Boar watched as Gouketsu Hazou left the Hokage's office, and made a prediction. He assigned 70% odds of it being correct. It had worked every time in the past, but his sample size was small and there were a great many possible variables that he could have picked.


A small bell rang within the Hokage's office. That was half the prediction. There were several nearly identical bells, each with a slightly different tone that members of the Hokage's staff were trained to distinguish. They could mean everything from "Bring a messenger" to "I am under attack". Two different bells simply meant "Do something suspicious". It threw spies for a loop.

This bell did not have a meaning that Boar was authorized to know. He tried to predict it, because if he could predict it, a spy could predict it, and that was a vulnerability.

Tentatively, it had been named "The Genin Bell," because it summoned the same Genin every time. Then "The Jiraiya Bell," because Jiraiya had used it and Hiashi had not. But now "The Hazou Bell" was a serious contender, as it had rung every time after Hazou leaving. It had rung for many purposes, and more often when Jiraiya was Hokage, but always for Hazou. Boar had been on guard for a full third of his visits, and assumed there was no bias.

Possibly, the Genin was a spy within the Gouketsu compound. Or a secret guard that Jiraiya had posted on his son. Or an information analyst who looked at their market activity. Boar resolved to ask around for the Genin's other responsibilities.

"Your sake, sir."

"Oh thank the kamis. You will not believe what Hazou has done this time..."
May I ask what this means?
FOOM is the sound an airplane makes, it's also the sound of Hazou's XP skyrocketing once we get enough XP to properly leverage Shadow Clone Training.

Edit: Updated plan to ask about Hidan specifically (to try and avoid accidentally implying that we want to work with Hidan at all). Took out the seal research section, so please go vote for Faflec's sealing research.

[X] Sealing Research: Hot Tub Bubble Bath

[x] Action Plan: The Footsteps of Giants are Earthquakes to the Less Powerful
Current Wordcount: 299
  • Immediate aftermath
    • Hug Akane.
    • Goketsu Emergency Meeting
      • Explain what happened, might end up going to war (maintain ordered opsec)
      • Increase training, seal invention, and anything else we can think of.
      • Anyone else have enemies who might become a problem?
      • Discuss possible countermeasures/safety protocols (general and specific)
    • Information Gathering
      • How connected are we to Jiraiya's spy network?
      • Can we keep tabs on Rock through them?
      • Could the Leaf/Mist Yakuza be useful?
  • Restitution
    • Offer: organize burials for victims, full honors
      • Respect survivors' wishes regarding the funerals
      • Offer resources for their decision (even just digging the graves).
    • Set up free Till'n'Fills for three years. Discounted Till'n'Fills for an additional two, thereafter.
    • If they don't feel safe returning to their previous hamlet, buy up land (near our estate, for safety, if they'd like?), make it farmable and safe, fertilize it, then give it to them as a new home.
      • Tone: Our mistakes, our sins, our duty to right this wrong.
    • Put a MEW wall around their new/old home immediately.
      • Ensure they have enough people for harvest. Pay for additional help (if necessary).
      • Conceal actions with similar deeds.
  • World keeps Turning
    • Debrief Asuma
      • Morally acceptable targets?
      • S.O.P. regarding S-rankers?
        • What if Hidan Returns?
      • Mutual collaboration to convince Hidan that progress is occurring?
    • Tell Akane about Mizuki.
      • Prioritize her agency. Express your unconditional love and support for whatever plan of action she desires.
      • Offer to get further information - date of execution etc. - and do not pressure her to make a decision now.
    • Ami-Style Training: Stamina
      • Wear a rope harnass, have Candoru try to tug you in random directions while you go about your day
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May I ask what this means?

To expand on the mechanics, each Shadow Clone gives 10% bonus XP for that day if it spends at least a few hours training. This XP can used to get Shadow Clones that last longer, and more chakra for more clones, leading to an exponential feedback loop that should rocket all the Goketsu to S Rank in a few short years.

I think the precise details are more complicated, relying on Noburi for more chakra. And Noburi himself can't use it because his bloodline power interferes with it.
[X] Sealing Research: Hot Tub Bubble Bath

(Not this update) I would like to ask Mari how she feels about returning to Technique Hacking/seeing if Asuma will grant her shadow clone for technique hacking
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FOOM is the sound an airplane makes, it's also the sound of Hazou's XP skyrocketing once we get enough XP to properly leverage Shadow Clone Training.

Edit: Updated plan to ask about Hidan specifically (to try and avoid accidentally implying that we want to work with Hidan at all). Took out the seal research section, so please go vote for Faflec's sealing research.

[X] Sealing Research: Hot Tub Bubble Bath

Can you change " Anyone else have enemies who might become a problem?" to "List of all potential clan enemies/problems?" As currently written, other enemies of Hazou would be excluded from consideration.

This is also an intensely minor change. I don't know if it's necessary. How lenient do we expect the QMs to be? (It also saves two words, although it does involve a list - I worry that they'll have Hazou committed if he shows signs of Too Much Responsibility and Making Lists simultaneously.)

(...are there ninja madhouses?)
(...are there ninja madhouses?)
"Cloud's Akio the Fallen was a genjutsu user who was so obsessed with achieving shinobi perfection that he threw his subordinates into constant training duels. He kept pushing them, even in mid-mission, not noticing—or maybe not caring—that the stress was tearing them apart. And, one by one, they abandoned him. One day, when a relief squad came to find him, he was on his own, drawing match-up brackets on a rock wall as if nothing had happened, talking about how this time, this time he'd planned everything out just right. They say he's still in a hospital in Cloud somewhere, making championships on walls using dead ninja's names.
YMMV if they kept him alive.
[x] Action Plan: The Footsteps of Giants are Earthquakes to the Less Powerful
Current Wordcount: 273
  • Immediate aftermath
    • Hug Akane.
    • Goketsu Emergency Meeting
      • Explain what happened, might end up going to war (maintain ordered opsec)
      • Increase training, seal invention, and anything else we can think of.
      • Anyone else have enemies who might become a problem?
      • Discuss possible countermeasures/safety protocols (general and specific)
    • Information Gathering
      • How connected are we to Jiraiya's spy network?
      • Can we keep tabs on Rock through them?
      • Could the Leaf/Mist Yakuza be useful?
  • Restitution
    • Offer: organize burials for victims, full honors
      • Respect survivors' wishes regarding the funerals
      • Offer resources for their decision (even just digging the graves).
    • Set up free Till'n'Fills for three years. Discounted Till'n'Fills for an additional two, thereafter.
    • If they don't feel safe returning to their previous hamlet, buy up land (near our estate, for safety, if they'd like?), make it farmable and safe, fertilize it, then give it to them as a new home.
      • Tone: Our mistakes, our sins, our duty to right this wrong.
    • Put a MEW wall around their new/old home immediately.
      • Ensure they have enough people for harvest. Pay for additional help (if necessary).
      • Conceal actions with similar deeds.
  • World keeps Turning
    • Tell Akane about Mizuki.
      • Prioritize her agency. Express your unconditional love and support for whatever plan of action she desires.
      • Offer to get further information - date of execution etc. - and do not pressure her to make a decision now.
    • Ami-Style Training: Stamina
      • Wear a rope harnass, have Candoru try to tug you in random directions while you go about your day

Doing the Candoru training sounds fun, but doing it when it isn't the dog update, and we're dealing with sad and serious stuff seems really off-tone, you know? If you change it out, I'll vote for it. If you clarify "conceal actions with similar deeds" as in fund/go on a stint putting walls around villages, I'll give you my exclusive vote.

Just found this quest.
Reading through the back log.
Wish me luck!

Close all hatches and sound the submergence alarm.
Helm, Conn, bring planes to -30 degrees and set target depth to 700 feet.

Welcome to the thread! How did you find across it? And there's a lot of content, good luck and have fun catching up!
I pick an random user and see where they commented. If the thread they commented on looks good, I lurk for a little bit and then jump in.
That or I just look at the most recent posts.
EDIT: Thanks! I've already done this for HatSG in both threads though, I'll manage.
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Can you change " Anyone else have enemies who might become a problem?" to "List of all potential clan enemies/problems?" As currently written, other enemies of Hazou would be excluded from consideration.
Doing the Candoru training sounds fun, but doing it when it isn't the dog update, and we're dealing with sad and serious stuff seems really off-tone, you know? If you change it out, I'll vote for it. If you clarify "conceal actions with similar deeds" as in fund/go on a stint putting walls around villages, I'll give you my exclusive vote.

Done and done.

[x] Action Plan: The Footsteps of Giants are Earthquakes to the Less Powerful
Current Wordcount: 273
  • Immediate aftermath
    • Hug Akane.
    • Goketsu Emergency Meeting
      • Explain what happened, might end up going to war (maintain ordered opsec)
      • Increase training, seal invention, and anything else we can think of.
      • List all potential clan enemies/problems
      • Discuss possible countermeasures/safety protocols (general and specific)
    • Information Gathering
      • How connected are we to Jiraiya's spy network?
      • Can we keep tabs on Rock through them?
      • Could the Leaf/Mist Yakuza be useful?
  • Restitution
    • Offer: organize burials for victims, full honors
      • Respect survivors' wishes regarding the funerals
      • Offer resources for their decision (even just digging the graves).
    • Set up free Till'n'Fills for three years. Discounted Till'n'Fills for an additional two, thereafter.
    • If they don't feel safe returning to their previous hamlet, buy up land (near our estate, for safety, if they'd like?), make it farmable and safe, fertilize it, then give it to them as a new home.
      • Tone: Our mistakes, our sins, our duty to right this wrong.
    • Put a MEW wall around their new/old home immediately.
      • Ensure they have enough people for harvest. Pay for additional help (if necessary).
      • Conceal actions with similar deeds.
        • MEW walls, discounted Till'n'Fills, provide funding, general troubleshooting
  • World keeps Turning
    • Tell Akane about Mizuki.
      • Prioritize her agency. Express your unconditional love and support for whatever plan of action she desires.
      • Offer to get further information - date of execution etc. - and do not pressure her to make a decision now.
    • Ami-Style Training: Social
      • Manipulate three people into befriending each other without it being traced back to you.
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So I just read the chapter where it is 100% confirmed that Kogame is not crazy... Wow that would be horrifying to live in a world where it could randomly 'shift' at any time... I mean do you think that was part of his motivation to not interact with people because he was afraid they would be 'shifted' away.

Also Ami is scary.

I have a question for the QMs I am sure this got answered at some point but I want to know if the major akatsuki encounter between all those crazy high level ninja was rolled for? Because if you did that must have taken forever. I am assuming you didn't because that would have required a ton of work writing up all the character sheets for all the ninja without knowing if they would be used more than that one time.

Wait, when did Kagome seem crazy?

There's farmland in Leaf IIRC, can we buy some and settle them there?

Not enough to even met the city's needs, so it's bound to be pricey. Gee, if only there were some inexhaustible source of homesteading we could implement wherever we want whenever we want while making two worlds better places and yielding an immense profit in the process...

Just found this quest.
Reading through the back log.
Wish me luck!

Close all hatches and sound the submergence alarm.
Helm, Conn, bring planes to -30 degrees and set target depth to 700 feet.

Another doomed soul has joined us. Sound the bell.
I do believe that was the submergence alarm. Worry about me rereading HatSG again.
Ongoing Gōketsu Projects
Creating a new project/plot thread list because I didn't see one in anyone's signature, please inform me of any I missed (I am sure they will be plentiful). I'll need to go back and check dates later. Not intending to track plot threads that have fully completed, same for projects unless more can be done with them.

  • Goketsu Estate/Property Experiments
    • Aqueduct - Aqueduct. Start date (Ch. 325). Status: Ongoing
    • Koi farm - The FOOM holy grail, the chakra Koi make Noburi able to grant an absurd amount of chakra for training. Start date (Ch. 365). Status: Ongoing
    • Iron Mine - Large plot of land far from Konoha, rich in iron and chakra infestation, will take a lot of work to be useful. Start date (tbd). Status: Not in use.
    • Schools, hospitals, infrastructure - These are probably fine to be offscreened forever. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
      • Note: Tsunade mentioned our Hospitals were understaffed in an interlude.
    • Sewage/Plumbing - You know what this is. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
    • Naked Jaybird - Our very own restaurant. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
    • Storage Seal Bank - Okay I definitely forgot this one. Store stuff for Leaf civilians, get money. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing

  • Military Projects We Intend to Share
    • Skysliders - Gliders. First successful model achieved, 8:1 glide ratio and bulky. Start date (Ch. 514). Status: Ongoing
    • CHAOS Suit - Still needs demonstration to Asuma after we said we would. Start date (tbd). Status: Not done.
    • Something something telescope merchant - Despair. Start date (tbd). Status: Neverending

  • Private Military Projects/Research/Training
    • Reactive Armor - Kagome finished these seals. Start date (tbd). Status: Currently They Would Damage the User. Needs further input from Hazou.
    • Akimichi Technique - Whole Clan is training it. Start date (Ch. 514). Status: Ongoing

  • What Hazou Does Day to Day (in addition to Misc. Political meetings and training)
    • Teaching Harumitsu - The latest development of the Hagoromo/Goketsu beef, Hazou gains a sealing apprentice. Start date (Sept. 8th). Status: Ongoing
    • Great Seal Replica - Hazou collabs with Leaf's Sealmasters regularly, improving his replica. Oro isn't impressed. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing

  • Misc Political/Economic Projects
    • Mass glasses production - Everyone shall see Uplift in 20/20 view. Start date (tbd). Status: Plausibly Ongoing since we have money again?
    • Wakahisa Trade Deal - Got us koi and some jutsu, plus 10 million ryo a year. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
    • Salterns - Sea salt generators, for more money. Start date (tbd). Status: Not in use. Might be worth setting up in 7th Path?
    • 7th Path Trading - For now, only uses trading between summon clans. Inter-village trade yet to be implemented. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
      • Note: Also being used as a military asset due to DRAGONWAR. Also a major income source, especially for Goketsu.
    • Mari/Merchant Council - Mari is slowly conquering the economy because she's bored. Start date (tbd). Status: Someone please stop her
    • Punished Haru - Demoted to Civilian. Awkward... Start Date (Ch. 449). Status: On hold due to war.
    • Mari's Students - Mari is training civilians in socials/spy skills. Start date (tbd, ch 270). Status: Ongoing
    • Kei's Uplift - Kei & the Nara are creating the infrastructure for civilians of Fire to be educated. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
    • Helping Ino - She implied the Yamanaka could use the help of the Goketsu, and asked for us to mass distribute YSJ. Start date (tbd). Status: Distributed to Goketsu only.
    • Buffalo trade - Dogs helped us get food for Leaf citizens. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
    • Silk Trade - Skyslicers gave us literal miles worth of Silk, with more on the way. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
    • Clerks for Tsunade - Gave her some GED clerks for the hospital. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
    • NOBURI roads - Creating roads via MARI all over Fire, starting with local cities. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing

  • Adoption Plotlines & Other Mentorships
    • Kagome's Students - Honoka and 2 genin are being tutored by Kagome. The genin can make explosive seals. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
    • SSSSS - Nara and Goketsu each promised to adopt a couple of SSSSS in exchange for their help in Isan. Start date (tbd). Status: Unknown.
    • Akane's Training - Akane has been training with Tsunade for some time now, still meets up with her occasionally for advice. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
    • Mari's Successor - Mari is teaching Haru to be Danzo. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing

Plot Threads:
  • Summon Quests
    • Cannai's Poem - Mysterious references to the Sage, very spooky. Start date (tbd). Status: Currently dead-ended. Adventure is out there!
    • Canvass' Quest - She wants to prove herself by finding a Summoning Scroll. Start date (Ch. 492.1 :evil:). Status: Ongoing...
    • Cantilever - Potentially interested in spending more time with Cantelope, Summoning could help with that. Start date (tbd). Status: Unknown.
    • Cannon - Make her some chakra metal teeth or find her ancestors' old ones. Start date (tbd). Status: Not pursued.
    • Canaria - More interested in culture and taleswaps than fighting. Made a one-time contract for Summon Game Night. Start date (tbd). Status: No contract.

  • Summoning Scroll Locations
    • Kangaroo Scroll - Last guy to have it was last seen working for River. Start date (tbd). Status: Unclaimed
    • Kraken Scroll - Either in Cloud or in Hidden Depths, depending on if you believe Enma or Kagome more. Start date (tbd). Status: Unclaimed
    • Otter Scroll - Somewhere between Fang and Claw. Probably impossibly hard to find, considering how long it's been there. Start date (tbd). Status: Unclaimed
    • Bear Scroll - Owned by Mareo, our crazy great-uncle. Start date (tbd). Status: Claimed
    • Squirrel Scroll - Located in Eastern Continent. Jiraiya's old clothes have Squirrel Summoner's blood. Start date (tbd). Status: Unclaimed
    • Hare Scroll - Belonged to a Clan that never joined a village, Summoner was located near a coast. Start date (tbd). Status: Unclaimed
    • Hornet Scroll - In some mountains, somewhere. We'll need to study history to figure out where the Summoner lived. Start date (tbd) Status: Unclaimed
    • Rat Scroll - On the Crimson State Island, somewhere. Belonged to the Megumin clan. Start date (tbd). Status: Unclaimed
    • Capybara Scroll - Originally in Tea, sold in Rice. Unknown buyer. Start date (Ch. 124). Status: Unknown.
    • Raccoon Scroll - According to Mareo, in the same neighborhood as Squirrel Clan. Start date (tbd). Status: Claimed?
    • Skunk Scroll - According to Mareo, in the same neighborhood as Squirrel Clan. Start date (tbd). Status: Claimed?
    • Chicken Scroll - Mareo claims his rival was the Chicken Summoner, Bear Boss insists they don't exist. Start date (tbd). Status: ???
      • Ask Mareo if he meant the Archaeopteryx Clan?

  • Esoteric Lore and Reality Failure
    • Reality Rifts - Kagome seems to believe rifts to the Paths exist in the wilds somewhere. Start date (tbd). Status: Not pursued
    • The Watchers - People who supposedly fuck you up for messing with sealing. Very little we know about them. Start date (tbd, Ch. 117). Status: ???
    • Lupchanz - B̷͍͊ë̴̗́ ̴̲͊ṅ̴̮ö̸͚́t̴̢̓ ̵̲̅ạ̴̚f̴̹̐r̷̩͌a̸̺̍i̶̥͋d̸͇̽ Start date (???). Status: ???
    • The Five - Spooky beings from beyond the veil. Associated with a thinker clan from each major village. Start date (???). Status: ???
    • Hidden Depths - "Holders of the Kraken Scroll" according to Kagome, though no one else has heard of them. Start date (tbd, ch. 68.2). Status: ???
    • Hidden Whirlpool - Possibly erased from existence, either by themselves or...weaponizing the Grue... Start date (tbd). Status: ???
    • Sealmaster Prison/Factories - A thing from Kagome's past that we know little about, except that it's a sealmaster prison and others know of it. Start date (???, ch. 77). Status: ???

  • Threats and Political Plotines
    • AMITY - Temporary world peace? Start date (Ch. 501). Status: Ongoing
    • Hidan - Location still unknown. Start date (tbd). Status: Unknown
    • Hot springs shenanigans - Mist is taking control of Hot Springs, amongst other shenanigans. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
    • Yoshida - Either Kagome needs to go to Isan once the alliance is confirmed or Yoshida will visit him. Start date (tbd). Status: Courting
    • Honami - Brief ally in Hot Springs. Probably dead because of us, but you never know. Start date (tbd, ~ch. 60). Status: ???
    • DRAGONWAR- The eaters are coming the eaters are coming! Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
    • Haru's Charity - Haru donated money to a village. A lot of money. Start date (tbd). Status: Haven't checked on it since then.
    • Necromancy - We're on our way. Start date (tbd). Status: Probably softlocked by Sealing skill.

  • Powerups
    • Iron Nerve Socials - Clan training Hazou never received, but would presumably get a stunt for learning. Start date (never). Status: Currently unavailable.
    • Sage mode - One of Jiraiya's Top Hacks. Start date (n/a). Status: Noburi has started making progress here.
    • 8 Gates - Gai's and Lee's Secret Weapon. Start date (n/a). Status: Unavailable?

  • Misc
    • Seal for Noburi - Free research seal as a birthday gift. I can't remember if we did this or not. Start date (tbd). Status: Hasn't been done, I think.

  • Projects we want to start but haven't started yet:
    • Bunch of sealing BS, there's better infoposts on that
    • Mari Technique Hacking therapy jutsu.
    • Helping Tsunade a shit ton more. Giving her money, chakra, new jutsu, new recruits, new friends
    • Making more money
    • Teaming up with Sand Village puppetmasters to make good prosthetics (for ninja at least since it will probably require chakra manipulation)
    • Sealmasters Guild? Establish safety practices, share advice, make sealing more accessible and safe.
    • Introduce more shinobi to the GED to improve ninja-civilian relations
    • Wiping out all chakra beasts in Fire

Marked for Death: A Rational Naruto Quest

@eaglejarl, @Velorien, @OliWhail, do these project descriptions along with people assigned to tasks help? megazaku Hazou Generally reviewing and approving proposals As Clan Head, most proposals running about the Clan as a whole gets kicked up to Hazou. This item is a catch-all for pretty much...
Looks like hygp made a list sort of like this at one point, leaving this here for myself mostly
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Helping Ino - She implied the Yamanaka could use the help of the Goketsu, and asked for us to mass di
Pardon me, @eaglejarl and @Velorien? In the chapter where Ino asked this of us, Hazou said he'd do it. Has he, Hazou-pilot, already asked the Goketsu to learn it or is that something we-the-hivemind need to pursue. I only ask because I could see it going either way (it's a talky, discussion chapter, but it could also be an opportunity to flesh out the characters of our new family members).

So I just want to ask to help clarify things.
Creating a new project/plot thread list because I didn't see one in anyone's signature, please inform me of any I missed (I am sure they will be plentiful). I'll need to go back and check dates later. Not intending to track plot threads that have fully completed, same for projects unless more can be done with them.

1: Skysliders - Gliders. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
2: Aqueduct - Aqueduct. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
3: Koi farm - The FOOM holy grail, the chakra Koi make Noburi able to grant an absurd amount of chakra for training. Start date (tbd). Status: Halted, missing Koi expert
4: Iron Mine - Large plot of land far from Konoha, rich in iron and chakra infestation, will take a lot of work to be useful. Start date (tbd). Status: Not in use.
5: Teaching Harumitsu - The latest development of the Hagoromo/Goketsu beef, Hazou gains a sealing apprentice. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
6: Mass glasses production - Everyone shall see Uplift in 20/20 view. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
7: Schools, hospitals, infrastructure - These are probably fine to be offscreened forever. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing

Plot Threads:
1: Ebisu vs. Asuma - Ebisu trains two sets of kids to see if clanless are equally capable of learning. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
2: Akane's Training - Akane has been training with Tsunade for some time now. What she's learned from it is currently a mystery. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
3: Leaf vs. Rock - The beef continues with Hidan killing their leadership, and Leaf harassing their camp in Fire. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
4: Reality Rifts - Kagome seems to believe rifts to the paths exist in the wilds somewhere. Start date (tbd). Status: Not pursued
5: Cannai's Poem - Mysterious references to the Sage, very spooky. Start date (tbd). Status: Currently dead-ended
6: Helping Ino - She implied the Yamanaka could use the help of the Goketsu, and asked for us to mass distribute YSJ. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing
7: Hot springs shenanigans - Mist is taking control of Hot Springs, amongst other shenanigans. Start date (tbd). Status: Ongoing

We have a sewage and toilet project. Also, we shouldn't be missing a Koi expert by now and Mist shouldn't be dragging their feet too long, or they look untrustworthy.
I pick an random user and see where they commented. If the thread they commented on looks good, I lurk for a little bit and then jump in.
Welcome to the fun! Glad you came.

Who did you follow to get here?

Pardon me, @eaglejarl and @Velorien? In the chapter where Ino asked this of us, Hazou said he'd do it. Has he, Hazou-pilot, already asked the Goketsu to learn it or is that something we-the-hivemind need to pursue. I only ask because I could see it going either way (it's a talky, discussion chapter, but it could also be an opportunity to flesh out the characters of our new family members).
I haven't talked to @Velorien about it but it's fair to say that if Hazō committed to a trivial action (e.g. "Tell people about X") then he did it. Unless Velorien reminds me that I've forgotten something, it's safe to assume that all ninja living on the estate have been instructed to get the jutsu. You'll need to actually put a line in a plan if you want to push it out into the wider community.