If Snowflake was popped, have had Keiko to tell Pandaa to immediately unsummon himself. Make it look as if she was reverse summoning herself to 7th path. If this goes well, the leaders at the banquet will be expecting Keiko back in the same spot.
Note that a Summoner can simply dismiss one of their summons at will. You don't need to tell Pandā to unsummon, you can simply unsummon him yourself.

Also, feel free to vote in an Isan plan for Saturday. I want to be clear that you're free to vote for either on any given day. It's not "Velorien writes Isan, eaglejarl writes Dogs."
Heh. You have a vicious fumble table.

Okay, immediate concerns are the safety of all Leaf personnel and Leaf friendlies.

The most important thing is to make sure Isan doesn't attack. Attacking will take a few minutes on their end, signaling people and so forth. We need to send out counter signals that won't be interpreted as coordination for a larger attack.

Keiko needs to go back there and explain, ideally with Mari.
Frame Arikada Hibiki, accuse him of wanting revenge on Keiko for her role in capturing Arikada. Accuse him of poisoning Keiko so badly that she retreated to the 7th path for Ancient Pangolin healing. If anyone knows reverse summoning well enough to challenge this story, lie and say Leaf is so powerful they technique hacked the Summoning Jutsu to allow summoners to teleport between summons. Demand that Arikada be given over to our custody. If delayed or refused, take him captive. Have Mari break his mind with genjutsu and get him to spill on whatever the hell has been going on in Isan.

Arikada was ambushed using information captured by a very distinctive team of ninja at a very particular time and location in Hotsprings the team really, really does not want to be tied back to.
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Arikada was ambushed using information captured by a very distinctive team of ninja at a very particular time and location in Hotsprings the team really, really does not want to be tied back to.
This seems like a relatively small risk for various reasons, the Isanese don't care about international law and don't really talk to foreigners. Arikada didn't know about the info being leaked so it seems doubtful her clanmate would know of the link between the info and us.

It's easy to change though, clearly the Clan Heads and High Priest have so much respect for the Heir of Ui that they would never do something like this, it must have been the foreign ninja who specializes in understanding the human body.
This seems like a relatively small risk for various reasons, the Isanese don't care about international law and don't really talk to foreigners. Arikada didn't know about the info being leaked so it seems doubtful her clanmate would know of the link between the info and us.

It's easy to change though, clearly the Clan Heads and High Priest have so much respect for the Heir of Ui that they would never do something like this, it must have been the foreign ninja who specializes in understanding the human body.

The team was hired to destroy the information. That sounds like somebody knowing the information is in the process of leaking and putting a stop to it. The sealmistress then gets captured by that information. The distinctive team from Hotsprings who were hired to destroy the information but never showed up to collect their payment then get publicly adopted by the world's greatest spymaster. Then Snowflake flinches at the name.
The team was hired to destroy the information.
Your mission, received from a nondescript man in a perfectly ordinary room in a typical inn, is to retrieve cyphered information in physical form (likely but not guaranteed to be a scroll) from an individual staying at the Mizutani Hot Springs within a certain time window. The target will be identifiable by a piece of red and green cloth, which they will be wearing somewhere on their head or neck at all times.

You will receive a bonus if the information is obtained without alerting anyone, but the client does not object to torturing the information out of the target should it prove necessary.
While we know shadow clones pop with injury, they do not know that or what shadow clones are. I suspect we are interpreting events with that privileged knowledge - unless they know the tongues were poisoned, it would be likely much more believable from their standpoint that it was a summon/teleportation technique then a technique that causes the user to 'pop' when damage is taken
The team was hired to destroy the information. That sounds like somebody knowing the information is in the process of leaking and putting a stop to it. The sealmistress then gets captured by that information. The distinctive team from Hotsprings who were hired to destroy the information but never showed up to collect their payment then get publicly adopted by the world's greatest spymaster. Then Snowflake flinches at the name.

The Arikada certainly could have pieced it together afterwards, it could even be why he specifically was sent to Isan. Reference to capturing his sister(?) removed.

I do think it's worth mentioning that we're aware of her work when we're inciting a mob. Flesh-tentacles, chakra-maggots, and walking corpses are both scary and disgusting to people that are obsessed with purity. So I think we should use that information. I don't think it needs to be a secret that Leaf would want an insane biosealing missing-nin removed from play, it actually seems like a point to tout later.

If anyone asks how we know about her, just say we're the heirs of the greatest spymaster in the world.

Edit: Or we could say that our clan helped interrogate her, since we're so good at sealing etc.
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*Puts on Diabolical Mustache-twirler hat*

Immediately unsummon Pandaa, try to make it look as if Snowflake was reverse summoning herself to 7th path. If this goes well, the leaders at the banquet will be expecting Keiko back in the same spot.

Oh-Oh! Well, it's a good thing Panda is such a suave, smooth conversationalist! Surely he will have said nothing contradictory while you informed Mari of the problem!

Immediately have Keiko summon as many pangolins (Pankurashun first, then Pangaya, and Pandojuru) as is practical for leaving people at battle-ready chakra levels.

What's this? A hostile leaf force, here to assassinate our high priest?

Since the High Priest and Clan Heads would never harm the Heir of Ui, accuse Arikada of poisoning Keiko based his status as an evil foreign ninja who specializes understanding the human body (ie poisons)

Of course! Because you perfectly understand Isanese culture and how likely this is to be believed. And clearly, this person must be related to the biosealer. Yes, yes, carry on.

Have Noburi or Mari, whichever is better suited, go out with pangolins into the village and start shouting about betrayal by evil foreigners. Whip up as much of a crowd as possible. Angles to play-xenophobia, perfidious betrayal of the Messiah, terrifying biosealers that will turn you into a flesh puppet and eat out your insides with maggots.

Look! Look! The damned foreigners are trying to incite riots! We knew Leaf couldn't be trusted!

Demand custody of Arikada, escalate to violence if denied. If it devolves into violence, kill anyone who aids him

If granted custody, have Noburi drain Arikada to unconsciousness and take him back to base to interrogate at leisure.

Yes, yes! This can't possibly go wrong!

[X] (Isan) Okay I Guess We're Posting Isan Plans
Word Count: 111
  • Have Snowflake quickly ask Yuno and Mari how to structure an apology that helps her seem in control of the situation
    • Have Snowflake return to the dinner quickly
      • Explain (mostly honestly) Keiko was intending to impress them by showing off Pangolin cuisine. However, it's been quite a while since the Pangolins have made food for humans, and Keiko wanted to experience it with them so she didn't test it in advance. She left swiftly so she did not get sick in front of the others and embarrass herself further, but she has returned to apologize for the inconvenience, and would like to continue the meeting.
  • Continue previous plan from here

*nods* Mmm. Well, I suppose, if you must be so pedestrian. At least you're also counting on Panda's clutch improvisational skills to have gotten him smoothly through those 30 seconds or so.

*/Diabolical Mustache-twirler*
Oh-Oh! Well, it's a good thing Panda is such a suave, smooth conversationalist! Surely he will have said nothing contradictory while you informed Mari of the problem!
Seems needlessly confrontational, but...
In this instance, we can handwave it as "Hazō included some kind of contingency in his discussion of the plan which can be adapted to this".
I was working from the assumption that Hazou's contingency could include something like "If Snowflake is popped, unsummon Pandaa as fast as possible to make it look like a reverse summon." Which would neatly resolve this concern.
What's this? A hostile leaf force, here to assassinate our high priest?
Isan worships (or at least highly respects) the pangolins, this isn't a (entirely) Leaf force, we've got a native Isanese and the pangolins. They already knew we were here, we are explicitly not trying to assassinate their High Priest, we're trying to protect him from perfidious foreign poisoners.
Of course! Because you perfectly understand Isanese culture and how likely this is to be believed. And clearly, this person must be related to the biosealer. Yes, yes, carry on.
I think it's a reasonable claim to make, as far as inciting a riot goes anyway. Keiko is a religious figure, she was attacked unprovoked (as far as they know). People have rioted for much much dumber reasons.
Look! Look! The damned foreigners are trying to incite riots! We knew Leaf couldn't be trusted!
This plan is risky, I do not deny it. If you have constructive criticism, I'm happy to include it. If you don't like the plan, don't vote for it.
Seems needlessly confrontational, but...

I was aiming for humourous, (see evil DM tag) but it appears I've missed the mark.

But, that said, yeah. Your plan introduces massive risk and multiple potential points of failure, and even if all goes well we'll have thrown Isan into chaos when we want them to be a stable ally. If it fails, we'll have burned the Isan-Leaf alliance to the ground, and quite possibly the physical village of Isan with it. It's so tailor-made to be a classic Hazo Fuck-Up that you'd think it was him wearing a Keiko henge.

Simply eating a little crow, on the other hand, is likely to get us back on track with minimal risk of complications. I think Keiko is being her pessimistic self here regarding the poison thing. After all, what idiot ninja brings poisoned food, and then just eats it herself without even getting the target to consume it?
But, that said, yeah. Your plan introduces massive risk and multiple potential points of failure, and even if all goes well we'll have thrown Isan into chaos when we want them to be a stable ally.
I don't agree with the second part, we want Isan weakened and unable to resist a Leaf "alliance". Right now the High Priest is anti-Leaf and pro-Rock Cloud, we want to depose him and replace him with someone indebted to us. We also want to know what's going on Sacred Spiritual Seekers of the Scaly Sage.

Honestly I see three points of failure, we don't get a lynch mob of sufficient size, we don't convince them to hand over Arikada, we get killed trying to nab him.

I think Noburi and Mari have a good enough handle on Isanese culture to get the job done here, for a culture with strong purity taboos they should have strong norms against poison & nobody likes insane biosealers. Certainly I'd welcome any suggestions about how to make this part better since the following two points of failure depend pretty heavily on it.

If we have a crowd of sufficient size we should be able to essentially intimidate the High Priest into giving up Arikada, successfully doing so would be great, since without other foreign options they must ally with Leaf. The payoff is very high here. The High Priest has to know that making a very public statement that he values the Seekers over the Heir of Ui is not going to be good for him. He'll have to weigh whatever the Seekers are doing for him privately against very public discontent over Keiko's treatment. I suspect he'll fold and hand over Arikada.

But if he doesn't, I'd put Keiko+pangolins+Mari+Noburi up against any 5 ninja in this backwater. Especially ninja who didn't specialize in heavy combat. Since we can probably count on any Isanese to be hesitant to attack each other or the Pangolins we might be able to just have the Pangolins take Arikada into custody without violence or the High Priest's explicit approval.

If it fails, we'll have burned the Isan-Leaf alliance to the ground, and quite possibly the physical village of Isan with it. It's so tailor-made to be a classic Hazo Fuck-Up that you'd think it was him wearing a Keiko henge.
There is no Leaf-Isan alliance right now, and this is a preferred outcome to a RockCloud-Isan alliance. I'm not optimistic about our chances for a peaceful resolution considering the rabid hatred displayed by Inuoe Rida and Aiko Rin at Keiko.

Simply eating a little crow, on the other hand, is likely to get us back on track with minimal risk of complications.
On track for what exactly? Do you really think the High Priest is going to be willing to ally with Leaf without us twisting his arm? I'm happy to eat crow and pretend to lose, but we're almost certainly going to have to kill this guy eventually. If you think it's best to just submit to his authority to gain information in the short term, I can see the point.

Edit: Cloud not Rock
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So do we know for sure that it was the Pangolin food that made Snowflake pop? Because, depending on how you read the scene, it could be that they also poisoned the food.
So do we know for sure that it was the Pangolin food that made Snowflake pop? Because, depending on how you read the scene, it could be that they also poisoned the food.

We can just test it, make another Snowflake and feed her some of the bugs (we can just spend an FP if necessary, Keiko has 7). If she doesn't pop then we have an actual argument that they tried to drug her.

It could also just be the combination of alien insects + boar tongue + a possible drug (the goal might have been to make her reveal some secrets instead of actual death, or just to embaress herself) that made her go pop.

We do have Noburi as a medic, but we might need to raise his medic skill.

Right now the High Priest is anti-Leaf and pro-Rock

Only Mist and Cloud were mentioned.

since without other foreign options they must ally with Leaf.

Just because there is only Arikada at the dinner here doesn't mean there aren't others around or that they know how to contact others.

We also don't know the actual strength of Isan and while Kagome killed 8 of them, that was in the old system, so who knows about the current situation.
I'll vote for any plan that has us spending a fate point to see if Snowflake was poisoned, or if it was just a bad interaction from the Pangolin Bugs, and then sets actions accordingly.

First Isan hurts Akane, now they (may have) tried to poison Keiko? Time to conquer them. We tried peace, they (may have) sought war. Time to crush them under our boot.
I have faith in Pandaa. The Kami have a special providence for children, earnest fools, and Pandaa. Plus, he's adorably disarming and if there's one being they can't fault for a well-intentioned lack of knowledge of their social protocols it's him.