But, that said, yeah. Your plan introduces massive risk and multiple potential points of failure, and even if all goes well we'll have thrown Isan into chaos when we want them to be a stable ally.
I don't agree with the second part, we want Isan weakened and unable to resist a Leaf "alliance". Right now the High Priest is anti-Leaf and pro-
Rock Cloud, we want to depose him and replace him with someone indebted to us. We also want to know what's going on Sacred Spiritual Seekers of the Scaly Sage.
Honestly I see three points of failure, we don't get a lynch mob of sufficient size, we don't convince them to hand over Arikada, we get killed trying to nab him.
I think Noburi and Mari have a good enough handle on Isanese culture to get the job done here, for a culture with strong purity taboos they should have strong norms against poison & nobody likes insane biosealers. Certainly I'd welcome any suggestions about how to make this part better since the following two points of failure depend pretty heavily on it.
If we have a crowd of sufficient size we should be able to essentially intimidate the High Priest into giving up Arikada, successfully doing so would be great, since without other foreign options they
must ally with Leaf. The payoff is very high here. The High Priest has to know that making a very public statement that he values the Seekers over the Heir of Ui is not going to be good for him. He'll have to weigh whatever the Seekers are doing for him privately against very public discontent over Keiko's treatment. I suspect he'll fold and hand over Arikada.
But if he doesn't, I'd put Keiko+pangolins+Mari+Noburi up against any 5 ninja in this backwater. Especially ninja who didn't specialize in heavy combat. Since we can probably count on any Isanese to be hesitant to attack each other or the Pangolins we might be able to just have the Pangolins take Arikada into custody without violence or the High Priest's explicit approval.
If it fails, we'll have burned the Isan-Leaf alliance to the ground, and quite possibly the physical village of Isan with it. It's so tailor-made to be a classic Hazo Fuck-Up that you'd think it was him wearing a Keiko henge.
There is no Leaf-Isan alliance right now, and this is a preferred outcome to a
RockCloud-Isan alliance. I'm not optimistic about our chances for a peaceful resolution considering the rabid hatred displayed by Inuoe Rida and Aiko Rin at Keiko.
Simply eating a little crow, on the other hand, is likely to get us back on track with minimal risk of complications.
On track for what exactly? Do you really think the High Priest is going to be willing to ally with Leaf without us twisting his arm? I'm happy to eat crow and pretend to lose, but we're almost certainly going to have to kill this guy eventually. If you think it's best to just submit to his authority to gain information in the short term, I can see the point.
Edit: Cloud not Rock