Hazō knocked on the multiple-warning-equipped door. He wasn't sure if it was alarming or encouraging that it stood open a fraction of an inch instead of being barred and bolted. "Hey, Sensei, got a minute?"
"Sure, come on in."
Kagome-sensei was sitting on his bedroll in the corner of the room, leaning back on the wall comfortably. A lap desk and various notes and crumpled-up sketches sat around him. Tapestries, hanging scrolls, and seals covered virtually every inch of the walls and several parts of the ceiling. The floor had been painted in an 'abstract' design that contained at least three seals Hazō could identify and probably more that were too tangled up in the design to immediately notice. Metal strips stretched wall-to-wall across the floor in various spots, carefully painted so that they blended in. Undoubtedly intended to trip anyone trying to fight in here who wasn't familiar with their locations. Three chairs and a desk were pushed up almost against the walls, leaving the majority of the space open. Hazō dropped into the chair nearest the door.
"Not that one!" Kagome-sensei said in alarm.
Hazō caught himself halfway down, chakra adhesion locking his feet to the floor and core strength keeping his body bent in a wall-sit shape so that he wasn't touching any part of the chair. When Kagome-sensei told you not to touch something, you didn't touch it
at all, so grabbing onto the arms of the chair was not in the cards.
Agonizing strain on his knees brought him upright and he stepped carefully away from the chair, glancing back at it and then at Kagome-sensei.
"Pressure-fused directional explosive under the seat and in the arms," Kagome-sensei explained, his voice somewhere between abashed and proud. "I figure if any stinker comes in here to capture me and wants to monologue, they'll sit in that one."
"And the others?"
"Oh, those are mined too. For the minions."
"Right. How about there?" He pointed at a spot on the floor near Kagome-sensei's bedroll.
"Best be a foot or two closer or father. That's where Force Wall 9a would activate."
"Right." He carefully took a seat, checking by eye with his teacher to make sure that he was in a...well, not
safe but
less dangerous spot on the floor. He leaned back against the wall, tilting his head back and letting his eyes close.
"You okay?"
Hazō nodded and opened his eyes, sitting up with a sigh. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired and I wanted to get away from being Clan Head Hazō for a bit, do something relaxing, fun, and important. Instead of, you know, paperwork." He almost spat the last word.
Kagome-sensei grinned and sat a little taller.
"So," Hazō said. "Pressure triggers?"
Kagome-sensei nodded proudly. "Pressure triggers. Took a while to work out but I got it."
"Very cool. I was thinking about doing some work on—"
Hazō cut himself off and watched in bemusement as Kagome-sensei jumped up and started activating various seals, including an Earth Dome and an Air Dome.
"Okay," his teacher finally said. "What's this about?"
"Storage seals. Do you think it would be practical to make bigger ones? For a long time I've been wanting a seal that has enough water in it to flood a combat area so Noburi can use his bloodline drain."
Kagome-sensei shrugged. "I mean, sure. It's possible to make bigger ones, or smaller ones. Stupid, but possible."
"Why is it stupid?"
"The reason storage seals are the size they are is because it's an island of stability. Easy to draw, easy to infuse, the storage space lasts pretty much forever, has relatively low storage stress, negligible exit velocity, and the connection has low enough energy cost that you can open and close it dozens of times before it wears out. The more different a seal is from the standard size the less stable it is. Your macerator seals are just a regular storage seal with a very slightly smaller space and we managed to find a design that's stable enough that the alteration is predictably in the direction of increased storage stress and exit velocity. Mostly, anyway. Haven't you noticed that you get fewer opens off of them?"
"...No, I hadn't."
The older man nodded. "Probably eighty versus a hundred. Usually. Not generally an issue since you only use them during a fight. Well, or chopping vegetables. Even that's not often." He glowered. "I still say that the chowder should have worked better."
Hazō grinned. "It was delicious. Just a lot of cleanup."
"Hrmph. Anyway, once you start changing the size of a storage space it tends to pop. It's as though the seal were destroyed, except more likely to be wonky instead of just spitting your stuff out."
Kagome-sensei shrugged. "You know. Talking porcupines, facial broccoli, fountains of blood, behind creatures—"
"Wonky. Got it." He paused, cocking his head in curiosity. "'Behind creatures'? Behind what?"
"Behind you. Always behind you, no matter how much you spin or stand up or lie down. Moist hands patting your skin every few minutes or hours as they decide when to eat you and where to start. Chittering words that you can almost understand. That kind of thing."
A shudder went down Hazō's spine. "Ah. I see."
"So, yeah. Bigger storage seals: Possible but stupid. What other crazy ideas you got?"
"How about a storage seal that outputs somewhere other than right in front of the seal? I was thinking of a macerator that fired from a few yards to the side. Let you attack from an angle the bad guys weren't expecting."
Kagome-sensei frowned. "Hm. You'd have to modify the cthonomantic envelope on the storage space so that the boundary interactions with the seal were offset from the seal itself. Should be possible...the whole point of a storage seal is that the output site is offset by half an inch or so up from the seal. Wouldn't do any good to be
in the seal itself. I suppose you could stretch that offset.
In theory I can't think of any reason you couldn't stretch it as far as you like, but in practice I have to think it would be hard to get more than a few inches, a couple of feet at most. And it would be harder the farther you wanted it to go."
"Rats. Well, what about amping up the macerators some other way? I'd really like one with a lot more storage stress so it chews up harder substances and a much higher firing speed."
"We could try. You're talking about investigating unstable storage patterns. That's always tricky."
"If you're up for it, I'd like to."
"Sure. Be nice to have something that I can actually help with."
Kagome-sensei shrugged. "Everything we're dealing with is politics and money. I'm no good for either of those. I could help with decrypting Jiraiya-stinker's notes and I can train the kids at sealcraft and set up the estate security but that's about it. I'm not really good for anything else."
His teacher held up a hand to cut him off. "It's fine. I know my limits and I'm okay with them. The things I can do are important. The fact that I'm limited doesn't mean I'm worthless."
"...Okay. As long as you know that." He thought for a minute. "Speaking of your students, how are they coming along?"
He grimaced. "They haven't killed themselves yet."
"Meaning?" Even with the Iron Nerve, Hazō struggled to keep the smile out of his voice and off his face.
"Well...I suppose I don't mind them making explosives for us. Sometimes."
"Oh, right, I did notice that the fruit bowl was unusually full."
"Hey! I was keeping it full! I'm not some kind of slacker who lets his family go unprotected!"
"Whoa, whoa! I never said you were, Sensei. I don't think that. No one thinks that. You've always been there for us. I was just saying that you've taught them well and it's nice to see that they can take some of the load off of you so that you have time to work on other things...speaking of which, what
are you working on?"
"Right now? Those anti-Hyūga-stinker seals." He glowered. "Stupid Jiraiya-stinker, making them all complicated and stuff. I'll get it, though! And maybe I'll even figure out a simpler version! That'll show him. They can call it the Kagome Super-Awesome Stinker Blinder."
Visions of Academy training sessions from days to come flickered across Hazō's mind. 'Listen up, maggots! Today we WILL be working with the Kagome Super-Awesome Stinker Blinder seal! You WILL pay attention to my instructions! You will NOT activate the Kagome Super-Awesome Stinker Blinder seal without my EXpress instruction! DO you understand me?!' Hazō desperately smothered the laughter before it could escape.
"That will be useful," Hazō said, nodding seriously. "How's it going? Can I be useful?"
"You want to? Sure. It would be good if you could make them too."
"I'd like that. It's been too long since we had much time to work together. Speaking of, how do they work?"
Kagome-sensei shrugged. "I don't know."
"I don't know how they work. I've read the research notes until my eyes bleed and I can't figure it out. I don't think anyone else in the village understands it either, but we can reproduce the pattern and that's what matters."
Hazō reflected on the many, many things he found objectionable about that statement and decided to let it go.
"Speaking of how things work, have you seen any space-time related seals or research notes in Jiraiya's notes? Or anything related to space, time, dimensions, other Paths, that kind of thing?"
Kagome-sensei thought about it. "He had some details about a retrocausal failure that one of his collaborators got caught in. Jiraiya wanted to try to reproduce it, because he was a stinking idiot. He was thinking maybe it would be possible to make a storage scroll that came in two parts. You make the first part, the output side, and set it up somewhere. Later you make the input part. Anything you put into the input seal would come out at the output seal back when it was originally set up. Or maybe when it was set up plus a bit. Not sure. I couldn't follow the math." His mouth curled into a sour grimace at the admission.
"That's pretty cool."
"Yeah, except it's a half-baked idea and he had twelve entire pages listing potential failure modes. The least exciting of them was 'your blood reverses course and explodes your heart.'"
"Huh. Actually, that sounds pretty cool. I bet we could—"
"No!" Kagome-sensei scooped up a crumpled-up piece of paper from within his bedroll and hurled it at Hazō's head. "Bad Hazō! No weaponizing seal failures!"
Hazō raised his hand in defense, ducking in mock cowardice while laughing. "No more! I give, I give!"
Kagome-sensei eyed him dubiously for a moment, then nodded. "Fine. As long as you're not going to be stupid and run off to do it on your own."
"Nope. I promise, I'll be good. I'll enlist your help when I want to weaponize seal failures."
"Noooo! Bad Hazō!"
A rain of crumpled-up papers pelted the head of Clan Gōketsu. He parried them away, ducking and laughing the whole time.
Author's Note: You asked Kagome about what seals he would be comfortable giving to Asuma. He grumbled a bit about 'giving away our best stuff' and then said he'd make a list and don't get that look in your eye just because I said 'list'. Assume that he's given you that.
XP AWARD: 1 The update was about 20 minutes.
Brevity XP: 1
It is now about 7pm.
Vote time! What to do now?
Voting ends on Wednesday, October 28, 2020, at 12pm London time.