Okay so.

There are lots of things that the Wakahisa would want that belonged to Jiraiya that would be not good to casually trade away. It stands to reason that any deal we make here should first be vetted by Asuma, though we can hopefully send Mari to make sure that Hazou's recent Hazou-ness doesn't complicate things.

The plus is that Wakahisa is an official ambassador and therefore it's likely perfectly fine for us to discuss these deals with him as there is implicit Hokage permission for Wakahisa to discuss various things with various people around Leaf.

The safest things to offer are things which aren't Leaf clan secrets in any way. Things like money, Goketsu cooperation on certain projects, maybe we go bold and propose something like having Goketsu members be available for joint missions with Wakahisa ninja like how Ami went on the Condor mission. Money, resources, manpower, all things we can give without breaching OPSEC on anything.

We can't trade Jiraiya's techniques, naturally, as they belong to Naruto.

We might be able to trade some of Jiraiya's seals, though this is complicated by the fact that we intend to soon make them Leaf property instead of Goketsu property, and that Asuma likely takes a dim view to giving away a Sannin's secrets to Mist.

I'm currently drawing a blank for top-of-my-head really valuable things we can offer which aren't super secret, but we could always pool some of our personal secrets if needbe. Lots of room for discussion before we commit, just my opening thoughts.
You know, there's other stuff we can offer that has nothing to do with Jiraiya's secrets.

Like, say...Kurosawa/Mori secrets.

Or, like, whatever the hell Kagome and Mari know during their time in crypto/Mist jonin
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You know, there's other stuff we can offer that has nothing to do with Jiraiya's secrets.

Like, say...Kurosawa/Mori secrets.

Or, like, whatever the hell Kagome and Mari know during their time in crypto/Mist jonin
That's extremely devious, and would make us many enemies if word ever got out to the relevant clans in Mist... but word doesn't have to get out.

I like it. I really like it.
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I'm confused, because it sounds like Noburi's VD level comes pre-packaged with the ability to make more barrels, with the seals.


Seals were damaged during the Arikada fight, but Noburi could make more.
He has previously stated that he's capable of repairing physical damage to the barrel, yes.
Part of why Ami is in trouble is because they don't fully trust her with all the power she's gained through KEI. The New ambassador can't exactly just take it over, but him helping out Ami could go a long way towards him gaining influence in KEI or AMI. So really, it's in his best interests to help Ami anyways, he's just trying to get extra stuff from us. Which is going to work because there's not a chance in hell we'd be willing to risk not trying to help Ami right in front of a panicking Keiko.

The barrel stuff could be an outright fabrication. Or stuff may need to be retconned. Or there's a third answer somewhere in the middle, where special seals are involved but nowhere near as important as he's playing them up to be.

The real treasure here is the Koi. I don't recall the details from back when we learned about them, but i know we want them. That's the main trading good he's offering. The rest is just opportunism.
That's extremely devious, would make us many enemies if word ever got out to the relevant clans in Mist... but word doesn't have to get out.

I like it. I really like it.
There's a follow-up to "Kurosawa secrets" that I won't post out of decency.
He has previously stated that he's capable of repairing physical damage to the barrel, yes.
But the seals were damaged, meaning he would have to remake them or else the barrel would become useless?
I don't like this guy. Let's dismiss him under the pretense of considering his information. Then let's discuss how to leverage him so as to get Ami back... Or contrive of a way to kill him without it being treason against the Leaf.
I don't like this guy. Let's dismiss him under the pretense of considering his information. Then let's discuss how to leverage him so as to get Ami back... Or contrive of a way to kill him without it being treason against the Leaf.
The latter is easy, Mari can just genjutsu him into getting drunk and violent with someone, giving the ANBU an excuse to remove him.
I'm starting to wonder if Asuma is going to even approve of us helping Ami, even when considering the other shinies (i.e., the Wakahisa clan secret stuff). Ami's involvement in the KEI is probably a non-trivial source of concern for the Hokage, since (like Yasuji) he's worried about the level of control she has over Keiko (her sister) and Naruto (young boy, led around by his dick), and Ami's removal would be a relief for him.

OTOH, Ami's involvement in the Mist-Leaf treaty is probably a reason to keep her alive, if her death means the policies she helped enact would be endangered... We should probably ask around how set in stone that's become, assuming Ami gets offed.
As for what I want...make me an offer."

HAZO: "How about not feeding you to Snake Uncle, pretty sure that's a good option, he finds me and barrel boy fascinating"

The barrel stuff could be an outright fabrication. Or stuff may need to be retconned. Or there's a third answer somewhere in the middle, where special seals are involved but nowhere near as important as he's playing them up to be.

Ask Kabuto, he wasn't angry at Hazou for a dumb threat but got angry because Hazou endangered Nobby with the Octocats.

Still, I like the guy, maybe we can party with his corpse?
His main interest here, is rising through the ranks. He reads as desperate for anything to secure his position as the ambassador and amass political power to retain his position as his clan heir. It doesn't matter what the Goketsu give him, as long as something happens to tie them to him. That's his goal here.
Immediate thoughts:
  • I don't like this guy. I'm surprised by how much I viscerally do not like this guy. Shout out to @eaglejarl for creating a character that I hate more than Umbridge
  • We need to get Ami back
  • Dismiss this guy before we snap his neck so we can talk it out amongst ourselves.
  • Could Kagome reverse-engineer the seals on Noburi's barrel? What if he had help from the clanless sealscribes we just trained up? What if we got the wider Leaf Sealmaster's Guild involved? He might even be able to tinker with it enough to make the "planned obsolescence" part of the seal less effective.
  • Maybe we could use scouting for the koi pond as a cover for checking on Ami?
  • Kabuto did some bloodline research on Noburi's VD, right? We could eat crow and check with him?
  • I say we kill him, ruin his life, or make him vanish. The Swamp of Death is between Fire and Mist, right? Such a dangerous route to travel. Accidents... happen.
    • Alternatively, we could give this guy to Orochimaru for bloodline experimentation.

Edit: I also worry that any deal we make with this guy right now will be seen as the Goketsu "returning to their roots," or similarly showing favoritism toward the Mist. And with Hazou having just narrowly escaped yet another killbox, I don't think we can really afford that right now.
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That's extremely devious, and would make us many enemies if word ever got out to the relevant clans in Mist... but word doesn't have to get out.

I like it. I really like it.
You and me both.

And we can avoid losing Ren's goodwill by suggesting he get some Kurosawa -- Hazou suggests one of the ones aligned with the Kurosawa elders because he hates them and it'll serve to empower Ren at the same time as it loses her clan power -- blackout drunk.
Seems likely the seals determine when to expire by querying the age of the Wakahisa they belong to, either biologically or by accessing some obscure property of their chakra; I can't think of anything simpler that would persist across mediums, and a more esoteric method would be needlessly complicated. We can almost certainly crack this problem in two years: a nonissue, I think.
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If Nobby marries Yuno, the Wakahisa would indirectly gain power in Isan

Do the Wakahisa matter at all? Noburi's a Goketsu now. Any children he has will be Goketsu. Any claim they had on him would've been forfeit the moment Team Uplift was adopted into Leaf and into a new clan... right? It's not like Keiko where there was a mutual binding of clans, it was a severing of one and a formation of the other. Maybe that's why the Wakahisa are doing this? To ensure that their bloodline secrets remain secret?
We can offer:
a 7Path alliance between pangolins and Mist's summoner. (no need to mention that Ami's gonna do this anyway)
to adopt him
to marry someone to the Wakahisa. Maybe Mari, he looked interested in her
to be his friend
to owe him a favor
Do the Wakahisa matter at all? Noburi's a Goketsu now. Any children he has will be Goketsu. Any claim they had on him would've been forfeit the moment Team Uplift was adopted into Leaf and into a new clan... right? It's not like Keiko where there was a mutual binding of clans, it was a severing of one and a formation of the other. Maybe that's why the Wakahisa are doing this? To ensure that their bloodline secrets remain secret?

If we want them, then yes they matter. Keiko and Shikamaru married mostly because Shikamaru liked her, he strongly implied that any random Nara would be enough for an alliance between the Nara and Mori.

"It was, as I say, necessary. The Nara's relationship with the Gōketsu has grown much stronger due to our role in supporting Jiraiya's rule, and the alliance, if properly steered, offers the potential for us to interact with the Mori without the need for intermediaries. In other words, your political value has depreciated greatly compared to when our clans first made the agreement. There are increasing calls for you to be married to one of my cousins so that my hand may remain available and provide options for managing the shifting status quo."

We can offer the Wakahisa power in a foreign village. He can't, we are Ren's nephew, for once we are way more valuable than others.

(Nobby does need to marry Yuno for this to work)

Keiko stopped in mid-word and everyone turned to look at Hazō. Internally, his belly flipped back and forth between panic at Keiko's stare, embarrassment at everyone else's stares, and delight in the success of his first deliberate Command Voice utterance that hadn't been backed by the Out or the numbness of immediate loss. All it had taken was an exactingly precise duplication of Jiraiya's remembered body language and a slight impersonation of his voice.
I must say, I am very very happy to see Hazou continue to grow into his position as Clan Head.

Pertaining to what to do next, I think our next step could be one of two things:
  1. Ask him to wait while the rest of us confer. We go and hash out what we're willing to trade, what we can get away with, etc.
  2. We, right now, send Mari a signal of some sort for her to take control of the conversation, and turn it back around in our favour. Wakahisa thinks he's hot stuff in the social arena but we have a Mari and if we let her loose right now I put good odds that she lands us in a better bargaining position than before.
We'll need to confer either way, but we can either leave for it now, before Wakahisa can spin the situation any more in his favour, or we can have Mari spin it back in our favour before we do. I'm leaning towards 2 but I'm not sure we have such a signal set up, or if there are any other issues with the idea.
