So, how about this:
  • Black Crane: Fly away under the cover of mist and distractions, attempting to obscure evidence of sustained flight.
  • Blue Crane: Fly away as fast as possible without looking back.
  • Red Crane: Fly away while unloading ALL the explosives.
I can try to add something along those lines, I think.

EDIT: Actually, I'm pretty sure I've listed most of these things? I'll just add a note that explosives may be permitted by Mari?
I can't help but compare how much smoother their stay was with Kagome around . . . .
They tried to violently kill Akane three times.

How does this look?
[X] Action Plan: The Paths
Word Count: 280

Our well-being is paramount and our top priority.

Fast scouting/prep (in conjunction with our response strategy):
  • KEIKO: Wakes everyone up and briefs them. She summons Panashe.
  • MARI and PANASHE: Use Alertness to determine enemy numbers, position, and movement, and if they've trapped the area outside our cottage.
    • Panashe may leave the cottage to scout (underground?).
    • Mari should Investigate the note. Is it neatly written - suggesting a fraud?
  • NOBURI: Tops off everyone, and senses in mist if possible safely.
  • YUNO: Detonates Misterators inside/outside the cottage to further limit LOS.
Mari has executive control over our response strategy, dependent on what she suspects the enemy is planning. She updates accordingly from new information. Suggested tactics:
  • Diplomacy: Intimidate them into leaving. Summon Pangolins/Toads for the added INTIMIDATION and in anticipation for potential combat.
  • Framejob: Prevent the [framejob thing] if possible. Capture/scatter the enemy whenever possible.
    • KEIKO summons Pantomaimu (or a similarly well-respected Pangolin), whose word is GOSPEL to even our enemies. He is here to bear witness and speak honestly to our innocence in these matters, though he may participate / dissuade others from attacking at his pleasure.
  • Runaway: We escape our enemies' pursuit (while Water/Shadow Clones enact other plans to lure enemies away) and get help from (e.g.) Takahashi.
    • Turtle: Our meatselves hide inside a Misterated Air Dome. Once they're gone, we go.
    • Mole: Panashe digs a well-hidden tunnel which we travel through.
    • Rabbit: Shell White, Meet [location of Mari's choosing]. Use cover of darkness/Mist/stink bombs/other distractions.
    • Crane: Skywalk away under cover of darkness/Mist/stink bombs/other distractions.
  • Combat: Try to avoid violent murder, but if Mari calls for it...well. Boom, squish.
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Someone (I can't remember, very odd...) made a good point about using Pankurashun and I think that's a good idea for both diplomacy (intimidiation as deterrence), initiating combat with a strong AoE opener to temporarily remove every enemy who can't make their Resolve roll, retreating if detected with the same AoE debuff or simply using him as a general meat shield/extra combatant.

For reference, rolls from the previous Chunin Exam from when Pankurashun projected his voice at Shin and Eichi:
Pankurashun, Intimidation + tag "Surprise, Sucka!" + invoke "Pangolin Drill Instructor": 62
Ryūgamine Eichi, Resolve: ?
Kurosawa Shin, Resolve: ?
Shin and Eichi take all the Mental stress; each of them will have nightmares about this moment for days. They obey without even meaning to, dropping to the ground and receiving the Aspects 'Prone' and 'Rattled'. Pankurashun gets tags on these for each boy.

Most Isan-nin are of Chunin level as well so that should take out a good chunk of the enemies and gives us more time to run, fight or talk.

E: Unsure if this works on tapirs - of which I expect many to be in the attacking force - because they don't understand human language. But considering that this is a projected voice, there may be an inherent translation factor as well. But then again, there is always the universal language of explosives if this doesn't work on the tapirs and it would still knock out their controllers.
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Takahashi mentioned a latent eighth clan of the summoner. Wouldn't that give Keiko at least a full vote on the village council?
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Someone (I can't remember, very odd...) made a good point about using Pankurashun and I think that's a good idea for both diplomacy (intimidiation as deterrence), initiating combat with a strong AoE opener to temporarily remove every enemy who can't make their Resolve roll, retreating if detected with the same AoE debuff or simply using him as a general meat shield/extra combatant.

For reference, rolls from the previous Chunin Exam from when Pankurashun projected his voice at Shin and Eichi:

Most Isan-nin are of Chunin level as well so that should take out a good chunk of the enemies and gives us more time to run, fight or talk.

E: Unsure if this works on tapirs - of which I expect many to be in the attacking force - because they don't understand human language. But considering that this is a projected voice, there may be an inherent translation factor as well. But then again, there is always the universal language of explosives if this doesn't work on the tapirs and it would still knock out their controllers.
Mentioned Pankurashun specifically in the DIPLOMACY section, is that alright?
[X] Action Plan: The Paths
Word Count: 294

Our well-being is paramount and our top priority.

Fast scouting/prep (in conjunction with our response strategy):
  • KEIKO: Wakes everyone up and briefs them. She summons Panashe.
  • MARI and PANASHE: Use Alertness to determine enemy numbers, position, and movement, and if they've trapped the area outside our cottage.
    • Panashe may leave the cottage to scout (underground?).
    • Mari should Investigate the note. Is it neatly written - suggesting a fraud?
  • NOBURI: Tops off everyone, and senses in mist if possible safely.
  • YUNO: Detonates Misterators inside/outside the cottage to further limit LOS.
Mari has executive control over our response strategy, dependent on what she suspects the enemy is planning. She updates accordingly from new information. Suggested tactics:
  • Diplomacy: Intimidate them into leaving. Summon Pangolins/Toads for the added INTIMIDATION and in anticipation for potential combat.
    • PANKURASHUN, for example, is intimidating, a strong fighter, and has an AOE targeting Resolve.
  • Framejob: Prevent the [framejob thing] if possible. Capture/scatter the enemy whenever possible.
    • KEIKO summons Pantomaimu (or a similarly well-respected Pangolin), whose word is GOSPEL to even our enemies. He is here to bear witness and speak honestly to our innocence in these matters, though he may participate / dissuade others from attacking at his pleasure.
  • Runaway: We escape our enemies' pursuit (while Water/Shadow Clones enact other plans to lure enemies away) and get help from (e.g.) Takahashi.
    • Turtle: Our meatselves hide inside a Misterated Air Dome. Once they're gone, we go.
    • Mole: Panashe digs a well-hidden tunnel which we travel through.
    • Rabbit: Shell White, Meet [location of Mari's choosing]. Use cover of darkness/Mist/stink bombs/other distractions.
    • Crane: Skywalk away under cover of darkness/Mist/stink bombs/other distractions.
  • Combat: Try to avoid violent murder, but if Mari calls for it...well. Boom, squish.
[X] Action Plan: The Paths
Word Count: 294

Our well-being is paramount and our top priority.

Fast scouting/prep (in conjunction with our response strategy):
  • KEIKO: Wakes everyone up and briefs them. She summons Panashe.
  • MARI and PANASHE: Use Alertness to determine enemy numbers, position, and movement, and if they've trapped the area outside our cottage.
    • Panashe may leave the cottage to scout (underground?).
    • Mari should Investigate the note. Is it neatly written - suggesting a fraud?
  • NOBURI: Tops off everyone, and senses in mist if possible safely.
  • YUNO: Detonates Misterators inside/outside the cottage to further limit LOS.
Mari has executive control over our response strategy, dependent on what she suspects the enemy is planning. She updates accordingly from new information. Suggested tactics:
  • Diplomacy: Intimidate them into leaving. Summon Pangolins/Toads for the added INTIMIDATION and in anticipation for potential combat.
    • PANKURASHUN, for example, is intimidating, a strong fighter, and has an AOE targeting Resolve.
  • Framejob: Prevent the [framejob thing] if possible. Capture/scatter the enemy whenever possible.
    • KEIKO summons Pantomaimu (or a similarly well-respected Pangolin), whose word is GOSPEL to even our enemies. He is here to bear witness and speak honestly to our innocence in these matters, though he may participate / dissuade others from attacking at his pleasure.
  • Runaway: We escape our enemies' pursuit (while Water/Shadow Clones enact other plans to lure enemies away) and get help from (e.g.) Takahashi.
    • Turtle: Our meatselves hide inside a Misterated Air Dome. Once they're gone, we go.
    • Mole: Panashe digs a well-hidden tunnel which we travel through.
    • Rabbit: Shell White, Meet [location of Mari's choosing]. Use cover of darkness/Mist/stink bombs/other distractions.
    • Crane: Skywalk away under cover of darkness/Mist/stink bombs/other distractions.
  • Combat: Try to avoid violent murder, but if Mari calls for it...well. Boom, squish.

Didn't see speed of decision making emphasized.
Takahashi mentioned a latent eighth clan of the summoner. Wouldn't that give Keiko at least a full vote on the village council?
That could be really useful for after we've survived this. I'm expecting a chance that Takahashi ends up wanting to make an alliance with some other village anyway and get rid of us now that we've served our purpose (assuming he can find some way to get rid of us peacefully or otherwise without danger to himself/Isan), so anything that makes us continue to be necessary to him would be helpful. After all, the high priest honestly thought that there were better options than Leaf, and killing him hasn't fundamentally changed that calculus.

Having a clan council seat would give us some leverage over Takahashi, ensuring that he doesn't get any ideas about Cloud being a better ally than Leaf. There may be some issues with dual citizenship and stuff that would make it a bad idea, but if that's the case Mari could probably negotiate for concessions in exchange for Keiko not pursuing the clan council seat.
That could be really useful for after we've survived this. I'm expecting a chance that Takahashi ends up wanting to make an alliance with some other village anyway and get rid of us now that we've served our purpose (assuming he can find some way to get rid of us peacefully or otherwise without danger to himself/Isan), so anything that makes us continue to be necessary to him would be helpful. After all, the high priest honestly thought that there were better options than Leaf, and killing him hasn't fundamentally changed that calculus.

Having a clan council seat would give us some leverage over Takahashi, ensuring that he doesn't get any ideas about Cloud being a better ally than Leaf. There may be some issues with dual citizenship and stuff that would make it a bad idea, but if that's the case Mari could probably negotiate for concessions in exchange for Keiko not pursuing the clan council seat.
"Hypothetically," Takahashi-sensei went on, "how many votes do you believe you could command within Hidden Leaf's clan council?"

They had performed this calculation previously, for the Concubine Laws. Assuming her intent did not run counter to the interests of the KEI or the Ino-Shika-Chō…

"On an issue of importance, more than a third," Kei concluded. "Less than half."

"I believe that is a stronger argument for an Isan-Leaf alliance than any grandiose speech you could make," Takahashi-sensei told her.

"What? Why?"

"Because I have the measure of you, Nara Keiko," Takahashi-sensei said. "You are intelligent, loyal, and hard-working. You fear and hate betrayal, and are helplessly faithful to those who show you acceptance. Perhaps more importantly, you acknowledge your debt to Isan, and I suspect you cannot stand the thought that Isan's corruption, and the coming end of our centuries-old way of life, has its roots in nothing more than your selfish desire for power."

Kei bowed her head.

"I have no reason to trust the distant powers of Hidden Leaf," Takahashi-sensei said. "But I trust your loyalty and your guilt. If you can swear that you will protect Isan from those in the outside world who would exploit us, with all the power at your command, then I will consent to an alliance between Isan and your adopted home."

It was not a decision.

"I so swear."
This calculus hasn't changed at all, why would he lead us on? I highly doubt Takahashi is going to have a sudden change of faith over this. It doesn't make sense, he has the ear of one of the most influential people in Leaf, and he would trade that for ??? with Cloud. Cloud isn't even that much stronger than Leaf at this point. Not with Naruto, Tsunade, and Oro still in residence.
[X] Action Plan: The Paths

@faflec Couple things:
  1. Can we call out skywalker use explicitly as a worst-case option?
  2. One of our best combat strategies if we think a fight is coming in <10m but >1m is to have Mari summon a ton of SCs, then have Noburi top off Mari + as many SCs as he can. Each SC is like a jounin-level summon, but where one SC costs 175 CP, six SCs cost 50 CP per.
    1. Each Mari SC, to be effective in a fight, just needs enough chakra to cast TLitF (not to complete it, just for the lockdown part of it).
I don't expect combat to be a good option, but if we have suddenly have 12 jounin, it should tilt the odds in our favor.

@eaglejarl @Velorien any chance we can spend Noburi/Keiko's XP?
Adhoc vote count started by eaglejarl on Jun 26, 2021 at 2:14 PM, finished with 208 posts and 15 votes.

Voting is closed.
[X] Action Plan: The Paths

@faflec Couple things:
  1. Can we call out skywalker use explicitly as a worst-case option?
  2. One of our best combat strategies if we think a fight is coming in <10m but >1m is to have Mari summon a ton of SCs, then have Noburi top off Mari + as many SCs as he can. Each SC is like a jounin-level summon, but where one SC costs 175 CP, six SCs cost 50 CP per.
    1. Each Mari SC, to be effective in a fight, just needs enough chakra to cast TLitF (not to complete it, just for the lockdown part of it).
I don't expect combat to be a good option, but if we have suddenly have 12 jounin, it should tilt the odds in our favor.

@eaglejarl @Velorien any chance we can spend Noburi/Keiko's XP?

Reserving our trump card scenario for the worst case scenario would increase the probability of the team being dead.
This calculus hasn't changed at all, why would he lead us on? I highly doubt Takahashi is going to have a sudden change of faith over this. It doesn't make sense, he has the ear of one of the most influential people in Leaf, and he would trade that for ??? with Cloud. Cloud isn't even that much stronger than Leaf at this point. Not with Naruto, Tsunade, and Oro still in residence.
Good point, I completely forgot he knew that.
Adhoc vote count started by eaglejarl on Jun 26, 2021 at 2:14 PM, finished with 208 posts and 15 votes.

Voting is closed.
cackling in mari
I really, really hate to point this out, but we do have another potential asset who's last known location is mere hours away as the crow flies.
... insert [this is fine] meme.

Side note, if the Isan Mission turns into a TPK, I'm down for just flat out razing the place to the ground. Arial Bombardment, Weaponized Sealing Failures, Rampaging Summons, Biological Warfare, everything. Full might of Hazou's twisted creativity brought to bear.

Edit: EJ hasn't had his punching fix in a while, has he? Probably shouldn't say the above, since he may take it as incentive...
Just realized that we should definitely have had Noburi and Keiko summon little critters so that they can Reverse Summon if everything goes to hell. Then Hazou comes with an army.
... insert [this is fine] meme.

Side note, if the Isan Mission turns into a TPK, I'm down for just flat out razing the place to the ground. Arial Bombardment, Weaponized Sealing Failures, Rampaging Summons, Biological Warfare, everything. Full might of Hazou's twisted creativity brought to bear.

Edit: EJ hasn't had his punching fix in a while, has he? Probably shouldn't say the above, since he may take it as incentive...