"I'm pretty much out of chakra," Hazō said. "If one of you has anything to dig us out, great. Otherwise we can wait until I've recharged a bit."

"It's fine," Cangue said. "Which direction?"

Hazō pointed and Cangue reared up on her hind legs. Her front paws blurred, scraping through the wall with little effort. The others shielded their faces as a fountain of dirt shot out and sprayed across them.

"Cangue! A a little warning!" Canaut said.

"Suck it up."

Hazō forebore to comment, focusing instead of keeping the dirt out of his eyes. A minute later, the group was on the surface and looking around.

Hazo!Pilot has a lot more faith in the Banshee/Youthenizer's ability to utterly wreck six Lions than I did, so I need to update my estimation of them in close proximity.

The ground was ash and smoldering fire for a half mile in every direction. Off in the distance the leading edge of the fire was spreading out across the tall grass, leaving flattened charcoal behind it.

Welp. That's, uh. Gonna get noticed. Question is, how fast?

"Ow, ow, ow, hot!" Cantelabra said, dancing around until Hazō unsealed the components of a wooden skytower platform for him to stand on. The other dogs hadn't complained but they were quick enough to step up on the wood, as was Hazō. His sandals protected him better than the dogs' pads did but it was still uncomfortable and a show of solidarity seemed like a good political move.

"Well, at least it will be harder to ambush us," Canabisu said, clearly trying to find a bright side."

Hey, lookit our boy learn leadership!

And, how about 'organs still inside body' for a bright side?

"Not going to be any hunting," Canaut noted.

"I've got plenty of food in my storage scrolls and I can get more from the Human Path," Hazō said. "I'm sure we can find something you guys enjoy eating."

"That slimy red stuff smelled good," Cantelabra said hopefully.

"The stuff I had last night? That wasn't slimy, it just had a sauce on it," Hazō said, smiling. "Trout with pepper cream sauce. I've still got some if you want to try it. Anybody hungry?"


"I'm fine," Canaut rumbled.

"Well, I suppose if the boy needs a meal I might as well nosh a bit," Cangue said casually. "Just to keep him company, of course. Stopping for a full meal at this hour seems lazy."

"Absolutely," Hazō said, pulling out the relevant seals. "Definitely lackadaisacal. Fish or beef?"

Have they not been eating our food until now? Is that a cultural thing, where hunting is important, or is our food weird, or...?

Also, Cangue warms up to us! Winner!

Hazō looked around at the wisps of smoke that surrounded them. It was probably okay to go without protection. "Okay, let me take them off of you. I don't want them just falling on the ground and getting all sooty."

"Speaking of sooty," Canabisu said, nodding towards the charred lion corpses a few yards away.

"Oh, right. One second." He saunted over and slapped an empty storage seal against each of the corpses, sucking them up into non-space, then kicking over the dirt to ensure there was no evidence remaining.

"Dude, those things are just super convenient."

"Sure are. I can probably teach you to use them. Making them is harder, but using them is easy."

"Sounds cool." The little dog looked around. His muzzle was flecked with green where he'd been eating the cold gazpacho soup that Hazō had offered. "Looks like we want to wait for the a bit before moving out, so eat 'em if you got 'em."

We should be able to come up with a use for those Lions. Good false flag, at any rate, and maybe an honourable burial if we make positive contact. Pity they're all dead, but, can't have everything.

He turned his head so he could see his left saddlebag. Invisible fingers untied the knot and opened the flap up to retrieve a small paper-wrapped packet.

"Anybody else?"

"What is it?" Hazō asked.

"Little bit of mellow from my private stash. It's good for nerves post combat. Relaxes you, smooths the chakra out."

Hazō digested that for a moment. "Sure, thanks."

I'm sure he's being polite and he's only going to have a little bit. After all, this is an unknown drug and the other Dogs have made their stance on it pretty clear. Besides, he saw it in action with the Bears.

The packet floated over to him and deposited itself in his outstretched palm. The other dogs shook their heads and looked away; Canabisu nodded and floated another packet out of the bag for himself, setting it on the wooden platform and fussing with the wrapper.

Hazō unwrapped the small packet and studied its contents. Smoked meat of some kind, soft and slightly sticky with honey or some other sweetener. It had a tangy scent that he didn't recognize. Shrugging, he popped it in his mouth and chewed thoughtfully. It was sweet and savory and one of the most delicious things he'd ever eaten.

"Now," Canabisu said, "if this is the first time you've ever tried it, you'll probably want to start with oh dear."

"Wha'?" He swallowed to clear his mouth. "Something wrong?"

"Oh...nothing. We might want to make camp for the day. And you might want to sit down."

"Huh? Why?" He glanced up at the sun. "There's sstill hours. We c'n make some good tiii yeah sit sounds good." He sat down quickly. His legs thought that no longer supporting his weight was an excellent idea. His back muscles wanted in on the action so he let himself lean back.

That's definitely not marijuana - that'd be a ways away. What the hell is this stuff? Mellow indeed.

Also, I think that I might retract the 'Hazo is maturing nicely' end of things. At the very least, I imagine this is going to be educational.

"Stars and sky, Canabisu," Cangue said, disgusted. "What did you give him that it hit that fast?"

"What?" the elder dog said defensively. "I told you it was the good stuff. My own recipe, plus the fleth oil in the meat gives better uptake as well as canceling out the tang that you said you don't like."

"Wha's a fleth?" Hazō asked. It was a funny word. 'Fleth.' It sounded weird in the mouth. Or maybe that was his tongue. For some reason it was tingling.

"It's a small animal," Canaut said, tongue lolling out in amusement. "Furry little things. Quick, very tasty. They have a musk that can be extracted and makes a good seasoning."

"Only if you prep it properly," Canabisu said. "See, the important part is to use the fresh stuff and let the meat soak in it for a full day in an enclosed space so that the aromatics don't escape. If you..."

Honestly, this isn't bad for us from a leadership perspective. It'll humanize (caninze?) us, and we needed the break for real.

The sky was very interesting, so Hazō let Canabisu's voice fade into the background. That cloud looked a little bit like Akane, if you tilted your head and imagined a green youthsuit around it. Her. She looked good in that suit. And it felt nice. Oooh, the wood he was lying on felt nice too. A little splintery, but it had a nice grain. And that knot stuck up with an interesting texture.

Mmmm. The air was nice and warm. That was a nice thing about the Seventh Path. The weather. The Dogs were nice too. Fluffy. Oof, Cantelabra was heavy!

"You're funny, Uncle Hazō!" The little pup's face was blocking the Akane cloud, and his tongue was lolling out. There was a little drop of doggy spit hanging off the end and it was catching the light in a really neat way. "And your breath smells weird!" He leaned down and gave Hazō a slobbery licking.

"Gack! Cold!" The light breeze was making his cheek chilly where Cantelabra had slurped him.

"Leave him alone," Canaut said. "He's going to have to ride it out."

"Nooo," Hazō mumbled, stroking his hands through Cantelabra's fur. "Stay. Soft. Fuzzy."

"See! I'm fuzzy! And I'm staying!" Cantelabra stuck his tongue out at Canaut and then plopped down on Hazō's chest.

Mmmmm. Fuzzy and warm.

Summoning technique: mellow smoke puppy pile!

"Feeling better?" Canabisu asked.

"Yeah," Hazō said, pushing the blanket back so he could sit up and stretch. Cantelabra had wandered off at some point. "Wow. Sorry, I guess I dozed off. How long was I asleep?"

Cangue and Canaut exchanged looks and sniggered.

This is not going to be good. This is not going to be good.

"A few hours, but who's counting?" Canabisu asked glibly. "But you feel better, right?"

"A few hours?" Canaut muttered, clearly holding off laughter by the ends of his toenails.

A chill gripped Hazō's stomach and he looked around. The leading edge of the fire was out of sight. The area immediately around them had cooled and there were no longer any remnant flames. Also, the sun was still two hours from overhead.

It is very, very lucky that this didn't go very badly. 20 hours with a very obvious origin and six missing operatives. Maybe this is an indicator that the Cats have a healthy respect for fire.

"Canabisu, why is it morning?" Hazō asked calmly.

The little dog cleared his throat. "Ah, yes. Well, you chewed the mellow chip instead of sucking on it. And then you swallowed it. It...made you a bit sleepy."

"Do tell. Twenty-ish hours of sleepy?"

"Hey, how was I supposed to know you were going to swallow it, man? Everydog knows that you suck it!"

"I'm not a dog! We don't have that stuff on the Human Path!"

"Well...you...oh, fine." Canabisu's ears drooped for a moment, then perked up again. "But it was nice, right?"

I can hear this passage in my head and it is everything. It's always great when dialogue does everything you need.

Hazō took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "To the extent that I slept very well and am feeling extremely relaxed, yes. To the extent that my sleep was in the middle of an active wildfire area with powerful enemies around who have good reason to want us dead...less so."

"Yes, well. Ahem. Nothing harmed when there was no harm, right man?"

Hazō took another deep, calming breath. "Right. I'm going back to the Human Path for the morning check-in. The rest of you get ready because as soon as I'm back we're moving. We want to catch up to the leading edge of the fire and then keep it burning. Right now I'm planning to burn our way across Cat instead of putting up with their nonsense anymore."

And now we're going with a fire-based plan. I hope everyone is happy. God willing, we're going to be able to tell when we're out of Cat.

...how are we going to tell when we're out of Cat? Maybe we'll re-evaluate at the coast? I'd like our introduction to their neighbours not to be, y'know. Death and destruction.

You checked in with Cannai; he was worried that you missed the evening check-in and amused when you explained why. You talked briefly with, and hugged, Akane. You picked up some Rocket Boot seals and inserts although they aren't usable as such without the stunt. You put in orders for better masks. The bank run investigation is still ongoing.

After returning to the Seventh Path you started off after the fire. Canaut's ankle was sprained in the fall but after a night's rest and a few medicinal herbs from Canabisu it's back to form. You did the "how could that have gone better?" on the way. Everyone was generally happy with it.

Bless Cannai, bless Akane, and bless the kami. This was a good-albeit-terrifying bonding experience for our pack and yet another plan I wrote which didn't end in our funeral.
You picked up some Rocket Boot seals and inserts although they aren't usable as such without the stunt. You put in orders for better masks. The bank run investigation is still ongoing.
These require training to use effectively; bonuses are halved if the user is not experienced in their use. Training for use with Athletics is represented by a Stunt: "Rocket Jump!" (10XP). Training for use with Taijutsu or Melee Weapons is represented by a Stunt: "Shōryūken!" (20XP).
So how do we get the half bonus?
SLEEPY BRAIN: "You know, they say that you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, but honey was an extreme luxury only a few centuries ago. This is likely so in MfD, too. One could expand on that phrase to say that kinder methods ("honey") are easier to use than harsher methods ("vinegar") when you're in a great spot financially, or when you are otherwise in an advantageous position...

SLEEPY BRAIN: "I wonder what Hazou would think about the idea that, often enough, cruel/harsh methods may simply be because a kinder one is simply too costly for the one who is doing the acting. It is wrong to judge the deeds of a person when you, yourself, lounge atop a silver spire...

SLEEPY BRAIN: "Or, to put it more succinctly: 'before you judge someone, remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages you've had.' "

ME: "Okay, that's a fair point, but consider this: I need to do homework."
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Remember when Emma told us not to make maps of the seventh pass? I wonder if we made a good enough map and then altered it to say it was dog territory it would become dog territory
I wonder if the Seventh Path is always subtly changing, like chakra levels. We've been told that chakra pools vary minutely from day to day, and are dependent upon a massive slog of factors. The changes in chakra levels are minute enough that someone can go "I'm around this level" but pinning down an "exact" amount of chakra is damn near impossible (in-story, at least).

This makes me wonder if the 7th Path is similar, in that land is always changing. Maybe one hill is a little taller a certain day, or a river just a tad wider. A prairie just a tad smaller than yesterday, and were those ferns always on this side of the meadow?

What if maps on the Seventh Path aren't "banned" so much as they are "functionally useless beyond the broadest of strokes?"
Brilliantly. :>

Yes, it's a thing. Every Clan's territory has a unique color overhead.

Do we have any idea of the sky has changed colour in formerly-Condor-now-Pangolin areas?

The color of the sky will change.

I still think a wildfire is a bad 'how do you do'. Hopefully we can see it coming early enough to stop burning things before we get there.

...although we have no reason to suppose they'll be any friendlier than the Cats. Hopefully Cannibisu has a plan for first contact. If not, I want a replacement diplomat.
[X] (Isan) No one wins a Shell Game
Word Count: 240
  • Preparation
    • Identify individuals (preferably ninja) who can be swayed to our side.
    • Scout feasibility by sharing Leaf culture and art that conforms with Isan norms?
    • Isolate them in our group under the pretense of meeting the Pangolins.
    • Pressure them with our collective social prowess into being allies and giving us information to build detailed profiles on what the major actors have been doing.
      • Do what social prep/flowcharting is necessary
  • The Dinner
    • Keiko, if there's a risk of bloodshed, it might make sense for Snowflake to go if she's willing.
      • Without FS, Snowflake might also do better at improvising when the High Priest inevitably throws a curveball
    • Snowflake can check in periodically by making and dispelling clones. Noburi can fill up more Keiko clone and dispel them so Snowflake can have enough chakra.
      • More cheaply (but once only), can dispel a Pangolin (Pandaa?) and Keiko can resummon.
      • This breaks OPSEC on SC communication -- hide from Yuno?
    • Bring Pangolins and see what the High Priest wants.
      • Bring Pangolin cuisine (spicy bugs?) to throw them off balance.
      • Don't commit to any deals, but follow the general playbook to try to open things up to Leaf.
      • Be wary of genjutsu -- who knows how much of the High Priest's charisma is natural?
      • Explain the Battle of the Gods and that the world nearly ended without Isan noticing. Ignoring the broader world can be dangerous for Isan, as threats exist whether you notice them or not.

Feedback appreciated!

Reposting plan from last time. The core idea is to not risk Keiko's flesh body while we're still not sure what the High Priest's strategy will be with us. If he wants to play the political game, then we can do so in the future. However:
  1. Asking for Keiko to come alone is a big ask -- we get public perception credit by acquiescing with no signs of foul play
  2. Him attacking Keiko at this point might still be worth it for him, to remove the Pangolin Summoner and keep Isan, but:
    1. Keiko will appear immortal when she just poofs.
    2. The Pangolins will stick around, which should be unexpected. And painful.
    3. We can make him lose massive reputation in Isan.
  3. There'll be fewer opportunities for Keiko to be alone without backup in the future, so this won't have to be part of our normal playbook.
Also, ninja magic + social encounter >> social encounter played straight imo, in terms of entertainment value. Shadow Clones hax ftw.

The introductory prep step of isolating individual Isanites and social-hammering them is just a pet idea of mine. Since there's only 80 or so of their ninja, working them one-by-one is going to add up real fast.
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Bring Pangolins and see what the High Priest wants.
  • Don't commit to any deals, but follow the general playbook to try to open things up to Leaf.
  • Be wary of genjutsu -- who knows how much of the High Priest's charisma is natural?
  • Explain the Battle of the Gods and that the world nearly ended without Isan noticing. Ignoring the broader world can be dangerous for Isan, as threats exist whether you notice them or not.
I like this. We've demonstrated the "carrot" when it comes to allying with Leaf, and now it's time for the "stick" as to what could happen if they don't.

May want to throw in something along the lines of "list examples of Leaf art/literature that proves them to be civilized/cultured/not-barbarians by Isan Standards (check with Yuno, Noburi, and Mari for verification regarding examples." This shows that Leaf is a part worthy of respect in addition to fear. Isan is terrified of the outside world and likely thinks of Leaf in terms of "social other" and "not a philosophical person, worthy of moral consideration, but we're forced to dance to their tune because of their military might." This addition tries to weaken that perception.
[X] (Isan) No one wins a Shell Game

Q: where is Noburi getting the chakra required to spit out multiple SCs? Mari/Yuno/his own reserves?

Isolating and working individuals seems smart. I worry that they'll get wise after we do it to a few folks, though, and they'll be pariahs.
@Paperclipped I don't think we should send Snowflake, Shadow Clone is a big Leaf secret and if Snowflake gets popped it's going to be a bad time. It would also be the perfect excuse for the High Priest to declare Keiko some sort of evil spirit and throw us out.

I do think we should bring the Pangolin Battle Squad (he did ask for the Pangolin Summoner), and, if possible in any way, Mari. We could use the excuse that she's a trusted advisor or Keiko's plus one or something. Mari is going to be able to see the social attacks coming and (hopefully) defuse them before the High Priest can kick us out. I'm much less confident in Keiko's ability to do so. This is Mari's element and I think we should use her.
Here is previous Isan plan, for the record

[X] (Isan) We Came, We Saw, We Keiko'd
Word Count: 279

  • Before the meeting
    • Have Mari and Yuno solidify an alliance with the Kannagi and Yoshida for intel, and get them to be pro-Leaf if she can manage it
    • Have Mari build a profile of the High Priest in advance
    • Tap Jiraiya's old contact for help
  • High Priest
    • Prep with Mari and Yuno for obvious traps, etc.
    • Only the Pangolin Summoner was invited to meet him. If Mari can come, send her too as the Summoner's advisor.
      • At the very least, Keiko should bring her more socially adept summons with her for support (perhaps the drill instructor?)
        • Have them prep with Keiko and Mari in advance for what the conversation might look like, and how they can indirectly back up Keiko
      • Do not try to intimidate the High Priest, but don't simply bend the knee either. You're there to establish a mutually beneficial alliance.
      • Keiko, do not commit to any deals during this meeting. However, make it clear how much the High Priest has to gain from this alliance.
        • New luxuries, massive political importance with Leaf, new jutsu that can boost agriculture and financial capability, medical treatment, more people to spread his religion to and more are all possible for the High Priest from this alliance, and Leaf is his best chance at these things. Keiko herself could lend even more credibility to his status, should the alliance go forward.
          • Be vague enough not to reveal secrets but specific enough to be tantalizing
      • Also detail the Battle of the Gods and how close the world came to ending without Isan noticing. More threats will come and Isan can't afford to look the other way, or it could endanger them too.
If we bring a (huge) pangolin, can that (potentially) force a change of setting?

I think if Yuno approves, we should really bring a sampling of Pangolin cuisine. I'm sure Panda would love to facilitate cultural exchange.

There's a line where we're obviously rude instead of playing the social game, but I think that we should find that line through fearless experimentation.
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SC Math for Chapter 417 (Applied):
@eaglejarl, @Velorien
With Hazou and Keiko off on mission, only Akane continues to FOOM. By the SOP, she is training with 5 clones. With 4 base XP, the SC payouts are:
  • Akane: +2.0 XP (4 x0.5)
The following previous payouts have yet to be accounted for:
I'm not sure this counts, given that Velorien's part 2 came out between EJ's chapter and now, but just in case it's still cool:

SC Math for Chapter 416:
@eaglejarl, @Velorien
With Hazou and Keiko off on mission, only Akane continues to FOOM. By the SOP, she is training with 5 clones. With 2 base XP, the SC payouts are:
  • Akane: +1.0 XP (2 x0.5)
All previous payouts are accounted for.
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