Old example: Imagine that you get dropped into a random location in New York City and need to meet somebody who the only information you have about is that they have the same orders, information, and goal.

Since that's not difficult enough add a time window. You have exactly one hour to be in the same place they are.

There is a better than even chance that in a bustling congested city you will end up meeting them at the information both in Grand Central Station at high noon.

That's just a population average. Two thinker clans who have probably long established at least a trickle of information around their nation's limits? Expect Shikamaru to say something along the lines of, "in grid square G90 there is a tree just far enough to the northwest of the beaten path to not be visible from it. It forks 15.3 inches up the trunk. If a Leaf representative wearing a teal armband issues a gull call directly towards it at precisely an hour after dawn eight Tami will present themselves. They will be wearing the basic minimum uniform necessary to avoid Rock suspicion, but it will include a yellow bow somewhere on the top third of their body. They will cooperate in returning to Konoha as long as the optimal path for avoiding revealing that the Tami are coordinating with us is followed, which I have detailed on this map with 99.98% percent of the potential contingencies. See appendix C for the statistical analysis."
See, this is what I'd been talking about regarding there being two valid interpretations. Either it's this, and so worrying about the Tama is entirely unnecessary... Or the Tama are going to very deliberately not do this, in order to force us not to use overwhelming force, and so provide Rock with military advantage. (Or, for all we know, Onoki learned about the Five Clans' secret and provided his successors with comprehensive briefings, who then decided to suborn the Tama Clan, and they're much more reckless with how they navigate the related game-theoretic landscape. The Nara would be covertly informed of this, of course.) We're not the only ones who could play chicken with the universe.

Why would Kei bring this up otherwise? Why volunteer information related to that cosmically important secret, if it's unnecessary?

Hm. I suppose it might be just that Kei does not think the Tama think we can annihilate their entire village, and so doesn't expect them to have off-village backup populations. That seems rather uncharitable of her.
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  • Once MEWs are all cast, have participants chakra-walk on bottom of rock.
  • Simultaneously remove 5SB seals.
  • Carefully walk off side of falling rock, decelerate with skywalkers.
Skywalkers can't slow a fall down, they would stop it abruptly, probably breaking some ankles.

I suggest that this part would be better off using explosives or ninja wire as you suggest further down.
Casting a 200 clone SC would cost 5175 cp, not 50000
5175 + your remaining chakra/200, which is even worse

Furthermore even Naruto most likely doesn't have that much chakra to play around with. I think 40 clones is about where he tops out day-to-day.
The impression I have is that Naruto's cap is due to resolve, not chakra limitations. I would be very surprised if his reserves were only around 1000 considering that normal ninja with no bloodline or bijou can reach that.

MEW requires that a ninja have the Earth Nature to learn the jutsu, Naruto is Wind-natured in canon and there is no reason to assume he has gained the Earth Nature in MfD, it costs 1000 XP and is very difficult and time consuming. His combat style doesn't rely on knowing a bunch of jutsu anyway.
Except that Jiraiya left Naruto an earth jutsu as part of his will, and naruto gains XP like crazy. His SC can't learn the new element for him but it only takes a month and the clones can keep improving his other skills during that time. Still, even though i'd say it's plausible we don't know for sure.

Hm. I suppose it might be just that Kei does not think the Tama think we can annihilate their entire village, and so doesn't expect them to have off-village backup populations. That seems rather uncharitable of her.
The Five Clans surely have some way to communicate right?
No, energy increases geometrically with velocity. It increases linearly with distance under constant acceleration (and no initial velocity):
kinetic energy = 0.5 * mass * velocity^2

Velocity after falling a distance is:
dist = 0.5 * accel * time^2
time = sqrt(dist * 2 / accel)

vel = accel * time
vel = accel * sqrt(dist * 2 / accel)

So energy after falling a distance is:
KE = 0.5 * mass * (accel * sqrt(dist * 2 / accel))^2
KE = 0.5 * mass * (2 * dist * accel)
KE = mass * dist * accel
use 10 for G:
KE = 10 * mass * dist

We want many, many tons, though. Does Leaf have hundreds or thousands of tons of lead to spare?
Where do you get the lead, how do you boil it, and how do you keep it boiling while it's in freefall.

The cheapest and most amply available metal in all antiquity? The metal which was treated as a trash byproduct of silver production? The metal which the Romans regarded in and treated much the same way the modern world regards plastic to the point where its atmospheric evidence can be detected in ice cores continents away and the Chinese overtook Europe in the production of by the 12th century?

I suspect that we can find some somewhere within three major nations and dozens of minor nations, but we don't really have to. Glass, rocks, etc are less optimal but that just means increasing the amount delivered, which is pretty trivial.

Heat it in a kiln and seal it in a storage seal. It's going to take more than the time in free fall for a significant amount to cool even without the fact that it's going to be exothermically burning in the ambient air to keep it hot, and that is if it isn't initially thrown downwards at high velocity by a macerator.

Word Count: 233
[X] Action plan: A Modest proposal

  • Meeting with Asuma
    • Find out as much information as possible
    • Propose to hit the Rock base that has might have the spider scroll.
    • Since discretion is no longer required we can use the way of Kagome.
      • Mari, Keiko, Noburi and either Hazou or kagome will attack the base
        • Hazou if there is anything that can get him field ready in time otherwise Kagome
      • with Noburi's bloodline we can afford to send in Shadow clones to scout out the sky before we engage
        • If our enemies have air presence call mission abort.
        • If not sit up a SkyTower for initial attack.
          • If Hazou is able to go have a SC instance prepare the bombardment
          • otherwise Kagome protected by at least one Mari SC will prepare
        • Using a combination of MEW, storage scroll bombardment, 5-SIN stacks and, stupid boxes unleash Hell on our enemies.
      • Immediately after the bombardment we would send in every summon and shadow clone that we have available to mop up anyone who did not die in the initial assault.
        • Using Noburi we can get chakra refills from other summoners to make sure we can send in a max wave
        • All of our actual bodies will be at maximum sc range from the base. Insuring that no Leaf Nin will be exposed to danger
      • Request Tower resources to acquire Jounin level summons for everyone
        • We would like one week to acquire them

Advantages of this plan:
  1. By taking the initiative and being able to prep an assault we get to leverage all of our advantages that Noburi provides.
  2. All of uplift except possibly Kagome will be miles away from assault
  3. Will have a Jounin to protect everyone in Mari
  4. A Scroll is in play that could be used to justify keeping Kagome away from the front lines even more so
  5. Get in Asuma's good book
  6. We get to see how effective we are when we go all out
  7. Explosions!
  8. EJ will love it

There are an awful lot of bloodlines distributed among the various nations, plus potential jutsu from the various summon clans. One or two might well be able to heal or fortify, at least long enough for an operation.

Also, screw aborting. Just bring along enough boom to summarily wreck any air assets they have. Hell, Leaf has the condor scroll, and their boss was a powerful enough aerial fighter that the GMs seriously expected the dice to kill at least one of Kei, Ami, or Naruto, despite jounin support.

Ok, now we have the nuclear (fun) option hashed out time to the boring "you can have nice things" optionhow about we raise rock's subterranian whater basin, blood rock from the botom up? Like i dont have time to hash out the details right now but it seems a good idea for a less fun option.

Gee, if only Leaf had an ally with hundreds of years of institutional experience manipulating water.

Worst case scenario, we don't need to remove their aquifers, just poison them.

I feel we should probably concentrate on "How to repeal the invading Rock Army" than "How to nuke Rock from the face of the earth". The latter is not that difficult for any Hidden Village, the problem is doing it with the enemy attacking/running interference.

Hogwash. Naruto is available. Tsunade should have already been on the front lines yesterday. Asuma has chakra reserves so immense that Noburi giving everything he had and then also draining Naruto weren't enough to top him off. Orochimaru might even be willing to get involved if we bribe him or point out the opportunity to capture shinobi he likely hasn't been in the necessary area to do so before. We can fuel them as needed because, again, Mist is an ally, we have an established relationship with the Wakahisa clan who need Leaf to be around to provide seeds they can use to literally grow gold, any one of the Wakahisa not-even-academy-graduates can shuffle chakra around, and a senior clan member has a close and dear relationship with at least two of them. They can serve as the anvil holding the invasion force which inevitably represents the vast majority of Rock's combat assets while assault teams sweep in from Sand and Snow to wreck their deep infrastructure, meet up, and hammer into the backs of their lines on their way home. That's even if we don't get other potential help involved. Repeat: one member of Akatsuki is already involved and there are at least three others we have a reasonable chance of recruiting for the war without international blowback.

I'd like to note here that while air resistance is mostly negligible, the rotation of the earth will affect aiming (if indeed, the EN is on a globe that has a rotational axis)

It's also reliably predictable, and of course any operations should have a few practice runs before being put into action. Coriolis forces can be very precisely accounted and adjusted for.

This part is problematic because it requires researching a custom seal, and Hazou is crippled right now. He won't be healed until the war is over, most likely. Even then it would take at least a few weeks to work this seal out.

Leaving aside that Noburi can't cast SC at all. Casting a 200 clone SC would cost 5175 cp, not 50000. Furthermore even Naruto most likely doesn't have that much chakra to play around with. I think 40 clones is about where he tops out day-to-day. That would cost 1175 cp. Splitting chakra 40 ways means that Naruto most likely has low thousands of total chakra, enough for ten jounin, but not a thousand

MEW requires that a ninja have the Earth Nature to learn the jutsu, Naruto is Wind-natured in canon and there is no reason to assume he has gained the Earth Nature in MfD, it costs 1000 XP and is very difficult and time consuming. His combat style doesn't rely on knowing a bunch of jutsu anyway.

Say we have Hazou do this, the only actual person who knows MEW and is under our command. He can only generate 1 m^3 of stone per cast b/c we have AB 1 for MEW. Cost is 33cp/m^3 and doesn't scale. So Noburi can fuel 37 m^3 before requiring a refill. Assume we tap the entire summon network for all their chakra. That's ~5000 cp. So that's about 200 m^3 of rock

So this should be possible from chakra constraints. Unfortunately the MEW comes out as a chakra construct and Hazou can't cast it more than once a round. So we max out at 10 m^3.

Note that 10000 seals are ~104 full-time days of a single sealmaster's output. With only 10 or so sealmasters in Leaf, that puts sharp limits on how many storage seals we can expect to be floating around. In addition, storage seals are supposed to be expensive. Having 10x as many storage seals as total ninja floating around Leaf is possible, but going higher than that isn't very likely. There probably isn't 20000 storage seals in all of Leaf.

I think I remember something about Naruto saying that he was restricting himself to approximately forty clones for the purposes of sustainability during one of the crises, which implies that that is what zeroes out his chakra regen rate, but that he can at least briefly surge to more if he taps into his accumulated reserves. @faflec ?

Second prayer for jashin-sama take lord Hagomono on this war.

Just convince Asuma to send him along on the northern assault team and Minami him.

See, this is what I'd been talking about regarding there being two valid interpretations. Either it's this, and so worrying about the Tama is entirely unnecessary... Or the Tama are going to very deliberately not do this, in order to force us not to use overwhelming force, and so provide Rock with military advantage. (Or, for all we know, Onoki learned about the Five Clans' secret and provided his successors with comprehensive briefings, who then decided to suborn the Tama Clan, and they're much more reckless with how they navigate the related game-theoretic landscape. The Nara would be covertly informed of this, of course.) We're not the only ones who could play chicken with the universe.

Why would Kei bring this up otherwise? Why volunteer information related to that cosmically important secret, if it's unnecessary?

Hm. I suppose it might be just that Kei does not think the Tama think we can annihilate their entire village, and so doesn't expect them to have off-village backup populations. That seems rather uncharitable of her.

To be fair, Kei probably has a significant expectation that Hazou might be capable of rendering large geographic areas uninhabitable for tens of thousands of years, which could potentially catch anyone in the region.

She knows that the Tama have not met Hazou and thus their expectations might well be underestimates.
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Ok, i dont think we should try to pull punches against rock, the tama should have a contincency to a FUBAR senario like, rock is out of S-rankers and the biju just escaped.
So i dont see why hazo should pull punches, i can see kei woried about it because she realy have the tedency to overestimate her loved ones on a fashion, in her mind hazo could scrach his ass and rock evaporates because hazo found a new way to bully reality.
Anyways we should ask shikamaru and kei privately about the tama and how their flavor of tinker avoid critical existence faliure to the face. So we can give them a shot on survival.
Now bombardment asside how we could make rock's wather basin go up?
Heat it in a kiln and seal it in a storage seal. It's going to take more than the time in free fall for a significant amount to cool even without the fact that it's going to be exothermically burning in the ambient air to keep it hot, and that is if it isn't initially thrown downwards at high velocity by a macerator.
So you are not in fact filling an upside-down Air Dome with boiling lead, you are dropping containers of boiling lead. (Since you can't put actual molten metal into a storage seal uncontained.) Okay, that makes more sense.

Ok, i dont think we should try to pull punches against rock, the tama should have a contincency to a FUBAR senario like, rock is out of S-rankers and the biju just escaped.
They have two jinchūriki but no other S-rankers that Hazō is aware of.
Hogwash. Naruto is available. Tsunade should have already been on the front lines yesterday. Asuma has chakra reserves so immense that Noburi giving everything he had and then also draining Naruto weren't enough to top him off. Orochimaru might even be willing to get involved if we bribe him or point out the opportunity to capture shinobi he likely hasn't been in the necessary area to do so before. We can fuel them as needed because, again, Mist is an ally, we have an established relationship with the Wakahisa clan who need Leaf to be around to provide seeds they can use to literally grow gold, any one of the Wakahisa not-even-academy-graduates can shuffle chakra around, and a senior clan member has a close and dear relationship with at least two of them. They can serve as the anvil holding the invasion force which inevitably represents the vast majority of Rock's combat assets while assault teams sweep in from Sand and Snow to wreck their deep infrastructure, meet up, and hammer into the backs of their lines on their way home. That's even if we don't get other potential help involved. Repeat: one member of Akatsuki is already involved and there are at least three others we have a reasonable chance of recruiting for the war without international blowback.

No offence, but this whole arguments boils down to "Rock is so dumb they didn't consider Leaf WMD, Hokage and surviving S-ranker while attacking", things that could or could not be relevant (Ninja warfare is fast, the whole battle could end before Mist gets involved if Rock decides to do so) , unknowns likes Mist and Sand decision to join the war and Akatsuki, the same Akatsuki that almost killed Hazou the last time he talked to them and swore to not use violence to bring peace, entering the fight.
Finally, i'm pretty sure Noburi didn't drain Naruto, but couldn't give enough Chakra to Naruto because Asuma has large Chakra Reserves, the idea of Asuma having more Chakra than anything involving Naruto is simply ridiculous, as he's a jinchuuriki.
The situation is more complicated than "Rock is here, everybody panic", but acting as if an invasion by a rational enemy is basically an irrelevant variable doesn't seems accurate.
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So you are not in fact filling an upside-down Air Dome with boiling lead, you are dropping containers of boiling lead. (Since you can't put actual molten metal into a storage seal uncontained.) Okay, that makes more sense.

They have two jinchūriki but no other S-rankers that Hazō is aware of.

Well, the plan was to use storage seals to fill a dome with cheap ceramic containers of boiling lead so it could be simultaneously dropped in larger quantities in shorter barrage times by fewer people than if just storage seals were used, but if necessary just the storage seals are necessary and any survivors of the longer barrage can be observed, tracked, and hunted down from the artillery position.
Asuma has chakra reserves so immense that Noburi giving everything he had and then also draining Naruto weren't enough to top him off.
Point of order: Noburi topped off Asuma (completely) and then gave Naruto what he had left. Noburi has never drained Naruto and AFAIK will not because Naruto's chakra is Weird. Asuma has deep reserves, but they're less than a barrel.
"Noburi," Sarutobi said next. "You've got the chakra transfer bloodline, right? Top me up. If you have anything left, give it to Naruto."

"Sir," Noburi nodded.


"…sorry, Naruto. That's all I had," Noburi said, looking at Sarutobi with a new degree of respect.

Naruto's suspicious scowl deepened further.
Orochimaru might even be willing to get involved if we bribe him or point out the opportunity to capture shinobi he likely hasn't been in the necessary area to do so before.
Orochimarui is doubtless aware of what's happening and will make his own decisions. He doesn't need us to point out a glaringly obvious opportunity - I'm pretty sure he'd use his aura on us if we took time out of his day to let him know water is wet, and this seems similar - nor do we possess anything with which he might be bribed (which would not also cost our life IMO). If Asuma wants to deploy Orochimaru, he'll deploy him.
This part is problematic because it requires researching a custom seal, and Hazou is crippled right now. He won't be healed until the war is over, most likely. Even then it would take at least a few weeks to work this seal out.
Fair, but the concrete block strategy would also be a major war effort. This isn't something we can do immediately either way, unless we want to settle for lesser devestation.

If Asuma goes for the plan, he could sic other Leaf sealmasters on it.

Leaving aside that Noburi can't cast SC at all. Casting a 200 clone SC would cost 5175 cp, not 50000. Furthermore even Naruto most likely doesn't have that much chakra to play around with. I think 40 clones is about where he tops out day-to-day. That would cost 1175 cp. Splitting chakra 40 ways means that Naruto most likely has low thousands of total chakra, enough for ten jounin, but not a thousand

MEW requires that a ninja have the Earth Nature to learn the jutsu, Naruto is Wind-natured in canon and there is no reason to assume he has gained the Earth Nature in MfD, it costs 1000 XP and is very difficult and time consuming. His combat style doesn't rely on knowing a bunch of jutsu anyway.

Say we have Hazou do this, the only actual person who knows MEW and is under our command. He can only generate 1 m^3 of stone per cast b/c we have AB 1 for MEW. Cost is 33cp/m^3 and doesn't scale. So Noburi can fuel 37 m^3 before requiring a refill. Assume we tap the entire summon network for all their chakra. That's ~5000 cp. So that's about 200 m^3 of rock
Fair. I made this before someone pointed out the Jutsu document to me, so I was working off of guesswork from what i saw in the story. I also do not know where the character sheets are, so I'm guessing at what everyone can do.

So this should be possible from chakra constraints. Unfortunately the MEW comes out as a chakra construct and Hazou can't cast it more than once a round. So we max out at 10 m^3.
Hmm, alright. MEW bombardment is probably not a option, then.

Unless we settle for carpet bombing, but that opens us up to counterattack and reduced penetration depth. So if Rock has skywalkers we'd need to go with the high-altitude option and figure out how to ensure the chakra construct MEWs don't dissipate in midair.

Note that 10000 seals are ~104 full-time days of a single sealmaster's output. With only 10 or so sealmasters in Leaf, that puts sharp limits on how many storage seals we can expect to be floating around. In addition, storage seals are supposed to be expensive. Having 10x as many storage seals as total ninja floating around Leaf is possible, but going higher than that isn't very likely. There probably isn't 20000 storage seals in all of Leaf.
Only 10 sealmasters?! I thought Leaf had a whole sealing research facility? Damnit, alright:

Can civilians draw seals? They won't know what it does, but we can search for those with the best calligraphy and they can copy a existing storage seal. A sealmaster can look at the blank, check for flaws, and either infuse it or reject it. Should be faster than drawing them themselves, even if only a quarter of them are actually viable.

This has the risk of them overlooking issues on it and causing a sealing failure, though.
We had about only 30 sealmasters. Could be less with the collapse and other events.

Also, checking the seals if they could be drawn by civilians takes at least as long as just doing it.
No offence, but this whole arguments boils down to "Rock is so dumb they didn't consider Leaf WMD, Hokage and surviving S-ranker while attacking", things could or could not be relevant (Ninja warfare is fast, the whole battle could end before Mist gets involved if Rock decides to do so) , unknowns likes Mist and Sand decision to join the war and Akatsuki, the same Akatsuki that almost killed Hazou the last time he talked to them and swore to not use violence to bring peace, entering the fight.
Finally, i'm pretty sure Noburi didn't drain Naruto, but couldn't give enough Chakra to Naruto because Asuma has large Chakra Reserves, the idea of Asuma having more Chakra than anything involving Naruto is simply ridiculous, as he's a jinchuuriki.
The situation is more complicated than "Rock is here, everybody panic", but acting as if an invasion by a rational enemy is basically an irrelevant variable doesn't seems accurate.

Rock doesn't know about Leaf WMDs, and is probably expecting to achieve a limited annexation of territory before a full response can be mounted. The response doesn't require stopping them flat, just slowing them down long enough for the flanking forces to wreck their operational and strategic assets before slamming into the backs of their front lines. Enemy forces tend to be reluctant to advance when they know that it will involve leaving powerful forces behind them to turn around and attack them in the back.

I'm looking for the specific chapter of Rockfall, but I'm pretty sure that Noburi pulled chakra out of Naruto to fill up Asuma during the initial meeting where Naruto was glaring at Hazou for being a borderline traitor and further infuriated by Hazou claiming that he wasn't capable of operations due to having restricted himself in light of the previous chapter's family intervention over concerns about out exposure where Kagome and Kei were seriously considering killing him.

Nevermind, I misremembered. Noburi was supposed to fill up Asuma and then give anything left to Naruto but couldn't even manage the first.
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I don't know why people have the impression that Naruto is edgy like Sasuke in canon. He's still the same Naruto, except less idiotic and maybe even less idealistic.
Fair, but the concrete block strategy would also be a major war effort. This isn't something we can do immediately either way, unless we want to settle for lesser devestation.

If Asuma goes for the plan, he could sic other Leaf sealmasters on it.

Fair. I made this before someone pointed out the Jutsu document to me, so I was working off of guesswork from what i saw in the story. I also do not know where the character sheets are, so I'm guessing at what everyone can do.

Hmm, alright. MEW bombardment is probably not a option, then.

Unless we settle for carpet bombing, but that opens us up to counterattack and reduced penetration depth. So if Rock has skywalkers we'd need to go with the high-altitude option and figure out how to ensure the chakra construct MEWs don't dissipate in midair.

Only 10 sealmasters?! I thought Leaf had a whole sealing research facility? Damnit, alright:

Can civilians draw seals? They won't know what it does, but we can search for those with the best calligraphy and they can copy a existing storage seal. A sealmaster can look at the blank, check for flaws, and either infuse it or reject it. Should be faster than drawing them themselves, even if only a quarter of them are actually viable.

This has the risk of them overlooking issues on it and causing a sealing failure, though.

Extremely fine details matter. It takes longer to examine a seal blank for flaws than to just draw it yourself. Plus, each sealmaster needs a customized form of seal blank to infuse it.

Hazou is a very special case because he has a supernatural power to absolutely perfectly recreate any motions he has achieved in the past, and even then the sealmaster with the closest knowledge of him was initially uncomfortable when it came to infusing blanks he drew. No sealmaster is going to let anybody else draw a blank for them to infuse. If they were that reckless they'd already be dead.
I'd like to point out that some anti-skywalker contingencies could be useful. 5sbd ninja wire for example would make trying to advance on a skytower absolute hell
I also do not know where the character sheets are, so I'm guessing at what everyone can do
Again, check post #2. It's got links to most or all of what you might want.
Can civilians draw seals? They won't know what it does, but we can search for those with the best calligraphy and they can copy a existing storage seal. A sealmaster can look at the blank, check for flaws, and either infuse it or reject it. Should be faster than drawing them themselves, even if only a quarter of them are actually viable
Others already answered this but I'll note that checking a blank for accuracy takes, by default, an hour. It takes five minutes to draw one.
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I'd like to point out that some anti-skywalker contingencies could be useful. 5sbd ninja wire for example would make trying to advance on a skytower absolute hell

What are you imagining? I am not quite sure how it would deter enemies from attacking the tower nor show how useful the tower would be against our opponents.

The primary function of skytowers is for observation and reconnaissance. Useful for maybe establishing control of an area. Our enemy will resort to other measures. Camouflaged movements, tunneling underground, or taking another route.
I don't know why people have the impression that Naruto is edgy like Sasuke in canon. He's still the same Naruto, except less idiotic and maybe even less idealistic.
The being extremely quick to treaten pepole with force and rasegan their faces off part, at least for me. And this was before the relations with hazo being strained.
What Jiraiya being your dad does to a mf
I was leaning more to ptsd due the kidnap and minrape thing, jiraya wasan realy "around" as much, its possible that he did more Dad-ing with hazo than naruto. But yeah that was a in line with jiraya MO.
Anyways i subscribe to the idea of taking soft while having the bigger stick, so any S-rank that use their power like a blugeon sits bad with me.
Anyways i subscribe to the idea of taking soft while having the bigger stick, so any S-rank that use their power like a blugeon sits bad with me.
I think that's every S-Ranker we've met except Cannai and maybe Kumokugo, not sure she counts because she's desperate for our help and probably acting nice because of it. Even Jiraiya did this from time to time. Although now that I think about it, maybe the Third Hokage didn't act like that. Just essie things
I'd like to point out that some anti-skywalker contingencies could be useful. 5sbd ninja wire for example would make trying to advance on a skytower absolute hell

Heh. I have some ideas about using those stupidly powerful vibration seals off-balance to swing around huge lengths of stupidly strong and thin wire at stupidly high velocities as a mookwhacker, but in practice the best countermeasure probably remains just the standard "hurl huge amounts of boom at it until it stops."

Perhaps if the chakdar or skywalker chakra adhesion detection element could be incorporated into something else. Networks of oodles of cheap balloons filled with hydrogen or methane which explode if anybody using a skywalker gets near them for instance.

In fact, we could combine the ideas. There are air-to-air missiles whose warheads are an accordion of metal rods wrapped around an explosive core so they unfurl and cut then shatter and throw fragments to massively increase the effective kill radius over the same weight in simple explosive.

Actually, we could use carbothermic reduction of bone and following reaction with water to replace much of the balloon volume with phosphine and still have a lifting gas which is not only extremely toxic, but explosively pyrophoric the moment the balloon's membrane is breached and it gets exposed to air.

Also, Kagome has been working on that whole "any genin can make a jounin kill themselves by trying to attack them" explosively reactive superarmor. If it's not near ready for production it might be time to donate it to the tower so all of Leaf's sealmasters can finish it.

The being extremely quick to treaten pepole with force and rasegan their faces off part, at least for me. And this was before the relations with hazo being strained.

Gee, wonder which godfather he learned that from...

Oh hell, @Shrooms beat me too it.

I was leaning more to ptsd due the kidnap and minrape thing, jiraya wasan realy "around" as much, its possible that he did more Dad-ing with hazo than naruto. But yeah that was a in line with jiraya MO.
Anyways i subscribe to the idea of taking soft while having the bigger stick, so any S-rank that use their power like a blugeon sits bad with me.

Fortunately, I am more of the "burn entire continents for looking at me funny" persuasion.

I think that's every S-Ranker we've met except Cannai and maybe Kumokugo, not sure she counts because she's desperate for our help and probably acting nice because of it. Even Jiraiya did this from time to time. Although now that I think about it, maybe the Third Hokage didn't act like that. Just essie things

Hidan has been a remarkably affable psychopath.