@eaglejarl , @Velorien ,@OliWhail

Can you tell us about the Motoyoshi clan? If they can animate things they might be helpful with the mission (also seems like information a Clan head should have !).

Without Keiko and this info, we can cut down the plan below 300 words and get some important bonus XP. :V

For our new summong scroll,you know.
"I'll bring you back a souvenir ^_^"
If this woman knocks us out of the running for the scroll while removing one of our alternative avenues for getting one (without giving at least one of said scrolls to us as a souvenir), while simultaneously advancing her own interests in contributing more power to the organization she created under the cover of our favor, while simultaneously binding us closer to her via implied promises of future votes and collaboration that ultimately hinge on her goodwill and our estimates of how closely aligned our goals are (estimates which are obviously only as accurate as she allows them to be), then I don't care how useful she is because she will officially become Too Dangerous and Too Annoying to Live.
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If this woman knocks us out of the running for the scroll while removing one of our alternative avenues for getting one (without giving at least one of said scrolls to us as a souvenir), while simultaneously advancing her own interests in contributing more power to the organization she created under the cover of our favor, while simultaneouslybinding us closer to her via implied promises of future votes and collaboration that ultimately hinge on her goodwill and our estimates of how closely aligned our goals are (estimates which are obviously only as accurate as she allows them to be), then I don't care how useful she is because she will officially become Too Dangerous and Too Annoying to Live.
*laughs despondently*
And my internal opinion on Ami, which constantly oscillates between "great character, involve her as much as possible" and "too dangerous and unpredictable to be allowed to live, start the assassination conspiracies" swings firmly towards the former.
It hereby swing back towards "start the assassination conspiracies". @MadScientist, the game is on.

I want the Condor Scroll for Mari. Summoning Scrolls are keyed to Boss Summons. Conjura, the Condors' Boss Summon, was last seen leading guerilla warfare against the Pangolins. She's, for the first time in centuries, vulnerable and desperate. If we acquire it, Mari'll be able to roll her enormous Deceit and/or Rapport dice against the bird, promise her a secret alliance against the Pangolins (it won't even be much of a lie, given our opinion on their atrocities) in exchange for tons of secret techniques, forbidden lore, and summoning contracts, including a summoning contract with Conjura herself.

It is imperative that Ami is not allowed to do this exact thing I just described. Can you imagine what she'd do with an S-rank summon on call?
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It hereby swing back towards "start the assassination conspiracies". @MadScientist, the game is on.

I want the Condor Scroll for Mari. Summon Scrolls are keyed to Boss Summons. Conjura, the Condors' Boss Summon, was last seen leading guerilla warfare against the Pangolins. She's, for the first time in centuries, vulnerable and desperate. If we acquire it, Mari'll be able to roll her enormous Deceit and/or Rapport dice against the bird, promise her a secret alliance against the Pangolins (it won't even be much of a lie, given our opinion on their atrocities) in exchange for secret techniques, forbidden lore, and an immediate summoning contract with her.

It is imperative that Ami is not allowed to do this exact thing I just described. Can you imagine what she'd do with an S-rank summon on call?
I'm less concerned about that (by a tad) and more concerned about what will happen after shes finished manipulating Naruto to be her number one fanboy and spouse.

At the moment my mind is drawing a bit of a blank, since my preferred methods for dealing with this clandestinely would be "Ask Uncle Oro for tips" or "Beg Akatsuki to halp", but the thread has some weird qualms about the former and Akatsuki isn't answering our voicemails.

Ah well, time to get creative I suppose.
This whole series of character interactions was golden, but this last bit really took the cake

Very well," Shikamaru said. "I assume the Hokage chose the Gōketsu because he needs a minor country annihilated? Grass, presumably. Or either of Fang or Claw, as a weapons test that would also send a meaningful message to Hidden Rock. Bring whomever else you wish present for the discussion. I will be refreshing myself on the existential risk contingency files in the meantime."

I had a nice quiet giggle while waiting at the bus stop.

It's nice to see these two being friends^^
Are microscopes canonical in MfD? I don't remember actually showing one, but my brain is cheese.

First, your very uncertainty tells everybody the answer.

Second: Shino once mentioned that Abureme glasses were available to outsiders at a high price due to the clan maintaining a living tradition of precisely grinding optical-grade lenses as part of their specialization.

Gee, I wonder what use the generational insect-breeders might have for such a tradition...
To those who want to work with Orochimaru, what do you want the plan to look like? Here's a protoplan:
Protoplan: Orochimaru Talk
ask Tsunade about oro personality and trustworthiness
discuss with clan
give him Jiraiya's package
submit the chakra quantification research proposal to him
offer to help research with him
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To those who want to work with Orochimaru, what do you want the plan to look like? Here's a protoplan:
Protoplan: Orochimaru Talk
discuss with clan
give him Jiraiya's package
submit the chakra quantification research proposal to him
offer to help research with him
Have him or Kabuto fuck around with our bloodline non-damagingly to gain info on it or make it better somehow.
To those who want to work with Orochimaru, what do you want the plan to look like? Here's a protoplan:
Protoplan: Orochimaru Talk
discuss with clan
give him Jiraiya's package
submit the chakra quantification research proposal to him
offer to help research with him
Collaborate with him on bijuu hunt
keiko not telling us anything is concerning

keiko going on a mission to take the condor scroll is concerning about her morality. but i suppose she might bargain for it instead of taking it by force.

asuma willing to send off naruto, an S-rank, right after Leaf got attacked. And considering Leaf might get attacked again his decision is interesting. Suggests he is optimistic about the short term future. Then again, Hiashi was optimistic and he died.

perhaps we should give our contributions under KEI instead of under Goketsu? It would help bind KEI to Goketsu.

it is interesting how Hazou groaned about KEI giving contributions. It suggests he views KEI as "them" instead of as "us"

hazou sounds adversarial with Ami. I hope it's only the type he had with Noburi and nothing serious.
Didn't Kabuto turn in all the adoption paperwork before Orochimaru showed up, already signed? Is it even up to him whether he gets adopted at this point? Is this one of those, "you'll win in the end, but it'll cost you dearly", things we might be able to negotiate with?
He didn't sign it IIRC, he was going to do it after the party. The one that he showed up to looking very amused before Oro crashes it.

You know, that does imply things about Orochimaru's personality. Notably, that he has a sense of drama and enjoys freaking people out.
...and we can't just go do the Isan plan until Keiko returns. For fuck's sake...

*screaming in ^_^*
He didn't sign it IIRC, he was going to do it after the party. The one that he showed up to looking very amused before Oro crashes it.


"Oh, hey," Mari said, "speaking of people who have far too many positive feelings towards Orochimaru, Kabuto is coming by for breakfast tomorrow."

Hazō blinked. "He's what?"

"Yeah, I didn't tell you?" Her tone pretended to innocence in the same way that young children pretend to emotion during harvest performances.

Hazō took a calming breath. "You did, in point of fact, not."

"Yeah, while you guys were out blowing stuff up he decided that it would be better to work with us on exploring the basement instead of having us blow it up. He's even down to get adopted. Dropped by with the paperwork all filled out and everything."