PSA: Clarification on a couple points.

It was about 5 minutes from when Keiko saw the note to when the house was destroyed.

No one died and there was no actual fighting. Mari led you out through the kitchen window and you skywalked up and away, then set up a skytower and had hot chocolate and snacks.

Mari could not visually identify the ninja. She will not be able to pick them out of a lineup, much less the general population.
We could just sit back and watch Mari put in some work..............................................
Mari might want to go Boom, Squish on all of Isan (I, myself, am tempted to do so after all they did to Akane last time, their SECOND ATTEMPT at a TPK, abusing Yuno in ways that even Kei found horrible and daunting, and their nine kinds of bigoted, backwards-ass culture that make me want to have Hazou reverse-engineer Kagome's Bliss and drop them like a meteor shower on Isan's Center).

But there are plenty of innocent bystanders, Kei wants to preserve Isan's independence, and with Takahashi leading Isan, he may be able to uproot the some of the bigotry. Besides, these stupidly bigoted, traditionalist clan heads may have very well signed their own death warrants by Isan's own customs. Or just exile. Or perhaps not exile, but they've become "cursed children," themselves, and thus can no longer hold a political position.

Either way, point being: Mari-pilot may get well diverge from what Yuno and Kei want.
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Mari could not visually identify the ninja. She will not be able to pick them out of a lineup, much less the general population.

She did see the large amount of tapirs though? That and the large amount of explosives used might be a good starting point.
She did see the large amount of tapirs though? That and the large amount of explosives used might be a good starting point.
"The evidence was clear, Asuma. There was an attempt on our lives by the explosives clan."

"Ah, another case of the Gōketsu nearly destroying themselves, then. I'll update the betting pool."
Mari doesn't need to identify them. The idiots are going to outright claim they came to be our honor guard, and that we attacked them, and that all the explosives were ours, and that we died in the fighting. It'll be obvious to everyone that this was complete and utter bullshit when we show up in the morning.
we coulda taken em...
...4 vs 30 (+24 tapirs)?

Mari reveals that she's been enlightened by the Heavenly Dao and broke through to Nascent Soul realm using her clones to train according to Jiraiya's notes all day every day, allowing her to consolidate the basic elemental affinities and take the first few steps towards S-rank, then proceeds to leisurely roflcopter through all the assorted redshirts present.

Does Hazo have the resources to unsummon himself and come back with ALL the explosives during the check up?

I say we set up a time-delayed aerial implosion-bombardment of the tapirs to use in a "Ui show us who done fucked up" ritual.
Was it already known that Mari knew the Shadow Clone jutsu or did we just find out. I can't remember which (if any) chapter she got the permission to learn it.
Mari doesn't need to identify them. The idiots are going to outright claim they came to be our honor guard, and that we attacked them, and that all the explosives were ours, and that we died in the fighting. It'll be obvious to everyone that this was complete and utter bullshit when we show up in the morning.

Unless they knew they found no bodies.
Let's make sure Mari doesn't blow up any compounds. It's possible that moderate members of the attacking clans tipped us off, and regardless blowing up all of the innocents in the clan compounds would be counterproductive because it would tick off moderates.
You know, the Yoshida were ordered to adopt potential sealmasters en-masse after the High Priest took power. It's likely that some of those sealmasters among that number are very pro-Azai and thus supplied the explosives used on the raid.

At least, that's a way to explain it without implicating the Yoshida Clan Head in the whole affair.
"Ui as decreed that this transgressor's punishment for the attempted murder of their chosen ones, defamation and incompetence is to be decided by yuno the blessed child".
that would be extremely cathartic.
You know, the Yoshida were ordered to adopt potential sealmasters en-masse after the High Priest took power. It's likely that some of those sealmasters among that number are very pro-Azai and thus supplied the explosives used on the raid.

At least, that's a way to explain it without implicating the Yoshida Clan Head in the whole affair.

How about we pretend that we don't know anything about it and they pretend they never sold our enemies copious amount of seals?
Chapter 443, Addendum
Chapter 443, Addendum

"Are they serious? How can the Inoue say something like that after everything that's happened?"

"They can and they should. The High Priest's been murdered, and the Pangolin Summoner's been struck down by holy judgement. You should be praising the Inoue for taking up the burden at a time like this instead of cowering behind closed doors like the Takahashi."

The village was in an uproar when the Isan team returned.

"You." Practical Mari, aware that every second counted, didn't bother with dramatic revelations and simply seized the nearest genin-looking ninja by his Takahashi ritual collar. "What's going on?"

"You!" the Takahashi boy responded in kind. "You're supposed to be dead!"

Practical Mari pulled the boy down to her eye level. "Right now, that's not your problem. But if you don't start talking, it's going to become your problem very quickly. Everything important, quick and concise."

"Y-Yes, ma'am. The honour guard sent by the clans to look after, um, you while the Kannagi were away at the vigil turned up while the clan heads were praying and said you'd attacked them before they had a chance to introduce themselves. You used overwhelming force, like last time, and they had no choice but to fight back. You're supposed to be, um, dead."

"Good," Practical Mari said. "What else?"

"Th-The Inoue have made a doctrinal statement. They say that the Pangolins knowing Ui, may his name be forever sung by the ten thousand worlds, during his lifetime doesn't give them any authority to talk about his spiritual teachings or anything he might have said or done after he shed his mortal body. They also say that since Ui had great influence on the Seventh Path, the Pangolin Summoner might too, and she might have abused it to make the Pangolins say what she wanted.

"They also say that the Pangolin Summoner's tragic death must be punishment for murdering and blaspheming against the High Priest. The loremasters will now guide the village according to the new wisdom of Ui that His Holiness shared with them and his other close allies."

"Anything else?"

"N-No, ma'am."

"Good boy. You'll go far. Now run straight to your clan head and tell him the news. Talk to anyone else on the way, and I promise he'll make you regret it.

"Keiko," Practical Mari said briskly, already turning away, "go talk to Hazō. I want his take on this before the village at large knows we're alive. It sounds like the fun isn't over just yet."
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Okay so they're going for broke, which means either their play works and they suppress all dissidents and expel us or they discredit themselves and lose all influence. This is the time for Takahashi to make his play, but we should figure out the best way to leverage our not-being-dead to give him a good solid opening to exploit.