PSA: Important note added to the jutsu document

We have a suspicion that this might come up soon, so we've added it to the jutsu document as an explicit callout. It's been demonstrated in the past and there's an oblique reference to it in the HLAM stat block, but we wanted to make it completely unambiguous:

Chakra is either wildly complicated or actively trolling you. It behaves inconsistently and appears to change its definitions at the drop of a hat. This applies to all jutsu, elemental and non-elemental, but Vampiric Dew and Hiding Like a Mole make particularly good examples:

Vampiric Dew will drain through liquid water and dense mist, but the required density of the mist is fussy and differs from day to day.

Hiding Like a Mole allows you to pass through solid earth, except sometimes you are blocked from moving forward and it's unclear why. You can never move through solid rock but that's about the only certainty...oh, except that you were able to move through solid rock in the vicinity of the Great Seal, so that. There appears to be some correlation with the soil type, as it fails more often when there's a lot of gravel in the dirt, but not always. It could be the size of the particles, or precisely what they're made of, or the amount of worm poop in them for all you know. Not only is it impossible to pin down, it seems to be actively inconsistent as sometimes you'll be blocked from passing through a certain section of ground but it will work fine the next day. No matter what you have tried you have not been able to nail down any precise rules, nor has anyone else you've spoken to or read about. In your more frustrated moments you're almost certain that chakra is actively trolling you.

In more meta words: Definitions of what counts as 'earth' or 'mist' or 'plants' or 'living things' or etc are based on authorial fiat and we aren't going to bother remembering every decision we've made in the past and ensuring that they are consistent going forward. As a general rule regarding the one that's most likely to come up: 'earth' usually refers to soil or sand but not rock. The dividing lines between 'soil' and 'rock' and any edge cases will be decided by authorial fiat and will not necessarily be consistent.
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OK. With all the information we have, I still suggest we use skywalker. Our enemies have numbers, motivations, their tapir and Earth users, and we know how dangerous they were at the battle of the cave. We don't know what techniques they learned or picked up or lessons they picked up from their ambush of the team ages ago.

All it takes is for one of them to spot or detect us then it's game over.
Just leave Snowflake and a few Pangolin at the estate,

"So you decided to attack the primary diplomat of the most powerful village in the world? Good job morons, now die (a week from now because Naruto has to physically move here)"

It's basically a hostage program.

You're forgetting that people here fear Hinata and you want to play politics with Mist? The place Mari, Ami, Ren and Hana grew up? I agree with you, but let's not be naive.

I probably fear Hinata more than anybody else in the thread. I was calling for her head on a stick as far back as the chuunin exams, which would have coincidentally left the likely victors Keiko, Hazou/Noburi, and Ino/Choi, might well have cost her father the hat, and left us with a friendly Naruto as Hokage.

Cultural exchange matters. Mist need the alliance to work even more than Leaf, they're going to send their elite as a display, and they're going to send bloodlines they know Leaf already has access to.

Which is what they would say if we ran away and just went down instead of up. But up looks more impressive.

The three priorities, in this order, should be: get out now and alive; get information and who's doing this that we can use; prepare for the morning.

Clever morning plans and posturing don't mean anything if we don't survive. Going underground is not advisable. None of us are Earth jutsu users. Sure, pangolins are, but they are expensive and if dispelled we would need space to resummon, and hard to avoid being hit at all underground.

Also, setting to a fortified underground location takes time. Mari being exasperated with Hazou's opsec conversation procedure isn't just because it's far away. And 5 seal barriers take at least some time to set up, they aren't immediate. The note was pretty clear on the NOW part.

At a guess, it was the Kannagi, who just found out about a parameter breech, and want plausible deniability if we don't survive. Wanting us to remove the head priest but not wanting to stick their neck out for us describes multiple Isan clans.

What I would like, and will attempt to write later if nobody gets to it, is a plan where we immediately book it out, have panashe summoned and act as a decoy/info gatherer (I trust their chances more if that aren't stuck protecting us), vanish up high, and have a vantage point to observe what happens (and AoE if it comes up). Prepare for immediate combat, but not being besieged but 10x our numbers in a set location is the biggest priority in rocket tag.

There's a difference between disappearing to nowhere and disappearing to the holiest site in the village which also just happens to be specifically designed to be a deathtrap to intruders. As long as we aren't where they expect us to be we get all the benefits of them being out of position. If we're on this specific location they also lose the ability to use much of their force since publicly wrecking a holy shrine to dig out the two holiest figures in the village is a really, really bad look.

Mari: Full up
Yuno: About 3/4. She refused to accept a recharge from Noburi after the fight.
Keiko: Full up because Noburi recharged her after Pantomaimu unsummoned.
Noburi: Currently at 827 / 1250. As long as the team have been he he's been repeatedly tanking everyone else up as necessary and recharging himself only slowly from the limited resources available.

Panashe has the Tunnel Excavation Jutsu. It forms a tunnel 2m in diameter. It is not magically braced and can collapse if used in the wrong conditions, but Panashe is skilled enough that if she thinks it's safe then it probably (but not definitely) is.

You can assume that everyone has the same loadout that you see on Noburi and Keiko's sheets.

Yes, she does know it. Yes, she can use it as a recon tool but her clones have a maximum range of 1/2 mile. The chakra cost is so high that she's reluctant to use it when combat is likely to break out in the immediate future.

Don't shadow clones refund their chakra cost and any unused chakra when they dispel?
a difference between disappearing to nowhere and disappearing to the holiest site in the village which also just happens to be specifically designed to be a deathtrap to intruders. As long as we aren't where they expect us to be we get all the benefits of them being out of position. If we're on this specific location they also lose the ability to use much of their force since publicly wrecking a holy shrine to dig out the two holiest figures in the village is a really, really bad look.

That's 3 miles, it seems. That's a substantial distance away, through what we need to treat as hostile territory. And we don't know if our attackers are the clan that maintains it, and therefore would have advantage there vs us.

I think that a thing you are forgetting is that they may, in fact, go for the bad look. If you're in a faction that is about to lose power, you may think you have nothing to lose. The fact that the thread discussed killing off a large portion of them, even when we need the personnel for Asuma, means we should assume that also at least are considering the same. Plans that rely on our enemies being more 'sensible' than us during a fight are not pessimistic enough.

...Lailoken not pessimistic enough?? Oh no! The Lupz got them! Everyone, cover you ears!

(But really, I think we need to assume our enemy will eat social cost to deal with us until we have a very good reason to think otherwise).

I probably fear Hinata more than anybody else in the thread. I was calling for her head on a stick as far back as the chuunin exams, which would have coincidentally left the likely victors Keiko, Hazou/Noburi, and Ino/Choi, might well have cost her father the hat, and left us with a friendly Naruto as Hokage.

Cultural exchange matters. Mist need the alliance to work even more than Leaf, they're going to send their elite as a display, and they're going to send bloodlines they know Leaf already has access to.

There's a difference between disappearing to nowhere and disappearing to the holiest site in the village which also just happens to be specifically designed to be a deathtrap to intruders. As long as we aren't where they expect us to be we get all the benefits of them being out of position. If we're on this specific location they also lose the ability to use much of their force since publicly wrecking a holy shrine to dig out the two holiest figures in the village is a really, really bad look.

Don't shadow clones refund their chakra cost and any unused chakra when they dispel?

And the 150. (Ninja'd faflec). It would be VERY busted if it was almost free.
"Kagome, here's the situation. Your family is retreating into an ancient death maze under threat from an army of backwater tapir-worshipping swamp hicks. They need every single dirty trick you can possibly summon to delay the invaders and preserve themselves until the rest of the swamp hicks find out what is going on and put a stop to it. You are by authority of the Hokage one of the three most senior sealmasters in Leaf. You have full access to every public seal, unlimited requisition authority, a direct line to the Hokage himself and the ANBU Black Archives, oh, and the Ino-Shoka-Choi alliance will no doubt provide unlimited proprietary support. If you don't figure out how to make the invaders crumble your family dies. What are your thoughts?"
"Kagome, here's the situation. Your family is retreating into an ancient death maze under threat from an army of backwater tapir-worshipping swamp hicks. They need every single dirty trick you can possibly summon to delay the invaders and preserve themselves until the rest of the swamp hicks find out what is going on and put a stop to it. You are by authority of the Hokage one of the three most senior sealmasters in Leaf. You have full access to every public seal, unlimited requisition authority, a direct line to the Hokage himself and the ANBU Black Archives, oh, and the Ino-Shoka-Choi alliance will no doubt provide unlimited proprietary support. If you don't figure out how to make the invaders crumble your family dies. What are your thoughts?"
KAGOME: *holds up explosives*
I think that getting the fuck out of the cottage is smart - if we can get somewhere we have more or firmer allies, then we probably win the fight before it starts in earnest because nobody really wants civil war. (Or, if they do, we couldn't have stopped it.)
I think we should quietly but quickly leave (how's everyone's Stealth score?) and head for either Takahashi or the SSSSS. I have a preference for the SSSSS - we know that Arikada is a combat monster and Takahashi is the predictable move. If we get caught doing something weird we can explain it away as having a sudden, burning need to ask a question about either Summoning or negotiate the SSSSS's relationship with the Hidden Leaf as a faction separate from Isan.
I don't think that attacking the SSSSS would start a civil war, since they're foreigners too. They might well just attack us any way, assuming they figured out where we went. OTOH attacking the Takahashi definitely would start a civil war. I think it should be possible to, first send out Panashe to gather information (unimpeachable witness in Isan), escape and evade detection via skywalker, just descend into a dark corner of the Takahashi estate, and wait until morning. Then go arrest the attackers with overwhelming force.
genius idea

Step 1: Have panjandrum introduce himself as Keiko's honor guard to our ambushers, tell them autographs will need to wait till the morning, loudly relay whatever they say like "YOU WANT TO WHAT???"

2: use this as a distraction to cover a second distraction, send sneaky Mari water clones towards Takahashi's house (most obvious destination) instruct them to warn Takahashi if they somehow make it

3: use 2nd distraction to set more bait. Panashe burrows through cottage floor, go straight for 100 feet then abruptly turn so they can't tell exactly which direction we're going. Leave the entrance of the tunnel open as a trap, slap down misterators as we go for "cover". Noburi drains any followers and knows exactly where they are and how many there are. Slap down an air dome in case of projectiles

4: commit The Collapse 2: electric boogaloo
Still at work, will flush out when I have time. Suggestions/adoption welcome. And if someone (faflec?) Can quote what Asuma said about Skywalker permission exactly for the mission, that would be appreciated. I want to make sure skytowers aren't treason.

Action plan [X]: Rapid Self-Extrication
Word count: < 300

-Wake family fast, quiet.
-Summon panashe. Have them scout out immediate exit path from residence. If safe, signal us, then hide and collect info on the possible assault.
-Leave residence, take to the sky.
-Be prepared for combat, fighting retreat. Survival is priority.

Observe from air at safe distance, be prepared for AoE if it seems needed. If able and not apparent, figure out if/when assault is happening.

If able to get to Takahashi without being seen, seek asylum there. If unable, wait on skytower until daybreak, descend unseen. Go to Takahashi and then Arikada, make sure cost of attacking us is too high in public, then get confirmation of validation of events from day before.
...and then they get to talk about how Leaf shinobi chicken out and run away for no apparent reason. Meanwhile, all their alternatives are currently retroengineering the necessary seals and offering them to Isan.

Appearances matter.

They can only talk about us running away for no apparent reason if they admit they saw us leave our compound at night. Then we ask why they'd consider our late night training exercise running away. Running away from what? They can't admit to intending to attack us.
I feel like it's viable to run away without skywalkers. Our attackers aren't here yet, so they'll have to follow the trail we leave, but they probably can't follow it as fast as we can run so we can outpace them into the woods.

Once we've gotten a safe distance away we can Skytower up to break the trail and spend the rest of the night safely in the sky. Skywalkers can be on-hand if things don't shake out cleanly but I think we can achieve a high probability of not needing to use them in the first place, which is ideal.
I feel like it's viable to run away without skywalkers. Our attackers aren't here yet, so they'll have to follow the trail we leave, but they probably can't follow it as fast as we can run so we can outpace them into the woods.

Once we've gotten a safe distance away we can Skytower up to break the trail and spend the rest of the night safely in the sky. Skywalkers can be on-hand if things don't shake out cleanly but I think we can achieve a high probability of not needing to use them in the first place, which is ideal.

Not if our enemies are smart. They would be converging from multiple directions. We also don't know if they are 30 seconds away or 3 minutes away.
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I'm thinking something like this.
  1. Summon Panashe and Pandaa, Keiko refills
  2. Panashe quickly scouts a safe/empty place to skywalk from while team rigs the cabin to blow
  3. Team skywalks away from Kannagi estate, leaving Panashe behind to gather intelligence.
  4. Pandaa waits in the trapped cabin, if enemy ninja force entry he is ordered to command them to halt, if they refuse he blows the place to hell.
  5. Team skywalks down to a dark corner of the Takahashi estate and askes to spend the night.
  6. We figure out what to do at morning check in. Alternatively we do what Takahashi thinks is best.
I'm thinking something like this.
  1. Summon Panashe and Pandaa, Keiko refills
  2. Panashe quickly scouts a safe/empty place to skywalk from while team rigs the cabin to blow
  3. Team skywalks away from Kannagi estate, leaving Panashe behind to gather intelligence.
  4. Pandaa waits in the trapped cabin, if enemy ninja force entry he is ordered to command them to halt, if they refuse he blows the place to hell.
  5. Team skywalks down to a dark corner of the Takahashi estate and askes to spend the night.
  6. We figure out what to do at morning check in. Alternatively we do what Takahashi thinks is best.

We skywalk straight up as much as possible and then retreat to a predetermined and scouted out hide location.
They can only talk about us running away for no apparent reason if they admit they saw us leave our compound at night. Then we ask why they'd consider our late night training exercise running away. Running away from what? They can't admit to intending to attack us.
It's hardly surprising that the foreigners living under hostile hosts in a hereditarily xenophobic village who got many of their most important ninja to kill each other and just mulched the most important figure in it are having their movements monitored. Why did they suddenly feel the need to insult their hosts by evacuating in the dead of night? What are they up to? What are they hiding? What does it say about the Taka that they immediately went there?

If we run now the mission is over. That's a viable option. Sometimes it's necessary to abort, but understand that mission failure is what is happening.

Alternatively, we can stand and deliver in an unexpected but respectable manner and hope a combination of surprise and asymmetric warfare tactics carries the day long enough for the rest of the village to realize what is going on and put a stop to it.
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You know, the last time we were here and attacked by enemy ninja, we elected to run away. And like, sure, Azai is probably emotionally compromised to be attacking us at all...but that doesn't make him so stupid he won't realize that fact and try to make Bad Things happen if we run. Either by having traps set up for us, or (more likely) have a plan for when we get away.

So how about we do something really fucking crazy. Like...throw Jiraiya's Awesome Daybright Lanterns and Banshees everywhere, waking up the entire village while also alerting them to the fact that guest right/hospitality/all that saving-face shit is getting fucked with here and now.

Either that or we just mass Water Clone fakes running around, but that leads to the obvious trap since they expect us to be doing that.
OTOH attacking the Takahashi definitely would start a civil war.

Makes one wonder why we didn't stay there, when we had the initiative and could have declared just about whatever, like needing specific items to help Yuno recover from her "possession". He could have invited us himself, since he might have expected this kind of outcome.

Honestly, Takahashi has been a bit creepy from the very beginning, and the way he managed to remain functional under the high priest was fairly suspicious, coupled with how absent he's been during this visit . . .

To me, it seems like he's been playing games to make sure Isan isn't completely subservient / dependent on Leaf after the dust settles. This is our third and final chance to enlighten Isan about the diplomacy of a deathworld.

You can assume that everyone has the same loadout that you see on Noburi and Keiko's sheets.

Explosive Seals (lethal, Wep:4)100
Macerators (Sawdust)5
Macerators (Burning Log)5
Macerators (Pangolin Pepper)5
Macerators (Mist)10
Banshee Seals (150dB)5
Banshee Fucker (175dB)3
Implosion Seals10
Directional Explosives (Wide-Cone)10
Directional Explosives (6m, flat)5

Come on. This was only ever difficult as a result of screwing around x)

[X] Action plan: When in doubt, demonstrate the Will of Fire.
  • Contingency action - Immediately break the ceiling and flee upwards on skywalkers.
  • If it's a false alarm, claim that Ui enlightened us about the future of Isan.
  • If it's real, indiscriminately firebomb the attackers, the Azai, the tapirs and generally everything that sticks it's head out.
We could throw out misterators to let Noburi get a look around outside. It would tell us if there's anyone in the vicinity, and could complement the Jiraiya's Awesome Daybright seals.

Also, I think we should leave behind someone who can't die to collect intel on attackers and explain why we totally aren't running away if this turns out to be a trick. Panashe would probably be really good at bullshitting excuses, while Snowflake could potentially just pretend we didn't leave at all and nothing's wrong. Not to mention if she gets attacked well immediately know.