I would, mostly because Kagome needs to be working on decoding stuff because Asuma is one bad interaction on a bad day away from soaking Hazō in barbecue sauce and tossing him into the forest of death. :V

Maybe trade off time between Kagome and Hazou? They're both busy --kagome less so, now that he has Akane as an assistant --but if they split their time up and meet once or twice a week, it shouldn't be too much of an added strain.
PSA: My current plan is that Sunday's update will show Noburi meeting Gamabunta (the Toad Boss) in flashback, then skip forward to Hazō meeting the Dog Boss.

Both of these are almost certainly going to be big scenes, so there's no room for a third unless it is very small and easy. In order to minimize non-linear time, Noburi's scene is definitely happening regardless of how much else needs to be put off.

Also, note that @Velorien 's update does not state whether Noburi was accepted by the Toad Boss and allowed to become the Toad Summoner.
PSA: My current plan is that Sunday's update will show Noburi meeting Gamabunta (the Toad Boss) in flashback, then skip forward to Hazō meeting the Dog Boss.

Both of these are almost certainly going to be big scenes, so there's no room for a third unless it is very small and easy. In order to minimize non-linear time, Noburi's scene is definitely happening regardless of how much else needs to be put off.

Also, note that @Velorien 's update does not state whether Noburi was accepted by the Toad Boss and allowed to become the Toad Summoner.
What about Hazou's birthday?
[X] Action Plan: Tunneling Timeskip

Timeskip: Eaglejarl will write as he wishes.

With Asuma's permission and knowledge, we tunnel a deep underground shortcut tunnel from Goketsu town to the Naked Jaybird.
  • Why would we do that? Because I am a naked mole rat, duh.
Well its clear to me.

[X] Let eaglejarl write what he wants, we trust him
Relatedly, we are totally gonna get kicked out of the Shimura Estate, now that its scion has apparently been found.

Clearly we must move into Jiraiya's bachelor pad.
[X] Let eaglejarl write what he wants, we trust him
Relatedly, we are totally gonna get kicked out of the Shimura Estate, now that its scion has apparently been found.

Clearly we must move into Jiraiya's bachelor pad.
I can only conclude that our eviction-bait powers run on Leaf legislation; that is, we resurrect the legal entity capable of evicting us, not necessarily the person. Orochimaru was defined as a one-person clan, so he came back personally, but the Shimura Clan Head is not necessarily Danzou, hence this result.

As such: yes, you're exactly right, we must move into Jiraiya's bachelor pad.
I'm just imagining Clan Gouketsu renting out a secure storage facility 500m below the Nara compound.

Theres a fuckload of traps surrounding a living room and a closet with a dozen summon scrolls.

The actual house is in another dimension.

Fuck you property laws :V
I'm just imagining Clan Gouketsu renting out a secure storage facility 500m below the Nara compound.

Theres a fuckload of traps surrounding a living room and a closet with a dozen summon scrolls.

The actual house is in another dimension.

Fuck you property laws :V
Knock knock, Cthulhu says you're squatting on his property.
[X] Let eaglejarl write what he wants, we trust him
Meh, he's under Ami's thumb. Just do a treason against Ami, or Keiko, or do something else that gets Ami on the warpath against us.
So... what you're saying is that if Ami proposes marriage again, we shouldn't say no because Ami is terrifying and Keiko has a set of torture tools?
"Here," Yuno said, opening the box. "You're very rich, so I'm sure you have the standard set already, so I figured if I wanted to impress you, I needed to get creative. I'm not very good at working with metal, but the nice man at the front desk was happy to see me taking an interest, so he gave me a list of subcontractors. After that, it was just a matter of being persuasive and good at drawing."

"Thank you, Yuno," Keiko said with a slow, chilling smile. "They say the best gift is the one you never knew you wanted."

"Any time, Summoner."

"I'm suddenly feeling a little less comfortable with giving you my present in person,"

Leave it to the Gouketsu to fill a birthday party with the tension of a hostage exchange...