You're right, combat means water whip and the like, whereas the noncombat one means MEW, Yamanaka Stability Jutsu, Escape Jutsu, Soil Fertility Jutsu, and more utility-oriented stuff.
Basically trying to shamelessly get more sane ninja and up Leaf's medic nin numbers. I also think that more people knowing things like the Escape Jutsu will help with casualty rates, and more people knowing MEW and Soil Fertilization will help with our other Uplift Plans.
(Like, for example, every Fire Country hamlet to have a wall, preventing Chakra Beasts from razing it to the ground. More ninja with MEW means it becomes more and more feasible.)
Okay, then why are we paying people to learn how to explode each other better? They'll learn combat jutsu anyway, so we should just pay a reward for noncombat jutsu. Cutting the combat jutsu part out saves 6 words and means we aren't paying people for something they'll all do anyway.
Okay, then why are we paying people to learn how to explode each other better? They'll learn combat jutsu anyway, so we should just pay a reward for noncombat jutsu. Cutting the combat jutsu part out cuts out 6 words and means we aren't paying people for something they'll all do anyway.
Yeah, I meant "lodging and food" with the "stipend" part covered next with the "give them the monthly stipend of a moderately successful clanned Chunnin."
Sorry about that, my brain is swiss. Give me a minute to finish cooking dinner and I'll patch it up.
Okay, then why are we paying people to learn how to explode each other better? They'll learn combat jutsu anyway, so we should just pay a reward for noncombat jutsu. Cutting the combat jutsu part out saves 6 words and means we aren't paying people for something they'll all do anyway.
Basically it's because clanless ninja can't often afford to take the time to learn new jutsu. A clan ninja has a clan supporting them, so they can afford to take a few weeks to learn Fire Death Jutsu. A clanless ninja doesn't have that financial backing and has to worry about rent, food, and the like (though KEI-union helps with this, I assume). By including combat jutsu, we make it viable for clanless to learn more than one or two jutsu.
Besides, they're still objectively valuable. Including combat jutsu helps keep up the front that the Goketsu are really doing this to help motivate Leaf Ninja to improve upon themselves (rather than our secret evil plan to spread sanity and mental stability throughout the world). If we don't include combat jutsu, then the Goketsu nay-sayers could claim that we're trying to undermine Leaf national security. By including combat jutsu, but making it slightly less profitable, we preemptively undercut that drastically.
"All right, students, today's focus is wall-walking, so the obstacle course has been adjusted appropriately. Who would like to go first?" Tanaka-sensei asked.
"Me! Mememememe!!! Pick me, sensei!"
Tanaka frowned at the obstreperous girl. "Don't be ridiculous, Yamamoto. First-years aren't capable of wall-walking. You are here to watch, quietly, not to participate. Would anyone else like to try?"
"I will, I guess," Hibi said, raising a hand. The ten-year-old clanless ninja shrugged one shoulder and looked annoyed. "My dad says I should volunteer more, so whatever."
"Very well. We're working an abbreviated course today, so there are six stations, six flags, and a maximum of six minutes to run the course. The focus is on wall-walking, but you may bring and use whatever gear you like if you think you might need alternate methods. The table there has climbing claws, a grapnel, and so on.
"You'll start with the slanted plum blossom piles for a warmup. Obviously, if you slip off you'll need to start over from the beginning.
"From there, proceed to the climbing pit and retrieve the flag from the bottom. Be careful about your entry and exit, as spilling dirt will complicate the climb out.
"Next is the rope pole. Try to walk up it, using the rope only for balance and assistance. After you grab the flag you may jump or slide down if you wish, although I recommend walking if you're able.
We are now 200 words into the update of people talking without anyone getting interrupted by explosions or the teacher getting drop kicked in the face by Kagome for reasons we won't know until later.
EJ, do a handstand and blink twice at your webcam if you have been forced to write this under duress.
He took care to keep his outward expression calm and focused; a mudfoot did not dare show weakness. Still, he was cringing on the inside. That was a terrible performance and his father was going to be furious.
The mud trench was bad. This one was here, as far as he could tell, specifically for the sake of the clan kids. It was a way to teach them humility by literally turning them into mudfeet. It was always tremendously satisfying to watch their expressions as they flailed and slogged.
So all clan kids can already water walk before being taught in the official curriculum? Makes sense given their resources and support network of older ninja able/willing to help them train.
The symbolism is rather ingenious as well if very reprehensible.
Maybe we should do something about this like throw explosives into a mud pile whenever the teacher walks close to some on his way home. Hammer the point in.
We could easily afford the cost of the C-Rank mission of hiring a team of fresh Chunin to stalk him. And as long as the teacher doesn't come to any harm, then really that's just an unfortunate side effect of us training said fresh Chunin in the usage of explosives in a safe environment, isn't it?
I mean, we could also just talk to whoever is responsible for the mud pile in the curriculum and have it changed via Mari waving her social witchcraft stick at that person but if there isn't a big chance for it to backfire and have Asuma chew us out then what's the point?
Am I right or am I right, my fellow radical treasonous dreamers?
"May I respectfully request that you allow her to try, sensei? Sometimes the easiest way to learn is to fail, and it would at least prevent her from earning more demerits with this execrable behavior."
Hmm, is Hanabi on our side and playing the teacher maybe? Or maybe she just doesn't wanna get exploded when Kagome jumps out of the bushes if Honoka doesn't get a turn soon.
Yeah, because when people think about all the dangerous things Kagome could be teaching people wall-walking is clearly up there up with sealing instructions and exploooooooooooooosives.
I authorize Honoka to use chakra on the Leaf obstacle course. I am tired of you poking at me about it, minx confident in her ability to do so safely within the limits that she and I have discussed. I take full responsibility for the outcome and I promise not to get mad at her teacher-stinkers if she gets hurt no shame or charge shall be brought against her teachers if she is injured and huh, I guess that really is the right official phrasing. You Leaf guys are fancy-schmancy. —Gōketsu Kagome, Sealmaster, Inventor of Skywalkers, Apparently-Only-Not-Crazy-Person
That note will, naturally, self-destruct via (mostly) harmless explosion within three seconds, right?
Tell you what, if the note doesn't get mentioned after this point we can just pretend that this is what happened and all the students and teachers failed a spot check so they didn't comment on it.
It did happen sometimes, that a child who was on the verge of failing out only needed to be helped over a single conceptual hurdle and then everything would snap into place.
Somehow, the first-year girl who shouldn't even be looking at seals was able to unseal a giant mattress, lay it across the piles, and scramble across it in the space of five or six seconds.
Honoka demonstrating once more why being cute and adorable is a valid survival tactic from an evolutionary standpoint.
And rich. Can't forget about being rich, those things always tend to increase your life expectancy.
Someone remind me: how much money are we investing into the education of clanless outside the Goketsu compound? Are we providing them with seals and/or teaching them to use them safely?
We should have the money to be able to this, right?
Or maybe we have already been doing this and I forgot 'cause I ain't no faflec.
She ran back about thirty feet, then lobbed the stick (or stack) up in a slow arc. It wasn't quite to the top of the arc when the explosive went off. Dozens, perhaps scores, of storage seals were destroyed and entire cords of firewood rained down over the trench.
When she blew up the warp wall and came back to the finish covered in mud and dirt and splinters, her face glowing with happiness, he couldn't manage to control the laughter anymore.
Nuh uh, you are not ready yet for your redemption arc. Mud on your face first and then I'll consider it.
Good on Honoka though and it's a shame the update cuts off right there. Would have loved to read more about the expression of the other students (Hanabi especially).
I'd rate this a perfect 5/7. Could have used more explosions instead of talking and I am still waiting for Kagome to swoop in from the sky with a blatantly frivolous use of Sky Walkers.
So all clan kids can already water walk before being taught in the official curriculum? Makes sense given their resources and support network of older ninja able/willing to help them train.
I'd rate this a perfect 5/7. Could have used more explosions instead of talking and I am still waiting for Kagome to swoop in from the sky with a blatantly frivolous use of Sky Walkers.
Shouldn't there be a clause about failing out and not receiving payment anymore? Also what's the point behind the bounty? Is a large donation to every current medic nin a part of the idea?
Basically it's because clanless ninja can't often afford to take the time to learn new jutsu. A clan ninja has a clan supporting them, so they can afford to take a few weeks to learn Fire Death Jutsu. A clanless ninja doesn't have that financial backing and has to worry about rent, food, and the like (though KEI-union helps with this, I assume). By including combat jutsu, we make it viable for clanless to learn more than one or two jutsu.
Besides, they're still objectively valuable. Including combat jutsu helps keep up the front that the Goketsu are really doing this to help motivate Leaf Ninja to improve upon themselves (rather than our secret evil plan to spread sanity and mental stability throughout the world). If we don't include combat jutsu, then the Goketsu nay-sayers could claim that we're trying to undermine Leaf national security. By including combat jutsu, but making it slightly less profitable, we preemptively undercut that drastically.
Shouldn't there be a clause about failing out and not receiving payment anymore? Also what's the point behind the bounty? Is a large donation to every current medic nin a part of the idea?
With how desperately the Leaf needs medic nin, I'm not sure that they would allow someone to simply flunk out of medic nin training. More likely they'd get supplemental/remedial training. Like Asuma said, Leaf is suffering from a staggering lack of medic nin right now. I suppose I could include a "three strikes, you're out" rule regarding medical training, but that seems a little superfluous.
As for the medical jutsu, yeah. It's a way to give current medical nin a financial and morale boost, while also further incentivizing people to become medical ninja.
Besides, this also provides incentives for the "normal" ninja to at least learn some basic medical jutsu. A ninja squad with even just one ninja who knows the sterilization jutsu is better than a squad without any medical jutsu whatsoever. Sure, it would be great if every squad had a dedicated medical nin, but failing that, one who can prevent infection is a good step in the right direction.
"You don't think I thought of that? There aren't many Earth-natured ninja born in the Land of Fire—that's why it's called the Land of Fire—and basically no one learns other chakra natures before they hit jōnin rank. At that point they're too valuable to be wasted on civilian wall-building missions." She sniffed. "Plus, it's incredibly chakra intensive and takes too long."
But anyway, one of the heads of the whole hospital is Kon Ai, instead of doing the whole "Increase the number of medic-nin" in isolation we should talk to her or Tsunade.
This could look something like this:
Meet with the head of Leaf Hospital (Kon Ai? Tsunade?)
Offer financial assistance for training more medics
Political help?
Assistance with non-medical issues?
Making all the Leaf clans pay/help more for training is probably better than our own sole actions.
And if word space is a problem we can just cut this, there is no real reason to apologize, our Goketsu-lite were in general just unsure because we didn't give them a real direction, we also didn't give them any good way to judge how we prioritize our adoptions.
I really doubt the majority of our 40+ ninja believe that we would adopt them that soon, but without any kind of sign of how to gain our approval they would of course feel lost.
As for the medical jutsu, yeah. It's a way to give current medical nin a financial and morale boost, while also further incentivizing people to become medical ninja.
Besides, this also provides incentives for the "normal" ninja to at least learn some basic medical jutsu. A ninja squad with even just one ninja who knows the sterilization jutsu is better than a squad without any medical jutsu whatsoever. Sure, it would be great if every squad had a dedicated medical nin, but failing that, one who can prevent infection is a good step in the right direction.
I still don't like it. We have no idea how many medical jutsu an experienced medic from the hospital has, especially if we include niche or self-made minor variations. Also, Orochimaru is chief surgeon. He could easily hear this news from Kabuto and simply empty our bank account for fun and profit. And even if he doesn't, I know we want to support Tsunade, but are we really okay with giving her full and free access to all of our funds to do with as she sees fit?
Also, what's with that Yamanaka Stability bounty? Isn't that a clan secret? Do we want to give only the Yamanaka specifically an extra gift? Do they have money problems that I missed?
Lastly, why would we want to give every single ninja a payout for every jutsu they know? I mean, we are rich, but we aren't richer than the Hokage Tower yet.
Yeah, no. This whole think is shakier than a house built out of single layer Swiss cheese slices.
Lastly, why would we want to give every single ninja a payout for every jutsu they know? I mean, we are rich, but we aren't richer than the Hokage Tower yet.
@RandomOTP imo the "jutsu bounty" idea is super underdeveloped. Start small, offer a small sum for learning the Yamanaka Technique. Hopefully shouldn't take a lot of time, and I expect a lot of clanless ninja will do it for even a relatively small bounty, much less "6 months of wages". And like Vel said, we can't estimate jutsu level easily in-universe, so that idea doesn't make a lot of sense. (if we want people to level a jutsu like MEW, we can just post missions that require it)