[X] Action Plan: The Paths

Tapirs use scent as a primary sense. We would have known this. Can you add something about stink bombs? That levels the darkness playing field somewhat.
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Mari has executive control over our next path(s), which are dependent on what she suspects the enemy is planning:
  • Diplomacy: Intimidate them into leaving. Summon Pangolins/Toads for the added INTIMIDATION and in anticipation for potential combat.
  • Framejob: Prevent the [framejob thing] if possible. Capture/scatter the enemy whenever possible.
    • KEIKO summons Pantomaimu (or a similarly well-respected Pangolin), whose word is GOSPEL to even our enemies. He is here to bear witness and speak honestly to our innocence in these matters, though he may participate / dissuade others from attacking at his pleasure.
  • Runaway: We escape our enemies' pursuit (using any of the below methods) and get help from (e.g.) Takahashi:
    • Turtle: Our meatselves hide inside a Misterated Air Dome, while Water/Shadow Clones enact other plans to lure the enemy away from us. Once they're gone, we go.
    • Mole: Panashe digs a well-hidden tunnel which we travel through.
    • Rabbit: Shell White, Meet [location of Mari's choosing]. Use cover of darkness/Mist/distractions.
    • Crane: Skywalk away under cover of darkness/Mist/distractions.
This is still unclear, what are we going to do if they're coming to kill us, the "Runaway" section?
Are animals particularly bothered by stink bombs? Also, we may need to suit up if we're dealing with unfavorable wind conditions.

I don't really care if they're bothered. I want them nose-blind so they're ineffective.

Pangolins also rely on smell, apparently, so it might just be a good backup. I think it's worth including, at least, because darkness and deafness don't do much if you're navigating by nose.
PSA: Important note added to the jutsu document

We have a suspicion that this might come up soon, so we've added it to the jutsu document as an explicit callout. It's been demonstrated in the past and there's an oblique reference to it in the HLAM stat block, but we wanted to make it completely unambiguous:

Chakra is either wildly complicated or actively trolling you. It behaves inconsistently and appears to change its definitions at the drop of a hat. This applies to all jutsu, elemental and non-elemental, but Vampiric Dew and Hiding Like a Mole make particularly good examples:

Vampiric Dew will drain through liquid water and dense mist, but the required density of the mist is fussy and differs from day to day.

Hiding Like a Mole allows you to pass through solid earth, except sometimes you are blocked from moving forward and it's unclear why. You can never move through solid rock but that's about the only certainty...there appears to be some correlation with the soil type, as it fails more often when there's a lot of gravel in the dirt, but not always. It could be the size of the particles, or precisely what they're made of, or the amount of worm poop in them for all you know. Not only is it impossible to pin down, it seems to be actively inconsistent as sometimes you'll be blocked from passing through a certain section of ground but it will work fine the next day. No matter what you have tried you have not been able to nail down any precise rules, nor has anyone else you've spoken to or read about. In your more frustrated moments you're almost certain that chakra is actively trolling you.

In more meta words: Definitions of what counts as 'earth' or 'mist' or 'plants' or 'living things' or etc are based on authorial fiat and we aren't going to bother remembering every decision we've made in the past and ensuring that they are consistent going forward. As a general rule regarding the one that's most likely to come up: 'earth' usually refers to soil or sand but not rock. The dividing lines between 'soil' and 'rock' and any edge cases will be decided by authorial fiat and will not necessarily be consistent.

This sounds like it's being caused by different levels of ambient chakra or nature chakra in mist or the ground. Which we probably cannot measure, as of now. Are some of our summons able to work with/sense nature chakra? That might allow us to at least reduce the variables when testing jutsu.
If our political opponents think they can successfully frame us, does getting access to the guest cottage really make the difference, to such an extent that they'd not rather pull off the frame job somewhere we can't see or react to it?

We're talking about ninja here, if the "who benefits" test fails there's no way anyone would believe we had done it. It'd have to be something more elaborate, that would be plausible for us to have done.
This sounds like it's being caused by different levels of ambient chakra or nature chakra in mist or the ground. Which we probably cannot measure, as of now. Are some of our summons able to work with/sense nature chakra? That might allow us to at least reduce the variables when testing jutsu.
The actual reason is stated at the bottom of the announcement you quoted.
There's moonlight, and the team has been in Isan for months. Admittedly it's a problem. @eaglejarl @Velorien can we spend a Fate Point to declare that we worked the dead reckoning out in advance as a contingency?
How would you do such a thing?
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Since it is now a major combat scenario and Mari (a Hiding in Mist user) is on our side, can Hiding in Mist be cast using a source of water? I ask this since using Hiding in Mist for Mist Drain is a valid tactic here, but none of us have the knowledge to know if it is a sound tactic.
I'm not clear why you're asking. Can you explain?
Killing people is (at least should be) a step made with consideration. Blowing up a large bunch of our enemies at once just because we can isn't always the best solution to minimise the number of enemies in the future.
Blowing up a large bunch of our enemies at once just because we can isn't always the best solution to minimise the number of enemies in the future.

We killed a clan leader's brother. With an axe. In front of a crowd. Not leaving enough to properly bury.

We can totally talk it out.

There's a decent chance that anyone who would end up as our enemy is already right there.
From that clan, certainly. Now let's say we blow up half the ninja of that clan and their allies. How many of them had friends and relatives who weren't irredeemably opposed to us? What about the neutrals who are now worried since we keep killing our opposition? They might fall in line behind us or they might not. They might start scheming after we leave.

Not to mention that killing is wrong.
The attackers are obviously betting on the advantage of surprise. The pangolins communicate with humans through telepathy and don't appear to need to target it. Is there anything stopping the team from having the most senior drill-sergeant of the pangolins use his specialized ultra-volume intimidation drill-sergeant-voice jutsu to shout straight into the heads of anybody within a kilometer at maximum volume "We know you're there, and we're ready for you. Bring it on motherfuckers!"?

That might give them pause.
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I think that's better.
Alright, done.
[X] Action Plan: The Paths

Tapirs use scent as a primary sense. We would have known this. Can you add something about stink bombs? That levels the darkness playing field somewhat.
This is still unclear, what are we going to do if they're coming to kill us, the "Runaway" section?
The whole point is for Mari to make the decision based on the battlefield situation. My personal preference is for us to just run away, but it's also possible a diplomatic situation could be achieved. It all depends on what her thoughts are, I trust her on this.
I'm not clear why you're asking. Can you explain?
Hiding in Mist is likely to be a more effective (though more chakra-intensive) way of spreading mist for Mist Drain usage and in obscuring LOS, but there has been uncertainty whether or not Hiding in Mist can be a sourced jutsu (using real water, thus able to use Mist Drain through) or can only be created via chakra (and thus unable to use Mist Drain through).
What if Mari decides that the enemy concentrated their forces to the point where we might never get a better chance to strike at them?

[X] Bonfire 2.0
I...don't expect Mari to go full TheHeartBreaker, given Asuma's wanting to get a bunch of meatshields against Mist (which this would hurt).
[X] Action Plan: The Paths
Word Count: 262

Our well-being is paramount and our top priority.

Fast scouting/prep (in conjunction with our response strategy):
  • KEIKO: Wakes everyone up and briefs them. She summons Panashe.
  • MARI and PANASHE: Use Alertness to determine enemy numbers, position, and movement, and if they've trapped the area outside our cottage.
    • Panashe may leave the cottage to scout (underground?).
    • Mari should Investigate the note. Is it neatly written - suggesting a fraud?
  • NOBURI: Tops off everyone, and senses in mist if possible safely.
  • YUNO: Detonates Misterators inside/outside the cottage to further limit LOS.
Mari has executive control over our response strategy, dependent on what she suspects the enemy is planning. She updates accordingly from new information. Suggested tactics:
  • Diplomacy: Intimidate them into leaving. Summon Pangolins/Toads for the added INTIMIDATION and in anticipation for potential combat.
  • Framejob: Prevent the [framejob thing] if possible. Capture/scatter the enemy whenever possible.
    • KEIKO summons Pantomaimu (or a similarly well-respected Pangolin), whose word is GOSPEL to even our enemies. He is here to bear witness and speak honestly to our innocence in these matters, though he may participate / dissuade others from attacking at his pleasure.
  • Runaway: We escape our enemies' pursuit (while Water/Shadow Clones enact other plans to lure enemies away) and get help from (e.g.) Takahashi.
    • Turtle: Our meatselves hide inside a Misterated Air Dome. Once they're gone, we go.
    • Mole: Panashe digs a well-hidden tunnel which we travel through.
    • Rabbit: Shell White, Meet [location of Mari's choosing]. Use cover of darkness/Mist/stink bombs/other distractions.
    • Crane: Skywalk away under cover of darkness/Mist/distractions.
I...don't expect Mari to go full TheHeartBreaker, given Asuma's wanting to get a bunch of meatshields against Mist (which this would hurt).

If this is an all out attack, how does someone ever go from that to being a meat shield for Leaf?

Wouldn't Mari, a master infiltrator, know best whether there is a chance for these people to ever be useful or whether they would need to be removed either way for Isan to truly flip?
If this is an all out attack, how does someone ever go from that to being a meat shield for Leaf?

Wouldn't Mari, a master infiltrator, know best whether there is a chance for these people to ever be useful or whether they would need to be removed either way for Isan to truly flip?
Humiliate and imprison them, put the figurative boot on their Clan Head's necks hard enough so they bend and secure Isan, then throw them away fighting chakra monsters/stirring up shit in Mist.

These are the thoughts that come to me immediately, at least.
Indeed, given how benevolently we resolved the Pangolins and Hot Springs and many other incidents, this would be a really dark mark against our spotless pacifist peacebringer reputation, especially in this pretty pony rainbow sunshine land.

Do the Isanese know about those?

Certainly 'we have done bad things in the past' is not adequate justification for 'we don't need to consider whether our current plans are bad', rather the opposite.
My point is that if you are giving Mari options and leaving it to her judgement, what if her assessment is that these people are never going to fight for Leaf and only ever going to fight against it?
Then...I'll...go along with it? I'm not the guy on the ground here and I don't think Mari's judgment is so compromised that she'd make such a decision lightly. Especially considering the risks to the team, which I do think she still cares about.
I don't think Mari is a bad person to make the call, but the fact that everyone is on bad terms, Keiko is the one to be awake for the note, and Keiko and Noburi are team leads mean this, too, will have impacts when we're done. Which is, imo, good in that it likely means everyone survived. If not, we'll (probably, hopefully) have bigger things to deal with.
I don't think Mari is a bad person to make the call, but the fact that everyone is on bad terms, Keiko is the one to be awake for the note, and Keiko and Noburi are team leads mean this, too, will have impacts when we're done. Which is, imo, good in that it likely means everyone survived. If not, we'll (probably, hopefully) have bigger things to deal with.
something something Isan TPK something something screaming in Armageddon Initiative
Then...I'll...go along with it? I'm not the guy on the ground here and I don't think Mari's judgment is so compromised that she'd make such a decision lightly. Especially considering the risks to the team, which I do think she still cares about.

The perspective that I don't see sufficiently reflected in any of the plans is that it's entirely plausible Azai brought everyone he could and they are seconds away from hitting the team with everything they have, which is the kind of situation where I suspect Mari would be calling for "Crane".

Thus, if the enemy concentrated their forces in such manner and they are irrevocably against Leaf, we might never get a better chance for a counter.

So, how about this:
  • Black Crane: Fly away under the cover of mist and distractions, attempting to obscure evidence of sustained flight.
  • Blue Crane: Fly away as fast as possible without looking back.
  • Red Crane: Fly away while unloading ALL the explosives.
something something Isan TPK something something screaming in Armageddon Initiative

I can't help but compare how much smoother their stay was with Kagome around . . . .