I read it more as "interested, but leery of the (ever-diminishing) power imbalance, and only if all loved ones approve."
I think you're closer to accurate but still leaving out an important chunk of the dynamic. Ami confuses Hazou, and while this can to some degree be described simply as their power imbalance, it also hits upon a more core reason for uncertainty: Hazou isn't sure what Ami truly wants.

We've heard some explanations, honest-seeming ones even (for all that matters when dealing with a social-spec), but I don't think Hazou's reached the point where he can tell the difference between 'Ami, who will fight by my side to achieve Uplift for Kei's sake' and 'Ami, who will be my final enemy over the fate of the world'.

I don't think Hazou's the sort of person to get romantically involved with someone he doesn't trust to be on his side when it counts, someone who might force him to choose between them and Uplift (Uplift would win, which is why he wouldn't want to start such a relationship in the first place). It's also not the only obstacle, the rest of the power imbalance would be a problem even if he felt he understood Ami well enough, but I think that's the core obstacle.

As Hazou gets better at playing Ami's Game, as he gets more social skills and raises his Empathy and stuff, he'll eventually figure out whether or not Ami will try to come between him and Uplift in the end, and only then will letting Ami into his inner circle of trust, let alone a romantic relationship, become an option.
[X] The DRAGONWAR Continues
Word Count: 263
  • Timeframe: Through replacing the HOWS
  • Hazou completes the tunnel to the GS according to this calculation
    • Use MEW and 5SB supports, chakra and time allowing. Use Daybright Lanterns for illumination. Consult Leaf mining experts for optimal placement.
    • Implement multiple disguised exits along the tunnel and a ring around the GS with points of egress.
  • Hazou teaches a mixed force of Hornets and Arachnids to activate seals, including those who can teach others.
    • Hornets chosen for the next distraction practice emplacing a 5SB'd cross of spidersilk and luring a Dragon to fly through it. The line of silk should be as thin as possible
  • Obtain a few storage seals filled with molten iron and glass
  • (Offscreen) Time permitting, spend a day constructing a model of the Great Seal with Earthshaping jutsu
  • Run the next part by Kumokugo and implement reasonable suggestions.
  • Mites scout good ambush sites in striking range from tunnel
  • Emplace the HOWS, using the tunnel. Bring a heavy combat team in reserve.
  • Arm the distraction with seals
    • Have Hornets w/o seals lure the Dragon through a line of silk, as practiced
    • If there are multiple Dragons at the ambush site abort the following:
      • Once the Dragon has encountered the silk, attack it with suicide runs of implosion seals, storage seals filled with molten iron and glass, and regular explosive seals.
      • Target weak points, eyes, ears, snout, throat, etc.
      • If the Dragon is disabled and severely wounded but not dead, move with the reserve. Otherwise, wait until Hazou is finished emplacing the HOWS and retreat.
I think that this has good pieces but I don't think that what I'm reading as the core of the plan - simultaneously replacing HOWS and attempting to murder a Dragon using the power of seals and spidersilk - is a good idea.

I give these tactics, in isolation 50-50 odds of wounding a Dragon so grievously that it either dies or is no longer an effective combatant. If we had guaranteed Dragon-killing weapons, then using them would probably be a good idea; butchering them gives us better access to the Great Seal, and that's super valuable, as well as the fact that we can then get a closer look at their corpses, which may contain clues, or just neat pieces of biology we can sell to collectors on the Human Path.

And if we were in a position where our options were thinning the Dragons' numbers or dying, then this currently represents our best shot at getting ourselves on the scoreboard. However, as we neither have guarantees that they die or a pressing need to put them in the ground, I think we're tipping our hand. These tactics are only going to be surprising and maximally effective once. Combining that with whatever Boss strikeforce we can assemble makes sense to me, and if the result of the Conclave is 'let us know how that goes, but we aren't going to make a move' then we haven't lost much. Machiavelli gave a lot of questionable advice, but "If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared." rings very true to me, especially when vengeance can splat our viewpoint character.

I'm also skeptical of the wisdom of attempting re-emplacement and an assault on the Dragons simultaneously. The more moving parts a plan has, the more points of failure it has. What if a badly-injured Dragon flees back to the Great Seal? Hazo is fucked.

[] Plan Fragment
Word Count: 171
  • Setup
    • Timeline: 1 week/until HOWS are near failure.
    • Offscreen anything here.
    • Hazou completes the tunnel to the GS according to this calculation.
      • Consult Leaf mining experts for tips.
      • Use MEW/5SB supports where appropriate.
      • Dig multiple disguised exits along the tunnel and in a ring around the GS.
      • Make small chamber under the butte.
    • With permission, teach Hornets/Arachnids to activate seals. Ideally our students will teach others.
    • Explain idea of using 5SBs in conjunction with fine silk/ninja wire to slice Dragons to pieces.
      • Delegate trap design to weaverkin, scouting ambush sites to Arachnid warriors.
    • Obtain storage seals filled with molten iron/lead/glass, anything that seems like it could hurt a Dragon.
    • Time permitting, spend a day constructing a model of the Great Seal with Earthshaping jutsu.
  • Execution
    • Goal: replace HOWS, retrieve expired HOWS.
    • Timeline: within safety margin of HOWS failure.
    • Approach butte via tunnel.
    • Hazo HLAMs from the chamber under the butte to the GS. Coordinate timing with the distraction.
      • Goal is that the Dragons don't ever see Hazo.
This stuff moves DRAGONWAR forwards, it moves the timeline forwards, and at just over half a plan, we have time to do some more high-stakes stuff so we don't bore EJ attract the attention of the kami. I encourage everyone to fork it and put together a full plan from it.

Personally, I'd like to ask Kei what she thinks about upending the adoption system (make it legal for clans to adopt struggling clanless first- and second-year kids without spending a ticket, but with the strict provision that have to adopt the entire family and that they're just as adopted if the kid washes out anyway, conveniently allowing us to adopt Honoka) and giving Naruto Ghost Scales (makes him stronger without making him invincible) and maybe see what we can do about Haru or the Yakuza. I'd also like to check in with Noburi about how his relationship is going and how the whole Toad Summoner thing is going, and if we can help with either.
[X] Action Plan: Brother, Teacher, Tunneler, Spy

Word count: <300
  • Kei (offscreen)
    • We have ideas.
      • Lots of kids flunk the Academy in first/second year.
        • Not because of innate ability, but lack of support - i.e. Honoka.
        • Could the KEI step in? Reduces washout rates significantly.
      • This is potentially very stupid and personal to you. Veto it for any reason.
        • We'd like to teach Naruto Ghost Scales.
        • Pros: big bonus for Leaf, maybe mends fences.
        • Cons: requires Pangolin negotiation.
  • Noburi (offscreen):
    • How's it going with the Toads? Any new Summons, training jutsu? Can we help?
  • Cannai:
    • The bison meat has helped incredibly. Lives have been saved. Thank you.
      • If this can continue in the longer term, it would really help us. What can we offer?
    • Talk about the Conclave.
    • Here's a list of the jutsu we can trade, and what we want.
  • Setup (offscreen)
    • Timeline: 1 week/until HOWS are near failure.
    • Hazou completes tunneling to the GS according to this calculation.
      • Consult Leaf mining experts for tips.
      • Use MEW/5SB supports where appropriate.
      • Dig multiple disguised exits along the tunnel and in a ring around the GS.
      • Make a small chamber under the butte.
    • With permission, teach Hornets/Arachnids to activate seals. Ideally our students will teach others.
    • Explain using 5SBs and fine silk/ninja wire to slice Dragons to pieces.
      • Delegate trap design to weaverkin, scouting ambush sites to Arachnid warriors.
    • Obtain storage seals filled with molten iron/lead/glass, anything that seems like it could hurt a Dragon.
    • Time permitting, spend a day constructing a model of the Great Seal with Earthshaping jutsu.
  • Execution
    • Goal: replace HOWS, retrieve expired HOWS.
    • Timeline: within safety margin of HOWS failure.
    • Approach butte via tunnel.
    • Hazo HLAMs from the chamber under the butte to the GS. Coordinate timing with the distraction.
      • Goal is that the Dragons don't ever see Hazo.
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And if we were in a position where our options were thinning the Dragons' numbers or dying, then this currently represents our best shot at getting ourselves on the scoreboard. However, as we neither have guarantees that they die or a pressing need to put them in the ground, I think we're tipping our hand. These tactics are only going to be surprising and maximally effective once. Combining that with whatever Boss strikeforce we can assemble makes sense to me, and if the result of the Conclave is 'let us know how that goes, but we aren't going to make a move' then we haven't lost much. Machiavelli gave a lot of questionable advice, but "If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared." rings very true to me, especially when vengeance can splat our viewpoint character.

I'm also skeptical of the wisdom of attempting re-emplacement and an assault on the Dragons simultaneously. The more moving parts a plan has, the more points of failure it has. What if a badly-injured Dragon flees back to the Great Seal? Hazo is fucked.
I don't agree that the tactics are only going to be effective once, the Dragons have been shown to be territorial and antagonistic towards each other. I highly doubt that they're going to be sharing information to a great extent. If the Dragons aren't affected by the seals there's no reason to keep using them anyway so this only applies in the situation where a wounded Dragon escapes and tells its fellows about unexpectedly losing a wing (or similar). The 5SB's silk is invisible, there's nothing to see, as far as the Dragon is concerned its wing spontaneously fell off. That isn't really actionable intelligence, plus what are they going to do about it? Not fly? Great for us if they do.

I am extremely leery of giving out a bunch of untested seals at the Boss Fight, if they are so much tissue paper we need to know that beforehand. If the Boss strikeforce dies everyone everywhere is fucked.

Truth be told I don't see the Bosses using our seals to fight, they're full of themselves like that. This is a way for the Hornets that would die anyway as a distraction to hit back, I think the risk to Hazou is minimal. But I'll put in a line about signaling Hazou with a Earbuster if the Dragon escapes the ambush, that should be plenty of time for him to skywalk down and hide in the tunnel.
I don't agree that the tactics are only going to be effective once, the Dragons have been shown to be territorial and antagonistic towards each other. I highly doubt that they're going to be sharing information to a great extent. If the Dragons aren't affected by the seals there's no reason to keep using them anyway so this only applies in the situation where a wounded Dragon escapes and tells its fellows about unexpectedly losing a wing (or similar). The 5SB's silk is invisible, there's nothing to see, as far as the Dragon is concerned its wing spontaneously fell off. That isn't really actionable intelligence, plus what are they going to do about it? Not fly? Great for us if they do.

I am extremely leery of giving out a bunch of untested seals at the Boss Fight, if they are so much tissue paper we need to know that beforehand. If the Boss strikeforce dies everyone everywhere is fucked.

Truth be told I don't see the Bosses using our seals to fight, they're full of themselves like that. This is a way for the Hornets that would die anyway as a distraction to hit back, I think the risk to Hazou is minimal. But I'll put in a line about signaling Hazou with a Earbuster if the Dragon escapes the ambush, that should be plenty of time for him to skywalk down and hide in the tunnel.
...so wait our best chance is to fake committing treason and offering ourselves as a double agent to all the Dragons independently then playing each and every one of these prideful jealous jackasses against each other so the Bosses arrive to a half-won battle? Well, I mean if we were a social-spec instead of sealing-spec. Lost opportunities.
I've recently had a thought that the people in our inner circle of trust — Team Uplift, to give it a name — could be distinguished by whether they'd be willing to assist us with plotting treason against the institution they're supposed to be loyal to. It's an excellent rule of thumb. Hazou, Noburi, Kei, Snowflake, Akane, Mari, and Kagome are Team Uplift. We'd thought Naruto was Team Uplift at one point, but were proven wrong. Haru declined to be Team Uplift. We'll know Hidan is Team Uplift the moment we realize he'd assist us with plotting treason against the Akatsuki. And so on.

Here's a practical demonstration:
"In my defence," Hazō said, taking advantage of his position to speak softly into her ear because in a world of secret ninjutsu and Bloodline Limits, expressing anger with your boss was one thing, but there were some things you did not say out loud without OPSEC in place, "you're not exactly loyal to Mist when it's weighed against your personal ambitions."

"That's a hell of a thing to say, Hazō," Ami said, turning to look him in the eye, forcing him to pause the braiding. Her expression was… Hazō didn't know what it was, but like every Mist genin, he'd stood over the Shinri Abyss during the Mizukage's lecture on the meaning of sacrifice, and looking at Ami suddenly made him remember its fathomless, watery depths.
It seems Ami isn't part of Team Uplift yet, as it happens.
I've recently had a thought that the people in our inner circle of trust — Team Uplift, to give it a name — could be distinguished by whether they'd be willing to assist us with plotting treason against the institution they're supposed to be loyal to. It's an excellent rule of thumb. [...]

You're frighteningly insightful.

[x] noumero
Lots of kids flunk the Academy in first/second year.
  • Clan support would help with this: look at Honoka.
  • Propose allowing clans to adopt struggling first/second-year students and their families without spending a ticket. Can't abandon them if the kid washes out.
  • Pro: graduation rate increases.
  • Con: steps on KEI's toes, disruptive.
  • Maybe just a KEI program?

This doesn't really require adoption into a clan, only better/more teachers for the academy.

And bigger clans get more money so we would need to change the tax system for anyone to agree to this:

In all cases, the Hokage keeps some of it for himself, assigns some to the Tower as a discretionary budget, and then gives the rest to the clans and clanless jōnin in various forms." He started to continue, then paused. "For convenience, I'm just going to roll the clans and clanless jōnin together into 'the clans' and 'the clanless' just means genin and chūnin.
"First, the clans receive a monthly stipend from the Tower, conditional only on the clan continuing to live in Leaf and 'conduct themselves in accord with the military leadership of the Hokage and the pursuit of health and wealth for Leaf and the Land of Fire'. It's paid directly to the Clan Head and can be distributed to the clan members as living allowance, plowed into various investments, or whatever.

"That stipend is about ten percent of what the clans actually receive. The rest of it comes in the form of conditional payments. For example, we receive a fifty percent bonus to mission pay. Akane, that thousand-ryō mission that netted you two hundred ryō? Now that you're a clan ninja, that mission is worth fifteen hundred. Furthermore, the taxes are refunded."

Akane's eyes went wide. "What?"

Hazō nodded. "Yeah. You'll still only collect the same two hundred ryō at the time you do the mission, but in the next month's non-conditional payment we will receive an extra five hundred ryō as the bonus pay, plus the eight hundred ryō that you paid for taxes. Basically, doing missions is no better for you as a clanless or clan ninja, but as your Clan Head I have incentive to make sure you're doing missions as much as possible until we hit the cap on our benefits."

In general there are plenty of new social programs for everyone: the KEI, then Hazou/Ebisu's experiment which should change the ninja academy, the Church of Youth, the Goketsu school (o schools, we are teaching children and civilian medics as far as I know) and now the Nara Future Foundation.

Adopting civilians isn't really necessary to help, we adopted everyone's families because it's the nice thing to do.


Just saying, I don't think this going to do much.

But we should be getting our new adoption slots, so we should make sure the Amori still want to give us two tickets and start to figure out who we want to adopt, or just telling another person to deal with that.
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Was there ever any good proof or indication that using seals in the 7th Path is what lead to the great seal failing in the first place, or are we assuming that's coincidence?

If someone is going to teach Naruto the Ghost Scales technique, shouldn't it be Kei? I vaguely half remember something about it being restricted to her clan by her deal with the pangolins, but I'm on my phone so I'll have to go looking for the chapter later. Is the goal of giving him the technique to curry favor (so it's important that Hazo do the teaching), or just to make Leaf stronger?
Was there ever any good proof or indication that using seals in the 7th Path is what lead to the great seal failing in the first place, or are we assuming that's coincidence?
"Kagome-sensei, there's something that's been bothering me," he said. "Do you… do you think I caused all this? The Dragons escaping, I mean. Only it seems to have happened right around the time we gave the Pangolins seals. And the time of the Akatsuki ritual, I guess. Is there any chance…?"

"I don't think it was the ritual," Kagome-sensei said. "The stinkers never finished whatever they were up to, and besides, it didn't have anything to do with the Paths that we know of. I saw the transcripts, same as you, and it was all 'humanity this', 'humanity that'. I doubt they were trying to do anything to the Summon Realm.

"As for the Pangolins, hard to say. Fact is, the Sage didn't bother leaving any warnings about why you're not supposed to use seals in the Summon Realm. But we know it's a prison, probably made by messing with space-time. The Sage wasn't a sealmaster himself, I've told you that before, but obviously he had friends who were—maybe the very ones he imprisoned there when he decided they knew too much—and it wouldn't be a bad bet that space-time seals were involved in some way. Then the Dragon dimension's a prison within a prison, with a seal on it that's almost certainly a space-time seal.

"Could using a whole load of seals that manipulate space-time inside a dimension made by manipulating space-time have side effects? Knowing what we know now, I can't rule it out.

"Oh, but it's not your fault," Kagome-sensei added hurriedly. "You couldn't have known selling the Pangolins weapons was going to end the world. It's the Sage's fault for doing such a sloppy job in the first place. Whatever you do, don't beat yourself up over it."

"I won't," Hazō lied. There was no way he couldn't, now that the sealmaster he trusted most had acknowledged it as a realistic possibility. Hazō simply couldn't stand the idea of disaster ensuing not because of a brilliant plan going wrong in unpredictable ways (like the way the probably-Hagoromo had nearly tanked the entire Fire Country economy, or the way Hidan had nearly depopulated a civilian village), but because he'd failed to consider the possible consequences of his actions in the first place.

If someone is going to teach Naruto the Ghost Scales technique, shouldn't it be Kei? I vaguely half remember something about it being restricted to her clan by her deal with the pangolins, but I'm on my phone so I'll have to go looking for the chapter later. Is the goal of giving him the technique to curry favor (so it's important that Hazo do the teaching), or just to make Leaf stronger?
"I'll tell you what," the enormous pangolin said at last. "Five jutsu for your clan; you may divide them among yourself as you see fit. This is a significant gift, Summoner; the Pangolin Clan is not fond of letting our military secrets out of our control, since they could easily be stolen by someone on the Human Path and then make their way back to the Summoner of an enemy clan." He raised a massive claw in admonishment. "I'm trusting you a great deal here. Our jutsu are to be secrets of the Gōketsu Clan. They will not be shared outside your clan, studied, or modified."

"So," Keiko said carefully, "the upfront payment will be three pounds of diamonds, the full-time availability of Pankurashun and five elite pangolin of my choice, plus the training jutsu for each member of Gōketsu and five other jutsu of our choice. After that, we agree to a monthly payment of sixty pounds of gold in exchange for ninety of the Pantokrator's Judging Eyes." She paused, considering, then nodded. "My clan leader will probably be angry with me for doing such a poor job of bargaining but I suspect he'll accept the deal rather than shaming me by forcing me to go back on my word with such an important ally as the Pangolin Clan."

Pantsā snorted but took no other notice of her addition to the upfront cost. "I shall ensure that the diamonds are all of good quality," he said magnanimously. "You, however, will acknowledge the terms of our jutsu training, since it seems to have been left out of your statement of the bargain." He paused, then leaned in slightly. "You will ensure that our jutsu are kept secret, Summoner. Nor will you attempt to study or modify them." His tone had shifted from the nearly playful one he'd had while bargaining, a note of warning hanging just barely out of sight behind the words. A shiver ran down Kei's spine on icy feet.
Keiko was considered a Gouketsu at this time.
Boy, it's going to hurt Snowflake if it gets out that Hazou has interest in Ami, setting Kei's murderous rage entirely aside.
I see it as an opportunity for Kei, or at least for Snowflake. Hazō is poly. Kei and Snowflake are poly. Ami is, or will be, poly.

If Ami starts dating Hazō, and Snowflake starts dating Hazō, then they'd be joining the Hazō polycule to the Snowglobe while also adding Ami. That means that Snowflake and Kei would also be dating Ami. Snowflake would be able to date her crush (Hazō) as well as someone she likely has very deep feelings for (Ami).
With regards to teaching Naruto ghost scales. I think it's a bad idea to teach him but instead of having a meeting with Keiko to convince her to have a meeting with the Pangolin boss just cut out the middle man. We can go to the 7th path and negotiate directly. That's a much more interesting and challenging encounter and def would be more fun to write/read. Plus we would get to see what the terms of the deal would be and could begin negotiations immediately instead of having to wait for responses

second in regards to the adoption thing no need to make that a meeting. Have Gaku draft a letter and send it to the relevant parties. If Keiko and the rest of the KEI sign of then it will get sent to Asuma.
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Did we ever find out the outcome of giving Asuma the ninja wire netting idea that Jiraiya liked? I know that it happened offscreen, I just can't recall if there was an announcement regarding Asuma's response.
Not a true reaction post. (Random was more in depth and insightful than I could be right now anyway). Just a series of quotes together for no reason.

"Deal," Ami said. "And if you lose… you'll date me in the name of my master plan to create the ultimate polycule."

I'm already making you choose between two amazing things that are really good for you, but I'll sweeten the deal. You'll date me, subject to Akane and Ino's approval, which you will do your absolute best to get, and Kei's approval, which I will get."

Her face was close enough to kiss. "Maybe if I searched in more—"

Tell me, Ami," Hazō said as he began to pick up the blocks, "did you ever actually intend to date me?"

Ami gave a pure, innocent smile. "You will never know."

*Screaming in Kagome*
*Shipping in Velorien*?
*Considering in Hazou*

Though, I think if we want to convince the family we aren't completely out-infected and needing to be thrown into a volcano, announcing "we're dating Ami" would be a poor way to proceed.

The whole night does strike me as the vibe of reasonably solid friendship with underlying tension and teasing. As much as one could compare regular, out-version-of-real world social interactions to Ami, anyway.

For what it's worth, if we won, I think she would have genuinely gone with it.

Or --and, hear me out here --you both win, and you both get your prizes?

On the one hand, yes, that's absolutely great. But sadly, it would require Hazou to commit to that course is action in a way that his characterization I don't think would support, and the hivemind would likely need to vote on, given the... Diverse range of opinions on Ami.

I don't think Hazou's the sort of person to get romantically involved with someone he doesn't trust to be on his side when it counts, someone who might force him to choose between them and Uplift (Uplift would win, which is why he wouldn't want to start such a relationship in the first place).

Fate route, not heaven's feel. Got it.
But really, this makes sense. "Is the strongest ideal you have uplift, as opposed to something like village supremacy? Then you're team uplift. If you'd put effort into advancing uplift as long as it doesn't conflict, you're uplift adjacent."
I just realized something. Velorien framed the chapter in a very deliberate way. In the first half: Kei and her polycule (and we-the-hivemind have the metaknowledge that Snowflake has romantic feelings for Hazou, and that Kei isn't unilaterally against it, or is willing to allow Snowflake the autonomy to explore a relationship with Hazou, if that is what Snowflake decides that she wants). In the second half: Hazou and Ami.

And the Kei part wasn't included in the action plan, meaning that it was Vel's own creation.

So what does this mean? Well, off the top of my head, I think it's contrasting two possible directions for Hazou's romance arc: Snowflake and Ami, two different possible developing dynamics.

We see Hazou mess with Kei, and Tenten show plantonic affection to Hazou, and a willingness to be vulnerable around him (perhaps Tenten was encouraged by our giving her a Goketsu-only sealing loadout, with permission to maintain it, thus indicating a care for her wellbeing and a genuine concern for her survival?). We see Hazou's dynamic with (most of) Kei's polycule, and hints as to possible future developments.

Then we see Hazou and Ami. We see their growing dynamic (Ami on easy mode, but Hazou-pilot quickly learning), we see Hazou having fun while playing Ami's game (hair braid-prank). We see the depths of their conversations, we gain more insight into Ami's character, and we see the flirtations and teasing that may grow into something genuine down the road.

But then again, Snowflake changed the ribbon in her hair from white to red. And while this may merely be a stylistic choice, it may also be indicative of Snowflake no longer considering herself to be "a young, unmarried woman." Then again-then again, it could simply be that it's the ribbon's placement that indicates Snowflake's availability, rather than the color of the ribbon itself. Isan is weird, after all.

So who knows? I certainly don't. The framing of the chapter could mean something. It could mean nothing. But navel-gazing is fun and harmless (though, as always, if it becomes a drain on the QMs' spoons, I'll alter my posts accordingly).
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[X] Training Akane: FOOM Step

Resolve 33 -> 39 (198 XP + 21 Yamanaka XP)
Save 12 XP.

This gets Akane up to the much vaunted 1.0x multiplier on her FOOM. She's locked here until she can raise a bunch of column skills or simply skip the 40s.

[] Training Kei: FOOM Step

Resolve 36 -> 39 (77 XP + 37 Yamanaka XP)
Save 191 XP.

This also gets Kei to 1.0x FOOM. However, if we want her XP rate to go a little higher, there's...

[X] Training Kei: FOOM Step but buffer

Physique 28 -> 30 (37 XP + 22 Pangolin XP)
Resolve 36 -> 42 (200 XP + 37 Yamanaka XP)
Save 31 XP.

This gets Kei to 1.2x! (Since Resolve 40 gets her another stress box). Raising Physique is something that will need to be done anyway as Pangolin XP accumulates, and I think this is faster than all other no-skip routes. It's maybe faster than saving up XP for a skip, but only @Inferno Vulpix can confirm or deny.
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[X] Training Akane: FOOM Step
[X] Training Kei: FOOM Step

Resolve 36 -> 39 (77 XP + 37 Yamanaka XP)
Save 191 XP.
But then again, Snowflake changed the ribbon in her hair from white to red. And while this may merely be a stylistic choice, it may also be indicative of Snowflake no longer considering herself to be "a young, unmarried woman." Then again-then again, it could simply be that it's the ribbon's placement that indicates Snowflake's availability, rather than the color of the ribbon itself. Isan is weird, after all.
Or, upon sixth-thought, it could be that a red ribbon indicates something else. In many color languages, red is often used to signify romantic love/interest, and is commonly associated with young/new love.

And Snowflake has proven herself to be (for now) one to give quiet hints and subtle signs. Perhaps she's hoping Hazou will notice the change in color and ask about it, thus giving her an opening? It's more forward than her last attempt ("what do you think of this ribbon?"), but still rather... Indirect.

If this is the case (the change in the ribbon's color is intended to signify her newfound interest in a specific boy) then I'm afraid Snowflake's going to have to pull a Mari and just flat out ask her target out (albeit, Mari skipped straight to marriage, but the point remains).

Snowflake knows how oblivious Hazou is (through her shared memories with Kei and through her own direct experience) and knows that she must muster the bravery to be increasingly direct. I foresee possible comedic shenanigans?

Of course, Isan Traditions are weird (though I love that the wider Uplift Family is adopting some of them... And this likely helps Yuno feel more at home within Leaf and within the Goketsu), and the change in the ribbon's color may signify something, or it may mean nothing.

Because I certainly have no clue.
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Well if the conclave is going well then some other summonings besides the Bosses should also move west. Do we want Kei/Snowflake to help somehow against some Dragons? Besides as an army of SC of course.

"Good plan. Saving the best for last: The condor scout has reached Arachnid, seen the evidence of the Dragons, and reported back to the Condor Summoner who passed the word back east. The condor in question is now resting up before flying home and the Clan Bosses are having their conclave. I'm not invited, but remind me to check back in a couple days to see what came of it."

And we should stop that guy from leaving. Because Ruri should help the crippled chunnin with replacing the HOW's.

[X] Training Akane: FOOM Step