One he'd had with Mari, a long time ago.

Hazō, if there was a kunai with an exploding tag flying at Noburi and he couldn't dodge, would you throw yourself in front of it?

This was it. The time of his test. Few options were open to Hazō. But what little he could do had to be enough. For all that Orochimaru kept an aloof, detached facade to show himself above all concerns and most importantly everyone else, he never failed to listen and answer until a conversation genuinely bored him. He liked to have the last word, and cared about coming on top. Considering Hazō's abilities, he had exactly one course of action: being as infuriating as he could.

"At my age", Hazō retorted, "did you use this insight to revolutionise war?"

Orochimaru stopped. What was that petulant child's endgame?

"I was too busy waging, and winning, one." His tone was cool, not the way a stone wall may be cool, but the way a scalpel dissecting a corpse was cool. "Do you have a point, nephew?"

This last word was uttered with such sardonicism that it alone would have Hazō on edge. Of course, the killing intent from Orochimaru for so bold an act of insolence went above and beyond that, and threatened to make him pass out. He steeled his resolve, and pursued, trying his hardest to cut off his every sense as he clung to the Iron Nerve to produce words one after the other, mechanically, no matter how he was holding up.

"Oh, I suppose the talent of the greatest Sannin had to bloom late then, if you had to be a warrior and a tool firs-" Predatory eyes were set on him. A dance of traumatic experiences arose behind his eyes as Orochimaru's anger and annoyance spiked. He experienced this once, the feeling of being sliced open and reliving all damaging memories. Pain and fear and thooughts hum@ns mvst nno,t sEe 4nd the p9int 0, t%e w4(rlD -hAt w&s a wEBB `F LIE++S 4FG° 4¤2µ0ND HE C6ntr0lled hiS s4NSes aNd kEppt goin,g. "How long did this head-start at questioning biology last before Tsunade overtook you in ability and insight?"

If the Snake Sannin was cross at the disrespect before, he was now positively fuming. The nerve! On the one hand this kid was clearly attempting to get a rise out of him, and in an especially clumsy way. On the other hand, no one in a very long time had tried his patience anywhere near that extent, and the fact that it was on purpose only added to his anger.

"I have only very little time for meaningless acts." He projected his aura at the boy at full strength, instantly knocking him unconscious. "I do suppose, however, that I have to make time for more pressing matters, and interesting new projects. I did welcome you to my compound as volunteer."

Hazō woke up lying on a cold slab of stone, recognising an environment burned in his memories as surely as he hoped never to see it again. The Basement. He tried to move. His body did not respond. He tried to move again. But nothing happened. He could feel nothing below his neck, which apparently was strapped, only see and hear. See a stone ceiling, hear a strange rustling nearby. And smell, too. A strong scent he could not identify made it hard to think. Or it was the pain welling in his head, in his head and everywhere else. He could still feel pain.

"Ah, it seems you've come to." The voice was unexpectedly cheerful, for all that it looked like his plan to anger Orochimaru as a last resort to protect his family had been a success beyond all hope. "You were sadly incapacitated for the first steps of the procedure, but I trust you will want to be with me and follow the path of the rest. Trust me when I say it will be highly informative.
"You see, you represent a loose end. You have seen too much of my research, and I had no way of knowing exactly how much. You waste much of my time. You are a regular, constant impediment to my pursuing grandiose interests and discovery far past any achievement you make dance before the eyes of the village, and my peace requires I play along. Your safety was always at my convenience, but you've now well passed the gates of the marginal utility I could have to not, ah, extract the peace I await.
"See, before I was exiled, I tried to learn Yamanaka secrets. They were furiously guarded, but I had nothing but time and tools to chip away at their guards. Sometimes even literally." Hazō could hear the sneer in his voice, the voice of someone who knew himself to be beyond stopping and consequence. "Unfortunately, they do rely partly on some Bloodline abilities. After all my testing, splicing of bodies, and recomposition, I still cannot dive as they do. What I can do is fortunately much more complete, but also much more definite. I will make you reveal how much you know about my research, I will make you reveal what secrets you hold, I will make you reveal why you felt it wise to attract my ire, and this will be your last experience as this will happen as all information in your brain is forcibly extruded. Then I will see if your body can be of any use based on that information. You had an interesting reaction to my aura both times you were subjected to it. The experience might prove harrowing."

The blood beating at Hazō's temples should have been deafening, his mind racing to find an out, but he did not even try to open his mouth, not that he would have succeeded had he tried. Orochimaru's teaching tone was pure statement of fact, but he was clearly enjoying toying with him before finally ending his life. The excitement kept seeping in, not only at points of data, but on any word indicating Hazō's situation and incoming death.

"Now, dear nephew, let us learn what is hidden in this unwise hea-wait, what the fu-THE VOICES-STOP THIS HURTS-HOW COULD YOU-HOW DARE YOU-THE VOICES, THE VOICES-SO MANY-what's a train?-DID WHAT WITH SUMMONING SCROLLS?-IT BURNS, IT BURNS, IT BUR

Orochimaru was immobile and he was hurting and Orochimaru was about to kill him. Hazō was about to erase all that made up Hazō and taking great joy in it. Hazō yelled. Orochimaru howled. Hazō cried. Orochimaru bellowed. A soul-rending noise that only he could hear tore away at his sanity and mind and the flesh that was just a-

He was looking at his own body, strapped to a table and painted in uncountable seals. Hazō was tall. Taller than he had ever been. His hands were paler than he remembered them. Also, his body on the table was dead. Turning around, disconcerted, he saw his reflection in a mirror on the wall. Well, that explained it.

Orochimaru's face split in a childlike grin.

"You know, I think I could weaponise this."
Very enjoyable, 10/10
The loss of the Iron Nerve, something of a cornerstone of all our plans, would be gut wrenching.
Honestly not sure who is who and if that has any distinction by the end of that, so not sure how relevant that is.
Not sure I get your meaning -
Clear Communication no Jutsu!
I replied under the assumption you were expressing the hope that the plan to high-tail it out of here with Keiko before Orochimaru and Mari get there work. What I thought I understood was that you implied that failing that, if Snuncle decides he wants to analyse the Iron Nerve, he might rip it away through some mystical means. My initial thought was "this would definitely kill our favourite PC", which I tried to express humorously. Apologies if I spectacularly misunderstood.
Not sure I get your meaning -
Clear Communication no Jutsu!
I replied under the assumption you were expressing the hope that the plan to high-tail it out of here with Keiko before Orochimaru and Mari get there work. What I thought I understood was that you implied that failing that, if Snuncle decides he wants to analyse the Iron Nerve, he might rip it away through some mystical means. My initial thought was "this would definitely kill our favourite PC", which I tried to express humorously. Apologies if I spectacularly misunderstood.
Clear Communication no Jutsu!
I made my initial post in response to "The (Iron) Nerve on this kid" and to state that while my assumed end result of the story (The Identity Fuckery of Hazou and Orochimaru with the result ending up in Orochimaru's body) could be beneficial, the loss of the Iron Nerve would be a heavy loss in utility. No offense was ever felt, and apology unneeded but accepted.
Clear Communication no Jutsu!
I made my initial post in response to "The (Iron) Nerve on this kid" and to state that while my assumed end result of the story (The Identity Fuckery of Hazou and Orochimaru with the result ending up in Orochimaru's body) could be beneficial, the loss of the Iron Nerve would be a heavy loss in utility.
Ooooh, alright. My apologies fully warranted, and provided then. Well, DOTA rules apply here even though I'm literally still talking about it, and any reading is as good as mine or the next, but if I had to keep writing it I'd work with "technically it's Orochimaru's brain, but Hazō Of The Many Voices simply overtook him by virtue of being alien, and also made of us" rules. That would leave Hazō in possession of Snekboi's memories and knowledge (though how much he'd have to work to be able to fully make use of it, or even understand most of it, would be left open - it maybe wouldn't do to cheat ALL of our way to S-rank after all) so IN could probably be eventually regained. On the plus side we immediately get the Snake summoning contract.
You just gave me a terrible, terrible idea. Here's an omake (or is it? Is this how one does an omake? Is there a prerequisite? Here's a thing)

The (Iron) Nerve on this kid

"Would you like to join me for a board game?" Hazō ventured.
"I've found they make for a great intellectual challenge," he said. "Different games test the intellect in all kinds of different ways. More than one of my sealing ideas has been inspired by something I saw or did in a game."

"At your age," Orochimaru observed, "my idea of an intellectual challenge was tracing the connection between elemental affinity and the balance of the bodily humours. Some of the analytical procedures I developed continue to serve me to this day."

He began to turn away.

Hazō didn't know where he was heading, but he did know that in that direction lay Noburi's solidarity-building "summoners versus summons" game of Kage Hunters.

An old thought came back to him. Echoes of a past conversation. One he'd had with Mari, a long time ago.

Hazō, if there was a kunai with an exploding tag flying at Noburi and he couldn't dodge, would you throw yourself in front of it?

This was it. The time of his test. Few options were open to Hazō. But what little he could do had to be enough. For all that Orochimaru kept an aloof, detached facade to show himself above all concerns and most importantly everyone else, he never failed to listen and answer until a conversation genuinely bored him. He liked to have the last word, and cared about coming on top. Considering Hazō's abilities, he had exactly one course of action: being as infuriating as he could.

"At my age", Hazō retorted, "did you use this insight to revolutionise war?"

Orochimaru stopped. What was that petulant child's endgame?

"I was too busy waging, and winning, one." His tone was cool, not the way a stone wall may be cool, but the way a scalpel dissecting a corpse was cool. "Do you have a point, nephew?"

This last word was uttered with such sardonicism that it alone would have Hazō on edge. Of course, the killing intent from Orochimaru for so bold an act of insolence went above and beyond that, and threatened to make him pass out. He steeled his resolve, and pursued, trying his hardest to cut off his every sense as he clung to the Iron Nerve to produce words one after the other, mechanically, no matter how he was holding up.

"Oh, I suppose the talent of the greatest Sannin had to bloom late then, if you had to be a warrior and a tool firs-" Predatory eyes were set on him. A dance of traumatic experiences arose behind his eyes as Orochimaru's anger and annoyance spiked. He experienced this once, the feeling of being sliced open and reliving all damaging memories. Pain and fear and thooughts hum@ns mvst nno,t sEe 4nd the p9int 0, t%e w4(rlD -hAt w&s a wEBB `F LIE++S 4FG° 4¤2µ0ND HE C6ntr0lled hiS s4NSes aNd kEppt goin,g. "How long did this head-start at questioning biology last before Tsunade overtook you in ability and insight?"

If the Snake Sannin was cross at the disrespect before, he was now positively fuming. The nerve! On the one hand this kid was clearly attempting to get a rise out of him, and in an especially clumsy way. On the other hand, no one in a very long time had tried his patience anywhere near that extent, and the fact that it was on purpose only added to his anger.

"I have only very little time for meaningless acts." He projected his aura at the boy at full strength, instantly knocking him unconscious. "I do suppose, however, that I have to make time for more pressing matters, and interesting new projects. I did welcome you to my compound as volunteer."

Hazō woke up lying on a cold slab of stone, recognising an environment burned in his memories as surely as he hoped never to see it again. The Basement. He tried to move. His body did not respond. He tried to move again. But nothing happened. He could feel nothing below his neck, which apparently was strapped, only see and hear. See a stone ceiling, hear a strange rustling nearby. And smell, too. A strong scent he could not identify made it hard to think. Or it was the pain welling in his head, in his head and everywhere else. He could still feel pain.

"Ah, it seems you've come to." The voice was unexpectedly cheerful, for all that it looked like his plan to anger Orochimaru as a last resort to protect his family had been a success beyond all hope. "You were sadly incapacitated for the first steps of the procedure, but I trust you will want to be with me and follow the path of the rest. Trust me when I say it will be highly informative.
"You see, you represent a loose end. You have seen too much of my research, and I had no way of knowing exactly how much. You waste much of my time. You are a regular, constant impediment to my pursuing grandiose interests and discovery far past any achievement you make dance before the eyes of the village, and my peace requires I play along. Your safety was always at my convenience, but you've now well passed the gates of the marginal utility I could have to not, ah, extract the peace I await.
"See, before I was exiled, I tried to learn Yamanaka secrets. They were furiously guarded, but I had nothing but time and tools to chip away at their guards. Sometimes even literally." Hazō could hear the sneer in his voice, the voice of someone who knew himself to be beyond stopping and consequence. "Unfortunately, they do rely partly on some Bloodline abilities. After all my testing, splicing of bodies, and recomposition, I still cannot dive as they do. What I can do is fortunately much more complete, but also much more definite. I will make you reveal how much you know about my research, I will make you reveal what secrets you hold, I will make you reveal why you felt it wise to attract my ire, and this will be your last experience as this will happen as all information in your brain is forcibly extruded. Then I will see if your body can be of any use based on that information. You had an interesting reaction to my aura both times you were subjected to it. The experience might prove harrowing."

The blood beating at Hazō's temples should have been deafening, his mind racing to find an out, but he did not even try to open his mouth, not that he would have succeeded had he tried. Orochimaru's teaching tone was pure statement of fact, but he was clearly enjoying toying with him before finally ending his life. The excitement kept seeping in, not only at points of data, but on any word indicating Hazō's situation and incoming death.

"Now, dear nephew, let us learn what is hidden in this unwise hea-wait, what the fu-THE VOICES-STOP THIS HURTS-HOW COULD YOU-HOW DARE YOU-THE VOICES, THE VOICES-SO MANY-what's a train?-DID WHAT WITH SUMMONING SCROLLS?-IT BURNS, IT BURNS, IT BUR

Orochimaru was immobile and he was hurting and Orochimaru was about to kill him. Hazō was about to erase all that made up Hazō and taking great joy in it. Hazō yelled. Orochimaru howled. Hazō cried. Orochimaru bellowed. A soul-rending noise that only he could hear tore away at his sanity and mind and the flesh that was just a-

He was looking at his own body, strapped to a table and painted in uncountable seals. Hazō was tall. Taller than he had ever been. His hands were paler than he remembered them. Also, his body on the table was dead. Turning around, disconcerted, he saw his reflection in a mirror on the wall. Well, that explained it.

Orochimaru's face split in a childlike grin.

"You know, I think I could weaponise this."
Beyond brilliant. My only note is that you forgot the bit where Kagome suddenly realizes that nothing is stopping him from nuking the everything and the probable implications and promptly proceeds to nuke the everything.
oro can reduce the number of shifts he inflicts before hazou takes consequences. and as the winner he chooses the narrative way hazou loses. but the rules don't say whether oro can change the mechanical amount of consequences he inflicts, after hazou chooses to get taken out
Strictly speaking, Hazō only gets to choose to be Taken Out if he has an alternative (with the aim of minimising Consequences). If there is leftover stress after his stress track and Consequence slots are full, then he gets Taken Out automatically and non-consensually.

Orochimaru could reduce the number of shifts he inflicts, but he can't see Hazō's character sheet, so he doesn't know where the borderline is between Hazō being Taken Out voluntarily and Hazō being Taken Out because his slots are full. Also, if he gives Hazō the chance to be Taken Out voluntarily, Hazō might choose not to be Taken Out at all in order to avoid giving Orochimaru what he wants.
Strictly speaking, Hazō only gets to choose to be Taken Out if he has an alternative (with the aim of minimising Consequences). If there is leftover stress after his stress track and Consequence slots are full, then he gets Taken Out automatically and non-consensually.
Out of curiousity, imagine this happens:
  1. Hazou takes a ton of stress, that overflows his stress track and would fill his Consequences and there would still be leftover.
  2. Hazou decides to get Taken Out to minimize the damage.
  3. The most serious Consequence is removed, the Severe.
  4. There's still leftover stress.
What happens? Is the leftover stress translated into a Severe, or just dropped along with the narrative "out at the winner's choice" of being Taken Out?
Out of curiousity, imagine this happens:
  1. Hazou takes a ton of stress, that overflows his stress track and would fill his Consequences and there would still be leftover.
  2. Hazou decides to get Taken Out to minimize the damage.
  3. The most serious Consequence is removed, the Severe.
  4. There's still leftover stress.
What happens? Is the leftover stress translated into a Severe, or just dropped along with the narrative "out at the winner's choice" of being Taken Out?
If there would still be stress left over, Hazō gets Taken Out automatically and does not benefit from Consequence reduction.
Rules said:
If the resulting amount of stress DOES exceed your stress track, you must take one or more Consequences in order to reduce the stress total such that it no longer exceeds your stress track. Once you have done so, you have two choices.

  1. You continue fighting, and proceed as above.
  2. You choose to lose the combat. You do not suffer the worst of the Consequences you just took, but you still reduce the stress total as if you did. You are now Taken Out and the combat is over. You are dead or unconscious at the attacker's choice.
  3. Some physical combat methods cannot be non-lethal, so 'Taken Out' always means death. Example: Grand Fireball jutsu.
  4. Social fights do not cause unconsciousness or death. Instead, you lose in a narratively-appropriate way (e.g. being laughed at by the entire audience).

Note that if, after taking as many Consequences as you can, you are still unable to reduce the stress total such that it no longer exceeds your stress track, you are Taken Out automatically. In this case, you do not benefit from any Consequence reduction.
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Strictly speaking, Hazō only gets to choose to be Taken Out if he has an alternative (with the aim of minimising Consequences). If there is leftover stress after his stress track and Consequence slots are full, then he gets Taken Out automatically and non-consensually.

Orochimaru could reduce the number of shifts he inflicts, but he can't see Hazō's character sheet, so he doesn't know where the borderline is between Hazō being Taken Out voluntarily and Hazō being Taken Out because his slots are full. Also, if he gives Hazō the chance to be Taken Out voluntarily, Hazō might choose not to be Taken Out at all in order to avoid giving Orochimaru what he wants.

I wish my family dinner conversations were this healthy...