Wow, turns out we really did essentially have this conversation already...

"It's a couple dozen different contracts, but it adds up to over a billion ryō," Akane said gravely.

The room fell silent.

"We don't have that," Hazō said calmly. "Not even close."

"Not in ryō," Mari said, smiling happily. "Doesn't matter, though. The contracts that Rai wrote all specified that the debts would be paid in 'Leaf currency'—apparently they like to specify, since the Leaf ryō is worth more than some other countries' ryō. Anyway, these days our scrip is considered as good as ryō in Leaf, so we can legitimately say that it's a Leaf currency. We'll just make more of it to cover the debt."

"That doesn't fix the problem, Mari! If they try to exchange that much scrip, we won't have the cash on hand to cover it! Our reputation will be ruined and no one else will be willing to use the scrip for anything."

She shrugged. "Eh. Keep in mind, they're first going to need to come here in order to pick up the scrip. We'll be notified as soon as they come through the gates and I'll make a point of taking them around the city, showing them all the expensive places that use the scrip, etc etc. Soon enough they'll realize that it's just as valid as ryō and a lot lighter. Easier to carry."

...aight I have a headache, when economics quest has subsided I shall return for the Dog soap opera and hopefully some new summons
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Has anyone on the Estate at all kept track how much scrip we've printed and how it compares to our actual ryo coffers? Like, how much would a bank run cripple us?

Also, I assume that this whole scheme of printing money to pay everyone's everything takes more than a couple of days. Can we please include a panicked running to Gaku to stop the thing because Hazou just had a flash insight on the horror he just unleashed, also known as mass inflation of fiat currency?

"It's a couple dozen different contracts, but it adds up to over a billion ryō," Akane said gravely.

The room fell silent.

"We don't have that," Hazō said calmly. "Not even close."

"Not in ryō," Mari said, smiling happily. "Doesn't matter, though. The contracts that Rai wrote all specified that the debts would be paid in 'Leaf currency'—apparently they like to specify, since the Leaf ryō is worth more than some other countries' ryō. Anyway, these days our scrip is considered as good as ryō in Leaf, so we can legitimately say that it's a Leaf currency. We'll just make more of it to cover the debt."

"That doesn't fix the problem, Mari! If they try to exchange that much scrip, we won't have the cash on hand to cover it! Our reputation will be ruined and no one else will be willing to use the scrip for anything."
Translation: You've already put out so much scrip that we already have to worry about a run on the banks. And it would absolutely destroy us.

On the other hand, this does make it a bit worse, since previously the people who had most of the scrip were far enough away that it would have taken a while to get here and exchange it. Now there will be enough people nearby who have scrip that a run on the banks could come at any time.

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[X] Continue Previous Plan But Also Stop The Debt-Paying

I'm still concerned about the "will the other clans take this as an attack" issue.
Gentlemen, gentlemen, gentlemen! There is an easy solution here you're not seeing.

We just have to research economics related seals. We might discover a way to transmute iron to gold, or die in a horrible sealing accident, or annoy the watchers enough that they just grue mathematics*, or even all of the above! In any case, no more debt.

As an aside, now that I think about transmutation and missing protons, any technique or seal that gives off a blue glow might be a radiation hazard. Maybe the real mark of death was the grays we got along the way.
Back when the 'grow plants made of gold' process was sold to Mist, Asuma specifically mentioned that he hoped the Wakahisa would cause an inflation problem for them under the guise of a gift, so I expect that the concept is known to some degree or another.
Inflation because something valuable becomes more common is mundane. Inflation because everyone trusts some form of IOU and then suddenly the country gets flooded with them is very different. Fiat currency is a weird and scary animal.
That was given to people who weren't in reach and able to make a run on the bank. Also, it was in anticipation of massive chocolate-related profits. This would be handing out scrip in the neighborhood in a way that is already designed to inflate the lower market and upend the local economy even if one ignores the fiat currency thing. Like, the ninja clans that are owed this money and will be paid in scrip will have reason to doubt the scrip and to screw with us at the same time. Did I mention that this whole idea was insane and that I regret not having been present for the discussion?

By the way, can someone remind me how the scrip looks? Is there even anything preventing counterfeits? Because hooo boy.
Jacuzzi seals emits a series of puffs of warm air. They are a minor modification on the Tunneler's Friend seal, which emits a steady stream of cool-ish air. The difficulty is low enough that Hazō doesn't bother spending time on prep days.
Of course, then I'll need to figure out how to waterproof them. It's one thing to waterproof an explosive seal, you can just wrap them up in wax. Something that emits air will need to be exposed to its environment so that the air can get out. Don't want it getting wet because only the ancestors know what happens when an activated seal gets wet, but I'll figure something out.
Question: what was the exact method Hazo figured out to waterproof Jacuzzi Seals?
Question: what was the exact method Hazo figured out to waterproof Jacuzzi Seals?
"How about a storage seal that outputs somewhere other than right in front of the seal? I was thinking of a macerator that fired from a few yards to the side. Let you attack from an angle the bad guys weren't expecting."

Kagome-sensei frowned. "Hm. You'd have to modify the cthonomantic envelope on the storage space so that the boundary interactions with the seal were offset from the seal itself. Should be possible...the whole point of a storage seal is that the output site is offset by half an inch or so up from the seal. Wouldn't do any good to be in the seal itself. I suppose you could stretch that offset. In theory I can't think of any reason you couldn't stretch it as far as you like, but in practice I have to think it would be hard to get more than a few inches, a couple of feet at most. And it would be harder the farther you wanted it to go."
I mean, all he has to do is make the seal go a bit farther than 1/2 inch, if that isn't enough.
I mean, all he has to do is make the seal go a bit farther than 1/2 inch, if that isn't enough.

So we could make Youthenizers that we could slap onto a wall and have blast out the other side?

Y'know, considering our chat with Hinata a little while back about how, intentional or not, making the anti-Byakugan seals public was a hostile action to them, providing them with a method of wallbanging that takes max advantage of the Byakugan could be a nice way to mend fences if we wanted to, as a show of unity in defense of Leaf and all that.
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[X] Overcharging: Yes

[X] Koi Pond: Keiko's SCs

[X] Training Keiko: 7 clones
Resolve 24 --> 33 (261 XP = 23 Yamanaka XP + 238 regular XP)
Save 15 XP

Like 6 clones, this is meant for drawing on the koi pond. It's strictly better than 6 clones otherwise. Everyone who voted for 6 clones, please vote for this.

[X] Training Hazou: FOOM

If Shadow Clone SOPs are desired:
[X] Shadow Clone SOP (Hazou): FOOM
Follow @Inferno Vulpix's FOOM SOP.

Akane needs to fix her pyramids to push Resolve to 30. Either she needs to get two skills into the 20s, or she needs to get one skill into the 40s and one into the 20s. First:

[X] Training Akane: 5 clones (and Yamanaka XP)
Resolve 24 --> 27 (78 XP = 14 Yamanaka XP + 64 regular XP)
Save 131 XP

This is strictly better since it saves more XP for non-Resolve levelling needed to get past the current pyramid barrier. Everyone who voted for Akane 5 clones, please vote for this.

Otherwise, since I support going 20/40 as Shadow Clone will need to be leveled to 40 anyway (as we need it for chakra efficiency while the koi pond is being built):

[X] Training Akane: 5 clones (and Yamanaka XP) + SC commitment
Resolve 24 --> 27 (78 XP = 14 Yamanaka XP + 64 regular XP)
Shadow Clone 30 --> 34 (130 XP)
Save 1 XP

And since I like Akane having access to Pantokrator's Hammer 20, and thus being able to cast it at Effect: 4 (!!; check the rules doc) to get 2x double tags in a given round for very efficient dodge + punch:

[- (reasoning explained in later post)] Training Akane: 5 clones (and Yamanaka XP) + SC commitment + Pangolin Jutsu
Resolve 24 --> 27 (78 XP = 14 Yamanaka XP + 64 regular XP)
Shadow Clone 30 --> 33 (96 XP)
Pantokrator's Hammer 10 --> 12 (23 XP)
Save 12 XP

Though I suspect those last choices should be up for discussion.

While we're doing training plans, Noburi is due for some building. Assuming he likes staying alive:
[X] Training Noburi: Athletics
Athletics 35 --> 40 (190 XP)
Save 24 XP

Oooorrr if he wants to be flashy with his new jutsu:
[X] Training Noburi: Dragon
Water Dragon Bullet 30 --> 40 (177.5 XP)
Save 36.5 XP

Or if we want to be spicy:
[X] Training Noburi: Ami's Gift
Ami's Ultimate Buster Bomb 1 --> 20 (104.5 XP)
Save 109.5 XP

Or just summoner things:
[X] Training Noburi: Summoner Things
Chakra Reserves 25 -> 28 (162 XP)
Save 52 XP

@eaglejarl @Velorien Does Pantokrator's Hammer apply to Water Whip, with it being a physical attack? That and Ghost Scales could also be good choices for Noburi right now. Social and medical skills are also an option, but I've made enough suggestions for one post.
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So we could make Youthenizers that we could slap onto a wall and have blast out the other side?

Y'know, considering our chat with Hinata a little while back about how, intentional or not, making the anti-Byakugan seals public was a hostile action to them, providing them with a method of wallbanging that takes max advantage of the Byakugan could be a nice way to mend fences if we wanted to, as a show of unity in defense of Leaf and all that.

*Thud* *Chunk*


Hazou: Sage dammit Neji you killed the hostage!
I don't think Rainbow Six is a thing here or has counterparts here.
He didn't. He figured out the seal but the waterproofing he hasn't had time to work on.
"How about a storage seal that outputs somewhere other than right in front of the seal? I was thinking of a macerator that fired from a few yards to the side. Let you attack from an angle the bad guys weren't expecting."

Kagome-sensei frowned. "Hm. You'd have to modify the cthonomantic envelope on the storage space so that the boundary interactions with the seal were offset from the seal itself. Should be possible...the whole point of a storage seal is that the output site is offset by half an inch or so up from the seal. Wouldn't do any good to be in the seal itself. I suppose you could stretch that offset. In theory I can't think of any reason you couldn't stretch it as far as you like, but in practice I have to think it would be hard to get more than a few inches, a couple of feet at most. And it would be harder the farther you wanted it to go."
Also pinging @Velorien @OliWhail What's Hazou's (and/or Kagome's) opinion of stretching the output site from the seal (ala the quote)?
While we're doing training plans, Noburi is due for some building. Assuming he likes staying alive:
[X] Training Noburi: Athletics
Athletics 35 --> 40 (190 XP)
Save 19 XP

Oooorrr if he wants to be flashy with his new jutsu:
[X] Training Noburi: Dragon
Water Dragon Bullet 30 --> 40 (177.5 XP)
Save 31.5 XP

Or if we want to be spicy:
[X] Training Noburi: Ami's Gift
Ami's Ultimate Buster Bomb 1 --> 20 (104.5 XP)
Save 104.5 XP

Or just summoner things:
[X] Training Noburi: Summoner Things
Chakra Reserves 25 -> 28 (162 XP)
Save 47 XP

What we should level is Hozuki Mantle, because it gives a penalty to athletics until level 30.