"You have knowledge we lack," Yoshida said. "Knowledge I think will outweigh the harm you do merely by being here. If you keep your screw-ups to a minimum, we might be able to come out of this with both sides enriched, and nobody being blown up or trampled to death. That is, of course, provided you agree to my conditions.
"Let Kōta go free.
"Stay away from the other elders.
"Let me do the negotiating on your behalf.
"Don't do anything stupid."
She locked gazes with Inoue-sensei.
Inoue-sensei studied the older woman thoughtfully for several seconds. "You keep talking about my team's screwups," she said calmly. "I think perhaps there is some confusion here. From where I sit, my team has been nothing but polite and generous, and has been very poorly treated in return.
"Your tapirs attacked us on sight," she shrugged. "Fair enough, they're animals. It would have been easy for us to kill every one of them, but I instructed my team not to hurt the tapirs while we waited for you to show up. When your team showed up I tried to parley. They ignored me and attacked immediately. I demonstrated that we had complete martial superiority, but deliberately chose not to kill anyone and I kept the breakage to a minimum. We came here voluntarily to treat your wounded, despite having no obligation to do so. We've done that for days now, making no demands on you. We made a friendly offer to train with anyone who wanted to. Your thug was offensive to my team, but they remained polite and professional. Kimiko sparred with him; when he discovered that he wasn't good enough to beat her he turned it into a lethal fight. He would have killed her if I hadn't intervened."
Inoue-sensei's face got hard. "We've been extremely tolerant, but no one hurts my students and walks away. You're very lucky that all I did was cripple your brat. Where we're from it wouldn't have been nearly so gentle; if a Mist ninja had attacked a representative of a friendly foreign power, that Mist ninja would have been executed and reparations made to the foreign ninja in order to prevent a war."
Yoshida opened her mouth to say something but Inoue-sensei raised a finger warningly. "Don't," she said. "Just don't."
She paused, studying the older woman again. "History and geography lesson," Inoue-sensei said. "Your village is in the Land of Tea, which is a second tier country in the Elemental Nations. West of Tea is the ocean, this section of which is known as the Hanguri Gulf. On the other side of the Gulf is the Land of Fire, the most powerful country in the Elemental Nations by a good margin. Five or six of the most powerful shinobi in the world live there. One of them, possibly the second most powerful, is a man named Jiraiya. He's known as the Toad Sage, and he's the spymaster for Fire."
Yoshida shifted slightly, frowning in confusion at the seeming non sequitur, but she didn't interrupt.
"We met Jiraiya a little while ago," Inoue-sensei said. "It was an interesting meeting. The first thing he did was kick all of our asses at once, just to prove that he could. He made the point that once the question of power levels was settled we could get on with reasonable discussion. We knew we couldn't kill him, we knew he didn't want to kill us, so there was no reason for tension.
"I think I'm going to take a page from the most powerful non-Kage ninja I've ever met," she said. "Time for you to face facts: my team and I represent a level of military force that your village has never faced before. We're Elemental Nations missing-nin. We've got this far by surviving everything the real big players had to throw at us. Oh, you might eventually manage what they didn't, but the damage you suffered would be catastrophic. How many ninja can this tiny village afford to lose?
"Or we could get away. In fact, I'm sure we would. We've walked out of bloodbaths you can't imagine in your safe haven. And maybe we'd just leave with everything we know. Or maybe you could hurt or kill one of us, and then we'd stay. You think you have the upper hand because you know the terrain? See how your hunters do against an apex predator from the real world. Watch your patrols stop coming back until your military's reduced to whoever was smart enough to cower behind the walls. Do you have the slightest doubt that we could do this?"
Yoshida's face was growing steadily redder with fury. "Don't you threaten me, you little—"
"Shut. Up," Inoue-sensei said. "Answer the question. Look at the number of seals surrounding you and recognize that we have at least one sealmaster in the party. Think about the way I demolished your patrol and took out Kōta before you could blink. Think of how one of my genin batted him around before he decided to escalate. Do you have any doubt that we could turn into the biggest disaster in Isan history if we really wanted to?"
Yoshida looked as though she'd swallowed a lemon with bugs in it. "No," she ground out.
"Good," Inoue-sensei said. Her tone got friendly again and she smiled. "Then let's put this on a better footing. We don't want to hurt you, or upset your village. Honestly, we think you guys are amazing to have built what you've built while staying completely off the map for so long. I think we could really help each other a lot, and I would like to. We'll leave if you want us to, but it would be a missed opportunity for both sides. Do you want us to go?"
Yoshida chewed on the lemon a little longer. "No," she finally said. "As much as you're going to flip everything upside down, we need to establish contact with the outside world in a controlled way, and you're our best chance to do that."
"Good," Inoue-sensei said. "Now, you're right that we don't know your culture. We could easily misstep without a guide, and you would be the best guide we could ask for. We aren't willing to be your puppets, but we are more than willing to be your partners. Let's talk about the best way to make that happen, okay?"
The lemon got a little smaller and Yoshida nodded. "Right," she said.