- Pronouns
- He/Him
Clones are doing both, the team isn't actually leaving (that's how I read it at least)
Clones are doing both, the team isn't actually leaving (that's how I read it at least)
can panashee dig human size tunnels? she is the ninja of her clan that sounds more like a job for paneru (the engineer)Mole: Panashe digs a well-hidden tunnel which we travel through
can panashee dig human size tunnels? she is the ninja of her clan that sounds more like a job for paneru (the engineer)
We should be able to squeeze in.Panashe has the Tunnel Excavation Jutsu. It forms a tunnel 2m in diameter. It is not magically braced and can collapse if used in the wrong conditions, but Panashe is skilled enough that if she thinks it's safe then it probably (but not definitely) is.
It'd probably be something Noburi-pilot would do anyway, but you may want to add a line about Noburi draining Isan ninja for more chakra to throw towards Summons/Clones.
Misterators don't block LoS there was a whole thing about it.YUNO: Detonates Misterators inside and outside the cottage to further limit LOS. She preps an Air Dome.
This part is extremely unclear, what are we doing?Runaway: We escape our enemies' pursuit and either get help (IE from Takahashi):
- Turtle: Our meatselves hide inside a Misterated Air Dome, while Water/Shadow Clones enact other plans to lure the enemy away from us. Once they're gone, we go.
- Mole: Panashe digs a well-hidden tunnel which we travel through.
- Rabbit: Shell White, Meet [location of Mari's choosing]. Use cover of darkness/Mist/distractions.
- Crane: Skywalk away under cover of darkness/Mist/distractions.
I'll tell him to sense in mist, but will leave doing actual draining (through mist) up to him. Am still concerned about the whole Clan Secrets thing since it's quite possible some of these guys are going to survive it and blah blah.It'd probably be something Noburi-pilot would do anyway, but you may want to add a line about Noburi draining Isan ninja for more chakra to throw towards Summons/Clones.
I also remember that, early into the Missing Nin Days, Noburi once sensed that he may be able to absorb a Water Clone's chakra, but that (at the time of the experiment) he didn't have enough skill to do so.
[X] Action Plan: The Paths
I'm using Misterators to limit LOS, not block it. That combined with the nighttime should greatly weaken aim.
A combination of these things, with Water Clones to do the others and confuse our enemies as to which we are doing. I'll make it more clear.
Why is Mari suddenly dithering??Guys, the more decision point you leave up to the party in the quest, the more likely Mari will dither, the more likely we will die.
I don't understand this, what do you mean?Please explain clearly what political damage do you expect over a high certainty of death.
[X] Action Plan: The Paths
Word Count: 280
Our well-being is paramount and is thus our top priority.
Fast scouting/prep:
Mari has executive control over our next path(s), which are dependent on what she suspects the enemy is planning:
- KEIKO: Wakes everyone up and briefs them. She will summon Panashe.
- MARI and PANASHE: Use Alertness to figure out enemy numbers, position, and movement, and if they've trapped the area outside our cottage.
- Panashe may leave the cottage to scout (underground?).
- Mari should Investigate the note. Is it neatly written - suggesting a fraud?
- NOBURI: Tops off everyone. He (and MARI) make several Water Clones for mindfuckery and/or Shell White. He uses VD to sense in mist,
- YUNO: Detonates Misterators inside and outside the cottage to further limit LOS. She preps an Air Dome.
- Diplomacy: Intimidate them into leaving. Summon Pangolins/Toads for the added INTIMIDATION and in anticipation for potential combat.
- Framejob: Prevent the [framejob thing] if possible. Capture/scatter the enemy whenever possible.
- KEIKO summons Pantomaimu (or a similarly well-respected Pangolin), whose word is GOSPEL to even our enemies. He is here to bear witness and speak honestly to our innocence in these matters, though he may participate / dissuade others from attacking at his pleasure.
- Runaway: We escape our enemies' pursuit (using any of the below methods) and get help from (e.g.) Takahashi:
- Turtle: Our meatselves hide inside a Misterated Air Dome, while Water/Shadow Clones enact other plans to lure the enemy away from us. Once they're gone, we go.
- Mole: Panashe digs a well-hidden tunnel which we travel through.
- Rabbit: Shell White, Meet [location of Mari's choosing]. Use cover of darkness/Mist/distractions.
- Crane: Skywalk away under cover of darkness/Mist/distractions.
Banshee Slayers either deafen any sound greater than [preset dB] OR deafen any sound. I don't think we know of any single seal that does multiple different things any more than that (storage seals/tunneler's friend doesn't count for your definition, I think).Outside of sealing failures, has hazou ever heard of a jutsu or seal that can do multiple things? Not using the same thing for multiple applications, but doing multiple things. Like a jutsu that can either create broccoli or shoot fireballs.
Closest I can think of is MEW which can either create real or chakra construct stone. But I'm looking for differences even bigger then that.
The sort that completely ruins the mission in its entirety, plus gets pro-Azai faction back in power (led by Inoue/Aida maybe, but that's speculation so ignore that) which results in Isan becoming the second coming of Yagura's Mist.The safest decision we can make is to get out of here ASAP and avoid a battle. What political problems do you expect if we run away?
The sort that completely ruins the mission in its entirety, plus gets pro-Azai faction back in power (led by Inoue/Aida maybe, but that's speculation so ignore that) which results in Isan becoming the second coming of Yagura's Mist.
Those are the political problems I can foresee happening if we auto-run.
Apologized, I hadn't realized that was the question being asked.Again. You didn't explain why running away would be problematic.
Apologized, I hadn't realized that was the question being asked.
I've repeated concerns that whatever enemy is approaching has a backup plan in case we escape like we attempted to do the last time we were attacked in Isan: specifically, that they will plant evidence of [HORRIBLE THINGS WE DID], or engineer such a thing themselves. For example, they could have a disposable Kannagi Clan member killed in our cottage which will be found by them later and pinned on us. Alternatively, they could blow up the manor and sneak away, fingering us as the (explosives-obsessed) culprit. These are possible things an enemy could think of within a minute or two of consideration.
Given how polarized the update described Isan, it's likely a successful frameup would result in the pro-High Priest faction taking over Isan, resulting in...oh, us getting kicked out and brutally failing our mission, Shusuke's Yagura-era policies pushed forward, everyone on our team being miserable for various reasons, us possibly getting executed by Asuma for our fuckup...yeah. Things of that nature.
Out of curiosity, how long do you think it would really take Mari to make a decision? I honestly do not see her taking more than a moment or two of observation to get the information needed to make a good call in the field.
...The Kannagi Clan isn't in their estate. None of the Kannagi are in their estate, by way of a very convenient declaration by their Clan Head. Do you really believe this to be a coincidence?That would required the enemy attacking the Kannagi or the Kannagi being cahoot with the enemy.
I think you and I have different values for how costly intelligence gathering is time-wise, relative to the time we should be expecting to have before the attack arrives at our location. My personal opinion is that (for my plan at least) the scouting will take a very low amount of time given Panashe's sensory jutsu and Mari's elite-Jonin Alertness, which is going to be far more than enough time for her to determine what our next steps will be.Just scouting and waiting for information costs us valuable time.
...The Kannagi Clan isn't in their estate. None of the Kannagi are in their estate, by way of a very convenient declaration by their Clan Head. Do you really believe this to be a coincidence?
I think you and I have different values for how costly intelligence gathering is time-wise, relative to the time we should be expecting to have before the attack arrives at our location. My personal opinion is that (for my plan at least) the scouting will take a very low amount of time given Panashe's sensory jutsu and Mari's elite-Jonin Alertness, which is going to be far more than enough time for her to determine what our next steps will be.
If I made it clearer such that Mari was to make an immediate plan of action upon Keiko's briefing and adjust said plan based on information being brought to her over time (by her own Alertness, Panashe's report, or VD), would this be acceptable to you?