The Collapse happened on Ch 300 on Feb 16, so depending on how long they took to travel they might have died from that.
The areas of the Collapse most likely to kill merchants are likely:
The Tower was not precisely at the center of the sunken area and the area is much wider than the others, hence why there was so much impact on civilians.
the Hagoromo had been a small walled compound in the heart of the city, halfway between Hokage Tower and the center of the city's north wall. The wealth of the clan had made it a very desirable place for high-end merchants
Weighing ease verses usefulness, I'd say that the Squirrel Scroll would be a nice and easy one to get, but I'm not sure that they could help us very much. Yeah, there's the prestige of another summoner in the clan, but that could be said of any of them. And the techniques that the Squirrel Clan might provide wouldn't really help Hazou --though they might help other clan members. (Would Keiko even be allowed to use techniques provided by other summoning clans?) Not quite sure what material goods the Squirrels could provide that we, ourselves, don't have access to already. I'm pretty sure that they live in a forest biome and we live in the Leaf. Do we know what the Squirrel Clan's reputation is on the Seventh Path? We might want to be wary of signing up with turns out to be a thieving gang.
Though, since the two biomes are rather similiar --if not exactly the same --an argument could be made that the Squirrel Clan was made for Leaf. I mean, Team Uplift grew up in Mist and so are likely more at home on an aquatic battlefield than a forested one. I suppose that the Squirrel Clan could teach them how to move through dense forests properly. And, now that I think about it, that might even help our naturalization process in with Leaf, too. We wouldn't "move" like a ninja from Mist, anymore, we'd "move" like one of "them." It could help persuade the less diehard traditionalists, I suppose?
Anyhow, because of the above paragraph and the relative ease of acquisition, I admit that I could be persuaded if the Squirrels have more combat ability (or a hidden ace) than they seem to. But right now, even with the difficulty, I'm still leaning towards the Porcupine and the Otters... though the Kraken might replace Otters for second place, since I can think of a few Lore-reasons that the Krakens would have Sealing capabilities.
Edit: I wonder if getting the Otter or Kraken Scroll would get us some negative PR from Leaf. Or it could be a positive, stealing away Mist resources and making Leaf stronger. A very ninja thing to do.
Pardon the double post, but @eaglejarl and @Velorien (sorry if there are other QMs I should be @-ing, but I don't know the others off the top of my head and while I recognize that this admission is a little rude, I wanted to ensure that I didn't offend any others by their exclusion)
This technique is a four-tiered technique, with the range and duration of increasing with each level. Each tier requires an additional level of elemental proficiency to cast (apprentice, novice, journeyman, master). Attempting to use a tier that one does not have the necessary elemental affinity to cast will result in nothing but wasted chakra. Each tier adds additional handsigns to this technique, increasing the required casting time.
Concentric spikes of composite basalt (measuring 3m in height and 1m in diameter) sprout from the ground in a circle around the user, extending to a varying range --dependent upon the tier. Though the composite nature of the basalt mixture weakens the durability of the spikes, this composite also enhances the inherent attractive properties of the material, drawing weak and medium strength lightning jutsu into the spikes directly and diverting the more powerful jutsu off of their intended course (the degree to which varies from technique to technique).
This technique's basalt spikes are permanent, provided that they are erected from direct contact with dry, moderately compact earth. Sufficiently loamy earth or loose sand will result in the spikes defaulting to their stated duration and crumbling away thereafter. Wet, marshy ground will result in the TSS's duration unstably varying beyond the user's control and suffering a penalty to its lightning-attraction capability. This technique simply cannot be cast upon water, since it requires direct contact to its element to be successfully cast.
Note: the user of this technique should note that the jutsu's targeted AOE is the entire zone within its stated range. As such, one should not allow bloodlust or panic to overrule their judgement due to the risk of harm to your fellow ninja --both from the initial spikes, as well as from diverted lightening. However, the lightning-redirection ability of the TSS will fade within a day, even if the structure itself remains afterwards. Because of this, it is assumed that the user's chakra enhances the stone's naturally attractive properties.
Written in the Margins and in Code: "Should I give this to the brat? Kid certainly has the chakra for it. Maybe if he tests for Earth? Then again, old man'll probably kill me if I don't show at least some restraint. Hate to say it, but kid doesn't have the maturity for it. Yet. He will, though... eventually. At the very least, I'm waiting until he ditches the orange."
During the Second Great Ninja War, the Leaf's medical ninjutsu was slow to figure out how to heal lightning damage to the body, so a clanless jutsu hacker named Shin forwent sleep and created this technique on his personal time to help reduce the amount of injuries from Lightning ninjutsu. Finished during the first six months of the Second Great Ninja War, Shin immediately released it to the Leaf's public domain as soon as it passed its preliminary safety testing. He then died two weeks later, experimenting with the TSS in an attempt to lower its chakra cost. To date, no jutsu hacker has attempted to alter the TSS's design since.
Shin was successful in decreasing the amount of lightning-related fatalities, but the sheer chakra demand of the TSS led it to being dubbed "Shin's Suicide Technique" or "Shin's Folly" for its growing popularity as a suicide technique. A Leaf ninja would remain behind and stall groups of enemy ninja with it --thereby buying time for their comrades at the cost of the user's own life --or else sneaking into enemy camps and using it upon sleeping enemy combatants. There are even rumors that Leaf operatives did this to their enemy's medical tents as well, but such hushed whispers are widely dismissed by the greater denizens of the Elemental Nations --after all, it's commonly known that Leaf's "pacifist treehuggers" wouldn't "have the stomach" for such deeds.
In modern times, the information for the first tier of the TSS is available to the general (ninja) populace, upon individual request. But in order to learn the remaining tiers, one must be a Leaf ninja in good standing and then either prove their elemental mastery directly to the Tower, or, if an appointment cannot be made, do the same to a village jonin and have them sign a sworn letter to that effect (clan/clanless jonin ratios notwithstanding). [The Tower retains the right to refuse any request for any TSS information at will and for any reason.] This policy was implimented immediately after the end of the Second Great Ninja war to try and curb this technique's usage as a suicide technique (due to low population counts after the war, making every ninja too valuable a resource to simply throw away in such a manner --yes, even the younger/weaker ones).
Super Wrong Table of Stats:
1: AB
+10, +30, +60, +100...
Seconds to Several Minutes
[+30], [+60], [+100], [+150]
[+0], [+20], [+40], [+60]
Casting Speed
Instant to Minute
[+75], [+0], [-10], [-20]
Entire Zone
Conditional Permanence
Medium Lightning Attraction
Note: I have absolutely no idea how Aspect Bonuses apply to techniques. I just wanted a powerful, multistage, omni-directional jutsu that could become a suicide technique if necessary. The "1:AB" effect was on a lot of the more powerful ones on MfD's jutsu list, so I threw that in there in order to deliberately increase the chakra cost (and, presumably, the power of attack as well). Due to my not knowing how AB work in relation to jutsu, the table's equations below assume a "+10" strain in the Effect category. I'm assuming the chakra cost will be much higher, that's why the background for this jutsu is what it is.
We recruited merchants in Ch 254 on Dec 29. And told them:
Sealing Failure happened in Ch 271 on Jan 6 so they didn't die to that.
Although the book seller was so excited he prob came early and died
The Collapse happened on Ch 300 on Feb 16, so depending on how long they took to travel they might have died from that.
The areas of the Collapse most likely to kill merchants are likely:
The Kraken scroll is a little too close to Uzu for my tastes. Uzu didn't die in MfD, they hid themselves behind a grey fog and, IIRC, no one really knows what happened. We know the power of Sealing and Uzushiogakure was the place for sealmasters.
You are. DPS = Damage Per Second and refers to the got whose job is to blow the holy bejeezus out of the enemy. Tank is the guy whose job is to soak up damage without dying; they keep the enemy focused on them instead of on the squishier members of the party.
I'm new to the meta, and maybe it's changed since then, but didn't Vel say that hazou would get the chakra to cast SC immediately? Or something similar?
(I'm on mobile)
Hey, I know we can a submit techniques for approval, but @eaglejarl and @Velorien, can we do the same for bloodlines?
@eaglejarl@Velorien@OliWhail Can a person drink Wakahisa water filled with chakra equal to their maximum reserves? For example, a ninja with 100CP drinking Noburi's water (containing 100CP) and getting himself temporarily overdosed to the tune of 200CP? The bloodlines doc only lists up to 50% max chakra, but I was curious...
Edit: Also, why weren't the Squirrel Clan mentioned? Are they too far away?
You can't overcharge more than what's listed on the rules. The Squirrel Clan got left out because I ran out of time and energy. I'm really bummed about that because I wanted to write Hazō getting Shadow Clone.
Pardon the double post, but @eaglejarl and@Velorien(sorry if there are other QMs I should be @-ing, but I don't know the others off the top of my head and while I recognize that this admission is a little rude, I wanted to ensure that I didn't offend any others by their exclusion) and @OliWhail, I have two questions:
-- Would Keiko be allowed to use any techniques/materials/tools that are given to us by another Sealing Summoning Clan? How "exclusionary" is her contract with the Pangolins?
-- Was Uzushio the diehard ally of Leaf in MfD the way that they (supposedly) were in canon? It should be a simple matter of checking for the red whirlpool symbol on uniforms, right?
I would need to check the notes to be sure, but I think they were at least allies, not sure about the "diehard". @faflec ? Leaf was the only one who didn't show up to stomp on them.
This technique is a four-tiered technique, with the range and duration of increasing with each level. Each tier requires an additional level of elemental proficiency to cast (apprentice, novice, journeyman, master). Attempting to use a tier that one does not have the necessary elemental affinity to cast will result in nothing but wasted chakra. Each tier adds additional handsigns to this technique, increasing the required casting time.
Concentric spikes of composite basalt (measuring 3m in height and 1m in diameter) sprout from the ground in a circle around the user, extending to a varying range --dependent upon the tier. Though the composite nature of the basalt mixture weakens the durability of the spikes, this composite also enhances the inherent attractive properties of the material, drawing weak and medium strength lightning jutsu into the spikes directly and diverting the more powerful jutsu off of their intended course (the degree to which varies from technique to technique).
This technique's basalt spikes are permanent, provided that they are erected from direct contact with dry, moderately compact earth. Sufficiently loamy earth or loose sand will result in the spikes defaulting to their stated duration and crumbling away thereafter. Wet, marshy ground will result in the TSS's duration unstably varying beyond the user's control and suffering a penalty to its lightning-attraction capability. This technique simply cannot be cast upon water, since it requires direct contact to its element to be successfully cast.
Note: the user of this technique should note that the jutsu's targeted AOE is the entire zone within its stated range. As such, one should not allow bloodlust or panic to overrule their judgement due to the risk of harm to your fellow ninja --both from the initial spikes, as well as from diverted lightening. However, the lightning-redirection ability of the TSS will fade within a day, even if the structure itself remains afterwards. Because of this, it is assumed that the user's chakra enhances the stone's naturally attractive properties.
Written in the Margins and in Code: "Should I give this to the brat? Kid certainly has the chakra for it. Maybe if he tests for Earth? Then again, old man'll probably kill me if I don't show at least some restraint. Hate to say it, but kid doesn't have the maturity for it. Yet. He will, though... eventually. At the very least, I'm waiting until he ditches the orange."
During the Second Great Ninja War, the Leaf's medical ninjutsu was slow to figure out how to heal lightning damage to the body, so a civilian jutsu hacker named Shin forwent sleep and created this technique on his personal time to help reduce the amount of injuries from Lightning ninjutsu. Finished during the first six months of the Second Great Ninja War, Shin immediately released it to the Leaf's public domain as soon as it passed its preliminary safety testing. He then died two weeks later, experimenting with the TSS in an attempt to lower its chakra cost. To date, no jutsu hacker has attempted to alter the TSS's design since.
Shin was successful in decreasing the amount of lightning-related fatalities, but the sheer chakra demand of the TSS led it to being dubbed "Shin's Suicide Technique" or "Shin's Folly" for its growing popularity as a suicide technique. A Leaf ninja would remain behind and stall groups of enemy ninja with it --thereby buying time for their comrades at the cost of the user's own life --or else sneaking into enemy camps and using it upon sleeping enemy combatants. There are even rumors that Leaf operatives did this to their enemy's medical tents as well, but such hushed whispers are widely dismissed by the greater denizens of the Elemental Nations --after all, it's commonly known that Leaf's "pacifist treehuggers" wouldn't "have the stomach" for such deeds.
In modern times, the information for the first tier of the TSS is available to the general (ninja) populace, upon individual request. But in order to learn the remaining tiers, one must be a Leaf ninja in good standing and then either prove their elemental mastery directly to the Tower, or, if an appointment cannot be made, do the same to a village jonin and have them sign a sworn letter to that effect (clan/clanless jonin ratios notwithstanding). [The Tower retains the right to refuse any request for any TSS information at will and for any reason.] This policy was implimented immediately after the end of the Second Great Ninja war to try and curb this technique's usage as a suicide technique (due to low population counts after the war, making every ninja too valuable a resource to simply throw away in such a manner --yes, even the younger/weaker ones).
Super Wrong Table of Stats:
1: AB
+10, +30, +60, +100...
Seconds to Several Minutes
[+30], [+60], [+100], [+150]
[+0], [+20], [+40], [+60]
Casting Speed
Instant to Minute
[+75], [+0], [-10], [-20]
Entire Zone
Conditional Permanence
Medium Lightning Attraction
Note: I have absolutely no idea how Aspect Bonuses apply to techniques. I just wanted a powerful, multistage, omni-directional jutsu that could become a suicide technique if necessary. The "1:AB" effect was on a lot of the more powerful ones on MfD's jutsu list, so I threw that in there in order to deliberately increase the chakra cost (and, presumably, the power of attack as well). Due to my not knowing how AB work in relation to jutsu, the table's equations below assume a "+10" strain in the Effect category. I'm assuming the chakra cost will be much higher, that's why the background for this jutsu is what it is.
Huge thanks to @eaglejarl, @Velorien, and @OliWhail for all the work in ironing out shadow clone! It's more than a challenging task to balance without screwing something up or unintended consequences, but to your vast credit the rules look great . Looking forward to Hazou cheating at dice playing against himself.
Thanks! I think there's a mistake in the training slot rules -- I'm pretty sure that the idea was only one clone per slot, but it's not written that way. I've currently got a question in for @Velorien to check my cheese brain. Aside from that I'm happy to see that the players did not instantly break the world with it.
I did, but I had forgotten that they weren't supposed to set out right away. The ruling may or may not stand, but assume they're dead until you hear otherwise.
I would need to check the notes to be sure, but I think they were at least allies, not sure about the "diehard". @faflec ? Leaf was the only one who didn't show up to stomp on them.
My thing here is that the squirrels seem relatively easy to get access to. Their scroll is allegedly in a (very small) country in the woods somewhere. Once we get the dog scroll and can get the frogs to point out where Jiraiya had that fight at, we shouldn't have too hard a time finding them.
Why should the scroll be still there? It was a meeting with multiple ninja leader's and the squirrel guy at least was strong enough to survive Jiraiya. If the guy died somewhere in the woods all the other nations involved would figure to look around. Jiraiya also didn't track the scroll himself further at any point afterwards. We can still take a look at somepoint, but I doubt it's the easiest to find.
Regardless of what scroll is easy or useful, we can probably ask Enma to ask the Kraken boss for more information, stuff like:
Who was Shunki's father
What was their exact relationship with Cloud, because they were living outside a big city that's apparently not Cloud,but a city in the north, were they even actual Cloud ninja? Refugees from Hidden Depths perhaps? (I am using this map, because the link in the first post is dead. @eaglejarl)
Anything that's noteworthy so that we can understand why he might just have stoped summoning, motivation,etc.
Depending on this we might be able to actually figure out what happened, taking a look at their old home and if we actually find something in there then some Inuzuka / Dog summons could maybe track something down.
Thanks! I think there's a mistake in the training slot rules -- I'm pretty sure that the idea was only one clone per slot, but it's not written that way. I've currently got a question in for @Velorien to check my cheese brain. Aside from that I'm happy to see that the players did not instantly break the world with it.
From my read this basically eliminates the "10% /clone/training slot" bit in the rules, since you can't have more than 3 training slots per day or one clone per training slot. If this is the intent, it caps bonus XP from SC at +30%, and it might be better off phrased as "10% per filled training slot" while referring to a different section to clarify what "filled training slot" means and what the rules and limits are there.
From my read this basically eliminates the "10% /clone/training slot" bit in the rules, since you can't have more than 3 training slots per day or one clone per training slot. If this is the intent, it caps bonus XP from SC at +30%, and it might be better off phrased as "10% per filled training slot" while referring to a different section to clarify what "filled training slot" means and what the rules and limits are there.
Minor nitpick: No grey fog. You can go there on a bright sunny day with visibility for miles and there won't be a trace of Uzu to be seen.
You are. DPS = Damage Per Second and refers to the got whose job is to blow the holy bejeezus out of the enemy. Tank is the guy whose job is to soak up damage without dying; they keep the enemy focused on them instead of on the squishier members of the party.
Damn. Uzu's scary. And awesome! I don't have much experience with rpgs (those things cost money), so I was resorting to using basic context clues for the terms. I'm glad I got it right!
I'm glad you like it! I've been creating techniques as a way to de-stress from class. I'm glad I could help! As for tweaking, go right ahead, i know it's... well, "rough" would be generous.
Oh, and is it okay that I add lore bits to the jutsu? While I have fun with it, I also don't want to infringe on MfD's canon or overstep my boundaries as a player.
Oh, and is it okay that I add lore bits to the jutsu? While I have fun with it, I also don't want to infringe on MfD's canon or overstep my boundaries as a player.
One note: There's no such thing as civilian jutsu hackers. Everything involving jutsu or chakra manipulation is the sole province of ninja. Civilians literally cannot do it, anymore than you can see in the ultraviolet spectrum.
One note: There's no such thing as civilian jutsu hackers. Everything involving jutsu or chakra manipulation is the sole province of ninja. Civilians literally cannot do it, anymore than you can see in the ultraviolet spectrum.
Just for a moment, the world seemed like a very strange place to Hazō. By birth he was a teenager who had grown up in poverty in a far-off land scourged by the whims of a madman and the secret police who were his Eyes. By training he was a killer who bent the painted world to his will with a word and a few flicks of his fingers. By dint of bribery he was the son of a legendary demigod. By necessity he was the ruler of a Great Clan consisting of six people, now grown to a few dozen Empowered plus hundreds of the powerless who cowered in his protective shadow. He stood before a man thrice his elder, steeped in the lore of his time, and that man offered fearful deference. Indeed, the painted world was a strange place and Hazō's presence bent it along twisted paths.
That was a fun, subtle little foray into Prophet of the Out, nicely done. It does makes sense that the Out-perspective would naturally appear whenever Hazou feels out of place or unnerved. We all experience these little moments of strangeness occasionally, except Hazou actually has a point of reference he can anchor it to.
Hazō chewed his cheek for a moment. Had a certain red-headed manipulatrix done exactly what Noda had accused Hazō of, or was this in fact just a coincidence?
So, do we think she has? On one hand, what we have here is the obvious end result of that. On the other, if Mari thought this was an effective way of getting Noda out of her funk, she absolutely would do it. But it's also incredibly plausible that Noda's landlord would eventually get fed up with her.
I'm going to tentatively say it wasn't Mari, just because that seems like a high risk play in a situation that doesn't require it. We're not in a hurry, and don't have any pressing need to recruit Noda right now. And with this development, she's going to distrust us for a while. Maybe it was even something an enemy did to frame us?
"Asshole. 'Clear my debts'! Filthy cocksucker, throwing your money around like you're some kind of bigshot. You're not even a Leaf-nin! Fucking traitor from that psycho-demon place of traitors."
Ha, I wonder what she's going to think of this once she sobers up. Double down or try to smooth things over? She seemed fairly level-headed, and so should recognize severely insulting a clan head in their seat of power like this isn't the best of ideas.
So, do we think she has? On one hand, what we have here is the obvious end result of that. On the other, if Mari thought this was an effective way of getting Noda out of her funk, she absolutely would do it. But it's also incredibly plausible that Noda's landlord would eventually get fed up with her.
I'm going to tentatively say it wasn't Mari, just because that seems like a high risk play in a situation that doesn't require it. We're not in a hurry, and don't have any pressing need to recruit Noda right now. And with this development, she's going to distrust us for a while. Maybe it was even something an enemy did to frame us?
Ha, I wonder what she's going to think of this once she sobers up. Double down or try to smooth things over? She seemed fairly level-headed, and so should recognize severely insulting a clan head in their seat of power like this isn't the best of ideas.
I agree with your interpretation. If it had been Mari, it probably would have pushed Noda towards joining us, not away.
If I were Noda, I'd be so embarrassed after I sobered up that the last thing I would want to do is intentionally see Hazō again for a while. The only thing I can think of that would counter that is the fear that if she doesn't apologize we might make her life a living heck. Well, more so anyway.
Then again, she might eventually get so desperate that she can ignore the embarrassment. Whether she's still angry at us by then depends on whether she realizes that she's wrong about us getting her evicted. That doesn't seem likely to me, but who knows.
@eaglejarl@Velorien@OliWhail Some questions on Shadow Clone rules, which may or may not have been answered already:
Can multiple clones train under the same training block <example: a few hours>? In other words, can we make 2 clones occupy the same training block for the purposes of training?
Is passing the Resolve check to avoid clone sickness required to gain bonus XP? It seems implied but isn't explicitly stated, and I start to wonder...
In a similar vein, I continue to be pretty confused about all this talk about "Getting Mari help." We've had a multitude of statements to the effect of "Therapy for ninjas doesn't exist." , "Neira isn't a therapist.", and similar statements about how we'd basically have to invent things from the wheel upwards to get it done.
Haven't we been over the "there's no therapy in the world (and hence we should start developing it)" already? Or are you proposing actually walking the clan through running a therapy session. Actually, now that I think about it, Out-Hazou might be interesting enough for Neira to give us a second look...