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I really do like the cursed seal thing Kakashi does, since the concept of condensing this big fuckoff ritual circle of magic symbols into a small tattoo like that is a pretty cool thought, and it doesn't suffer from a lot of the obvious downsides of Kishimoto's usual Rule of Cool stuff (one could probably work something out to make it downright reasonable, even).
Maybe it's a specific thing you have to buy with XP, once you get your sealing high enough. I can't think of anything it'd do, specifically, other than allow for more complex fuuinjutsu to be put on smaller sealpaper. And the added room --before it's condensed --might mean that there's less stringent "grammar/esoteric" demands which would otherwise cause the seal to not work.
"It's a trap," Kagome-sensei explained. "Put the free seal down on the ground where your enemy's going to be, move away, then prime the paired seal on the kunai and throw it into place. Boom! Instant Earth Dome. It's not perfect—it won't work if the seals are too close or too far apart, or if they're misaligned, but I reckon with practice, a throwing specialist like you should be able to do it. Also, Keiko, you're smart, so you can put down lots of traps at once and remember which kunai goes with which seal."
Kagome... you're scary sometimes.
(EDIT: Kagome has little to no free time and still managed to come up with this idea, and put together a stable, working prototype together in time of Keiko's birthday... Now I wonder if Hazou could suggest that they work on Project: Biggest Boom together?)
Though the reminder of inter-clan politics is refreshing. We have to keep in mind that while the Nara are a very, very close ally of ours, it's still a separate clan. Maybe, if we want to break down the inter-clan "rivalry," we could invite Nara sealmasters to coordinate with Kagome and Hazou to improve the design of the seal? Make it a joint-clan project to bring us closer and then declare the finished seal a clan secret for both clans?
"Thank you, Yuno," Keiko said with a slow, chilling smile. "They say the best gift is the one you never knew you wanted."
...Careful Keiko, your Orochimaru is showing.
*throws pokeball*
Just a nice, casual reminder that Ami is a jonin and is a little scary.
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