List of tasks, current through Chater 323 aka March 3rd, 1069. I've removed items that were completed/rejected as of the last update.
  • Hazou
    • Generally reviewing and approving proposals
      • the paperwork, it never fucking ends....
        • Probably much reduced with the hire of Shinoda Gaku.
    • Local Merchant Empire:
      • Sawmills:
        • Proposals, awaiting metaphorical groundbreaking. Low amount of revenue, cannot change prices for one year.
      • There's a possibility we're taking a cut of more or less given all the people on our estate, and other sundry revenue streams.
    • Adoption:
      • Noda:
        • Gave us a drunk and angry no, and is also crashing at our place. Probably not an issue until she hurts one of our more dependable civilians, in which case it becomes a Big Fucking Issue.
    • Vetting Shinoda Gaku
      • In-progress.
    • Civilian Leadership
      • Census project:
        • In-progress???
      • Managing food and other logistics:
      • Ultimate Judge on land
        • never ends
          • unless...?
    • Housing
      • House construction:
        • Present: 2-story granite apartments, which should actually be fairly noticeable on the outskirts of Konoha.
        • Clan building also exists with secure space.
        • I'm going to consider removing this from the list of active tasks, seeing as how we've housed most of our most vulnerable populations already.
    • Educational Programs
      • Goketsu University
        • In progress.
        • With a bunch of other things getting checked off, we might want to check up on the status of this project.
      • Ebisu's SixFive
        • In progress, very little information IC or OOC.
    • Noburi's Chakra Sources
      • Always a minor source of work.
    • Goketsu Clinic
      • Being organized.
    • Skyslider Research Teams
      • Team created under project leader Michiki and has begun work on drafting designs.
        • Kunohiko shows promise for specificying parameters and specifications.
  • Shinoda Gaku
    • Preliminary tasks:
      • Managing food and other logistics.
      • Receiving Skyslider Research Team reports.
  • Noburi:
    • Summoning Training:
      • In-progress
    • Goketsu Clinic:
      • Unclear.
    • Secretary search and vetting
      • We got Shinoda Gaku, we might need more.
    • Isan - Preparation Phase
      • "in-progress" eyebrow waggle
      • Noburi and Yuno went out on a chakra-beast clearing mission - I don't know if we know about how it changed their relationship, but they're back.
  • Akane:
    • adjudicating for Hazou and almost certainly being an unpaid secretary:
      • Ongoing.
    • Keeping all of Leaf from imploding by being a ninja's best friend: ongoing.
    • Preparing the groundwork for Hokage Akane 2020: ongoing
  • Mari:
    • Acting in the Goketsu Clan's best interests:
      • in-progress???
    • Being Hazou's second: in-progress.
  • Kagome:
    • Decrypting Jiraiya's notes.
      • Made a big breakthrough recently, and got some nice shit. Nice.
    • May be interested in education.
  • Keiko*: May be available for some projects, but Nara are a demanding clan.
    • Consider her unavailable - doubly so due to the Scroll Hunt.
  • Akane's Parents:
    • Construction business possibly mentioned, unsure of where that went.
    • Assigned to fix up the Naked Jaybird since January 6th, 52 days ago. So that figure was totally wrong and we actually picked it up on February 13th, only two weeks ago.
  • Atomu & Reo
    • Doing [UNSPECIFIED] for us. Probably something similar to what Akane's doing.
  • Unresolved:
    • Isan - Expedition Phase
      • Pre-requisites:
        • Marriage/working it out between Noburi and Yuno
        • Keiko's cooperation
    • Floating Jutsu Exchange
      • Could be executed, could be saved for later. Unknown as of this moment.
    • "Shimura" "Estate"
      • Asuma signed off on transferring the debt from Orochimaru's estate to the Shimura Estate, but Orochimaru could theoretically demand back taxes.
    • Salt Empire
      • Tabled due to lack of free time. May need to prepare for salt crunch soonish.
    • Akatsuki Suggestion
      • Keiko sent a messenger about 2 weeks ago (February 13th).
    • International Merchant Empire
      • OOC confirmed KIA. Rip.
    • The Wild, Goketsu-owned, West
      • Tabled until situation stabilizes, I believe.
As an aside, I feel like I saw some mention of more work being done on the Goketsu Clinic, but I can't remember where.
I can see where you're getting at, but my read on that was that he'd get the Consequence during the infusion. It would seem weirdly redundant for the QMs to have to spell out that the penalties don't apply to that Sealing roll if the Consequence was meant to be given after the roll.
I was reading that it was ambiguous before in the stunt when the Consequence would be applied, and that was them clarifying it applies after the infusion was complete.
Probably send them off to the regent, come to think of it. Naruto's on that mission and we don't want to act as though we were holding the notes back.
    • Skyslider Research Teams
      • Team created under project leader Michiki and has begun work on drafting designs.
        • Kunohiko shows promise for specificying parameters and specifications.

Ahem. I think Kunohiko showed promise for thinking outside the box. He documented all the things that flew.

While the rest of the craftsmen didn't do research at all and built something that they think could fly but had not demonstrated any proof of concept.
So based on the info we got what scroll does every one want to go after first. I'm down for the otters or Kraken in that order
I'm down for the Otters, yeah, though I will admit interest in the Porcupines due to us gaining the access to drain their swampland and making it useful.

Also, Squirrels are a wildcard and I wanna hear what the consensus is on them.
I'm actually down for Porcupines and then Otters as a distant second. With enough cleverness, we can always think ourselves through anything that demands raw "utility," but raw firepower is always a must for the Naruto world --especially MfD's iteration of it. And firepower can be directed towards nonviolent ends with some thought. But I readily admit that I might simply be a little bit paranoid.

The Kraken scroll is a little too close to Uzu for my tastes. Uzu didn't die in MfD, they hid themselves behind a grey fog and, IIRC, no one really knows what happened. We know the power of Sealing and Uzushiogakure was the place for sealmasters. But I'm also a little paranoid. It'd certainly make the story interesting, but I'm not convinced that the Kraken scroll would be worth much... unless they know Sealing. Hey, Krakens produce natural ink, right? Hm... Might be worth exploring, after all.

Squirrels... I'm not particularly interested in them. Their techniques are more likely to be based on Dex and Speed, but Hazou seems to be growing into more of a DPS or Tank Build. (I think. Still not entirely sure I'm using those terms properly.) And the I'm not really sure what the personality of the Squirrel Clan would be. I think they'd be highly energetic, territorial (watch RL squirrels defend their trees sometime), possibly prone to thievery, and... hopefully not as militaristic as the Pangolins, considering Squirrels are omnivores.

I wonder how Otters would be, personality-wise? Internet indoctrination has me hoping that they're the opposite of the militaristic Pangolins, but I don't know how realistic that hope would be, considering that Otters are carnivores --not just mere insectivores. And while Otters (depending on the species) are relatively social, MfD's Pangolins are pretty social and family-structured, too --it's just that the military culture of the Pangolins alters that a bit. So we can't use that as a reliable gauge on their personality...

TL;DR: I'm leaning towards Porcupines, and I may have accidentally convinced myself to put Krakens in a very close second place.
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I'm interested in asking if Asuma would allow us to adopt the Porcupine summoner, myself.
Squirrels... I'm not particularly interested in them. Their techniques are more likely to be based on Dex and Speed, but Hazou seems to be growing into more of a DPS or Tank Build. (I think. Still not entirely sure I'm using those terms properly.) And the I'm not really sure what the personality of the Squirrel Clan would be. I think they'd be highly energetic, territorial (watch RL squirrels defend their trees sometime), possibly prone to thievery, and... hopefully not as militaristic as the Pangolins, considering Squirrels are omnivores.
My thing here is that the squirrels seem relatively easy to get access to. Their scroll is allegedly in a (very small) country in the woods somewhere. Once we get the dog scroll and can get the frogs to point out where Jiraiya had that fight at, we shouldn't have too hard a time finding them.
My thing here is that the squirrels seem relatively easy to get access to. Their scroll is allegedly in a (very small) country in the woods somewhere. Once we get the dog scroll and can get the frogs to point out where Jiraiya had that fight at, we shouldn't have too hard a time finding them.

Weighing ease verses usefulness, I'd say that the Squirrel Scroll would be a nice and easy one to get, but I'm not sure that they could help us very much. Yeah, there's the prestige of another summoner in the clan, but that could be said of any of them. And the techniques that the Squirrel Clan might provide wouldn't really help Hazou --though they might help other clan members. (Would Keiko even be allowed to use techniques provided by other summoning clans?) Not quite sure what material goods the Squirrels could provide that we, ourselves, don't have access to already. I'm pretty sure that they live in a forest biome and we live in the Leaf. Do we know what the Squirrel Clan's reputation is on the Seventh Path? We might want to be wary of signing up with turns out to be a thieving gang.

Though, since the two biomes are rather similiar --if not exactly the same --an argument could be made that the Squirrel Clan was made for Leaf. I mean, Team Uplift grew up in Mist and so are likely more at home on an aquatic battlefield than a forested one. I suppose that the Squirrel Clan could teach them how to move through dense forests properly. And, now that I think about it, that might even help our naturalization process in with Leaf, too. We wouldn't "move" like a ninja from Mist, anymore, we'd "move" like one of "them." It could help persuade the less diehard traditionalists, I suppose?

Anyhow, because of the above paragraph and the relative ease of acquisition, I admit that I could be persuaded if the Squirrels have more combat ability (or a hidden ace) than they seem to. But right now, even with the difficulty, I'm still leaning towards the Porcupine and the Otters... though the Kraken might replace Otters for second place, since I can think of a few Lore-reasons that the Krakens would have Sealing capabilities.

Edit: I wonder if getting the Otter or Kraken Scroll would get us some negative PR from Leaf. Or it could be a positive, stealing away Mist resources and making Leaf stronger. A very ninja thing to do.
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Pardon the double post, but @eaglejarl and@Velorien (sorry if there are other QMs I should be @-ing, but I don't know the others off the top of my head and while I recognize that this admission is a little rude, I wanted to ensure that I didn't offend any others by their exclusion) and @OliWhail, I have two questions:

-- Would Keiko be allowed to use any techniques/materials/tools that are given to us by another Sealing Summoning Clan? How "exclusionary" is her contract with the Pangolins?

-- Was Uzushio the diehard ally of Leaf in MfD the way that they (supposedly) were in canon? It should be a simple matter of checking for the red whirlpool symbol on uniforms, right?
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Pardon the double post, but @eaglejarl and @Velorien (sorry if there are other QMs I should be @-ing, but I don't know the others off the top of my head and while I recognize that this admission is a little rude, I wanted to ensure that I didn't offend any others by their exclusion) I have two questions:

-- Would Keiko be allowed to use any techniques/materials/tools that are given to us by another Sealing Clan? How "exclusionary" is her contract with the Pangolins?

-- Was Uzushio the diehard ally of Leaf in MfD the way that they (supposedly) were in canon? It should be a simple matter of checking for the red whirlpool symbol on uniforms, right?
Do you mean summon clan?