We must get this for the entire clan. ESPECIALLY Mari.

Also it's obviously perfect for those of us that have or will have Shadow Clone.

It is worth noting that it would take a bit over 8 months, doing it every day, and using 20 Chakra every day, before it pays for itself. And even then, it only works towards resolve, versus towards anything.

I'm not saying it's an awful investment. But between summoning, PotO, Shadow clones, and now this, I just don't want people swept up in the "ooh, shiny" feel. Especially since we'd have to justify not putting that XP towards Shadow clones/summoning/etc in a month and a bit. Though, for Mari I would definitely agree.

Once the contest is done, I'll vote for almost any plan that has this in it. If I'm allowed to vote multiple times, I'll do that, too. I don't care if that plan has us groping Orochimaru unprompted, as long as this is a part of it.

See above comment. Also, pretty sure Oro doing anything with us unprompted is likely to result in net negative mental health.
It is worth noting that it would take a bit over 8 months, doing it every day, and using 20 Chakra every day, before it pays for itself. And even then, it only works towards resolve, versus towards anything.

I'm not saying it's an awful investment. But between summoning, PotO, Shadow clones, and now this, I just don't want people swept up in the "ooh, shiny" feel. Especially since we'd have to justify not putting that XP towards Shadow clones/summoning/etc in a month and a bit. Though, for Mari I would definitely agree.
Okay, so maybe not perfect for Shadow Clone users. Still, the mental health benefits would be amazing for basically anyone in the clan other than Noburi and Akane. And I doubt it hurt even for them.
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It is worth noting that it would take a bit over 8 months, doing it every day, and using 20 Chakra every day, before it pays for itself. And even then, it only works towards resolve, versus towards anything.

I'm not saying it's an awful investment. But between summoning, PotO, Shadow clones, and now this, I just don't want people swept up in the "ooh, shiny" feel.

It says "This technique improves psychological stability of those that use it daily in the evening before rest." My thought process is actually pretty simple:
  1. Mari needs help.
  2. This technique will help.
  3. Therefore, we should get it for her.
That's about it. Mari might decide she doesn't want help --and we'll burn that bridge if we get to it --but if she does decide that she wants help, then this will help. That's the beginning and end of my concern. Not exactly rational for a "rational" quest, but I've been pretty open about my bias in this regard.
I repeat: As long as you can produce blood fast enough I suppose hemorrhaging blood counts as stable.
Could you please elucidate what you mean here? It sounds to me like you think that the technique is increasing some kind of sanity meter (psychological stability? Resolve?), as opposed to functioning somewhat like therapy/meditation by fixing what is broken? Or am I misinterpreting?
Could you please elucidate what you mean here? It sounds to me like you think that the technique is increasing some kind of sanity meter (psychological stability? Resolve?), as opposed to functioning somewhat like therapy/meditation by fixing what is broken? Or am I misinterpreting?
Stabilize mind = keep mental status from changing
Aside from the mental calcification concerns you are thinking of having this applied to the people that we interact with. Even the sanest of us have glaring mental issues and it is seriously being considered that we anchor their heads at those states?
It is comparable to what I said before: Replacing blood faster than you hemorrhage it can be called stable I suppose. Though I will add on the point that in doing so you are keeping the wounds in the same state as well.
Random tangent: if most jonin have an aura, what do you guys think Anko's would look like? At least, if she's somewhat similar to how she is in canon? Because I can picture that it's similar to Orochimaru's but with more... emotionally charged edge.
Starheart Bloodline

Ninja with this bloodline are said to have naturally imbalanced souls. This has never been proven, but they do have chakra that's weighted heavily towards Yang. This results in a natural boost to physical related endeavors (speed, endurance, minor healing/recouperation, fertility, energy, etc), before Chakra Reinforcement and stacks with it. However, this imbalance diminishes their natural inclination towards the more Yin-heavy ninja techniques (Medical jutsu, genjutsu, etc). This imbalance is relatively major when the ninja is young, but with enough of an investment in time and effort, this can be mitigated to a notable degree --though a Starheart's potential for Yin jutsu will always be overshadowed by a non-Starheart ninja, even if said Starheart weilder specializes in that direction.

Suffering a minor penalty to Chakra control-related techniques, these ninja have a tendency to overpower most lower rank jutsu. As a result, if a Starheart ninja specializes in ninjutsu, then you can safely assume they favor more chakra-intensive techniques.

As a result of this Yang-heavy imbalance, the chakra of Starhearts is more potent than the average ninja and will become increasingly so with age. Due to the unique manner in which their chakra saturates their coils, Starheart ninja suffer from a minor resistance to medical ninjutsu that will grow as they do. But the Starheart Clan have had many generations to examine their unique physiology and, as a result, their medic nin are largely able to ignore this penalty in all but the oldest of Starheart weilders --though they, themselves, still suffer their own penalties to chakra control and yin-heavy jutsu.

Due to the Yang-heavy imbalance in their chakra and due to the ever-increasing potency of their chakra, a Starheart-weilding ninja will always die before his or her time --the potency of his chakra overwhelming his body. Therefore, Starheart ninja are biologically compelled to train their bodies and their chakra control. While chakra control training isn't as effective for them, it does help to keep their chakra under control. Most Starheart-weilding ninja do not live to see twenty-five, but those that do are considered to be noteworthy and almost always dangerous. There's never been a Starheart ninja who's lived beyond forty.

The clan has been able to maintain its numbers due to the imbalance resulting in extremely high fertility in its bloodline wielders and maintaining a doctrine of "directed/controlled passion' that instills a habit of "thought before action" in its highly vivacious youth. This sometimes clashes with their culture of "live well" that's come about by their bloodline users living in a dead sprint towards their own grave.

Training in Yin-heavy techniques and those that demand a high amount of chakra control extends a Starheard ninja's lifespan, as it helps to bring balance to a naturally imbalanced soul. However, training along this path will mean that the Starheart Ninja will likely never be as deadly as his Yang-focused counterparts while also never being quite as skilled as other, similarly specialized, non-Starheart ninja.


Physical Stats Increased, Ninjutsu Affinity Vastly Increased, Chakra Grows Stronger with Age

Cons: Vastly Diminished Potential for Yin Intensive Techniques, Diminished Potential for Chakra Control Intensive Techniques, Conditional Penalty to Receiving Medical Healing that Grows with Age, Reduced Natural Lifespan

So... is this too overpowered? Is it too weak? It's my first bloodline creation, so I'm assuming that it's shit. I just want to know how it's shit so that my next one will be better.
Very OP, I'm afraid. Boosted affinity is the main culprit, since you don't care so much about reduced potential for certain kinds of technique when your overall choices are greatly increased. Reduced natural lifespan is also trivial in a setting where few ninja survive to forty anyway.

Props for the detailed backstory, though.
Random tangent: if most jonin have an aura, what do you guys think Anko's would look like? At least, if she's somewhat similar to how she is in canon? Because I can picture that it's similar to Orochimaru's but with more... emotionally charged edge.

I imagine it would be something like "the Venom of Nurture and Decay" since she's got the whole duality of being an outsider, but one of the villages elite. Huge social outcast and breaks all kinds of taboos, but cares about and teaches kids. Plus snek flavour text
Very OP, I'm afraid. Boosted affinity is the main culprit, since you don't care so much about reduced potential for certain kinds of technique when your overall choices are greatly increased. Reduced natural lifespan is also trivial in a setting where few ninja survive to forty anyway.

Props for the detailed backstory, though.
Unless I'm misreading them (possible!), they mean "ninjutsu affinity" as in "ability with ninjutsu" not "elemental affinity".
Writing finger hurt and the left arrow key on my keyboard has stopped working, simultaneously, unrelatedly, and with no explanation for either. If the time taken to write this post is anything to go by, I make no promises regarding update speed.
Writing finger hurt and the left arrow key on my keyboard has stopped working, simultaneously, unrelatedly, and with no explanation for either. If the time taken to write this post is anything to go by, I make no promises regarding update speed.
I recommend hand stretches. Unexplained finger pain happens to me on occasion, too.
Yamanaka Technique: Polished Mind of a Thousand Facets
use it daily in the evening before rest
so Hazō will be down 20 CP at all times unless you explicitly specify that he not use it.

I'm confused, shouldn't that be 20 CP right before bed which gets replenished by a full night's rest?
@Velorien is having some hand pain that is preventing writing, so this will be an interlude coming out very late tonight after I get home. Voting remains closed. It will re-open iff I am able to finish the rest of the previous plan for Sunday.

I'm confused, shouldn't that be 20 CP right before bed which gets replenished by a full night's rest?

No, because then there would be absolutely no cost for this technique and we're not going to hand out "You start getting extra XP for no good reason."

Actually, you know what? I'll just unilaterally change it to "morning and evening". Easier that way, and it's a fluff-only change.
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"You sent for me, s—" "BOO!" "Gah! Multiple E...oh."

Asuma waited until Hazō's combat reflexes had settled down, then smiled and gestured to the cushion across from himself. The Monkey King sitting next to him laughed uproariously at Hazō's panic, doubling over in his seat and clutching his hairy stomach.

"I told you that was a bad idea, Enma. He nearly smooshed you into the ceiling."
Heh, now thats a throwback.

Team Uplift: murdering super strong ninja with architecture collapse since before anyone else thought it was cool.
Is there any one who would seriously object to going to week long plans till the end of the contest instead of the day long ones we have been using?