building an 1980s encrypted protocol
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- in lockdown waiting and bored...
Hey @eaglejarl , don't forget to do one for the500th threadmark(Server error). Everyone does 404 but no one has done 500 yet.
Well, in a rom com, such as marked for death, a meet cute would be when the romantic leads meet under cute circumstances. Like they were both hired to assassinate the same target but didn't know that. They initially fight to establish mutual respect, but then work together to establish trust.
*scribbles down furiously*. Like they were both hired to assassinate the same target but didn't know that.
Huh. So eaglejarl really was an assassin after all.
Good to know, I'll keep it in mind for the next run.
Excuse me, I didn't spend six weeks interviewing my uncle (former deputy head of the CIA's Istanbul station) for nothing. I put a heck of a lot of work into that!
It's only official if it coincides with [CENSORED].
The callout post was not necessary EJ
Starting off, we need to figure out if we want to do light overcharging when it helps us cast another clone. Reminder: overcharging lets us boost our effective chakra capacity by 5% but we need to visit Noburi to do it. This will be an alteration to the general-purpose SOP for the indefinite future.The previous iteration of the SOP hadn't been factoring in light overcharging (safe up to 5% of total capacity), and so Keiko and Akane could only safely support 4 and 5 clones per cast respectively.
In response to discussion about this on discord, I went and dug into the math in more detail and created a generalized formula for the maximum clones you can support with light overcharging, and yeah with that factored in (and thus the IC assumption that Keiko and Akane are meeting up with Noburi every day to get overcharged (which wouldn't be any more of a problem than usual for Keiko given that she was already assumed to be contacting him daily to recharge post-cast enough to support using YTJ for that day) it turns out that Keiko can do 5 clones in one cast and Akane can do 6, which means that they can level Resolve some more before having to push for SC 40.
I've added the results of my calculations to the SOP page, but I'll leave it ambiguous whether we go with or without overcharging until we hold a vote on it next cycle.
edit: after a little more discussion on discord, it turns out that with the koi apparently harvestable for the next six weeks until they start breeding, if we put all of Keiko and Akane's XP into Resolve (as opposed to getting a head-start on SC 40 to compensate for having to breed koi) then Keiko will be able to support 7 clones and Akane will be able to support 6. Chakra-wise, Keiko can only get 7 clones by using two casts, which will take about 200 CP worth of recharging from koi, while Akane can support 6 if she safely overcharges or if she recasts, which would take about 150 CP of recarghing. I'm led to believe that we can sustain Keiko's recharge needs with 2 chakra harvests a day (they regen in 8-10 hours so this is definitely possible) but that we cannot sustain Akane's recharge needs at the same time.
This means that the way to maximize XP gains right here and now while the koi are active is to send all of Keiko and Akane's XP into Resolve and then start lightly overcharging Akane so she can do 6 clones and then also giving Keiko a recharge so she can do 2 casts for 7 clones total. Whether this is more optimal overall is uncertain, because after six weeks the koi harvest will stop so they can breed and then Keiko will be limited to light overcharging again until SC 40, so I'll figure out the math on that and report back.
edit 2: Figured out the math for whether or not it's more optimal to put our current XP to higher Resolve to take advantage of the temporary koi refills. Note that this only affects Keiko, as Akane's current stored XP don't bring her to the point where she would need koi recharging. Also note that overcharging is assumed in this model.
There are two competing paths to compare here:
5-Keiko needs 123 more XP to get to SC 40, then 87 XP to get to 6-clone Resolve, then 96 XP to get to 7-clone Resolve. The first two segments (210 XP together) are done at 5 clones (x1.5) and the last segment (96 XP) is done at 6 clones (x1.6). Assuming flat 4 XP base (sloppy, I know, but good enough for our purposes), she finishes in (210/6) + (96/6.4) = 50 days.
- 5-Keiko, who only levels to make use of overcharging and then pushes for SC 40, and then enough Resolve to handle 7 clones.
- 7-Keiko, who gets enough Resolve for 7 clones now to take advantage of the koi, and then pushes for SC 40 afterwards.
7-Keiko needs 306 XP to hit SC 40 after dumping so much into Resolve, but the first 42 days of it are at 7 clones (x1.7 = 6.8) and the rest is at 5 clones (x1.5 = 6). 42 days of 6.8 XP is 285.6 XP, leaving 20.4 XP to be done at 5 clones, taking another (20.4/6) = 3.4 days for a total duration of 45.4 days.
Therefore, it is over half a week faster to take advantage of the koi while it's around than it is to have SC 40 earlier. The results here are somewhat sensitive to the base XP rate (in the sense that if the base XP rate was low enough, 5-Keiko would pull ahead because the advantage of 42 days of boost becomes negligible) but for the XP rates we're working with it should still be solidly in favor of 7-Keiko.
tl;dr it's optimal to dump all Keiko's XP into Resolve 33 and then give her daily recharges from the koi until they start breeding.
No no no no no WHAT?!! That didn't just happen. We didn't just massively inflate our scrip for no reason. We didn't just kick off a financial crisis that will cost us everything we own plus our reputation forever. Holy god damn please...The older man sat mute, blinking in shock. After a moment, he rallied. "I mean...we can certainly do it, sir. I doubt we have the actual ryō on hand, but our scrip is as good as ryō at nearly all merchants in Leaf. I'll have the printers set up another run."
"Great, thanks.
No no no no no WHAT?!! That didn't just happen. We didn't just massively inflate our scrip for no reason. We didn't just kick off a financial crisis that will cost us everything we own plus our reputation forever. Holy god damn please...
Do those two even know anything at all about the intricate functionality of fiat currency? Because IRL multiple nations did not until shit hit the fan. Massively.Plan called for a sanity check from both Mari and Gaku, I think it'll be okay.If not we'll just have to launch even more economics plans
[X] Continue Previous Plan
Incidentally, don't many Leaf clans maintain their influence over civilian businesses through ownership of their debts? This could be interpreted as a direct attack against every single other clan in Leaf, which is a problem I'd expect Mari to spot. And that I should have thought of while reading the plan in the first place, but whatever.Do those two even know anything at all about the intricate functionality of fiat currency? Because IRL multiple nations did not until shit hit the fan. Massively.
...We are soooo fucked.
Do those two even know anything at all about the intricate functionality of fiat currency? Because IRL multiple nations did not until shit hit the fan. Massively.
...We are soooo fucked.
How the hell did that part even sneak into the plan?Incidentally, don't many Leaf clans maintain their influence over civilian businesses through ownership of their debts? This could be interpreted as a direct attack against every single other clan in Leaf, which is a problem I'd expect Mari to spot. And that I should have thought of while reading the plan in the first place, but whatever.
I mean, it was literally at the top of the plan, not exactly hidden, and there was even discussion over whether it should include clanless ninja or not
No. Because Walpole pretty much also tried exactly that in England in a very similar way IIRC. It was not good for England and Walpole was lucky that England's King wasn't as savvy or as supernaturally powerful as Asuma.Dunno but considering Mari is in the process of just absorbing all of Leaf's economy for fun, I think she knows a thing or two, or could at least suspect something like that could happen