get Noburi an additional chakra point
I think some medical funkyness might do the trick here, maybe? Maybe we could graft some additional chakra coils to his current ones?

Or "find a technique to do that" or something maybe. Am skeptical of Sage Mode pending details.
I think some medical funkyness might do the trick here, maybe? Maybe we could graft some additional chakra coils to his current ones?

Or "find a technique to do that" or something maybe. Am skeptical of Sage Mode pending details.
On that note, we need to get Noburi an additional chakra point for his personal reserves. Can't be leaving Broburi behind.
I'm thinking a sufficiently good Technique Hacker should be able to adapt Shadow Clone for him. This wouldn't be an attempt to improve the technique, after all, just a modification for a different chakra system.
Medium Term Goals:
convince important ninja to look past their cognitive bias from ninja death world to see that cooperating helps everyone (maybe via game theory and speeches). start with asuma.
get Nara and Ami to help us more.
find sage of the six paths and his dummy friend to see if they can help.
learn forbidden lore to see if it drastically changes plans. ex: if bringing together thinker clans becomes important
donate lotsa money to civvies around the country
figure out what state of affairs for pangolin war
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This raises the question: do we want Orochimaru in Konoha long term? We don't know his goals so he may leave on his own whims or not budge at all no matter any attempts to get him to move. Personally, I don't think it's worth the benefit of having him around in case of attack compared to the danger of one of his experiments going horribly right. If he's not around, I think Asuma could keep things about shadow clone on the down low. And we could come up with a plausible lie about some limitation in Noburi's bloodline not allowing a ridiculous level of abuse(this wouldn't be enough by itself, ideally just one contingency among many). Neither will Ami stay in Leaf forever, with a good chance of never learning shadow clone if we wait to implement things once she's gone -- with good reason not to start anyway until Leaf is in a more stable position.

What other safety measures could be taken? Technique Hack a version of shadow clone with pointless complexity, difficulty to learn without a teacher, and danger for the user to make it harder to reverse engineer? Hide Noburi's involvement completely while he's very publicly busy with other tasks? Pretend Naruto is the one responsible instead since he's already a top priority target and other nation's might try to replicate the feat with their own hosts pointlessly? I wouldn't say any of these measures are good enough by themselves or in combination, but it seems like a fruitful line of thought. But maybe I'm being a bit willfully blind because the training optimization problem was interesting to me.

Stunt idea for Noburi: X cost stunt that allows him to raise his body's CP but at a tenth the normal rate. So 10CP total for 55exp, for example. This solution was more elegant in augjev, where Noburi's barrel capacity keyed off of Control, while he had no Regen stat, and a normal capacity stat at level 1, but with 1 point of chakra.

Edit: oh no, I broke SV.
Erm, I'd like to point out that Orochimaru not being around Konoha does not preclude one of his experiments going horribly right. The only thing that really does that is having another S ranker around that takes an interest in what he's doing and that he respects enough (hah!) or that is powerful enough (glances at Nagato, Jiraiya) to affect his decisions.
I've got it! Once Danzou shows up and kicks us off his property, we can use Shadow Clone for what it was really meant for, occupying as many homes of legendary ninja as possible until one that has a grudge on Orochimaru shows up! Or failing that, build and squat in a house retroactively belonging to the being that defeats Snuncle as means of kabbalistic summons! It's foolproof!
We should occupy Jiraiya's bachelor pad.
Just to clarify, does going to sleep count as unconsciousness? Or are we talking knockout?
Yes, sleep counts as unconsciousness.

On that note, we need to get Noburi an additional chakra point for his personal reserves. Can't be leaving Broburi behind.
Note that this will require extraordinary measures. There is currently no game mechanic whereby he can change his internal chakra total.
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Note that this will require extraordinary measures. There is currently no game mechanics whereby he can change his internal chakra total.

Not advocating for this whatsoever, but the only method I can think of to expand Noburi's genetic/bloodline-induced chakra deficiency is to hire Orochimaru. And he's not exactly known for his tenderness with his research/experimentation subject. That said, Orochimaru scares the shit out of me because we --and, by extension, Hazou --don't really understand him. It's his sheer unpredictability and our sheer helplessness against him. We couldn't (and the Tower likely wouldn't) stop him if he decided to massacre Team Uplift with all the effort of a yawn.

That said... now I'm kinda curious as to how he looks through the lens of the Out --or would it be more accurate to say "without the filter of the Painted World?"
Not advocating for this whatsoever, but the only method I can think of to expand Noburi's genetic/bloodline-induced chakra deficiency is to hire Orochimaru. And he's not exactly known for his tenderness with his research/experimentation subject. That said, Orochimaru scares the shit out of me because we --and, by extension, Hazou --don't really understand him. It's his sheer unpredictability and our sheer helplessness against him. We couldn't (and the Tower likely wouldn't) stop him if he decided to massacre Team Uplift with all the effort of a yawn.

That said... now I'm kinda curious as to how he looks through the lens of the Out --or would it be more accurate to say "without the filter of the Painted World?"
I would very much like to get Tsunade's read on it. Would you be willing to vote for a plan who's main feature as figuring out what the fuck's up with Orochimaru? Talking to Tsunade, Anko, etc.

The fact that Shadow Clones share chakra systems with their creator implies that the Shadow Clone jutsu directly interfaces with a the caster's chakra system, and maintains either a replica of the chakra system or external terminals to expel chakra in the form of jutsu; put simply, the chakra system could be drawing from the same object in higher dimensional space or it could simply be adding another place for jutsu to manifest.

In the "extra terminal" possibility, it suggests that THing Shadow Clone to basically become Megalovania with jutsu is extremely possible; Megalovania, in this context, means that the caster is able to freely control wherever in space they want the jutsu to originate from, allowing all sorts of crazy and unexpected attack angles.

In the "same higher dimensional construct" theory, that implies that ... wait a second. This theory doesn't seem likely unless we posit that a chakra system actually has multiple layers to it, and that bloodlines are an extra overlaid system on top of the standard chakra system, which is what Shadow Clone copies. Granted, this theory likely has not been tested all that much due to the sheer scarcity of Shadow Clone users, so.


In this convoluted theory, Noburi might actually be able to create Shadow Clones provided we TH it to point to his barrel as the chakra system; such a clone would be greatly limited by the fact that it would likely be unable to cast jutsu but would also have the capability to use the Wakahisa bloodline... and then share that chakra among all the clones.
Would you be willing to vote for a plan who's main feature as figuring out what the fuck's up with Orochimaru?

Definitely, though I'd recommend a touch of caution if we go to Tsunade. She still cares for Orochimaru --perhaps even more, now that Jiraiya's gone --and she's not nearly as benevolent as she is in canon. Now that I think about it, Tsunade's probably about as powerful as Orochumaru, but her motives are far easier to understand.

Edit: I wonder if Tsunade has any particularly strong [familial] feelings about Naruto? It seems like Jiraiya was a touch more involved with his grandson's life than in the show, so perhps they've had some long-term interaction?

Edit2: It occurs to me that I'm often advocating for caution and safety. I wonder if that's wise? I mean, killbox scenarios notwithstanding, conflict and danger drive the plot forward and help spice up the story with the interesting ripples that occur.
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Definitely, though I'd recommend a touch of caution if we go to Tsunade. She still cares for Orochimaru --perhaps even more, now that Jiraiya's gone --and she's not nearly as benevolent as she is in canon. Now that I think about it, Tsunade's probably about as powerful as Orochumaru, but her motives are far easier to understand.

Edit: I wonder if Tsunade has any particularly strong feelings about Naruto? It seems like Jiraiya was a touch more involved with his grandson's life than in the show, so perhps they've had some long-term interaction?

Edit2: It occurs to me that I'm often advocating for caution and safety. I wonder if that's wise? I mean, killbox scenarios notwithstanding, conflict and danger drive the plot forward and help spice up the story with the interesting ripples that occur.
Caution and safety are necessary in this quest. We'd have died many times over without moderating influences.

That said, basically all I'm wanting out of Anko/Tsunade is whether we can trust Orochimaru not to fuck us over if we choose to work with him.
Starheart Bloodline

Ninja with this bloodline are said to have naturally imbalanced souls. This has never been proven, but they do have chakra that's weighted heavily towards Yang. This results in a natural boost to physical related endeavors (speed, endurance, minor healing/recouperation, fertility, energy, etc), before Chakra Reinforcement and stacks with it. However, this imbalance diminishes their natural inclination towards the more Yin-heavy ninja techniques (Medical jutsu, genjutsu, etc). This imbalance is relatively major when the ninja is young, but with enough of an investment in time and effort, this can be mitigated to a notable degree --though a Starheart's potential for Yin jutsu will always be overshadowed by a non-Starheart ninja, even if said Starheart weilder specializes in that direction.

Suffering a minor penalty to Chakra control-related techniques, these ninja have a tendency to overpower most lower rank jutsu. As a result, if a Starheart ninja specializes in ninjutsu, then you can safely assume they favor more chakra-intensive techniques.

As a result of this Yang-heavy imbalance, the chakra of Starhearts is more potent than the average ninja and will become increasingly so with age. Due to the unique manner in which their chakra saturates their coils, Starheart ninja suffer from a minor resistance to medical ninjutsu that will grow as they do. But the Starheart Clan have had many generations to examine their unique physiology and, as a result, their medic nin are largely able to ignore this penalty in all but the oldest of Starheart weilders --though they, themselves, still suffer their own penalties to chakra control and yin-heavy jutsu.

Due to the Yang-heavy imbalance in their chakra and due to the ever-increasing potency of their chakra, a Starheart-weilding ninja will always die before his or her time --the potency of his chakra overwhelming his body. Therefore, Starheart ninja are biologically compelled to train their bodies and their chakra control. While chakra control training isn't as effective for them, it does help to keep their chakra under control. Most Starheart-weilding ninja do not live to see twenty-five, but those that do are considered to be noteworthy and almost always dangerous. There's never been a Starheart ninja who's lived beyond forty.

The clan has been able to maintain its numbers due to the imbalance resulting in extremely high fertility in its bloodline wielders and maintaining a doctrine of "directed/controlled passion' that instills a habit of "thought before action" in its highly vivacious youth. This sometimes clashes with their culture of "live well" that's come about by their bloodline users living in a dead sprint towards their own grave.

Training in Yin-heavy techniques and those that demand a high amount of chakra control extends a Starheard ninja's lifespan, as it helps to bring balance to a naturally imbalanced soul. However, training along this path will mean that the Starheart Ninja will likely never be as deadly as his Yang-focused counterparts while also never being quite as skilled as other, similarly specialized, non-Starheart ninja.


Physical Stats Increased, Ninjutsu Affinity Vastly Increased, Chakra Grows Stronger with Age

Cons: Vastly Diminished Potential for Yin Intensive Techniques, Diminished Potential for Chakra Control Intensive Techniques, Conditional Penalty to Receiving Medical Healing that Grows with Age, Reduced Natural Lifespan

So... is this too overpowered? Is it too weak? It's my first bloodline creation, so I'm assuming that it's shit. I just want to know how it's shit so that my next one will be better.
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Definitely, though I'd recommend a touch of caution if we go to Tsunade. She still cares for Orochimaru --perhaps even more, now that Jiraiya's gone --and she's not nearly as benevolent as she is in canon. Now that I think about it, Tsunade's probably about as powerful as Orochumaru, but her motives are far easier to understand.
Tsunade is even more benevolent than in canon.
Y'all might be interested in this: PLAYERS - Known Stunts

NOTE: It is part of the Yamanaka contribution to the contest and therefore not available for purchase until after the contest ends.

Thanks to @Cariyaga for the idea.

Yamanaka Technique: Polished Mind of a Thousand Facets
XP cost: 50

Prereqs: None (Only available to Leaf ninja)

Chakra: 20 per day

This is one of the clan jutsu contributed to Asuma's Will of Fire competition.

A training technique developed by an elder 9 generations ago, and kept in the clan until now for obvious reasons. This technique improves psychological stability of those that use it daily in the evening before rest. It adds 5% to the day's experience; this bonus XP may only be spent to boost Resolve, Yamanaka techniques, or Nara techniques. (NOTE: The part about being able to boost the clan techniques is OOC information intended as a reminder to the QMs; it will not be mentioned by the Yamanaka when they volunteer this jutsu to the Hokage and the information is therefore not available to Hazō.)

NOTE: It requires 20 CP / day to power it, so Hazō will be down 20 CP at all times unless you explicitly specify that he not use it.

This jutsu was suggested by Cariyaga. Thanks, amigo!

This technique improves psychological stability of those that use it daily in the evening before rest.
We must get this for the entire clan. ESPECIALLY Mari.

Also it's obviously perfect for those of us that have or will have Shadow Clone.